Archive for 22 January, 2009

Obama’s Radical Socialist Agenda to Hide Inside the Trojan Horse of “Stimulus”

22 January, 2009

An interesting commentary from Dick


By Dick Morris And Eileen McGann

Now that Obama is the president, fasten your seat belts. During his first year in office, and particularly during his first hundred days, we are about to witness the most prodigious output of legislation since 1981-2 (under Reagan), 1964-5 (under Johnson), and 1933-36 (under Roosevelt). The combination of top heavy Democratic majorities in Congress and a mood of public fear bordering on panic over the financial crisis and the looming depression will speed his legislation through a compliant Senate and House.

We will enter his Administration as the United States, buoyed by an aggressive free market economy. We will exit his first year – and even the first hundred days – as France, burdened with massive government regulation, a vast public sector, and permanent middle class entitlements. And Obama will take care to arrange things so that massive and permanent political change accompanies his and protects his legislative achievements in the future.

He will call this radical change a stimulus package. He will dress up a generation of liberal priorities as necessary steps to fight the economic crisis. His programs and policies won’t do much to end the depression. It will end only after the massive burden of debt is lifted from the shoulders of American and foreign households and companies, a process which will take years. At most, his stimulus will act as methadone while we withdraw from our debt addiction, mitigating the pain, smoothing over the trauma, and soothing our system.

But Obama’s strategy is to hide inside the Trojan Horse of stimulus an army of radical measures to change America permanently.

The most pernicious of his proposals will be the massive Make Work Pay refundable tax credit. Dressed up as a tax cut, it will be a national welfare program, guaranteeing a majority of American households an annual check to “refund” taxes they never paid. And it will eliminate the need for about 20% of American households to pay income taxes, lifting the proportion that need not do so to a majority of the voting population. Unlike the Bush stimulus checks, this new program will be a permanent entitlement, a part of our budget that can only go up and never down. Politically, it will transform a majority of Americans from taxpayers, anxious to hold down government spending, into tax eaters, eager to reap new benefits.

The huge spending in his stimulus package will create a budget deficit topping one trillion dollars. Ronald Reagan cut taxes to raise the deficit to stop liberals in future years from increasing spending. Obama will raise spending to raise the deficit to stop conservatives in future years from cutting taxes. As he funds every liberal dream – from alternative energy production to infrastructure renovation to more federal revenue sharing – he will force a massive expansion in the size of government for a decade to come. If the proportion of our $14 trillion GDP absorbed by the public sector increases by $1 trillion dollars, it will mean that government’s share will rise from its current 33% to about 40%, bringing us close to the United Kingdom’s ratio. If Obama adds a major expansion of health care to the mix, the proportion could reach into the mid-forties, French and German territory.


Al-Qaeda spokesgirl urges Brits to eliminate muslim enclaves

22 January, 2009

I am sure a coward like al libi will not mind me fixing the title of this article. I really would not be surprised if after another attack a few patriotic Brits did not start a little payback action. Islam is a paper tiger, rare is the muslim that will stand toe to toe and fight. Although I expect the British government to cave, the people will always do what the government will not. I know what reaction the US muslim community would get if they attacked a NASCAR event. Although I would never encourage a backlash against the cult of islam, I can understand why a grieving survivor would care one out.

23rd January 2009, AFP
A prominent al-Qaeda figure, Abu Yahya al-Libi, has urged Islamist militants to launch attacks in the West, naming the United States and Britain, to avenge Israel’s onslaught on Gaza.
-A prominent figure according to whom? He is hardly a household name and the call for other muslims to fight while you hide hardly makes him unique. Almost all muslim clerics do the same thing. A few muslims will fight most just limit themselves to fighting on line or at a mosque. They might trick themselves into thinking they are men but they are just common conmen. (more…)

Dems Blow About a Trillion of Taxpayer’s Dollars and Can’t Promise a Single Job…

22 January, 2009

Like we didn’t see this coming…

Armed With Airsoft Pistols, Robbers Get a BIG Surprise from Would-be Victim

22 January, 2009

You know, I thought for sure the MSM would cover this story… NOT!!!

Still, the MSM could have twisted it all around and made the would-be victim out to be the bad guy. Oh well, I guess the lap-dogs are too busy humping Obama’s leg and covering the really important stuff, like Michelle Obama’s dress.

Would-be robbery victim in Auburn shoots masked bandit
by Tom Gilchrist | The Bay City Times
Thursday January 22, 2009

Insurance agent used handgun during robbery attempt, police say

Auburn, Michigan:  Police said an insurance agent had a surprise of his own for two armed bandits who tried to rob him Wednesday night in the city of Auburn.

Richard Creed, 57, pulled out a handgun and pumped three bullets into one of the masked robbers, then held the bleeding bandit at gunpoint until police arrived at Evergreen Insurance Agency, 205 W. Midland Road.

The other suspect fled on foot after the 7:07 p.m. robbery attempt, and hid in a nearby parked car in Auburn for four hours until a Michigan State Police tracking dog found him at 11:02 p.m.

The suspects, two cousins from Standish, “picked the wrong guy to rob,” said Lt. James Chlebowski of the Bay County Sheriff’s Department.

Creed possesses a permit to carry a concealed weapon, and used his handgun when the suspects, wearing Halloween masks, tried to rob him as he closed his business, Chlebowski said.

The suspects, ages 31 and 23, wielded two toy “Airsoft” pistols that fire foam or plastic projectiles, though such weapons appear real, according to Chlebowski.

“I’d shoot you if you pointed one at me,” Chlebowski said.


And, So it Begins – The Death of America

22 January, 2009

So, Obama is closing Gitmo.  That means that all these jihadists get to travel to America and live high on the hog in U.S. prisons; recruit more criminals for their jihad, etc…

And, here I thought we were trying to keep these monsters OUT of the United States.  Silly me…

Gee,  Mr. Obama, I have an idea;  Why don’t you let all these fun-loving jihadists stay at your mansion in Chicago.  After all, you’re not living there anymore…

Obama orders Guantanamo’s closure within a year
Thu Jan 22, 2009
By Caren Bohan

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama on Thursday ordered the closure of the Guantanamo military prison within a year and a halt to harsh interrogation of terrorism suspects, moving quickly to restore the U.S. image abroad.

The executive order to shut the prison, a symbol of detainee abuse and detention without charge under the Republican administration of George W. Bush, fulfills a promise Obama made during his campaign.

“The message that we are sending around the world is that the United States intends to prosecute the ongoing struggle against violence and terrorism and we are going to do so vigilantly,” Obama said at a signing ceremony in the Oval office.

“We are going to do so effectively and we are going to do so in a manner that is consistent with our values and our ideals,” he said.

But officials in Obama’s Democratic administration acknowledge that deciding to close the prison is simply the first step in a long, complicated process to determine the fate of its 250 inmates, many of whom have been held years without trial.

The United States wants to try about 80 of the prisoners on terrorism charges. It has cleared 50 other detainees for release but cannot return them to their home countries because of the risk they could be tortured or persecuted there.


Alfonso: The Dream and the 44th

22 January, 2009

Another home-run from Alfonso: