Archive for January 2009

Two New Zealanders’ Escape Foiled by a Light Pole

30 January, 2009

LOL!  This incident occurred Wednesday at Hastings District Court on New Zealand’s North Island:

UK: Failed “Misunderstander” Gets Life in Prison

30 January, 2009

This updates our previous coverage HERE.
nicky-reillyNail-bomber given life sentence

BBC News – 30 January 2009

A Muslim convert has been jailed for life and must serve a minimum of 18 years after launching a failed suicide bomb attack on a restaurant in Devon.

Nicky Reilly, 22, was the only person injured when he accidentally set off his home-made nail-bomb in a toilet of Exeter’s Giraffe restaurant last May.

He later admitted attempted murder and preparing an act of terrorism.

Police believe the Plymouth man, who has learning difficulties, was encouraged by extremists in Pakistan.

Officers are in contact with authorities in the country via the British Embassy in a bid to trace those who contacted him, Devon and Cornwall Police confirmed.

Sentencing him at the Old Bailey, Mr Justice Calvert-Smith said it was “sheer luck or chance that [the bombing] did not succeed in its objectives”.

“The offence of attempted murder is aggravated by the fact that it was long-planned, that it had multiple intended victims and was intended to terrorise the population of this country,” he added.

Reilly had been preparing to detonate three bombs, created using glass bottles and containing about 500 nails, caustic soda and kerosene, when one exploded in his hands.

Dozens of customers and staff fled the restaurant in panic, but no-one else was injured.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said: “This case demonstrates that the threat to the UK from violent extremists remains real and serious.

“We need to work together to prevent people, especially young people, getting drawn into illegal activities.”


60-Year-Old Californian Armed with a BB Gun and a Dog Fights off Robbers

30 January, 2009

See?  This is what crazy Libtard anti-gun policies in California leave you to defend yourself with – a dog and a BB gun.

A REAL gun would have been even more efficacious and  the police would have a body that would then lead them to the accomplices.  But, for a 60-year-old dude reduced to a BB gun by Libtard anti-gun policies, he did alright!

Man, dog fend off attackers
BB gun, springer spaniel foil home invasion attempt
By The Record
January 30, 2009

STOCKTON – A 60-year-old Stockton man fended off two home invaders early Thursday with a BB gun and the help of man’s best friend.

The man was asleep about 1:46 a.m. Thursday when someone rang the doorbell at his home in the 2500 block of Stanfield Drive, according to a Stockton police report. He peered outside and saw a boy about 10 to 14 years old standing there who said he was lost.

The man unlocked the door and two men who appeared to be 20 to 25 years old pushed their way into the home in an apparent attempt at a home invasion robbery, said Officer Pete Smith, a Stockton Police Department spokesman.

One of the robbers may have been hit when the man grabbed a BB gun and began shooting at the pair, according to the report, because one of the robbers put his hand to his neck before running from the house.

A springer spaniel in the house latched onto the other robber’s right forearm and held onto him as he ran from the home, according to the police report. The dog returned to the home after a few minutes.

The homeowner was not injured in the attack, no property was taken and apparently there was no one else in the home at the time of the attack.

It is unknown if either of the robbers was hurt and there was no indication in the report on the condition of the dog.

The robber who may have been shot by the BB gun wore a black hooded sweat shirt and black rimmed glasses. There was no other description given for the robber who was bitten by the dog. There was no other mention in the report of the boy involved.

Anyone with information is asked to contact the Stockton Police Department at (209) 937-8377.

Judge Sends Egyptian Copts to Jail for Resisting Illegal Arrest

30 January, 2009

Yup, I can guaran-damn-tee you the judge was a Muzzie!

Judge ignores video evidence of officers’ unwarranted, violent attack on café.

ISTANBUL  (Compass Direct News) – Following a brutal raid on six Christian brothers and their café because they had opened for business during Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting, a judge on Jan. 22 sentenced them to three years in prison with hard labor for resisting arrest and assaulting authorities.

