Archive for 4 October, 2008

An Indian Story

4 October, 2008

ChangedForever sent us a little joke via email that we thought you all might enjoy:

(Note:  We have slightly edited this version)

An Indian Story

An Indian walks into a cafe with a shotgun in one hand pulling a male buffalo with the other.  He says to the waiter, “Me want ’em coffee.”

The waiter says, “Sure, Chief. Coming right up.”

He gets the Indian a tall mug of coffee.  The Indian drinks the coffee down in one gulp, turns and blasts the buffalo with the shotgun, causing parts of the animal to splatter everywhere and then just walks out.

The next morning the Indian returns.  He has his shotgun in one hand, pulling another male buffalo with the other.

He walks up to the counter and says to the waiter “Me want ’em coffee.”

The waiter says “Whoa, Tonto! We’re still cleaning up your mess from yesterday. .. What was all that about, anyway?”

The Indian smiles and proudly says, “Training for position in United States Congress:  Come in, drink coffee, shoot bull, disappear for rest of day, leave mess for others to clean up.

“Welcome to McCain Burger, May I Take Your Order?”

4 October, 2008

One of the best 10 minutes of your life you’ll ever spend watching one person tell it like it is…

Help it go VIRAL and link it everywhere!  Email it to EVERYONE!

Update: If you enjoyed the above video, then please take a look at Alfonso’s newest video below:

Red State Update: Analysis of Palin/Biden Debate

4 October, 2008

Coalition Forces in Iraq Kill a Top Al-Qaeda Leader

4 October, 2008

Baghdad Bombs Mastermind Killed
Saturday October 04, 2008

An al Qaeda leader suspected of masterminding a series of deadly attacks in Baghdad has been killed, the US military says.

Mahir Ahmad Mahmud Judu’ al Zubaydi, also known as Abu Assad or Abu Rami, was killed by coalition troops during a firefight in the capital.

“Acting in self-defence, coalition forces returned fire, killing Abu Rami and a female,” a US military statement said.

The woman was al Zubaydi’s wife, the military added.

Al Zubaydi is thought to have been one of Iraq’s most senior al Qaeda insurgents.

He is alleged to have directed the insurgent cell believed to be responsible for the Baghdad mosque bomb attacks that killed dozens of Shi’ite muslims on Thursday.

The military also blames him for several car bombings and mortar attacks in Baghdad’s main Shi’ite district of Sadr City in 2006 and 2007, killing hundreds of people.

He is also believed to have planned and participated in abductions and videotaped executions, including one in which he was seen shooting one of four kidnapped Russians.

Al Zubaydi’s death is expected to be a major blow to al Qaeda in Iraq.


Obama 2007: “Subprime Lending Started as a Good Idea”

4 October, 2008

Explosive Audio Unearthed: After the Sub Prime Crisis already started in 2007 Obama says Sub Prime Mortgages that gave houses to people WHO COULDN’T AFFORD THEM was a GOOD IDEA!!

Remember, this is after everything was starting to fall apart, so of course Obama’s speech is critical of Sub-Prime Loans. However, if you really analyze what he’s saying, it’s pretty obvious that he thinks sub-prime loans were a good idea and spreading the bad debt throughout the financial system was good “in theory.”

Uhm… It’s NEVER a “good idea” to loan money to people who can’t pay you back! Nor is spreading the bad debt throughout the financial system good “in theory” as it causes ripples throughout the market which eventually build into one massive rogue wave. Only a Communist thinks like that!

AP Reports on Sarah Palin’s Comments Concerning Obama and Terrorists

4 October, 2008

Of course, the AP reporter tries to paint her as “out of touch” and conspiratorial…

Palin says Obama ‘palling around’ with terrorists

By JIM KUHNHENN – 4 Oct 08

ENGLEWOOD, Colo. (AP) — Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on Saturday accused Democrat Barack Obama of “palling around with terrorists” because of an old association with a former ’60s radical, stepping up an effort to portray Obama as unacceptable to American voters.

Palin’s reference was to Bill Ayers, one of the founders of the group the Weather Underground. Its members took credit for bombings, including nonfatal explosions at the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol, during the Vietnam War era. Obama, who was a child when the group was active, served on a charity board with Ayers several years ago and has denounced his radical views and activities.

The Republican campaign, falling behind Obama in polls, plans to make attacks on Obama’s character a centerpiece of candidate John McCain’s message in the final weeks of the presidential race.

[They should have been doing that ALL ALONG, BEFORE Obama and the Democrats manufactured the “October Surprise” economic crisis!!!]

Palin told a group of donors at a private airport, “Our opponent … is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect, imperfect enough, that he’s palling around with terrorists who would target their own country.” She also said, “This is not a man who sees America as you see America and as I see America.”

The Obama campaign called Palin’s remarks offensive but not surprising in light of news stories detailing the campaign’s come-from-behind offensive.

