Archive for 23 September, 2008

Iran: Preparing to murder another Christian.

23 September, 2008

I am always explaining to people that you should never listen to a muslim. Instead, you watch what they do. In several muslim countries a convert already faces a death sentence. Looks like iran will soon follow suit. You can learn everything you need to know about islam simply by watching the actions of practicing muslims and their leadership.

One of the questions muslim cannot answer is why mohammed was so immature and insecure that he ordered the deaths of converts and those who saw through his entire allah scam. As this article points out there are two crimes here; one is the murder of a person for not surrendering to a fictional deity and the other crime is the silence of Christians. I realize Christians can be martyrs but that doesn’t mean that the others should not at least voice an objection to their fate. You Christians should be on your phones, calling your pastors and your elected representatives. It is not too late to save one of your own.

Tehran, 23 Sept. (AKI) – Iranian Christian convert Ramtin Soudmand faces the death penalty after being jailed for the crime of ‘ertedad’ or abandoning the Muslim faith.
-Any “faith” which cannot stand up to scrutiny is worthless.

Ramtin’s father Hossein Soudmand, a Protestant pastor, was executed almost 20 years ago for converting to Christianity and refusing to deny his new faith.
-This is an important note: he knew his fathers fate and still would rather join him than die a muslim. (more…)

Democrats Already Busy Rigging the Election in Ohio!

23 September, 2008

Don’t make me have to call in the U.N., folks!

[ Caption this photo!!! ]

If Ohio polling looks like Chicago, ‘thank’ Brunner

Cincinnati.Com » Peter Bronson
September 23, 2008

Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner has a reputation as the most partisan state official in Ohio. And she works hard to earn it. The Democrat’s latest stunt rejected absentee ballots for thousands of Republicans.

But it’s not her first rodeo. Almost as soon as Brunner was elected in 2006, she tried to remove several Republican county elections officials, including Ohio Republican Party Chairman Robert Bennett. They accused her of “storm trooper tactics” to silence critics.

Then Brunner spread an alarm that Ohio’s electronic voting machines were vulnerable to tampering – a favorite claim of the paranoid left. Elections officials who participated in Brunner’s study called her conclusions over-hyped “leaps in logic” and said, “The report itself could be viewed as an attack on the elections system … (that) planted seeds in the mind of the public to mistrust those who oversee elections.”

Brunner also demanded an overhaul of voting methods just before the March primaries, causing meltdowns in some precincts.

And now she’s hassling Republicans who want to vote for John McCain.

Two Hamilton County voters have sued, accusing her of “the disenfranchisement of thousands of voters.”

The John McCain campaign sent out more than 1 million applications for absentee ballots to Republicans. Each had a line at the top next to a box: “I am a qualified elector.”

Brunner sent a memo telling county election officials to reject those applications for absentee ballots if the box was not checked. “Failure to check the box leaves both the applicant and the board of elections without verification that the applicant is a ‘qualified elector’,” she wrote.

But that’s contrary to state law and Brunner doesn’t have the authority, according to the lawsuit and an opinion from Hamilton County’s Republican Prosecutor Joe Deters.


Nancy Pelosi’s Do Nothing Congress Does Something by Not Doing Anything…

23 September, 2008

Wow!  Good news!

Democrats to let offshore drilling ban expire

By ANDREW TAYLOR, Associated Press Writer – via Yahoo News

WASHINGTON – Democrats have decided to allow a quarter-century ban on drilling for oil off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts to expire next week, conceding defeat in an months-long battle with the White House and Republicans set off by $4 a gallon gasoline prices this summer.

Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey, D-Wis., told reporters Tuesday that a provision continuing the moratorium will be dropped this year from a stopgap spending bill to keep the government running after Congress recesses for the election.

Republicans have made lifting the ban a key campaign issue after gasoline prices spiked this summer and public opinion turned in favor of more drilling. President Bush lifted an executive ban on offshore drilling in July.