Last September, 13 police officers raided the café in Port Sa’id, a city in Egypt’s Nile delta, overturning tables, breaking chairs and smashing glasses and hookah pipes, according to the Coptic Christians’ lawyer.

They beat the brothers with sticks, leaving two with broken arms and a third needing 11 stitches for a head wound. “The police attacked these people and assaulted them unjustifiably,” said Ramses el-Nagar, the Christians’ lawyer.

“Police did not want to see people eating during Ramadan. This is unfair, because whatever people’s beliefs are, the law is something else and they should not be mixed.”

There is no law in Egypt under which the brothers could be prosecuted for opening their café during Ramadan. When they tried to defend their café, the brothers, all in their 30s, were arrested on Sept. 8 and charged with resisting arrest and assaulting authorities.

The names of the imprisoned Christian brothers are Ashraf Morris Ghatas; Magdy Morris Ghatas; Osama Morris Ghatas; Nabil Morris Ghatas; Walid Morris Ghatas; and Hany Morris Ghatas.

License your officials and neighbors

29 January, 2009

Cavmom, sent me a link to a little declaration of war.

It is called H.R. 45. My first thought was anger; not only on another attempt to make criminals out of millions of Americans, but because they expect me to pay for it. Therefore, after a little calming down period I started thinking of a plan.

In this declaration (H.R. 45), our 111th congress has decided to identify and record all or most of the legal gun owners in the US. Apparently, any illegal gun owners are off the hook. They can continue to ignore any and all gun laws as they see fit. As a future criminal, I wish them well. They will be my new best friend should this legislation pass. They have access to weapons and I might find myself needing a few new ones.

Now, I will admit, I do have a problem with authority figures, especially when I have lost respect for their ability to perform the jobs they were elected to do. When I was in the military, I was authorized to refuse an illegal order. Technically, if this bill passes it will be illegal to refuse it. That said, I would still refuse to recognize their authority over me and ignore this attempt to crush my second amendment rights.

For the most part, my ownership of guns has been legal, granted I broke a few hunting regulations, made a few illegal modifications, bought, sold, and traded plenty of unrecorded weapons, but hey, no one is perfect. I did on occasion register a firearm, mostly because I bought it from a licensed dealer at a gun show and not some guy in a parking lot.  But, since that weapon did get legally recorded, I have to admit I registered it. I also registered one on base, but that was a just in case; because you could be fined if you had an unregistered weapon on the range. Despite my inability to ever register all my firearms at one time, I have never committed a violent crime with a firearm. That may change; it sort of depends on congress.

Since I am the paranoid type and firmly believe registration is the first step toward confiscation; I have decided to take a lesson from the democrat’s playbook. I have started to license my officials and my neighbors. They need not do anything as I have this process already started. I am listing all my officials and all the neighbors with Obama stickers on their cars. I plan to watch both lists very carefully; I will also watch not only this bill, but also those like it and keep a list of who votes for what. I highly encourage all of you to do the same. Having already moved a few select weapons around both as a protective measure and a “hope I am wrong and never need” them measure, this licensing of potential opponents seems like a logical next step. (more…)

Alfonso: The Pledge???

29 January, 2009

Drinking with Bob: Obama v. Limbaugh

29 January, 2009

Bob makes some astute observations:

Breaking News: Blagojevich Impeached

29 January, 2009

In a unanimous  decision of 59-0, Blagojevich has been impeached.  Lt. Governor Patrick Quinn will replace him.  He’s the 8th Governor in U.S. history to be ousted.

Now, Blagojevich should do the right thing and start naming names!

Update follows:


Rod Blagojevich removed from office as Illinois governor

By Kevin McDermott
01/29/2009 – St. Louis Post Dispatch

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, the boy-faced Chicago Democrat swept into office six years ago as an antidote to the scandal and corruption of his predecessor, was officially removed from office today in the wake of federal corruption charges.

