Archive for 6 February, 2009

Mother of U.S.S. Cole Victim: I Voted for Him, I Think I Made The Wrong Decision

6 February, 2009

Ya’ think?

H/T – Picket Lines

Using Fear to Pass Legislation

6 February, 2009

Another winner from Charles Krauthammer:

So Much For Hope Over Fear
By Charles Krauthammer – RealClearPolitics

“A failure to act, and act now, will turn crisis into a catastrophe.”
— President Obama, Feb. 4.

WASHINGTON — Catastrophe, mind you. So much for the president who in his inaugural address two weeks earlier declared “we have chosen hope over fear.” Until, that is, you need fear to pass a bill.

And so much for the promise to banish the money changers and influence peddlers from the temple. An ostentatious executive order banning lobbyists was immediately followed by the nomination of at least a dozen current or former lobbyists to high position. Followed by a Treasury secretary who allegedly couldn’t understand the payroll tax provisions in his 1040. Followed by Tom Daschle, who had to fall on his sword according to the new Washington rule that no Cabinet can have more than one tax delinquent.

The Daschle affair was more serious because his offense involved more than taxes. As Michael Kinsley once observed, in Washington the real scandal isn’t what’s illegal, but what’s legal. Not paying taxes is one thing. But what made this case intolerable was the perfectly legal dealings that amassed Daschle $5.2 million in just two years.

He’d been getting $1 million per year from a law firm. But he’s not a lawyer, nor a registered lobbyist. You don’t get paid this kind of money to instruct partners on the Senate markup process. You get it for picking up the phone and peddling influence.

At least Tim Geithner, the tax-challenged Treasury secretary, had been working for years as a humble international civil servant earning non-stratospheric wages. Daschle, who had made another cool million a year (plus chauffeur and Caddy) for unspecified services to a pal’s private equity firm, represented everything Obama said he’d come to Washington to upend.

And yet more damaging to Obama’s image than all the hypocrisies in the appointment process is his signature bill: the stimulus package. He inexplicably delegated the writing to Nancy Pelosi and the barons of the House. The product, which inevitably carries Obama’s name, was not just bad, not just flawed, but a legislative abomination.


Obama’s Ratings Continue to Slide Down the Crapper

6 February, 2009

Daily Presidential Approval Index

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Approval Index for Friday shows that 38% of the nation’s voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing as President. That’s the fourth straight day below the 40% level for the President. Prior to that, the number who Strongly Approved had never fallen below 40% for even a single day while Obama was President-elect or President.

Twenty-one percent (21%) of voters Strongly Disapprove to give Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of +18.

The Presidential Approval Index is calculated by subtracting the number who Strongly Disapprove from the number who Strongly Approve. It is updated daily at 9:30 a.m. Eastern (sign up for free daily e-mail update). Overall, 61% of all voters somewhat or strongly approve of Obama’s performance so far while 36% disapprove.


Read the rest of this report by CLICKING HERE

Team Obama Releases Potential Dirty Bomber

6 February, 2009

Oh, yeah.  I’d start worrying, if I were you.  WE are in for another 9/11...

binyamRevealed: The truth behind torture row Guantanamo Briton

By Daily Mail Reporter
6 February 2009

The British resident at the centre of the torture row met Osama bin Laden while he attended an al Qaeda training camp, according to an FBI document.

Binyam Mohamed was also planning to blow up an apartment block in the United States when he was arrested, investigators claimed.

Mohamed, an Ethiopian who lived in Britain, was arrested in Pakistan and taken to Morocco and Afghanistan where he claims he was tortured.

David Miliband was accused of rolling over in the face of U.S. demands for a cover-up of  Mohamed’s alleged torture.

The Foreign Secretary is now at the centre of a mounting furore after rejecting calls to press Barack Obama to publish documents detailing his treatment.

Mohamed’s legal team has been told the 30-year-old’s release from Guantanamo Bay is ‘imminent’ and arrangements are under way to fly him to Britain.

They described him as close to death after being emaciated by a hunger strike. ‘The real worry is that he comes out in a coffin,’ said Lt Col Yvonne Bradley, a U.S. military lawyer who saw him last week.

U.S. authorities claim Mohamed fought against anti-Taliban Northern Alliances forces and, because of his UK residency, was selected by Al Qaeda and trained to construct and detonate a radioactive ‘dirty bomb’.

He was arrested at Karachi airport as he tried to board a London flight in 2002. His photo had been inserted into another man’s genuine British passport.


An Open Letter to Obama from Father of Serviceman Killed on U.S.S. Cole

6 February, 2009

gary-g-swenchonis-jrFireman Gary G. Swenchonis, Jr. Denied Justice Here in the Country that he gave his life for.

President Obama:

Do you know how much it hurts to see you drop the charges against our son’s killers?

First the Dictator of Yemen freed our son’s killers. And now you sir.

