Archive for 11 September, 2008

France Has Already Arrested 55 Militant Islamists This Year

11 September, 2008

Thu 11 Sep 2008

PARIS, Sept 11 (Reuters) – France has arrested 55 militant Islamists this year and the country’s prisons have become a favourite recruiting ground for such groups, Interior Minister Michele Alliot-Marie said in an interview published on Thursday.

While some Islamists are still travelling to Iraq, Pakistani and Afghan networks have strengthened, and “training and indoctrination sites” are now concentrated in that area, Alliot-Marie said in an interview with French daily Le Figaro.

“I can reveal that 89 Islamist activists were arrested in France in 2007, and that 55 others have been arrested on our soil since the start of the year,” she said.

Prisons and some poor suburban neighbourhoods, many of which house large numbers of families of African and North African origin, were among recruiting networks’ favoured targets.

“French prisons are a favoured recruiting ground for radical Islamists. That is one of my concerns,” Alliot-Marie said.

“I have just suggested to my European colleagues that we create a manual on Islamism in prisons, to better inform security professionals on how to detect and prevent this kind of recruitment.”

The organisation of al Qaeda has evolved from a centralised structure to a loose web of cells, and the nature of their attacks has also changed, the interior minister said.

“The terrorists have changed tactics. Several leaders of Gulf countries have told me that attacks organised long in advance are giving way to unplanned attacks of opportunity committed by individuals indoctrinated via the Internet,” Alliot-Marie said.


Obama Throws Rose at Ground Zero While McCain Gently Places Rose at Ground Zero

11 September, 2008

Memaw was watching the coverage of McCain and Obama at Ground Zero and called me up to inform me that Obama just threw his rose at Ground Zero instead of gently placing it at Ground Zero…

Now, you might think that this is making a mountain out of a molehill, but when you pile up molehill after molehill you wind up with a mountainous pile of dirt that is hard to miss…

Consider this:  Barack Obama spent most of his formative years in Indonesia and Hawaii.  He did not spend them on the Mainland – i.e., America.  Therefore, he does not fully understand American customs as well as a child raised in America would.

Again, one might think that not to be the case, but when you add into the mix the much publicized photo of Obama’s gaffe by being the only politician not to place his hand over his heart for the National Anthem during the Primaries, things start to add up:  Because of his polyglot nature, Obama really just doesn’t understand middle America…

I’ll post the video of Obama’s gaffe at Ground Zero when it becomes available.

– Doc

Update: Alright, here is the promised video.  Out of the four videos I viewed on YouTube covering this event, this is the only one that shows Obama throwing his rose – some folks are doing some editing out there…

The event occurs at about 45 seconds into this video.  Notice how McCain is startled for a second when Obama commits the offense.  Yup, McCain knows that you don’t throw roses at a casket during a funeral and the same rule of etiquette applies to a Memorial…

UPDATE 2: The old video was yanked by youtube.  I have embedded a newer video that specifically concentrates on the throwing of the rose:

America – F*** Yeah!

11 September, 2008

Alright, we will admit that the following video is a guilty pleasure of ours and shouldn’t be viewed when little children are around, but it sure get’s us pumped up!

Warning:  DO NOT WATCH if you are offended by the “F” bomb…  We normally don’t condone such language, but in this case we’re making an exception because it’s just so darn funny!

Dear Adam Gadahn, a.k.a. – “The 9-11 Santa Claus”

11 September, 2008

We Americans are awaiting your annual 9-11 al-Qaeda video present today…

I’ve been scouring the Web all morning long and have yet to see anything from you…

So, I thought I would help remind you of what you said in December 2004

“People of America, I remind you of the weighty words of our leaders, Osama Bin Ladin and Dr. Ayman Al Zawahri, that what took place on September 11 was but the opening salvo of the global war on America, and that Allah willing, the magnitude and ferocity of what is coming your way will make you forget about September 11.”

What?  Cat got your tongue?

Or, did those “evil” Americans kill you?  I think they did!!!  Are you enjoying those 72 chimerical virgins?  What?  No virgins?   Too bad.  You were a fool.

