Archive for 27 September, 2008

Ted Nugent Says It’s Your Patriotic Duty to Vote Out Congress

27 September, 2008

Yup, unlike Biden’s remark that it is our patriotic duty to pay higher taxes, this is a REAL Patriotic Duty!

ACORN in the Bailout Package by Democrats

27 September, 2008

This is just one nightmare after another!

ACORN, which is an organization that Obama has strong ties to, is one of the leaders in voter registration fraud!  You can bet that millions of “dead” voters will be voting for Obama this Nov. 4th.

But, what’s worse than that is that the Democrats have included a provision in the proposed Economic Bailout Package that will give millions, if not billions of dollars to ACORN!!!

Of course, the more money ACORN has, the harder it will be for Republicans and REAL Democrats to get voted into office.

Here in Missouri, Senator Claire McCaskill (D) was put in power by the Communist ACORN group!

I know this for a fact!  In 2006, I watched the election results as they were coming in and McCaskill was losing the race until St. Louis and other low-income housing districts started counting their votes.  When it was all over, Claire McCaskill had beaten Jim Talent by a narrow margin of a little more than 48 thousand votes.  Keep in mind that the total number of votes for all candidates was 2,128,459, giving her about a two percent edge…  Yup, about 50 thousand – That’s all it took…

Here is the FOXNews report on ACORN having been included in the Bailout Package by Leftard Democrats:

And, here is a little retro look at how ACORN rigged the elections and SCREWED their minimum wage workers here in Missouri during the 2006 elections.  Yeah, so much for caring about the poor, eh?:

Copious Dissent’s Chilling Video Targets Obama’s “Truth Squads”

27 September, 2008

Investment scam shocks muslims in Chicago

27 September, 2008

But muslims are honest and always faithful to other believers (sarcasm)

27 Sep, 2008, The Economic Times
HOUSTON: Both Indian and Pakistani community of Chicago and its suburbs are in a state of unrest and shock due to an unbelievable investment scam worth millions-of- dollars targeting the community and sudden disappearance of Sunrise Equities’s CEO Salman Ibrahim.
-More needs to be done, where did the money go and who helped transfer it? I smell a jihadi connection.

State regulators are considering criminal charges against a developer named Ibrahim, who fraudulently persuaded hundreds of muslims to invest in real estate deals. Some gave Ibrahim their life savings or mortgaged their homes before he disappeared in August. Investors say they may loose more than USD 50 million.

Salman Ibrahim, CEO and President of the Chicago-based Shariah compliant financial services firm, which provided the market with competent and innovative Shariah Compliant investment products and services, duped the community. (more…)

Car bomb hits Damascus

27 September, 2008

I always like blogging during months muslim consider holy. It is easy to find stories of them killing each other for old mohammed. Next Friday should be another good day as it is the first Friday after ramadan and still in the window for the after ramadan feasts, parties and muslims will be filled with jihadi fever.

Syria is as radical as it gets and yet they are attacked by muslims who do not consider them radical enough. Well, I agree, go ahead and kill each other off, it saves you the expense of traveling to western lands and you get to islamic heaven quicker. Eliminate all your infidels before you worry about us. Allah hu ackinberries.

Syrian television puts death toll from ‘terrorist act’ at 17
Albert Aji, Damascus, 27 September 2008, The Times Online
A car bomb killed 17 people and injured 14 others on a crowded residential street in Damascus today, according to Syrian television.

It said a car packed with 440 pounds (200 kilograms) of explosives blew up on Mahlak Street, in a southern district of the Syrian capital close to the city’s international airport. . The charred remains of the car was shown by television in the street near a primary school as firefighters stood near a wide crater believed be caused by the blast.

One witness said on television the explosion sounded like an earthquake. “My apartment collapsed, and five of my family members are injured and in hospital,” he said.

Another witnesses who was sleeping in his truck at the time of the blast said it appeared as if the bomb vehicle was a taxi. “I saw lots of smoke and the glass windows of my truck shattered.”

