Archive for 15 February, 2009

Australia: Robber Sues Security Guard for Shooting Him in the Back

15 February, 2009

All the more reason to make sure that you actually kill the little bugger.  Heck, go ahead and empty the clip into him if you have to; you can always claim that you were so scared for your life that you just freaked out and went all Columbine on his butt…

Club bandit shot in back sues for damages
February 16, 2009 –

CLINTON Brilley was on bail for armed robbery when he broke into a suburban sports club, intent on stealing the poker machine takings.

He left empty-handed – but with a bullet wound to his back, having been shot by security guard David Bingle.

Now Brilley, 26, is suing Mr Bingle’s security company in the District Court, seeking six-figure compensation.

Judge Leonard Levy heard that Brilley suffered back pain and post traumatic stress after Mr Bingle shot him with a revolver on June 23, 2003.

Brilley and three accomplices arrived at the Earlwood-Bardwell Park Sports Club about 4am, planning to steal cash from the gambling room.

But after using a crowbar to break in, Brilley was confronted by Mr Bingle and shot.

He claimed that as he and his gang escaped in a Subaru WRX, Mr Bingle fired twice more, shattering the getaway car’s rear windscreen.

He is suing Mr Bingle’s company, Presidential Security Services, for negligence and assault, saying excessive force was used during the incident.

Under civil liability laws, a court cannot award damages to someone injured during the commission of a serious offence – unless whoever injured them was committing an offence themselves.

Mr Bingle argues he acted in self-defence, telling the court last week: “I was in fear of my life.”

It is the second time the case has gone to trial.

In 2007, the District Court awarded Brilley more than $185,000 in damages, but the decision was overturned on appeal by Presidential Security Services.

Brilley is behind bars until at least 2012 for an unrelated armed robbery offence – for which he was on bail at the time of his shooting.

His claim includes money for future lost earnings because, as his counsel Adrian Canceri told the court: “He’s not in jail forever.”

Four months before the shooting, Mr Bingle had been disarmed at the club by three masked men who threatened him with his own pistol before robbing him and the club.

Mr Bingle told the court he was nervous and surprised when he realised there were three intruders at the club on June 23, and not just the one masked man he had seen in the car park.

He said he called out, “Halt, security” before firing his gun.

“If I didn’t use it, I wouldn’t be here,” he said.

Meet Nassur, the Terror Bear

15 February, 2009

Well, for those of you who are in mourning over the recent death of Assud, the Killer Rabbit, don’t despair!  Hamas has brought in a replacement – Nassur the Terror Bear.  I’m sure those evil zionist jooos will manage to kill him off, too…

Afghan court upholds sentences in Quran trial

15 February, 2009

So much for attempting to modernize islam.

15 February 2009, Las Vegas Sun
An appeals court in Afghanistan upheld 20-year prison sentences Sunday for two men who published a translation of the Quran that drove religious leaders to call for their execution.
-Proving yet again there is no such thing as islamic tolerance.

The controversial text is a translation of Islam’s holy book into an Afghan language without the original Arabic verses alongside. Muslims regard the Arabic Quran as words given directly by God. A translation is not considered a Quran itself, and it is believed a mistranslation could warp God’s word.
-The koran would benefit greatly if they erased all the parts that talked about the world’s most famous pedophile.

A host of Muslim clerics in this conservative Islamic state have condemned the translation _ which was published in 2007 and handed out for free _ as blasphemous and accused its publishers of setting themselves up as false prophets.
-Afghanistan a conservative Islamic state? Are you F-in kidding me?

Critics have said the trial illustrates the undue influence of hard-line clerics in Afghanistan’s fledgling legal system.
-You cannot separate the political side of islam with the rest of it, islam is all inclusive, designed to enforce control over its minions. (more…)

Gun show visitors angry over federal firearms bill

15 February, 2009

Some of you might have noticed my brief absence. I was buying weapons, we will not get into what I bought, that is not important. What is important was the hour long chat I had with the officers earning extra money to guard the show. Interesting enough the police officers admitted to stock piling ammunition and buying themselves a few more weapons. When police officers become concerned with the possibility that weapon confiscation will soon happen all of us should be concerned.

We discussed a number of issues, breeching techniques, standoff distances and other pesky subjects that would have to be worked out before a team could enter and seize weapons. These officers openly admitted they will never seize weapons from a citizen just because some DC bureaucrat outlaws them. From their perspective guns have saved far more people than they have hurt. First responders would much rather see a dead criminal upon arrival than a dead family.

We parted friends and when I explained my plan to stop, limit and retaliate against traditional breaching techniques should the gun grabbers enter my home they gave me a few ideas of their own. Needless to say, I think the bureaucrats have severely underestimated the average Americans determination to remain free and armed.

Here is one possible scenario should gun confiscation become a reality. With fresh contacts inside the police forces warning armed Americans that they are next on the list, the first teams to enforce any ban will soon be eliminated. A quick refusal by other officers to attempt it and the walking off the job by most of our law enforcement will quickly result in anarchy in the streets. There are not enough police and military forces inside the US to stop the chaos, control will only be regained by gun owners, protecting themselves, neighbors and restoring order one foot of earth at a time. Once again proving that freedom requires an armed civilian force. Not a pretty picture is it?

By Jimmy Isaac, Cox East Texas, 15 February, 2009
Visitors and vendors at a Longview gun show Saturday were in unison against a federal bill aimed to prohibit users and sellers of firearms.
-This will never happen, in fifty years our war on drugs has not stemmed the flow. Make us all outlaws and guess what we will do, get worse, much worse. Not me; I am a pacifist and would never harm anyone (ignore giggling sounds) but others might.

“I think it’s absurd,” said Daniel Childress of Winona. “If you have a firearm, whether it be a shotgun or a pistol, every person in that household should be trained how to use it to protect themselves.”
-Preach it brother-preach it. I have never in my entire life read a single story where anyone facing an emergency situation was saved by an unarmed liberal. (more…)

Rome Grand Mosque’s Islamic Cultural Centre boycotts meeting with even more radical Muslims

15 February, 2009

This is what we call a publicity stunt, a simple continuation of a very old game where one group of muslims attempts to paint themselves as “moderates” and distracts people by pointing out the less than moderate muslims. In most cases the term “moderate” is itself the problem. The so called “moderates” distance themselves from violent acts and keep their hate filled speeches confined to the inside of a mosque. That does not make them moderate it just makes them slick.

As long as islam itself remains trapped in the seventh century there can never truly be a “moderate” muslim. All sects of islam turn their backs on women’s rights, allow child abuse, slavery and recognize muslim men above all others. How moderate is that?

Rome, 13 Feb. (AKI) – Rome Grand Mosque’s Islamic Cultural Centre has boycotted a meeting being organised by several radical mosques from northern Italy, in a move welcomed by Moroccan immigrants in the country.
-Welcomed but it does nothing to improve the oppression of muslim women and children.

“I welcome the decision…moderate Muslims are now more than ever before showing their determination not to comprise with extremists,” said centre-right MP for the ruling People of Freedom party, Souad Sbai.
-This is more about competing sects of islam than the amount of support to radicals. Control of the minions means control of the area; this is about territory not ideology. (more…)