Archive for 10 January, 2009

UK: Radio Evangelist Sacked for Defending Christianity on Air

10 January, 2009

Gee, guess which religion of peace and tolerance had him dismissed…   On our present course, this type of BS is coming to America all too soon; you can count on it…


Presenter sacked for ‘supporting the Bible’s teachings’ on radio
A radio presenter is taking legal action after he alleged he was sacked for offending Muslims by defending Christianity on air.
By Andrew Alderson, Chief Reporter
10 Jan 2009 –

Scotland – The Rev Mahboob Masih, a Church minister, claims he was unfairly dismissed and that the action taken against him was a case of religious discrimination.

He had been host of a regular Saturday morning show on Awaz FM, a community radio show in Glasgow, for six years before the row with the station’s management blew up.

After a lively religious debate, the radio station management took exception to the content of the discussion. The Rev Masih was accused of not being balanced enough on air. However, Awaz FM refuses to detail anything specific he said that might have offended its listeners.

The Rev Masih and his co-presenter Afzal Umeed were discussing the views of a prominent Muslim speaker, Zakir Naik, who the Rev Masih accuses of belittling the Christian faith on Peace TV, a digital channel.

The Rev Masih says that Mr Umeed asked Asif Mall, a Christian on-air guest, about Mr Naik’s remarks. Mr Mall said Mr Naik’s comments showed a lack of knowledge of the Bible and of the Koran.

In particular, Mr Mall disputed a claim by Mr Naik that Jesus Christ was not the only prophet to be “the way, the truth and the life”.

The Rev Masih, 37, who is the minister in West Kirk, East Kilbride, says that he reluctantly made an on-air apology in an attempt to defuse the row. However, he says he refused a request from a senior station official to deliver an apology in person at the Central Mosque in Glasgow because he felt intimidated and his safety could have been endangered. He also insists he had nothing to apologise for to Muslims.

Initially, he and his co-presenter were temporarily suspended for breaching the station’s code of conduct. The Rev Masih, who is married with two children, was later dismissed after sending a letter criticising his treatment to the station’s management committee.


Mastermind of Hamas’ Long-Range Rocket Attacks is Eliminated

10 January, 2009

It looks like Israel is kicking butt and taking name this time around:

Hamas rocket chief is killed
From The Sunday Times
January 11, 2009
Uzi Mahnaimi Tel Aviv

THE mastermind of Hamas’s long-range rocket attacks on Israel was killed yesterday [January 10, 2009] in an airstrike, according to Israeli military sources.

Amir Mansi, an engineer who commanded cells responsible for firing Grad rockets supplied by Iran, died after coming under attack from a helicopter.

The Israeli army said he had been trying to fire mortar shells at their troops when he was targeted. Mansi headed the Hamas military wing’s Gaza Strip rocket division and “played a big role in Grad rocket attacks on Israeli communities”, a military spokesman said.

He was killed after a Grad struck the Israeli town of Gedera, near the Tel Nof airbase, where nuclear weapons are believed to be stored.


Florida: Would-Be Victim Shoots and Kills Robber At Mr. Big’s Super Car Wash

10 January, 2009

Yeah, you’re not going to hear this one on CNN…

This is the second incident in Orange County Florida within the past four days where a robber has been shot and killed by a legally armed citizen.

Yup, I’m pretty darn sure the bad guys are going to be leaving Orange County and looking for greener pastures elsewhere.  Might I suggest that they relocate to some Libtard community that takes guns away from law-abiding citizens—-Oh, I don’t know—Chicago, perhaps…

CLICK HERE for video


Would-be victim shoots, kills robber at Orange County carwash

Willoughby Mariano | Sentinel Staff Writer
January 10, 2009
Orlando Sentinel

Orlando Florida – Gunfire at a South Orange Blossom Trail carwash Friday left a suspected robber dead at the hands of his intended victim, Orange County deputies said.

The attack took place about 6:40 p.m. when two men, one armed with a sawed-off shotgun, walked up to a customer inside a carwash bay at 5101 S. Orange Blossom Trail. They tried to rob the patron, but he pulled out a handgun and fired, striking one of his attackers, Cmdr. Paul “Spike” Hopkins said.

“The bad guy was killed, and this guy [the customer] is safe tonight,” Hopkins said. Investigators did not release the names of those involved. The second suspect ran off and had not been found early today.

Friday’s shooting was the second time in four days that a customer at an Orange County business shot and killed a robbery suspect.

In Ocoee on Tuesday, a customer fatally wounded Freddie Carson, 40, who police said was trying to rob a clerk at the Kangaroo Express gas station. Carson was beating the clerk on the head with a bottle when the customer pointed his .40-caliber semiautomatic handgun and shot twice, police said.

The clerk, Marina Rodriguez, escaped with injuries that were not life-threatening. Police are investigating whether the shooting was justified.

Florida law permits the use of deadly force to protect yourself or another person from death or serious bodily harm and to prevent a “forcible felony” such as robbery.

During Friday’s shooting, the wounded suspect tried to run away but collapsed in the carwash parking lot. Paramedics took him to Orlando Regional Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead. The customer was uninjured.

The robbery victim had a concealed-weapons permit and no criminal history, Hopkins said.

The attempted robbery was similar to five attacks during the past week along a one-mile stretch of South Orange Blossom Trail, Hopkins said. Two men, one armed with a shotgun, demanded money from their victims. Investigators are trying to establish a possible link.

[ I have a feeling that there aren’t going to be any more “similar” robberies along that stretch of road…]


Kosovo: Albanian president whines because Serbs will not submit.

10 January, 2009

The people will do what the government will not. The Serbs in Kosovo only have two choices: fight or die. They could convert but that is not a choice, it is slavery.

11 January, 2009, Pristina, (AKI) – Albanian president Bamir Topi on Friday blamed Serb ‘ultranationalists’ for recent unrest in the ethnically divided northern Kosovar town of Mitrovica in which several people were injured.
-Many Serbs have already disappeared, churches have been burnt and violence against Serbs has been ignored but let a Serb fight back and it is news.

“It’s clear where this comes from,” Topi told journalists at the end of a two-day visit to Kosovo. This was Topi’s second trip to the former Serb province in the past 12 months.
-I was going to blame the koran but Topi might have another theory.

“Albania will be among those who will point to ultranationalist Serb circles lying behind such behaviour and acts,” he added.
-Damn it, I knew he would get it wrong. I hope the Serbs are smart enough to learn from Gaza. They should build rockets and fire them indiscriminately at Albanians; the U.N. would probably love that. Just to quarantine U.N. support, they should also plant bombs, burn a few houses of worship (mosques) and march children around in uniforms screaming about murder (sarcasm). As much as I hate violence, it would expose the U.N. agenda to support islam and crush freedom. (more…)