Bassam Abdul-Majid, the Syrian Interior Minister, called the bombing a terrorist act and said all the victims were civilians. But he would not say who might have been responsible. “We cannot accuse any party. There are ongoing investigations that will lead us to those who carried it out.”

Such bombings are rare in Syria, a tightly controlled country where President Bashar Assad’s regime has used heavy-handed tactics to crack down on dissent.

But over the last year, the country has witnessed two high-profile assassinations. Several explosions have also been blamed on Sunni Muslim militants opposed to Syria’s secular government. (more…)

MSM Sucks! Bloggers Doing ALL the Real Work in this Election!

27 September, 2008

God bless Melanie Phillips!!!  She hits the nail squarely on the head and then drives it home in the following article:

Subversives for Obama
By:  Melanie Phillips – The Spectator

There are two American election campaigns currently running. The first, in the mainstream media, accepts Barack Obama at face value, no questions asked, while it viciously turns over Sarah Palin and her family whom it subjects to lies, smears and character assassination. The second, being conducted in the blogosphere and (with one or two notable exceptions such as the Wall Street Journal) not alluded to at all by the mainstream media, is the site of verbal warfare between Camp Obama and bloggers who are practising journalism as it used to be practised – going behind the propaganda to dig out information and asking questions about it. The blogosphere is not only rebutting the Palin lies but also piling up the most disturbing revelations about Obama’s background and associations  — compounded by the troubling manner in which Camp Obama responds to these discoveries.

A few months ago, a claim was made by former Manhattan Borough president Percy Sutton that Obama had been funded through Harvard law school by Khalid Al-Mansour, a ‘mentor’ to the founders of the Black Panther party and advisor to ‘one of the world’s richest men,’ Saudi prince Alwaleed bin Talal. It was Prince Alwaleed whose $10 million check to help rebuild Manhattan after 9/11 was refused by New York mayor Rudy Guiliani because the Saudi prince hinted publicly that America’s pro-Israel policies were to blame for the attacks.

According to this story by Kenneth Timmerman, Camp Obama denied this claim — and referred to a story on in which reporter Ben Smith wrote that ‘a spokesman for Sutton’s family, Kevin Wardally’ said that Sutton had been mistaken when he made those comments. But when contacted, Sutton’s family not only denied that Sutton had misspoken but also said they had never even heard of Kevin Wardally – who appears to work for a Harlem political consulting firm.

So the claim that Obama was funded through Harvard by a radical Black Muslim activist with ties to the Saudis remains on the table.

Some of the most troubling questions, however, arise from Obama’s relationship with the unreprentant former Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers. Obama has been at pains to play down this relationship, dismissing Ayers as just ‘a guy who lives in my neighborhood,’ and ‘not somebody who I exchange ideas with on a regular basis.’ But thanks to the exemplary and important  journalism of Stanley Kurtz, it is becoming ever clearer that such claims are deeply disingenuous and conceal a significant and long-lasting working relationship with a man who has never renounced his terrorist past. This relationship centred upon a fund called the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), which although founded by former ambassador Walter Annenberg to improve Chicago’s schools, funnelled some $100 million into the hands of radical activists. The CAC was the brainchild of Ayers – and for four years in the 1990s, Obama was chairman of the board.


A Little Humor to Lighten the Mood

27 September, 2008

Oh, wait…  It’s all true…  Yikes!!!

Read more about this gang of close, personal thugs HERE

Presidential Debate: Obama vs Kissinger

27 September, 2008

Okay, I’ve watched the debate twice tonight (it’s about 2:00 a.m. as I write this), and I won’t mention that McCain incorrectly called Iran’s Revolutionary Guards the “Republican Guards.”   Because what’s even worse is that the Obamatard actually “cheated” on the test by copying McCain and also calling them “Republican Guards!!!”

Maybe Obama was thinking, “Uhm… Gee, if I parrot back McCain’s talking points, I’ll look like I know what the hell I’m talking about, and no one will ever be the wiser!”

