Archive for 2 September, 2008

Muslim woman picks life as a hooker over the oppression of islam.

2 September, 2008

What the heck, muslim men are obsessed with sex, if they are going to cheat on their wives-make them pay for it.

By Jo Ind, 2 Sep, 2008, the Birmingham Post
How does a woman from a traditional Muslim family end up working as a prostitute? Saira Ahmed tells Jo Ind her story.

“My family believe that I have disgraced and dishonoured them in many ways since I turned from a girl into a woman, but they know only the tiniest part of the truth. If they have found out just how I have been living for the last few years, my brothers would literally kill me, even though I did it in order to support the family financially during difficult times.”
-Some sects cover up prostitution with a weird practice of temporary marriages but reality is a slut is a slut is a slut.

These are the words of Saira Ahmed, a Muslim woman who was tricked into marriage at the age of 17. She fled from her husband and ended up working as a prostitute.
-I will make no moral judgment on prostitutes – a girl has to eat. If her life as a hooker beats life under the slavery of muslim marriage she is better off.

Tragically, this is not an unusual story. But how did it happen to Saira?

Saira was born in the Midlands 37 years ago. Her mother had come over from a small village outside Lahore to marry her father at the age of 17.

She did not know until she was married that her husband had been married before and had three children who were around her age at the time of the marriage.
-Not uncommon, muslim men change wives more than underwear. As the women age or stand up for their rights, they are cast out and islamic society doesn’t care about them. In many muslim societies the women control the money to keep the husbands under control or to allow themselves a life if castaway.

She had no status and immediately had to work endless hours in a garment factory amongst a family that was hostile to her because her husband was divorced. There was violence.
-Typical muslim thinking, punish the victim.

“Because Mum was pretty and because so many of the men gave her the bad eye there were eventually rumours that she was being unfaithful to Dad with one of his cousins,” says Saira. “Without any evidence Uncle took it upon himself to believe the rumours and to dole out the punishment that such an act demanded.
-Also typical muslim thinking, islamic honor is protected even over loyalty of family.

“I don’t believe for one moment she was guilty of the crimes she was accused of, and I doubt if Dad believed it at the time either.
-I doubt he cared he just used it as an excuse to enslave another child.

“Whatever their age, the women in families like ours are nearly always treated thoughtlessly by their men.
-This is also typical. We have run a few stories of “moderate muslim men” romancing women until they converted and then clamping down on her after marriage.

Saira was subjected to that same violence when she was growing up. Saira was eventually sent to Pakistan but when she got there she found that the family was arranging a wedding – hers.
-That line probably means she was beaten or raped by uncles, brother, father or all of them. (more…)

Muslims For McCain/Palin

2 September, 2008

Yeah, I’ve heard so many nauseating news stories from Muzzies voting for the brilliantly diaphanous Obamessiah that I couldn’t pass up the chance to post an opposing viewpoint from a Republican Muslim (with, oddly enough, a Hebrew first name of David):

‘Why I support John McCain’
By Rob Winder in St Paul, Minnesota

David Ramadan is a member of the Virginia delegation to the Republican National Convention.

A Lebanese-American, he is also the vice-chairman of the party’s outreach work to Arab and Muslim communities in Virginia. He spoke to Al Jazeera about why he is a Republican and what he is hoping for from a John McCain administration.

“I originally immigrated to the US in 1989 to study and it has been home ever since.

I now teach Middle Eastern politics and history at George Mason university in Virginia.

My father was always really interested in politics in the Middle East so I grew up recognising the civic duty of every member of the community to be involved in politics.

It was natural that I joined the Republican party when I got here because of their values – which match my own. In particular, family values, entrepreneurship, lower taxes [and] less government.


“Third Eye Blind” Nearly Captured

2 September, 2008

Yeah, right…

If past performance is any indicator, I’m pretty sure the Pakistani forces just let him go…

Al-Qaeda deputy ‘nearly captured’
BBC News – 2 Sep 08

Pakistani troops narrowly missed a recent opportunity to capture al-Qaeda number two Ayman al-Zawahiri, an official said.

