Archive for 14 July, 2009

“Disaffected Youths” Observe Bastille Day by Rioting in France

14 July, 2009

Yup, France’s media elites are still too pussified to call them what they are:  Muzzie punks.

Youths mark Bastille Day by burning cars in France

PARIS (AFP) — French youths burned 317 cars and wounded 13 police officers overnight during the now traditional bout of street violence on the eve of the Bastille Day national holiday, police said.

As French troops and their guests of honour from the Indian army made last minute preparations for the July 14 parade on the Champs Elysees in Paris, the suburbs of major cities were contemplating another clean-up operation.

By 6:00 am (0400 GMT), police headquarters in Paris had recorded 317 burnt out cars — up 6.7 percent on 2008 — and 240 arrests, almost double the total for the same period last year.

These numbers were expected to increase as fresh reports came in.

The injured officers, 12 members of the police and one gendarme, were mainly suffering from hearing difficulties after being targeted by youths throwing fireworks and small-scale home-made explosives.

France marks Bastille Day as the anniversary of July 14, 1789, when a revolutionary mob stormed the Parisian prison and set in motion the events that would lead to the overthrow of the monarchy.

Today, disaffected youths from bleak suburban housing projects around major cities use it to express their frustration with high unemployment rates and what they see as France’s failure to integrate ethnic minorities.

U.S. Budget Deficit Hits $1 Trillion and Climbing!!!

14 July, 2009

Yup, they told us this would be an historic presidency…

federal budget 2009

$1 Trillion Deficit Complicates Obama’s Agenda
Annual Budget Gap Passed Benchmark in June, Dimming Outlook for Economic Recovery and Appetite for Big-Ticket Policies
By JOHN D. MCKINNON – Wall Street Journal

WASHINGTON — The U.S. federal budget deficit broke through the $1 trillion mark in June, potentially complicating the Obama administration’s efforts to revive the economy and enact its longer-term policy agenda.

The U.S. Treasury Department on Monday said the government’s annual deficit reached almost $1.1 trillion by the end of June, a once-unthinkable level that could threaten any nascent economic recovery by undermining the dollar and driving up interest rates.

The Obama administration in May estimated that the annual deficit would hit about $1.84 trillion by the end of the fiscal year, an increase from February’s projection of $1.75 trillion. The administration also slightly revised upward its deficit estimates for 2010 and 2011, to $1.26 trillion and $929 billion, respectively.

Slumping tax receipts, particularly from corporations and individual investors, have contributed substantially to the widening gap, as has rising spending on social safety-net programs, economic-stimulus measures and aid to auto and financial companies.

By historical standards, the 2009 deficit — at 13% or more of the country’s gross domestic product — would be the U.S.’s biggest since the end of World War II in 1945, when it reached 21.5%.

[Yeah, that’s sugar coating it.  We have NEVER had a budget deficit of over one trillion dollars in the history of the United States.  Folks, plain and simple;  we are in uncharted waters, and it looks like we’re about to hit the rapids…]


“This trillion-dollar deficit makes clear that our nation’s fiscal situation is dire, yet Washington Democrats keep borrowing and spending money we don’t have and forcing our children and grandchildren to foot the bill,” House Minority Leader John Boehner said in a statement Monday.


The Commie-Dictator Love Affair with Trains Continues

14 July, 2009

Well, at least Obama made the trains run on time

Amtrak unveils first rail car funded by stimulus


BEAR, Del. (AP) – Amtrak has wasted little time using its $1.3 billion slice of the federal stimulus package, unveiling the first of 81 passenger cars to be restored with the help of economic recovery funds.

Passenger car no. 25103, damaged a few years ago in a yard collision but now completely refurbished – complete with that “new car” interior smell – was shown off Monday at Amtrak’s maintenance facility in Bear. More than 100 hard-hatted workers joined Amtrak president and CEO Joseph Boardman in celebrating completion of its restoration.

The car, refitted at a cost of about $687,000, will rejoin the Amtrak fleet next week and will be used on long-distance routes stretching from Toronto to Miami.


Funny thing is, folks need to have a place to go to work in order for commuter trains to be profitable.  Unfortunately, if current unemployment rates are any indicator, that is not going to happen any time soon.  So, this is the government doing what it does best:  pissing away your hard-earned money.

My Kind of Political Ad!

14 July, 2009

Hehehehehe.  You just gotta’ love them guys over at “Our Country Deserves Better:”

The Dem’s Most Ludicrous Gambit – Taking on the CIA

14 July, 2009

Yes, Nancy “the Wraith” Pelosi has drug induced amentia and will most certainly lose any battle with the CIA:

Another Phony Scandal
Of course the CIA was plotting to kill bin Laden.
By Andrew C. McCarthy – NRO

With Speaker Pelosi caught in the web of her own deceit over what the CIA told her about “torture,” and the Obama administration in the middle of its latest 180-degree reversal over CIA interrogators (Attorney General Holder is now considering prosecutions despite Obama’s promise of no prosecutions), Democrats have trumped up a charge that the CIA, on the orders of Vice President Dick Cheney, failed to notify Congress that it was contemplating — not implementing, but essentially brainstorming about — plans to kill or capture top al-Qaeda figures.

This is their most ludicrous gambit in a long time — and that’s saying something. Given their eight years of complaints about President Bush’s failure to kill or capture Osama bin Laden, and given President Clinton’s indignant insistence (against the weight of the evidence) that he absolutely wanted the CIA to kill bin Laden, one is moved to ask: What did Democrats think the CIA was doing for the last eight years?

And if Democrats did not believe the CIA was considering plans to kill or capture bin Laden, why weren’t they screaming from the rafters about such a lapse?

Of course the CIA has been trying to figure out how to take out top al-Qaeda leaders. One assumes — one hopes — they are also brainstorming about wiping out the Taliban, overthrowing the Iranian regime, undermining Kim Jong Il’s nuclear program, disrupting Syrian support of Hezbollah, and tackling all manner of threats to the United States. But there is no law that requires, or could practically require, the CIA to brief Congress every time some agency component considers the feasibility of some security initiative.


The Economy Is Even Worse Than You Think

14 July, 2009

From the Wall Street Journal:

The recent unemployment numbers have undermined confidence that we might be nearing the bottom of the recession. What we can see on the surface is disconcerting enough, but the inside numbers are just as bad.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics preliminary estimate for job losses for June is 467,000, which means 7.2 million people have lost their jobs since the start of the recession. The cumulative job losses over the last six months have been greater than for any other half year period since World War II, including the military demobilization after the war. The job losses are also now equal to the net job gains over the previous nine years, making this the only recession since the Great Depression to wipe out all job growth from the previous expansion.


So, what caused all of this?  Democrats and turncoat Republicans in Washingtion, that’s who!  And, since they have never learned to just keep their hands off the economy, ride out the storms, and let Capitalism work its magic,  they want yet another Stinkulus Package!

Short of a revolution, I say, vote ALL the bastards out of office!!!