Nor will I mention that McCain really grabbed everyone’s attention when he began passionately talking about the bracelet he was given by the mother of a dead soldier and how the soldier’s Mother wanted McCain to ensure that her son did not die in vain; asking McCain to do everything he could to help the military win the war against terrorism.

Then, the Obamatard tried to cheapen the moment by almost falling over himself to say, “I’ve got one, too!” – He acted like a conceited little snot-nosed brat at the playground trying to one-up all the bigger kids;  “That ain’t nothin’ – I’ve got one, too!  So there! Nyana-nyana-nyanaaaaa!!!” – Jerk…

Nor will I mention that Obama said John McCain was RIGHT more times than I could keep track of –  I kinda’ lost count around the fifth or sixth time.  But, I could swear Obama thought McCain was right more often than not…

But, be that as it may, what I WILL BE mentioning is the following:

Kissinger Says Obama Wrong on Kissinger’s Position in Debate Tonight

Posted on September 27, 2008

-By Warner Todd Huston

Here is something that the media should focus on. In the debates tonight, Barack Obama said that even Henry Kissinger agreed with Obama that on a presidential level a diplomatic meeting with as rogue a leader as Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a good idea. McCain immediately said that this was not true, but the issue wasn’t further addressed in the debate.

Well, now Henry Kissinger himself is attempting to set the record straight. Kissinger says that Obama was wrong, McCain was right. Stephen Hayes of the Weekly Standard has a short post to this effect on his TheBlog entry.

Kissinger Unhappy About Obama

Henry Kissinger believes Barack Obama misstated his views on diplomacy with US adversaries and is not happy about being mischaracterized. He says: “Senator McCain is right. I would not recommend the next President of the United States engage in talks with Iran at the Presidential level. My views on this issue are entirely compatible with the views of my friend Senator John McCain. We do not agree on everything, but we do agree that any negotiations with Iran must be geared to reality.”

Well, that about answers to that Obama lie.

This reply by Kissinger should find greater exposure to show that Obama really is out of his depth on foreign policy issues. Let’s hope the Old Media corrects the record.

The Problem from Hell

27 September, 2008

H/T – Matamoros

A threat bigger than Wall St

Greg Sheridan, Foreign editor
The Australian
September 27, 2008

IRAN is a problem from hell. The next US president, be it Barack Obama or John McCain, is going to have plenty to worry about: the Wall Street financial crisis, the war in Afghanistan, Pakistan’s internal crisis, the relentless military build-up of China and the temptation it will soon have of trying to retake Taiwan militarily. But you can be sure of this. At some stage during the next presidency, Iran will blow up into a full-scale crisis that will dominate global politics and that may indeed be more important even than the other problems listed above.

The new president will have one modestly useful extra resource, a bipartisan report commissioned by two former US senators and written primarily by Middle East expert Michael Rubin of the American Enterprise Institute. The Weekend Australian has obtained a copy of the report, to be released later this week. Before I got the report, I had a long discussion with Rubin.

Rubin is a Republican, but the report he wrote was the consensus work of a bipartisan taskforce that includes Dennis Ross, Obama’s key Middle East adviser.

The report is sobering and in some ways shocking reading. It begins baldly: “A nuclear weapons capable Islamic Republic of Iran is strategically untenable.”

It points to the disastrous consequences of an Iran with nuclear weapons: “Iran’s nuclear development may pose the most significant strategic threat to the US during the next administration.

“A nuclear ready or nuclear-armed Islamic Republic ruled by the clerical regime could threaten the Persian Gulf region and its vast energy resources, spark nuclear proliferation throughout the Middle East, inject additional volatility into global energy markets, embolden extremists in the region and destabilise states such as Saudi Arabia and others in the region, provide nuclear technology to other radical regimes and terrorists (although Iran might hesitate to share traceable nuclear technology), and seek to make good on its threats to eradicate Israel.