“What’s clear is that John McCain and Sarah Palin would rather spend their time tearing down Barack Obama than laying out a plan to build up our economy,” Obama campaign spokesman Hari Sevugan said in a statement.

[Uh… That’s not exactly a denial, now is it?]

Palin’s remark about Obama “palling around with terrorists” comes as e-mails circulate on the Internet with suggestions that the Democratic candidate is secretly a radical, foreign-born Muslim with designs against the U.S. — even though Obama is a native of Hawaii, a Christian and has no connections to Muslim extremists.

[Ahem…  Drinking a little bit too much of that Obama-Aid, are we Mr Kuhnhenn? ]

Palin, Alaska’s governor, said that donors on a greeting line had encouraged her and McCain to get tougher on Obama. She said an aide then advised her, “Sarah, the gloves are off, the heels are on, go get to them.”

The escalated effort to attack Obama’s character dovetails with TV ads by outside groups questioning Obama’s ties to Ayers, convicted former Obama fundraiser Antoin “Tony” Rezko and Obama’s former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Ayers is a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He and Obama live in Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood and served together on the board of the Woods Fund, a Chicago-based charity that develops community groups to help the poor. Obama left the board in December 2002.

Obama was the first chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a school-reform group of which Ayers was a founder. Ayers also held a meet-the-candidate event at his home for Obama when Obama first ran for office in the mid-1990s.

[That’s right!  So, why does Mr. Kuhnhenn try to discredit what Gov. Palin said?  Well, it’s pretty obvious from where I sit as to why…]


Church Choir Sings Praises to the Obamessiah IN CHURCH!

4 October, 2008

Is there any doubt these folks are worshiping a false god???

I normally don’t subscribe to hysteria and those who freely toss out the Anti-Christ card when talking about politicians, but this is about as close to a true Anti-Christ as I have EVER seen!

UPDATE: NotAllDum has informed me that the video has been yanked…  Since I am convinced that Google/YouTube is actively engaged in censoring anything that casts Obama in a bad light, I’ve learned to archive the videos from YouTube.  So, I’ll upload a copy to my YouTube account and re-link it as soon as I can.

But, while we’re waiting, let’s count the letters, shall we?:


6+6+6 = 18

Yeah, I know, it’s all coincidental, but it is interesting…

UPDATE 2: Alright, I’ve uploaded it to my account and re-linked it.  Enjoy.

BTW – I seriously doubt they get this excited and joyful when singing praises to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ…

Night of the Living Dead Alert: Adam Gadahn Crawls Out of the Grave?!?

4 October, 2008

Grrrr…  I was SO hoping this traitor was worm food!

His Loooong absence would indicate that he incurred some serious injuries that took a while to heal…

Well, light up a fatty, Adam.  We’re comin’ after you, again!

American Qaeda figure says U.S. still runs Pakistan

04 Oct 2008 09:15:52 GMT
Source: Reuters

DUBAI, Oct 4 (Reuters) – American al Qaeda militant Adam Gadahn described Pakistan’s new leaders as U.S. puppets in a war against Islamic militants, in an Internet video posted on Saturday.

“The Pakistan Army … and the professional spreaders of lies at their service are trying to make us believe that the state of Pakistan has turned a new leaf (after U.S-allied former President Pervez Musharraf left power),” Gadahn said in the video posted on Islamist websites. “These are not the leaders Pakistan wants and deserves. They are the leaders America wants and preserves in order to reach its policy objectives, hinder the jihad against the Crusaders in Afghanistan … and ensure that nuclear-capable Pakistan remains docile, contained and sharia-free,” Gadahn said.

“Their battle has always been and remains to be America’s battle, not Pakistan’s. And this battle (against Islamic militants) is what has brought Pakistan to the verge of break-up,” said Gadahn, also known as Azzam the American.

Gadahn, born Adam Pearlman, is a California-born convert to Islam and the first American to be charged with treason since the World War Two era. He is believed to be in Pakistan.


Update on Legal Filing for Obama to Produce Vaulted Birth Certificate and Proof of Citizenship

4 October, 2008

Well, one of my trusted sources has just given me some news via email concerning the legal proceedings in the Berg v.s. Obama case:

As I mentioned in my earlier post, the Legal Brief Filing wasn’t signed by the Judge.  Evidently, the Court has NOT yet ruled on the Motion to Dismiss filed by Senator Obama and the DNC.

It seems that the whole matter is still up in the air (as of yesterday), and everybody is still awaiting the Judge’s ruling…  Kinda’ sucks, eh?

Now, can someone please explain why Obama is so resistant to producing his vaulted Birth Certificate and proof of citizenship if he has nothing to hide?  It certainly would be cheaper for him to just produce these documents, rather than spending all that money on lawyers…

– Doc

P.S. – Since one of our readers was requesting this:

Click HERE for The Court Docket

Click HERE for The Filing