“If true, this capitulation by Democrats following months of Republican pressure is a big victory for Americans struggling with record gasoline prices,” said House GOP leader John Boehner of Ohio.


Education v.s. Wisdom

23 September, 2008

Gramfan provided us with a link to the following article:

Palin and Obama–What Really is Wisdom?
By Victor Davis Hanson

Palin vs. Obama

The race unfortunately has been framed the last two weeks by Democrats as one of Obama versus Palin. That will stop as Obama realizes he loses should it continue. Nevertheless, the comparison of the respective experiences of a McCain and Obama is so much in favor of the former, that it requires no discussion. So I turn to Palin, given the charges that she is unfit and clueless.

Is Palin Tough?

I have been asked by many why I have such confidence in a rookie Alaskan governor, given the rigors of the campaign to follow. (Many Republican pundits apparently do not.) I think we are starting to see the answers to that question. The proverbial “they” hacked into her private email accounts. They swore that her daughter was the real mother of her Down Syndrome baby. They sent legions of reporters and lawyers to Alaska to dig up dirt. They wrote columns suggesting that she was stupid, uneducated, dishonest, a liar, and worse still. All this was the work of moralists, who, in their more extreme manifestations, tried to flood a Chicago radio station to disrupt guests, who doctored photos of McCain to subvert his portrait, who disgraced the Atlantic brand by trafficking in pregnancy rumors, and who now publish the private email of Palin.

And? She is still smiling and apparently unmoved. Had they done this to Biden, he would have gone berserk. Wait–they didn’t do this to Biden, and he seems near berserk in his daily gaffes.

So who is really experienced?

The point is this: I think it is much harder for a mother of three or four in an out-of-the-way Alaskan town to get elected to city council and the mayorship, then take on the entire Republican establishment and get elected governor than it is for a Barack Obama to emerge from Chicago politics into the Illinois state house and later Senate. The qualities that allowed a Palin to succeed without the power spouse, the identity politics, the Ivy-League cachet, the fawning New York editors and DC insider-press will ensure she does not implode on the campaign trail–and won’t in office either.

Barack Obama, in contrast, on numerous occasions has complained how tiring, how hard, how unfair, how racist the campaign has turned out to be; Palin never. I could not imagine Obama doing his hope and change thing in the Senate while holding a one-year-old and checking on four more children at home. And I wager shooting a moose or trying to navigate a snowmobile in the chill is a little harder than shooting baskets in one’s down time or offering riffs to the fainting at a Beverly Hills get together or Presidio Heights fundraiser.


Muslim perverts beaten up by female victims

23 September, 2008

It is not often I complement Muslims but this is tooooooooo funny.

(ANSAmed) – DUBAI, 23 SEPTEMBER – A pair of peeping-Toms hoping to get an illicit look at a group of women at a mosque in Saudi Arabia got a beating instead, reports today.
-I have to admit I never even considered a mosque would be on a peeping Toms radar.

A group of Saudi women beat two young men who sneaked into a mosque in the northwestern city of Hail to watch women praying during the taraweeh, a nightly prayer recited during Ramadan, the Saudi newspaper al-Riyadh reported on Sunday.
-I’m thinking these two are not the best and brightest of allahs minions.

A woman noticed that two men had sneaked into the women’s section of the mosque and were peaking at the women. She called other women praying in the mosque and they pounced on the intruders. The women beat them with their shoes and water bottles.
-Good for the ladies that will learn um to be “sneaked into a mosque” again.

The women said they did not report the male intruders to the mosqués imam because they did not want to interrupt the prayers. The girls then called security. The two men tried to run away but failed and were interrogated. (ANSAmed).
-I’m betting the interrogation was very painful.

Sponsors of Terrorist Organizations (CAIR) Files Complaint with FEC Over Distribution of Obsession DVD

23 September, 2008

What’s interesting here is that the unindicted co-conspirators (CAIR) actually thinks that it is somehow wrong to distribute DVD’s critical of radical Islam during the Presidential race.