I guess Allah wasn’t on your side, eh?

9-11 Open Thread

11 September, 2008

Upon reflection, what does 9-11 represent to you, personally?

Let us know your thoughts.

– Doc

McCain & Obama on Islamic Terrorism

11 September, 2008

One of those MUST READ articles before pulling the lever:


September 11, 2008 NY Post

TODAY’s joint visit to Ground Zero may give the impression that John McCain and Barack Obama share a common analysis of the causes of 9/11 and how to deal with its legacy. They don’t.

The divide starts with the question: Why was America attacked?

McCain’s answer is simple (or, as Obama might suggest, simplistic): The United States was attacked because a resurgent Islam has produced a radicalism that dreams of world conquest and sees America as the enemy.

In different shapes and sizes and under a range of labels, that radical streak of Islam has waged war on America since 1979, when Khomeinists seized the US embassy in Tehran and held its diplomats hostage for 444 days.

The killing of 241 Marines in Beirut in 1983, the first World Trade Center attack in 1993 and a host of other operations that claimed more American lives were episodes in a war – the reality of which the United States faced only after 9/11.

McCain doesn’t hesitate to acknowledge that his country is engaged in a Global War on Terror. He doesn’t believe that 9/11 might’ve been prompted by some wrong America did to others. To him, the nation was an innocent victim of “Islamic terrorism.”

McCain asserts, “America faces a dedicated, focused and intelligent foe in the War on Terrorism. This enemy will probe to find America’s weaknesses and strike against them. The United States cannot afford to be complacent about the threat, naive about terrorist intentions, unrealistic about their capabilities, or ignorant to our national vulnerabilities.”

He’d pursue and fight these “enemies” wherever they are – including, especially, in Iraq. “If we run away,” he says, “they are going to follow us home.”

OBAMA, by contrast, doesn’t use terms such as “the Global War on Terror” or “Islamic terrorism.” Nor does he claim that America was simply an innocent victim.

In one speech, he used the image of a US helicopter flying over the poor countries in Africa and Asia, where it’s seen as a symbol of oppression. He says his objective is to turn that helicopter into a symbol of American aid to the downtrodden.

For Obama, the threat comes not from terrorists but from “extremists” and their “program of hate.” He never uses such terms as “jihadist,” judging them hurtful to Muslims. He speaks of “violent extremists who are a small minority of the world’s 1.3 billion Muslims.”

In one speech, he claimed that the Islamists aim only at “creating a repressive caliphate.” He seemingly hasn’t heard of jihadist movements whose declared aim is to destroy the United States in the name of Islam.

For McCain, the War on Terror is a “just war” in which Americans fight for their security and their allies’. Obama rejects the concept of “just war.” He dismisses the Iraq war as both “unnecessary and unjust” – though the struggle in Afghanistan is “a necessary war.”

ONE constant Obama theme is the claim that poverty and economic factors breed terrorism; this echoes the analysis of Jimmy Carter back in the ’70s. Strengthening that impression is Obama’s pick of Sen. Joseph Biden as running mate.

Biden denies there’s a War on Terror in the first place or that the United States even knows whom it’s fighting. He has declared that “terrorism is a means, not an end, and very different groups and countries are using it toward very different goals. If we can’t even identify the enemy or describe the war we’re fighting, it’s difficult to see how we will win.”

While McCain puts the emphasis on hard power – that is, on meeting and defeating the enemy on the battlefield – Obama, echoing Carter and Bill Clinton, promises a greater use of soft power.


Comedian Jackie Mason is NOT Voting for Obama

11 September, 2008


Comedian Jackie Mason on Obama and Jews

by Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel

( Jackie Mason is no stranger to controversy. The Jewish-American comedian is known for his stand-up act, which he started in the 1960s in his fast paced, thick Brooklyn, New York Jewish accent. He  has acted in several movies and TV shows. His most recent work is a video blog and CD called The Ultimate Jew in which he comments on current events.