We had hoped for some justice here in our own country. But now it appears that politics are more important than justice and the truth.

President Obama I refused your invitation to meet with with you because I knew what you were going to do. Drop the charges against al-Nashiri, and stop the trial which we were getting ready to leave for today.

I want you to know that your actions broke my wifes heart.  I sat and watched her cry all nite long out of frustration, anger, and emotional pain. Again. I should be used to this but I am not.

I have had to watch her cry before when Saleh of Yemen freed our sons killers. When President Clinton refused to take any action against the killers. And when President Bush refused to quit our country’s support of Yemen. And when the Justice Department refused to honor the Federal Court Ruling Against the Sudan which helped to murder our son. And numerous other times when our government ignored our plight.

Will the Cole Victims and their familes ever recieve justice?

I am begining to realize now that we never will have justice unless that justice is politically convenient.

Obama Allocates $20.3 Million to Bring MORE Terrorists into the U.S.

6 February, 2009

Read it and weep for America:

$20.3 Million for the Resettlement of Radical Muslims
by Paul L. Williams, Bos Smith, and Michael Travis

By executive order, President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in migration assistance to the Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in Gaza.

The “presidential determination” which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States was signed on January 27 and appeared in the Federal Register on February 4.

President Obama’s decision, according to the Register, was necessitated by “the urgent refugee and migration needs” of the “victims.”

Few on Capital Hill took note that the order provides a free ticket replete with housing and food allowances to individuals who have displayed their overwhelming support of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the parliamentary election of January 2006.

The charter for Hamas calls for the replacement of the nation of Israel with a Palestinian Islamic state.

Since its formation in 1994, Hamas has been responsible for hundreds of terrorist attacks, including the 2002 Passover suicide bombing. The leaders of the movement signed the World Islamic Statement of 1998 – – a document, penned by Osama bin Laden, which declared war on America and Israel.

Read the rest of this over at Right Truth by CLICKING HERE

Texas: Warehouse Burglar Shot by Armed Inhabitant

6 February, 2009

I bet that string of  burglaries in the same warehouse complex will drop to ZERO over night.  Just a hunch…

Man living at warehouse in Kaufman County shoots intruder
Friday, February 6, 2009
By ASHLEIGH REUTER / The Dallas Morning News

A man living in a mini-storage warehouse shot an intruder this morning, the Kaufman County sheriff’s office said.

Authorities did not release the identities of either men but said the intruder was taken to a hospital with a gunshot wound. His condition was not immediately known.

The intruder was shot about 2:30 a.m. after he broke into the warehouse near the Interstate 20 and U.S. Highway 80 split, authorities said.

Nothing was stolen from the resident who used the warehouse as living and storage space, said Troy Graham, a Kaufman County sheriff’s chief deputy.

Other burglaries were reported in the complex with several warehouses but it was unclear whether they were related, he said.

The intruder was taken to Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas. No criminal charges were filed this morning, and the case was being forwarded to the Kaufman County district attorney’s office, Graham said.

UK: Headteacher Sues Education Chiefs for Not Backing Her Against Muslim “Bullies”

6 February, 2009

A glimmer of hope in a dhimmified UK.  Go git ’em!


Tom Hutchinson – Daily Star – 6 February 2009

AN angry headteacher is suing “gutless” education chiefs for £100,000 for not backing her against Muslim school “bullies”.

Erica Connor claims her bosses did nothing as a group of Muslim governors tried to force her to change the school curriculum.

She also says she was “harassed” by the four-strong team as they demanded the pupils be taught more about Allah and Islam.

And they tried to “railroad” her into linking up with the local mosque and focusing on Muslim worship, says the 57-year-old head, who has taken her fight to London’s High Court.

Erica is suing Surrey education bosses for “turning their back” on her as Muslim rivals branded her “racist and Islamophobic”.

She said she felt under personal attack when investigating bosses branded her “unresponsive to the needs of the faith community”, adding: “This was racism towards me. I felt that, had I been a Muslim head, things would have been conducted in a different way.

“I felt that they didn’t have the courage to stand by me in this.”

Erica, who says she is so depressed she may never work again, reckons bosses should have done a lot more to protect her and New Monument School.

The mum-of-one said her troubles began in 2003 when four Muslim governors were appointed, including convert Paul Martin and Mumtaz Saleem.

They took control of regular meetings, repeatedly demanding more formal Islamic worship in the predominantly Muslim school and closer ties with the nearby mosque in Woking.

When she fought back, Mr Martin claimed the ethos of the school was racist and alleged she believed Pakistanis were “less intelligent”.

An investigation later found she “had not been responsive to the needs of the faith community”.

Erica told Judge John Leighton Williams QC she was “horrified” by the conclusion, which she believes  made her “a helpless scapegoat”.

Council lawyers are fighting her claim for damages.

The hearing continues.