This is America!  Get over it, biatch!

CAIR Asks FEC to Probe Anti-Muslim DVDs Sent to Swing States

Israel-Based Group Behind ‘Obsession’ Distribution to 28 Million U.S. Homes

WASHINGTON, DC, Sep 23, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) — A prominent national Islamic civil rights and advocacy group today announced that it has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) over the distribution of an anti-Muslim film to 28 million homes in presidential election swing states.

The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is urging the FEC to investigate whether the Clarion Fund, a non-profit organization that distributed DVDs containing “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West,” is really a front for an Israel-based group seeking to help Sen. John McCain win the U.S. presidential election. (No information about a board of directors, staff or even a physical address is offered on the fund’s website.)

In its complaint to the FEC, CAIR wrote in part:

“The Clarion Fund recently financed the distribution of some 28 million DVDs containing the film ‘Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West’ in what many political analysts describe as ‘swing’ states in the upcoming presidential elections. Those same analysts say the distribution of the ‘Obsession’ DVD was designed to benefit a particular presidential candidate, namely Sen. John McCain…

“According to the website for the Secretary of State for New York, Clarion Fund Inc. is incorporated in New York as a Delaware-based foreign not-for-profit corporation. According to the Delaware Department of Corporations, Robert (Rabbi Raphael) Shore, Rabbi Henry Harris and Rebecca Kabat incorporated Clarion Fund. All three of whom are reported to serve as employees of Aish HaTorah International, an organization apparently based in Israel. Also according to the Delaware Department of Corporations, the incorporators of the Clarion Fund used Aish HaTorah’s New York City address (150 West 46th Street, New York) to incorporate Clarion Fund in Delaware… [SEE:

“It appears that the funding for the production, marketing and distribution of ‘Obsession’ may have originated from Israel-based Aish HaTorah International.”

To read the entire FEC complaint, click here.

[Blah, blah, blah…  Sorry, I just couldn’t take this anti-semitic, Islamic BS dribbling rant anymore, so I decided (for sanity’s sake) to cut it off at this point.  But, if you really need to read it all, you can follow the MarketWatch link.

Also, be sure to give those little anti-semitic, anti-American, anti-Christian, supporters of terrorism a call at the following telephone number for Amina Rubin of CAIR:]

CAIR Communications Coordinator
Amina Rubin

Fact Checking

23 September, 2008

We first learned of’s decent into Obamamania when Yonason left us a comment HERE.  After doing some fact checking of my own, I would have to agree with Yonason. can no longer be considered a completely trustworthy and unbiased source of information when it comes to this Presidential race.

Now, don’t get me wrong.  They are still a good starting point when checking out a story, but we bloggers must now resort to fact checking  This is truly a sad state of affairs.

Consider the following well researched article from Patterico’s Pontifications that came out this morning:

Unmitigated Garbage from on Obama’s Second Amendment Record
Patterico – 23 Sep 08

Xrlq points us to this ridiculous piece on Obama and gun rights. I am by now completely disenchanted with and virtually every other “fact checking” site out there, and this piece does nothing to dispel my depression.

The summary version: FactCheck ridicules the NRA in this piece. But the NRA is careful to say: look at Obama’s record and not his rhetoric. And at least two of the NRA claims are backed up by references to Obama’s record. Yet goes on to minimize or completely ignore Obama’s record on these points, choosing instead to concentrate on citations to Obama’s later campaign rhetoric.

1) declares “false” the NRA’s claim that Obama plans to ban the possession, manufacture, and sale of handguns. But it emerges that this claim is directly based on Obama’s “yes” answer to a the following question in a questionnaire: “Do you support legislation to ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns?” simply faults the NRA for not noting Obama’s later attempts to explain away this answer. But doesn’t address the fact that Obama falsely denied even seeing the questionnaire, only to have it later emerge that an amended version had his handwriting on it.

