Archive for 26 February, 2009

Jewish Leaders “Surprised” Over the Obama Administration’s Bullying of Israel

26 February, 2009

Yeah, notice how the MSM glosses over Obama’s involvement in all of this and goes straight to the scapegoat – Hillary Clinton.

To our Jewish friends:  You can’t say that we didn’t warn you!!!

Jewish Leaders Blast Clinton Over Israel Criticism
Zuckerman, Lawmakers, Local Jews Say Secretary Of State Not The Hillary Clinton They Used To Know

Hillary Pressuring Israel To Speed Up Aid To Gaza

NEW YORK (WCBSTV)—In a swift about face from her views as New York’s senator, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is now hammering Israel over its treatment of Palestinians in Gaza.

As First Lady, Clinton raised eyebrows when she kissed Suha Arafat.

Since she was then seeking a Senate seat the resulting brouhaha caused her to “re-think” her positions.

“I’m a very strong supporter of Israel,” Clinton said back in February 2000.

On Thursday, as Secretary of State she had yet another about face in the form of angry messages demanding Israel speed up aid to Gaza. Jewish leaders are furious.

“I am very surprised, frankly, at this statement from the United States government and from the secretary of state,” said Mortimer Zuckerman, publisher of the New York Daily News and member of the NYC Jewish Community Relations Council.

“I liked her a lot more as a senator from New York,” Assemblyman Dov Hikind, D-Brooklyn, said. “Now, I wonder as I used to wonder who the real Hillary Clinton is.”

Clinton’s decision to hammer Israel comes as the Clintons and President Barack Obama are planning to give the Palestinians $900 million toward the rebuilding of Gaza in the wake of the Israeli offensive that was sparked by Hamas rocket fire.

“We are working across the government to see what our approach will be,” Clinton said.


Do You Wanna’ See Something REALLY Scary???

26 February, 2009

Yup, it’s even scarier than that!!!  Click on the following links from the Obamaforum (a forum for supporters of Obama):

Report Anti-Obama Sentiment By Your Coworkers and Peers Here

List enemy license plates here

Websites that must be banned (brainstorm)

The NRA must be stopped

***Cue Twighlight Zone music***

Ohio Muzzie Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison

26 February, 2009

H/T – CavMom


Alleged Ohio terror plotter sentenced to 20 years
The Associated Press  – via Oregon Live

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — An Ohio man was sentenced to 20 years in prison Thursday over allegations he joined al-Qaida and helped plot terrorist bombings in the U.S. and overseas.

American-born Christopher Paul, who has never publicly discussed the case, declined the judge’s invitation to make a statement.

U.S. District Court Judge Gregory Frost said he was at a loss to explain how Paul, 44, got himself caught up in such a mess. The judge said it was difficult to understand “how you allowed yourself to pervert the religion that you supposedly follow.”

[Yet another judge shows his ignorance of Islam.  Jihad is the duty of ALL Muslims. ]

Paul’s attorney, Jim Gilbert, declined to comment after the hearing.

Paul, an Islamic convert, pleaded guilty in June to one count of conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction in terrorist attacks.

He was accused of joining al-Qaida in the early 1990s and helping teach fellow Muslim extremists how to bomb U.S. and European targets. Prosecutors agreed to drop charges of providing material support to terrorists and conspiracy to provide support to terrorists.

Paul was one of three men who the Justice Department accused of discussing terrorist attacks during an August 2002 meeting at the Caribou Cafe coffee shop in Upper Arlington.


Senate Bars FCC from Reviving the “Fairness Doctrine”

26 February, 2009

Well, that’s all well and good, but I have a feeling that Obama already has a way around this one…

Senate bars FCC from revisiting Fairness Doctrine

Feb 26 02:58 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer – Via Breitbart

WASHINGTON (AP) – The Senate has barred federal regulators from reviving a policy, abandoned two decades ago, that required balanced coverage of issues on public airwaves.

The Senate vote on the so-called Fairness Doctrine was in part a response to conservative radio talk show hosts who feared that Democrats would try to revive the policy to ensure liberal opinions got equal time.

The Federal Communications Commission implemented the doctrine in 1949, but stopped enforcing it in 1987 after deciding new sources of information and programming made it unnecessary.

President Barack Obama says he has no intention of reimposing the doctrine, but Republicans, led by Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., say they still need a guarantee the government would not establish new quotas or guidelines on programming.

Like I believe that!

Britain’s Leading Muslim Peer Jailed Yesterday

26 February, 2009

Let’s see…  The media seems to think Lord Ahmed is a “moderate” Muslim.  After all, he did travel to Sudan in 2007 to secure the release of Gillian Gibbons – the teacher who was imprisoned for a teddy bear named Muhammad.

Since I’m currently reading Robert Spencer’s new book, “Stealth Jihad,” let’s put this supposed “moderate” muslim to the test:

He has criticized the knighting of  Salman Rushdie, saying he was “appalled” to hear one had been given to “a man who has not only been abusive to Muslims, but also to Christians.”

And, earlier this month he supported the ban on Dutch MP Geert Wilders travelling to Britain, saying that “his presence would lead to the incitement of religious and racial hatred, which constitutes a public order offence.

And, lest we forget, two years ago he  invited Mahmoud Abu Rideh—an Islamic Squatter who is also a top fundraiser for al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups—to Westminster for a little meeting.

And now, Lard, er, uhm, Lord Ahmed has killed a father of two in a car crash because he was too busy text messaging while driving…

Yup, he’s another Stealth Jihadist!

Gates of Vienna has more info on Lord Ahmed HERE.

