Archive for 27 January, 2009

Blagojevich on Glenn Beck

27 January, 2009

Funny interview.  My favorite line from Glenn is,  “I don’t trust a damn one of you politicians.”

Missile Attacks Inside of Pakistan WILL Continue

27 January, 2009

Yeah…  Let’s see how long this goes on before Obama capitulates in an effort to uphold his image throughout the Islamic world…

BTW – I noticed that CNN “conveniently” forgot to mention that little anti-Obama protest in Pakistan.  So, just to reciprocate all the “love” CNN showed Bush, I just thought I’d include one of those photos:


Gates says missile attacks in Pakistan will continue

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Defense Secretary Robert Gates said missile strikes in Pakistan will continue in an effort to root out al Qaeda members.

Gates spoke to the Senate Armed Services Committee in his first comments to Congress as President Obama’s defense secretary.

In response to a question from committee Chairman Carl Levin, D-Michigan, Gates said the strikes will continue to target terrorists who have based themselves across the border from Afghanistan.

“Let me just say, both President Bush and President Obama have made clear that we will go after al Qaeda wherever al Qaeda is. And we will continue to pursue this,” Gates said.

Asked by Levin whether Pakistan is aware of this continued pursuit, Gates replied simply, “Yes, sir.”

Seventeen people were killed Friday in two missile strikes in the ungoverned tribal area of Pakistan. A government official and two military officials said they were U.S. attacks. They were the first such strikes since Obama took office Tuesday.

The tribal region of Pakistan has seen a sharp spike in the number of aerial attacks carried out by unmanned drones.

The United States has the only military with drones operating in the area.

In 2008, there were 30 suspected U.S. missile strikes in Pakistan, based on a count by CNN in Islamabad.

Gates opened his comments with a clear message that Afghanistan is at the top of his to-do list.

In one of the clearest indications of the military planning for adding troops, Gates outlined a deployment of two brigades by spring and the third by late summer. Read Gates’ prepared testimony (PDF)

Additional troops, even if available to deploy, could not be added until later this year because it would take that much time to build out the required infrastructure in Afghanistan to support the troops, Gates explained.


Obama’s Trojan Horse ‘Stimulus’ Package Explained

27 January, 2009

H/T – No Compromise

International Think Tank Announces that Iran Will Have Enough Uranium for a Nuclear Bomb This Year

27 January, 2009

Well, let’s hope that our efforts to subtly sabotage Iran’s nuclear infrastructure (a major covert program that Bush implemented to avoid the military option) will produce the desired results, else we are all in a world of hurt in the near future…


‘Uranium For Iran Nuke In 2009’
January 27, 2009 – Sky News
Geoff Meade, defence correspondent

Iran will have enough enriched uranium to make a single nuclear weapon later this year, the prestigious International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) predicts.

The think tank’s Mark Fitzpatrick made the announcement at today’s launch of its annual global review of military powers.

“During 2009, Iran will probably reach the point at which it has produced the amount of low-enriched uranium needed to make a nuclear bomb.”

“But being able to enrich uranium is not the same as having a nuclear weapon.”

However, the survey reports doubts over US Intelligence estimates that Iran halted its work on nuclear weapons six years ago.

This points to Tehran’s continued development of long-range ballistic missiles able to reach targets in Israel and beyond.

The IISS recommends a mixture of carrot and stick as the best international response.

It concluded a dual policy of engagement and sanctions, testing possibilities for Iranian cooperation while adopting targeted containment strategies, is the best way to deal with Iran’s nuclear programme.

Foreign affairs editor Tim Marshall said: “Several think-tanks have come to the same conclusion.

“The intelligence agencies are more reluctant to put a time frame on it, and the report itself says having enough enriched Uranium to build the warhead is not the same as building the warhead itself.”

Just remember, they love us just as much as they do Israel:


Pakistan: Thieves Rape Girl When They Realize Victim is Christian

27 January, 2009

Pakistan (International Christian Concern) – Six unidentified men went on a robbing spree in a rural village in Pakistan on the night of January 10, and when they realized that one of the households they were robbing was Christian, they gang-raped a 14-year-old girl in front of her parents to violate their faith.

The six criminals, armed with guns, forced their way into two Muslim houses and three Christian homes, physically assaulted the residents, and took cash, TVs, cell phones and other valuables.

After robbing the homes, the six men returned to Rafiq Masih’s house and began mocking Rafiq and his wife for being Christians. Not satisfied with the damage they had already inflicted, the thieves then bound Rafiq and his wife and gang-raped Rafiq’s teenage daughter Naomi right in front of them.

The criminals left Naomi unconscious and in critical condition and escaped with the stolen items. Naomi was immediately taken to the hospital.


Even the Brits are Using the Economic Crisis as a Trojan Horse to Implement Socialist Agendas

27 January, 2009

New World Order Alert!
Sent in to us by Gramfan:

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown sees ‘new world order’ after economic crisis

By Prashant Rao | via the Australian
Article from:  Agence France-Presse

BRITISH Prime Minister Gordon Brown says that the current financial crisis should be viewed as an opportunity to create a “new global order”, ahead of a week of meetings with world leaders.

Speaking in London, Mr Brown – due to meet the leaders of Japan, South Korea and China in the next seven days – renewed a warning against protectionism, urging countries to instead help set “new rules for this new global order”.

Mr Brown, who will also meet the president of the World Bank, cautioned that if a consensus was not built supporting globalisation, “all our prosperities” would be imperiled.

He has previously argued for stronger international co-operation better to regulate financial institutions, and said on Monday that he wanted to work towards better cross-border regulation at a summit of the Group of 20 industrialised and developing countries in London in April.

His speech came just days after official data confirmed Britain was in its first recession – defined as two quarters running of negative economic growth – since 1991.

“We face a choice. We could allow this crisis to start a retreat from globalisation,” Mr Brown said in his speech.

“As some want, we could close our markets – for capital, financial services, trade and for labour – and reduce the risks of globalisation, but that would reduce global growth, deny us the benefits of global trade, and confine millions to global poverty.

“Or we could view the threats and challenges we face today as the difficult birth pangs of a new global order, and our task now as nothing less than making the transition through a new internationalism to the benefits of an expanding global economy, not muddling through as pessimists but making the necessary adjustment to a better future and setting new rules for this new global order.”

Mr Brown’s spokesman Michael Ellam said that the premier would meet South Korean Prime Minister Han Seung-Soo and Japanese premier Taro Aso, as well as World Bank chief Robert Zoellick at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos on Friday.

He is also set to meet Chinese premier Wen Jiabao in London later this week.

Mr Brown’s Downing Street office said he would discuss with them “how we can best work internationally on financial reform, economic expansion and the creation of jobs in new sectors such as the environment”.