The veteran Jewish-American comedian spoke recently on IsraelNationalRadio’s A Light Unto the Nations with Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel. The  discussion included the United State presidential elections and the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Ari Abramowitz: Why is it that Jews in America insist on voting Democrat, especially for this guy  Barack Obama?

Jackie Mason: I’ll tell you the truth. Barack Obama isn’t only fooling the Jews. He’s fooling all the people of America. Right now, people are determined to prove they can vote for a Black person because they were told they’re racists all their lives. White men are walking around feeling guilty thinking if they don’t vote for Barack Obama, they’re racists.

But as far as the Jews are concerned, they are still wedded to the Democratic party, when the Democratic party is not interested in Israel. The Democratic party has voted very often against Israel on major issues. The Republican party is determined to help Israel almost more than the Jews are. Even the Hassidic Jews. I don’t care how religious you are. They’re not as willing to fight for Israel as the Evangelical Goyim. But since the days of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Jews have been told that the Republicans are for big business and not for the underdog. The Jews feel the Democrats are helping the struggling people. And they still believe it. The Jews are more willing to feel guilty for not helping a poor person than anybody else is. Because a Jew has to feel that he’s always compassionate and always helping the underdog.

Ari Abramowitz: I don’t understand this guilt. Aren’t Jews aware that Israel is the only country that imported Blacks to be brothers and not to be slaves? Where is this white guilt? We’re not the white people in the South. We were in the shtetls.

Jackie Mason: The white man’s guilt is not so much the reason for the Jews’ guilt. But the Jews have a big complex about Democrats because the Jews have this sickness that somehow the Republicans are the selfish party and the Democrats are the compassionate party. They’ve bought it since Roosevelt because at one time it was true. In the days of Roosevelt, the Republicans really were the big business party and Roosevelt came and revolutionized this country with a great compassionate concern for the underdog. He supposedly cared about the helpless and fought somehow to protect people who aren’t doing so hot and the minorities. In retrospect when you look back at history, Roosevelt himself was an anti-Semite.

Ari Abramowitz: He turned away the Jews.

Jackie Mason: He not only turned away the Jews when they had 900 Jews get killed on that ship [the S.S. St. Louis in 1939], but he didn’t care about the Jewish plight in Germany. Every time he was reminded to do something about it, he either ignored it or got mad if you mentioned it. Not only did he not care, I think subconsciously he was hoping the Jews get wiped out.

Ari Abramowitz: He turned away the Jews.

Jackie Mason: He not only turned away the Jews when they had 900 Jews get killed on that ship [the S.S. St. Louis in 1939], but he didn’t care about the Jewish plight in Germany. Every time he was reminded to do something about it, he either ignored it or got mad if you mentioned it. Not only did he not care, I think subconsciously he was hoping the Jews get wiped out.

Ari Abramowitz: So what would it look like if Obama was elected? Would he be Jimmy Carter Part II? Israel is the apartheid state?

Jackie Mason: They talk about how much money McCain is raising versus Obama. Its a pittance compared to the huge amount of press publicity he gets. He’s a fraud. Like this pastor thing [Obama’s former outspoken pastor Jeremiah Wright]. First thing he says this guy is his mentor, his teacher his philosopher, I learned everything for him. Then they ask, did you ever listen to him? Never. I was in the church but I never heard him. He was talking, but I didn’t know I should be listening. And besides, whatever he said he didn’t say it on the days that I was there. He said it on Tuesday. I came on Thursdays. Then when he saw his polls started to go down a little he said: he was always my mentor but he wasn’t a close mentor. I saw him, but not very often. I heard him, but only maybe once in a while. Then he said: I never even liked him. I never got involved with him. Then he said: whatever he said was disgusting to me and if I knew he was saying these things, I would have hated him a long time ago. And he sounded like he just found out about him 20 years later when he wasn’t in the church. He was in the church 20 years, and he never heard anything. Now that he’s out of the church for a year, he suddenly found out what he said in church when he wasn’t actually there.

Click HERE to Listen to the rest of the interview