A location in Mohmand tribal region on the Afghan border was attacked after Zawahiri’s wife was seen there, said Interior Ministry chief Rehman Malik.

But the soldiers did not find the couple, he said.

Pakistani and western officials say the country’s north-western tribal region is a sanctuary for Islamic militants.

In recent weeks, Pakistani troops have been carrying out operations against militants’ bases on the border between Mohmand and Bajaur tribal districts.

This two districts are located just opposite Afghanistan’s Kunar province to the west, and are considered to be the most likely hiding place for Osama Bin Laden and other al-Qaeda operatives, including al-Zawahiri.

‘Close connection’

“We certainly had traced him [Zawahiri] at one place, but we missed the chance,” Mr Malik told a press conference in capital Islamabad.

“So he is moving in Mohmand, and of course, sometimes in Kunar, mostly in Kunar and Paktia [provinces],” he said.


Bush Administration Mounts Effort to Defeat UN Resolution “Combating Defamation of Religion”

2 September, 2008

Good News!  Now, if the Bush administration could just bring itself around to torching that stupid “NewSpeak” memo…

U.S. fights Islamic anti-defamation push
Cites clash with free speech
Betsy Pisik
September 2, 2008 – Washington Times

UNITED NATIONS | The Bush administration, European governments and religious rights organizations are mounting a new effort to defeat a General Assembly resolution that demands respect for Islam and other religions but has been used to justify persecution of religious minorities.

The resolution, called “Combating Defamation of Religion,” is sponsored by the 57-nation Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) and has been approved by the world body annually since 2005. It comes up for renewal this fall.

U.S. officials said they hope to persuade moderate Muslim nations – among them Senegal, Mali, Nigeria and Indonesia – to reject the measure, which lacks the force of law but has provided diplomatic cover for regimes that repress critical speech. The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the topic.

Religious rights groups say other U.N. measures, including statements by the Human Rights Council in Geneva, replicate the language of the resolution.

“Before, it was one resolution with no impact and no implementation,” said Felice Gaer, chairman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, a bipartisan federal body that investigates abuses and proposes policies to advance “freedom of thought, conscience and religion.”

“Now we are seeing a clear attempt by OIC countries to mainstream the concept and insert it into just about every other topic they can,” Miss Gaer said. “They are turning freedom of expression into restriction of expression.”


U.K. Muzzie Whines and is Rewarded with £13,758.55 for “Injuries to Feelings and Aggravated Damages”

2 September, 2008

Muslim anti-terror officer accused of being extremist by police co-workers wins £14,000 damages
2 September 2008
By Charlotte Gill –

A Muslim police worker who was ‘maliciously’ reported to the anti-terror squad by colleagues after the 7/7 attacks has been awarded almost £14,000 compensation.

Mohammed Hussain, 30, was investigated by the Met’s specialist SO15 command after false accusations from co-workers that he was an Islamic extremist who had praised suicide bombers and threatened his colleagues, a tribunal heard.

[Calling them “false accusations” is a misnomer.  The accusations were hearsay.  But, the multitude of them coming from various sources certainly should have led credence to their validity.  However, the dhimmified members of the tribunal were no doubt too eager to show their “multicultural” nature and, of course discounted any such reports that were not captured on tape…  Note to self:  By a mini-tape recorder…]

The payout comes just days after beleaguered Met chief Sir Ian Blair was accused of racism by Scotland Yard number three Tarique Ghaffur.

Mr Hussain, a researcher in the Met’s forensic analysis unit which provides intelligence to police officers, won a claim of religious discrimination against the force in June this year.

He told the employment tribunal that he was the only Muslim in his office and was made to feel ‘isolated and lonely’ when colleagues ‘conspired’ against him, especially after the July 7 attacks.

Co-workers alleged that he ‘changed’ in attitude after the suicide attacks and Mr Hussain told how he was made to feel like ‘a pariah’, with a frosty atmosphere in the office whenever he walked in.

One colleague, intelligence worker Robert Matthews, claimed that Mr Hussain had said it was ‘okay to kill American soldiers‘ shortly after 7/7. Mr Matthews also said he feared for his life after alleged threats from Mr Hussain.