H/T – Akira



Thursday February 26,2009
By Paul Jeeves
Daily Express

BRITAIN’S leading Muslim peer Lord Ahmed was jailed yesterday for texting on his phone moments before smashing into a car and killing a father-of-two.

The Labour peer, who now faces expulsion from the party, had been engaged in a 17-minute text message conversation with a friend as he drove his gold X-type Jaguar on the M1 at 70mph.

Ahead, Martyn Gombar had careered into the central reservation of the southbound carriageway. His Audi was left straddling the two outside lanes of the unlit section of motorway on Christmas Day 2007.

Mr Gombar, 28, and his passenger left the car but he dashed back to retrieve his mobile phone. He was hit by Lord Ahmed’s car and died instantly.

The peer, 51, who appeared at Sheffield Crown Court yesterday under his name Nazir Ahmed, sat in stunned silence as Mr Justice Alan Wilkie said he’d no alternative but to jail him immediately.

He said: “Only a custodial sentence can be justified. I have thought long and hard whether to suspend the sentence I am about to pass.

“I have come to the conclusion that by reason of your prolonged, deliberate, repeated and highly dangerous driving, for which you have pleaded guilty, only an immediate custodial sentence can be justified.”

Police discovered that Lord Ahmed had received a text from a journalist friend shortly before he joined the M1.

He received and read two other texts and composed and sent three during a 17-minute journey.


Florida Homeowner Shoots at Burglar

26 February, 2009

This is a video update to our previous post from yesterday.

Gee, What the Heck is She Holding Onto???

26 February, 2009

H/T – DequalsS


A carnival float depicting a flying U.S. President Obama with Europe being dragged along is seen during the traditional carnival parade in Duesseldorf, Germany, on Monday, Feb. 23, 2009.

ACLU Tells Illegal Aliens to just Ignore Border Agents

26 February, 2009

Gee, I guess nowadays the ACLU doesn’t have any more Nazis to protect…


ACLU Signs Add to Washington State’s Immigration Storm
Fox News

An immigration showdown is brewing on Washington’s Olympic Peninsula, where simmering tensions and borderline hostility have fueled a turf war between the local community and the Border Patrol agents assigned to protect it.

Now the American Civil Liberties Union has jumped into the ring and upped the ante, rolling out a campaign that will install signs inside buses informing riders of their rights — to ignore Border Patrol agents.

The signs, entitled, “YOUR RIGHTS with border patrol agents on this bus,” makes three points:

• If you’re a U.S. citizen, you don’t have to prove it.
• If you’re not a U.S. citizen and are 18 or older, you must show your immigration papers to federal agents.
• Everyone has the right to remain silent.

The campaign, which could start as early as next week, is the latest in a series of expanding grassroots efforts aimed at curbing the expansion of Border Patrol forces and the powers of its agents.

Last summer the Border Patrol beefed up its presence in the region, and in October it began conducting random roadside stops at checkpoints located at and within the international border to combat, what it says, is a real threat to national security.

This move has put them at odds with human rights groups and even local law enforcement — some who have rejected federal immigration money to protest the Border Patrol’s tactics.

The ACLU has joined forces with left-leaning groups around the state — lavender farmers, retirees, activists, grandparents, Socialists, Green Party members, politicians, Unitarians, Christians, vineyard owners, hippies and other assorted protesters — who say these measures have infringed on people’s civil liberties.

The ACLU says it is just informing frightened residents, U.S. citizens and immigrants — both legal and illegal — of their rights.

[Yeah, right.  Why would U.S. citizens be frightened of U.S. border agents?  Give me a break!]


Better stock up on ’em while you can!

26 February, 2009

Since our elected representative are not representing, and the American public doesn’t seem to be voting these jokers out of office, it’s pretty much a forgone conclusion that any gun that looks like a military rifle is going to get banned, yet again.

Obama Administration Mentions Reinstating ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban
Thursday, February 26, 2009
By Susan Jones, Senior Editor

( – “As President Obama indicated during the campaign, there are just a few gun-related changes that we would like to make, and among them would be to reinstitute the ban on the sale of assault weapons,” Attorney General Eric Holder told reporters at the Justice Department Wednesday.

He made the comments at a press conference called to announce the results of an anti-drug investigation known as “Operation Xcellerator.”

Holder said a ban on sales of semi-automatic weapons will stem the flow of weapons to Mexican cartels.

[What a bunch of BS.  Shore up the damn border, and there won’t be any large flow of weapons into Mexico from the U.S.  End of story!  Plus, if you ban the nebulously named “assault weapons” in the U.S., the Mexican drug cartel will just get them from somewhere else.  So, this is all about removing guns from the hands of Americans, not Mexicans!  With all the kidnappings here in the U.S., of Americans by Mexicans, you would think that the Federal Government would want its citizens to be able to protect themselves, but you would be wrong.  The Obama Administration doesn’t give a rat’s turd about protecting anyone except itself…]

“International drug trafficking organizations pose a sustained, serious threat to the safety and security of our communities,” Holder said. “As the world grows smaller and international criminals step up their efforts to operate inside our borders, the Department of Justice will confront them head on to keep our communities safe.”

He did not say when the Obama administration will move to reinstate the semi-auto weapons ban, which was signed into law by then-President Bill Clinton and allowed to expire in 2004 under President Bush.

Semi-automatics weapons, which fire once for each trigger pull, account for about 15 percent of the 250 million privately owned firearms in the U.S., according to the National Rifle Association.

The group notes that gun control groups invented the term “assault weapon”  to describe certain semi-automatic firearms which, although designed for civilian use, have certain cosmetic features that make them look like fully automatic assault rifles used by the military.