A state Senate tribunal found that Blagojevich had engaged in a pattern of abuse of power. It was a verdict based partly on his governing style of the past six years, and partly on criminal allegations that he tried to extort political donations with his official powers and plotted to auction off President Barack Obama’s former U.S. Senate seat.

The 59-member Senate crossed the necessary two-thirds majority for removal — 40 votes — at 4:41 p.m. The final vote was unanimous — 59-0 — to remove Blagojevich, 52.

A few moments later, they did the roll call a second time to correct a technical glitch.

Then, the Senate followed up with another vote to bar Blagojevich from holding public office. Again, it was unanimous.

Lt. Gov. Patrick Quinn, a fellow Democrat who broke with his running mate shortly after their 2006 re-election, was to be immediately sworn in during a quickly arranged ceremony in the state House chamber across the hall — just a few steps from the Senate chamber where Blagojevich hours earlier had implored lawmakers not to expel him from office.


Obama the Hypocrite

29 January, 2009

Let’s see…  Obama wants everyone to turn down the thermostat in the winter to conserve energy and reduce those much ballyhooed greenhouse emissions that al-Goracle keeps chanting about.  Hmmm…  I wonder how well Obama follows his own advice:


White House Unbuttons Formal Dress Code
WASHINGTON — The capital flew into a bit of a tizzy when, on his first full day in the White House, President Obama was photographed in the Oval Office without his suit jacket. There was, however, a logical explanation: Mr. Obama, who hates the cold, had cranked up the thermostat.

“He’s from Hawaii, O.K.?” said Mr. Obama’s senior adviser, David Axelrod, who occupies the small but strategically located office next door to his boss. “He likes it warm. You could grow orchids in there.”

[Are you freakin’ kidding me?   What a jerk!  My thermostat is set to 64 degrees during the day, and 60 degrees at night—I save about $50 a month on my electric bill during the winter by keeping it that way! But hey, what does Obama care?  You and I are footing his bill.   Of course, all the great leaders lead by example, not words.  Obama is just that – words.  You would think the Oval Office wouldn’t need the thermostat turned up; what with all that hot air eminating out of mouth of the holder of the office…]

Thus did an ironclad rule of the George W. Bush administration — coat and tie in the Oval Office at all times — fall by the wayside, only the first of many signs that a more informal culture is growing up in the White House under new management. Mr. Obama promised to bring change to Washington and he has — not just in substance, but in presidential style.


Yeah, so nice to see that Obama is bringing back respect and dignity to the Presidency by going informal…  Kind of like his good buddy, Clinton did…

BTW – I cut out the rest of the article because it was just more freaky, twisted, and sick leg humping from Obama’s sycophant lap dogs at the New York Times…

Military Judge Gives Obama the Bird – Refuses to Delay Trail of Terrorist

29 January, 2009

At least one military judge is refusing to kowtow to Obama’s suicidal politics:

Military Judge Denies Obama Request to Suspend Guantanamo Hearings
By Peter Finn
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, January 29, 2009

A military judge has refused the Obama administration’s request to delay proceeding for 120 days in the case of a detainee held at the U.S. naval prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, who is accused of planning the October 2000 attack on the USS Cole warship, an al-Qaeda strike that killed 17 service members and injured 50 others.

The decision throws into some disarray the administration’s plan to buy some time as it reviews individual detainee cases as part of its plan to close the prison. The Pentagon may now be forced to withdraw the charges against Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, a Saudi citizen of Yemeni descent. In one of its first actions, the Obama administration instructed military prosecutors to seek 120-day suspensions of legal proceedings in the cases of 21 detainees who have been charged.

The request was quickly granted in other cases when prosecutors told military judges that “the newly inaugurated president and his administration [can] review the military commissions process, generally, and the cases currently pending before military commissions, specifically.”

But Judge James Pohl, an Army colonel, said he found the government’s reasoning “unpersuasive.”

Nashiri is facing arraignment on Feb. 9, and Pohl said the proceeding would go ahead.