Another worker, data inputter Dassash Alem, alleged that Mr Hussain had boasted he was a fan of Adolf Hitler who had told colleagues, ‘Hitler was brilliant. He should have finished off the Jews‘.

Mr Hussain was also alleged to have praised suicide attacks in Israel and played anti-American rap CDs in the office.

The hearing heard that his boss Bob Milne was put under pressure by Mr Matthews and others to report Mr Hussain to the anti-terror unit on two occasions as a suspected terrorist.


68 Year Old “Man” Arrested for Attempted Rape of Little Girl

2 September, 2008

Matamoros emailed us with the following story.  It’s a few days old, but I couldn’t resist the urge to post an article in which some Hindu’s dish out a well deserved smackdown:

Man attempts rape at 68


Madikeri, Karnataka, Aug 29 : Police arrested a sixty-eight-year- old man on charges of attempting rape on a minor at Napoklu.

According to police, Hassainar alias Achhavu tried to molest a minor girl on Wednesday evening. He was arrested after the girl’s father lodged a complaint.

In another incident yesterday, police arrested the brother and son of the accused who tried to attack the girl’s father in the hospital.

Murugan had come to the Madikeri Hospital along with his daughter in the presence of police for a check-up.

Hassainar’s son Rafiq and brother Basheer came there in a vehicle and forced Murugan to take back the complaint by giving him Rs 30,000.

As he refused, he was beaten up in front of the police. Hearing the news, volunteers of Hindu organisations arrived at the spot and thrashed the duo before handing them over to the uniformed personnel.


Supreme Muslim Council Declared Temple Mount to be Jewish!

2 September, 2008

Sorry for starting my posting so late today.  I got wrapped up in reading the al-Tabari and then, when I finally started scouring the web for articles, I came across the following article that had me doing a LOT of research.

It’s a very intriguing story and has broad ranging implications for Muslim and Jewish claims to the Temple Mount.

You can download the entire 16 page PDF version of the 1925 Guidebook by clicking HERE.

Supreme Moslem Council: Temple Mount is Jewish

by Hillel Fendel

( The widely-disseminated Arab Moslem position that the Temple Mount is not Jewish has been debunked – by the Supreme Moslem Council (Waqf) of Jerusalem, in a Temple Mount guide published in 1925.

Guidebook Puts the Lie to Current Arab Campaign

In 1997, the chief Moslem cleric of the Palestinian Authority, Mufti Ikrama Sabri, stated, “The claim of the Jews to the right over [Jerusalem] is false, and we recognize nothing but an entirely Islamic Jerusalem under Islamic supervision…”

Thus began a campaign to convince the world that the millennia-old natural association between Jerusalem and Jews was untrue.  As Islamic Movement chief Raed Salah stated in 2006, “We remind, for the 1,000th time, that the entire Al-Aqsa mosque [on the Temple Mount], including all of its area and alleys above the ground and under it, is exclusive and absolute Moslem property, and no one else has any rights to even one grain of earth in it.”

However, it is now known that this “absolute” Moslem claim is actually not as absolute as claimed. In fact, back in 1925, the Supreme Moslem Council – also known as the Waqf, which has overseen Temple Mount activities on behalf of the Moslem religion for hundreds of years – boasted proudly that the site was none other than that of Solomon’s Temple.

The Jerusalem-based Temple Institute ( reports that it has acquired a copy of the official 1925 Supreme Moslem Council Guide Book to Al-Haram Al-Sharif (the Moslem name for the Temple Mount).  On page 4, the Waqf states, “Its identity with the site of Solomon’s Temple is beyond dispute. This, too, is the spot, according to universal belief, on which ‘David built there an altar unto the L-rd…’, citing the source in 2 Samuel XXIV,25.

In addition, on page 16, the pamphlet makes reference to the underground area in the south-east corner of the Mount, which is refers to as Solomon’s Stables.  “Little is known for certain of the history of the chamber itself,” the guide reads. “It dates probably as far back as the construction of Solomon’s Temple. According to Josephus, it was in existence and was used as a place of refuge by the Jews at the time of the conquest of Jerusalem by Titus in the year 70 A.D.”
