Archive for 29 July, 2009

Eighth Suspect Sought in Arrests of N.C. Jihadists

29 July, 2009

Hmmmm….  Still no mention of the religion motivating these Muzzie freaks.  However, the indictment reveals the following:

Daniel Boyd traveled to Gaza in March 2006 “to introduce his son to individuals who also believed that violent jihad was a personal obligation on the part of every good Muslim.”

Yup, sounds to me like they understood their religion just fine…

This updates our previous coverage HERE.

RALEIGH, North Carolina (CNN) — An eighth suspect accused of being a member of a North Carolina group that allegedly plotted “violent jihad” overseas has been identified as Jude Kenan Mohammad, a knowledgeable source told CNN Wednesday.

Authorities had said Tuesday that they were seeking an eighth suspect in the case, although they would not identify the person, who is described as a U.S. citizen and North Carolina resident in an indictment.

Seven men already arrested in the case face charges of supporting terrorism and conspiracy to commit murder abroad. They are scheduled to appear in court on Tuesday.


Self Defense Updates

29 July, 2009

Homeowner fatally shoots burglary suspect
By MIKE GLENN – Houston Chronicle

[Harris, Texas] A homeowner shot and killed a suspected burglar who came at him with a tire iron Tuesday after breaking into a storage shed on the man’s property in east Harris County, officals said.

Investigators suspect the incident was related to a burglary reported Monday at the same address. In that incident, the homeowner reported that a pair of hunting crossbows had been stolen.

On Tuesday, the homeowner saw a car about 3:30 p.m. as it pulled into the driveway leading to the home in the 100 block of Cedar Lane in Channelview.

After checking with his father-in-law, who lives in another home on the same property, the man took his .45-caliber pistol and went outside to confront the man he had seen in the car, investigators said.

The man was carrying empty cases used to hold crossbows when the homeowner confronted him in the driveway.

“He pulled out his gun and ordered the suspect to stop,” Rivera said. “The suspect threw the cases down and produced the tire iron.”

The homeowner fired once with the pistol. He fired a second time when the man continued moving toward him.

The man got into his car then began grabbing for the pistol, Rivera said.

“They struggled for the gun and he (the homeowner) fires two or three more shots,” Rivera said.

The man tried to drive away, but struck a support column for a large covered car port, causing it to partially collapse.

He was pronounced dead at the scene, Rivera said.

The homeowner was shaken by the ordeal but not otherwise injured.

“He didn’t want this to happen,” Rivera said. “He wanted the guy to stop (but) the suspect just continued.”



And, just a reminder, armed criminals DO shoot back!  So, be sure to regularly practice at the target range and remember:  Two shots center mass, one shot to the head.  Rinse.  Repeat as necessary…

Woman, intruder shot during home invasion attempt
By Jinae West – Las Vegas Sun
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

[Las Vegas, NV] An attempted home invasion late Tuesday in North Las Vegas resulted in an exchange of gunfire and a woman and an intruder being shot.

Police said someone tried to enter a home shortly before midnight near West Craig Road and Simmons Street when the homeowner opened fire. The intruder fired back and injured the woman, authorities said.


He said the woman suffered a minor non-life-threatening gunshot wound. He said the suspect was treated at UMC and had a more serious injury but is expected to recover. Police said the suspect arrived at the hospital shortly after the victim.


A 14-year-old boy was in the home at the time of the shooting but was not injured.

Michelle Malkin on the Today Show

29 July, 2009

I think this is one of Michelle’s shining moments, and is certainly worth your time to watch:

Blue Dogs Pussy Out

29 July, 2009

What?  Did you actually think that the castrated Blue Dog Democrats were going to suddenly grow a set and flip Pelosi the bird over the beast that is ObamaCare?  Dream on!

Blue Dogs say they’ve reached a compromise on health care

(CNN) — A group of fiscally conservative House Democrats announced Wednesday they reached a deal with the chamber’s Democratic leaders on a health care reform bill.

Rep. Mike Ross of Arkansas, speaking for the Blue Dog Democrats, said the agreement calls for the House Energy and Commerce Committee to begin debating the bill later Wednesday, but for no vote by the full House until after the upcoming August recess.

Ross and the Blue Dogs had threatened to derail the bill in the Energy and Commerce Committee because of concerns that it costs too much and failed to address systemic problems in the nation’s ailing health care industry.

The Energy and Commerce Committee is one of three House committees that needs to pass the bill before it is voted on by the full chamber. The other two committees have already cleared it.