Continue reading this excellent post from Patterico by CLICKING HERE.

Dangerously Unfit

23 September, 2008

An interesting editorial from Greenville online that has some great talking points:

Obama is dangerously unfit to be president

By David Nicholas • September 23, 2008 – GreenvilleOnline

I have followed American politics closely since I was a child in the 1940s. No election of my lifetime has left me as apprehensive as the current one. There are compelling reasons why Barack Obama is dangerously unfit to be president of the United States.

Foreign affairs and national security are important issues for all citizens. Obama appears blind to the dangers posed by rogue states and international terrorism. Most criticism of him has concentrated on his inexperience, which can be overcome with time. Unfortunately, his naivete, vacillation and aversion to logical analysis cannot.

I shall focus here instead on Obama’s domestic agenda, which has not been subject to as thorough critique as his foreign policy. He claims that he wants to raise taxes only on persons making over $250,000 per year. Totally apart from what this ceiling will do to small business owners and the dubious morality of confiscatory taxation of lawfully gained property, Obama’s allegation that the “rich” do not pay their “fair” share of taxes is nonsense. Almost 50 percent of American families pay little or no income tax under present law, and the top 10 percent of earners pay 90 percent of what the federal government realizes from the income tax.


Another Biden Gaffe Slips by Katie Couric

23 September, 2008

With all the attention directed at Biden’s comment denouncing one of Obama’s ads during an interview with Katie Couric, it might have slipped by some folks yesterday when Biden said:

“When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the princes of greed… He said, ‘Look, here’s what happened.'”

Uhm… Excuse me?

First of all, they didn’t have television back then (unless you count the experimental prototypes under development in the laboratories).  And, second of all, Herbert Hoover was the President when the stock market crashed, NOT Franklin Roosevelt!!!

But, of course, Katie Couric was too bubble-headed to pick up on the gaffe and call him on it.

In keeping with my Foghorn Leghorn theme when talking about Joe Biden, I leave you with this:

“That dawg is strictly G.I. – Gibbering Idiot, that is!”

Obama and Ayers Pushed Radicalism On Schools

23 September, 2008

Stanley Kurtz once again dares to go where Obama and the MSM don’t want him to go:

Obama and Ayers Pushed Radicalism On Schools

Despite having authored two autobiographies, Barack Obama has never written about his most important executive experience. From 1995 to 1999, he led an education foundation called the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), and remained on the board until 2001. The group poured more than $100 million into the hands of community organizers and radical education activists.

The CAC was the brainchild of Bill Ayers, a founder of the Weather Underground in the 1960s. Among other feats, Mr. Ayers and his cohorts bombed the Pentagon, and he has never expressed regret for his actions. Barack Obama’s first run for the Illinois State Senate was launched at a 1995 gathering at Mr. Ayers’s home.

The Obama campaign has struggled to downplay that association. Last April, Sen. Obama dismissed Mr. Ayers as just “a guy who lives in my neighborhood,” and “not somebody who I exchange ideas with on a regular basis.” Yet documents in the CAC archives make clear that Mr. Ayers and Mr. Obama were partners in the CAC. Those archives are housed in the Richard J. Daley Library at the University of Illinois at Chicago and I’ve recently spent days looking through them.

The Chicago Annenberg Challenge was created ostensibly to improve Chicago’s public schools. The funding came from a national education initiative by Ambassador Walter Annenberg. In early 1995, Mr. Obama was appointed the first chairman of the board, which handled fiscal matters. Mr. Ayers co-chaired the foundation’s other key body, the “Collaborative,” which shaped education policy.

The CAC’s basic functioning has long been known, because its annual reports, evaluations and some board minutes were public. But the Daley archive contains additional board minutes, the Collaborative minutes, and documentation on the groups that CAC funded and rejected. The Daley archives show that Mr. Obama and Mr. Ayers worked as a team to advance the CAC agenda.
