Archive for 22 February, 2009

Must Watch Video: Make Mine Freedom (1948)

22 February, 2009

Wow!  What a great cartoon!   They don’t make ’em like that anymore!

See if you can identify the Obama character – it’s uncanny!

H/T = Transsylvania Phoenix

Armed Citizens Less Likely to Become Victims

22 February, 2009

Since the MSM isn’t going to get the word out, it’s nice to see articles in local newspapers like the following:

Armed citizenry less likely to become crime victims
Delmarva Now

I listened recently to television news stations replaying a 911 call from a hysterical woman who begged for police to respond and shoot the chimpanzee that was “tearing the face off of her friend.”

The 911 operator continually assured the caller the police were “on their way.” Twelve long minutes later, police arrived, and shot and killed the rampaging animal.

This bizarre incident occurred in Stanford, Conn.

In Salisbury this past Saturday evening, Wicomico County Director of Administration Theodore Shea was robbed and shot multiple times while using an ATM at the State Employees Credit Union.

The two incidents are hundreds of miles apart and seemingly unrelated. However, a common denominator exists.

Both incidents occurred in states that prohibit law-abiding citizens from possessing and carrying concealed firearms for protection. Both victims could at least have had the opportunity to keep from becoming victims had their respective states permitted them to carry firearms. In both instances, police responded after the damage was done, as is usually the case.

Our sleepy little town has a violent and armed potential killer loose in its streets. This same madman recognizes that nearly every one of his potential future victims will be unarmed — as required by Maryland state law.

Like the SECU robber, local gangs that have recently formed in Salisbury are also not concerned with the fact they are violating the law when they pack guns.

I urge all law-abiding citizens to contact their state representatives and demand the right to carry a firearm for personal protection.

Mark A. Doyle


The writer is a retired police lieutenant and former SWAT commander with 28 years of experience. — Editor


And, just last night:

Armed Robber Gets Shot At
Reported by: Adam Marshall
Last Update: 2/21 10:14 pm – WCPO

Daniel Lee and Erin Beckwith were eating dinner at the Green Papaya restaurant in Oakley around 6 p.m. Saturday when suddenly police swarmed the parking lot.

“We were out celebrating a friends birthday.  And didn’t hear anything.  Next thing we know we saw a number of cop cars and we saw the lights outside and had no idea what was going on,” said Beckwith.

Little did Lee and Beckwith know, just feet away the family-owned Natural Life Nutrition Center had just been robbed.

The clerk face to face with the armed robber was the owner’s son.

“He complied with the demands that were made by the gunman.  He turned over the cash that belonged to the store.  As the gunman turned to leave, he felt threatened once again.  The gunman raised his firearm towards the employee of the store.  At that point, the employee then returned fire,” said Sgt. Darryl Morton with the Cincinnati Police Department.

Police say the store was robbed last year.  Since then, the owner’s son has been armed with a small caliber handgun.  After shooting at the robber several times, the man ran out of the store.

Police arrested a suspect less than a mile away in the Rookwood Pavilion parking lot just minutes later.

See?  The robber got the cash and yet, he still wanted to kill the clerk.  Had the clerk not had a gun, this article would just be another obituary piece…

Al Qaida founder blasts successor bin Laden for ‘immoral terror’

22 February, 2009

Muslims are quick to claim that all motivation comes from mohammed but reality is most are motivated by an ancient process that slowly robs them of individuality and turns them into feral animals.

By Yossi Melman, 22 February 2009, Haaretz
One of Al-Qaida’s founders, Sayyid Imam al-Sharif, has waged a harsh verbal attack on the terrorist organization’s leaders Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri.
-The first question you should ask yourself is why now? He has not given up on jihad as a duty of muslims but he does take issue with the targeting process.

Sharif’s criticism of the Al-Qaida ideology and the failures of its leadership have unleashed a heated debate within the global Jihad movement and it has been publicized in several western media outlets.

Sharif, who is serving a life sentence in a Cairo prison, recently wrote a book in which he said, “every drop of blood that was shed or is being shed in Afghanistan and Iraq is the responsibility of bin Laden and Zawahiri and their followers.”
-Technically that is a lie, afghans have been killing afghans for centuries we just picked a side and helped them step up their game on their adversaries.

The Al-Qaida figurehead also said called the September 11 terror attacks immoral and counterproductive.
-A little late now genius. (more…)

Tales of suffering: The dark side of illegal immigration.

22 February, 2009

Every time I do an immigration piece I get hate mail. Rare is the supporter that will actually read the article and process the information within it. Immigration properly controlled makes our nation stronger. Uncontrolled immigration leads to crime, corruption and places us all at great risk. This story is about the ugly side of illegal immigration; immigrants abusing immigrants.

Tamara Dietrich, 22 February, 2009, WTKR
When federal and local police broke up a ring of brothels run by and for illegal immigrants on the Peninsula recently, the chortling commenced:

“Just doing the job Americans won’t do!” one reader wrote in our Topix online forum.
“Darn!” wrote another. “I always miss out on having fun…”

And, “Here we go again — illegal aliens taking away good paying jobs that Americans should have.”

Prostitution always makes for an easy yuk, doesn’t it?

Never mind that behind the cliches could be a world of hurt and the kind of misery one human being would never wish on another.

This local case seems straightforward enough. Three illegal immigrants — two men and a woman — charged with running brothels from 2006-2008 in which three other illegal immigrants — identified in the indictment only as MRR, MJMA and NES — sold their bodies in 15-minute installments, using playing cards as proof of payment.

The indictment “does not charge or provide any evidence that the prostitutes were forced into prostitution,” according to Peter Carr, spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Virginia.
-Understanding what their individual motivation was will affect the case and could help authorities focus on future cases. It has been my experience that many Americans have a cultural bias; they falsely believe that all peoples and cultures just want the best for their friends and family and given a chance will peacefully co-exist. They refuse to realize that some people are just evil and that predator instinct can never be tamed. Given the chance those people will eat the sheep. (more…)