The Blue Dogs had presented committee chairman Rep. Henry Waxman a list of 10 items that they wanted changed in health care reform proposals. Neither side revealed what the 10 items were.

[Yup.  That’s right!  The “Blue Dogs” were just holding out so that they could stuff some more pork into the belly of the beast.  No one should be surprised about that!]

Waxman said his committee would take up the bill Wednesday at 4 p.m., with hopes of approving it by Friday.


Dorothy D. Hoft… August 1925 – July 2009

29 July, 2009

Gateway Pundit’s mother passed away last night.  Please take time out from your schedule and drop him a note by CLICKING HERE.

Soldier Demands Apology from Claire McCaskill for Shredding the Constitution

29 July, 2009

To Prop Up Obama’s Failed Economic Policies, Oregon Politicians Count Jobs Lasting Less Than 1 Work Week

29 July, 2009

SPIN METER: ‘Help Wanted’ counting stimulus jobs

Associated Press Writer – via Breitbart

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) – How much are politicians straining to convince people that the government is stimulating the economy? In Oregon, where lawmakers are spending $176 million to supplement the federal stimulus, Democrats are taking credit for a remarkable feat: creating 3,236 new jobs in the program’s first three months.

But those jobs lasted on average only 35 hours, or about one work week. After that, those workers were effectively back unemployed, according to an Associated Press analysis of state spending and hiring data. By the state’s accounting, a job is a job, whether it lasts three hours, three days, three months, or a lifetime.


“At best you can say it’s ambiguous, at worst you can say it’s intentional deception,” said economist Bruce Blonigen of the University of Oregon.


That’s puting it mildly!

Obama Hopes Blaming Bush Will Help Improve Crappy Poll Numbers

29 July, 2009

Gee, if someone hired me as a CEO to restructure a company and six months later everything was by far a hell of a lot worse than when I started, yet I kept blaming the previous CEO, you would think it only logical that the board members and stock holders would send me packing in shame.

And, you would think that most folks would be intelligent enough to figure out that if they never take responsibility for their actions and keep blaming it on the previous office holder, they are going to get fired.  Not so with the idiot in the White House.  His solution to everything is to blame it on Bush.

So, Mr. Obama, keep it up.  Keep blaming Bush, while conveniently omitted your own catastrophic failures that have done more to damage this country in six months than Bush could ever have done in eight years.   Keep blaming Bush.  It’s sure limit your reign of terror to four years, or less…if we’re lucky and America votes out the idiots in Congress and the Senate  – you know, the ones who REALLY got us into this mess…

Obama still cashing in on Bush’s failings

By Joseph Curl – July 29, 2009 – Washington Times

Facing the first real rough patch of his presidency, President Obama and his supporters are once again resorting to a tried-and-true tactic: attacking George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

In his White House press conference last week, Mr. Obama referred to the Bush era at least nine times, three times lamenting that he “inherited” a $1.3 trillion debt that has set back his administration’s efforts to fix the economy.

With the former president lying low in Dallas, largely focused on crafting his memoirs, Mr. Obama has increasingly attempted to exploit Mr. Bush when discussing the weak economy, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the difficulty closing the military prison at U.S. Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

As he took power, Mr. Obama promised a “new era of responsibility” that would transcend partisan politics.

“For a guy who campaigned on taking responsibility and looking forward, he spends an awful lot of time pointing fingers and looking backward,” said former Bush deputy press secretary Tony Fratto, who has begun defending the previous administration.

But Democrats think Mr. Obama would be remiss if he did not point out what he inherited.

“I’m not convinced that Obama and his supporters are bashing Bush as much as they are quite rightfully reminding people that our current economic mess and the wars were inherited from the Bush administration,” said Democratic strategist Bud Jackson. “It’s important to remind people of this because Republicans are now criticizing the Obama administration as if they had no role in how we got here.”

[Uhm, since the Democrats have had control of the House and Senate since 2006, and our current economic crisis didn’t start until two years after they had control of those bodies, I think it’s more important to remind everyone that the incumbents handed THE AMERICAN PEOPLE this mess and now they are trying to wash the blood from their hands by blaming “the other guy.”  ]

Democratic Party strategist Liz Chadderdon said the strategy of blaming the previous team has been effective.

“I think Bush-bashing has been alive and well since ’07 and, since it keeps working, why not use it?” she said. “Voters have short memories. The administration needs to remind people that things were way worse over the last four years than in the last six months.”

[Yup, keep it up.   Keep blaming Bush and keep insulting the intelligence of Americans.  Yup, that’s a winning strategy, you got there.   ( Hehehehe—You guys are soooo  outta’ here! )]
