Archive for 18 July, 2009

Zelaya Rigged the Voting Machines – America’s Lame Stream Media Snores

18 July, 2009

Take note, America.  This is what Commies do:

A page out of the Chavez (leftist, in other words) Playbook

By Alberto de la Cruz, on July 18, 2009

A Spanish Catalan newspaper is reporting that Honduran authorities have seized computers found in the Presidential Palace belonging to deposed president Mel Zelaya. Taking a page right out of the leftist dictator’s handbook, these computers, according to the news report, contained the official and certified results of the illegal constitutional referendum Zelaya wanted to conduct that never took place. The results of this fraudulent vote was tilted heavily in Zelaya’s favor, ensuring he could go ahead and illegally change the constitution so he could remain in power for as long as he wanted to. ACORN, I’m sure, is taking notes.

This is the man that the OAS, the UN, and the Obama State Department want the Honduran people to reinstall as their leader.

Continue reading this over at BabaluBlog by CLICKING HERE.

Agenda Driven Group presses Metro Police on immigrant policy

18 July, 2009

Twenty years ago, illegals came found work, excelled at the work and stood by it. Over the years more came, less able, less honest and less likely to ever work themselves into the American dream. The cost now outweighs the benefits, illegals consume far more resources than ever before and every year the costs go up. Still groups refuse to admit the truth. Until this current administration, we could have picked the best the world had to offer. Now a potential immigrant with a solid education or with good technical or business skills could have a higher standard by looking elsewhere. Unfortunately, we are still attractive to criminals, conmen and those that support them.

By Timothy Pratt July 18, 2009,.Las Vegas Sun
A coalition of immigration lawyers, civil liberties advocates and community activists is pressuring Metro Sheriff Doug Gillespie to abandon a controversial eight-month-old program that identifies illegal immigrants in jail for eventual deportation.

The group, which includes the American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada, the local chapter of the American Immigration Lawyers Association and Democracia USA, a nonprofit organization, is seizing on two recent events and attacking the program with petitions, letters and meetings.
-Check them for green cards.

First, the federal government announced changes in the program, known as 287(g), on July 10 and gave local jurisdictions 90 days to accept or reject the new setup. Second, a well-attended public meeting July 16 at Pearson Community Center hardened the group’s opposition to the program. Members of the organizations say civil liberties are being violated, crime-fighting goals aren’t being met and community relations with police in heavily Hispanic neighborhoods are falling apart.
-Hispanic neighborhoods are falling apart because of rising gang related crimes and the communities failure to address the failures of community leaders. Keep blaming the police for your stupidity and one day they will refuse to enter your neighborhood and leave you to your fate.

“We want to use this 90-day period to impress upon Gillespie that the negatives outweigh the positives,” said Peter Ashman, chairman of the local immigration lawyers association.
-What positives-high violent crime rates and increased gang activity?

Metro Police Lt. Rich Forbus, who oversees the 287(g) program, says the problems to date are mostly due to misunderstandings. “It concerns me and it will concern the sheriff when he hears … that people wouldn’t want to report crime. We don’t want to be perceived as being out there sweeping the community,” he said, adding that Metro will get the word out more about the program’s benefits.
-If the lawyers want to keep them they should room and board them themselves. Help an illegal – let them sleep on your couch.

The federal-local partnerships exist in 77 jurisdictions across the nation. The goal is to rid communities of violent criminals who are also in the country illegally, by deporting them. Police departments can reach that goal by using officers on the street, in jails, or both. Since November, Metro Police have had federally-trained officers flagging illegal immigrants at the Clark County Detention Center.

But critics here and across the nation have complained that officers in the programs are singling out people for arrest based on appearance, in the process chilling relations in immigrant communities, making it harder to fight crime. They asked for numbers that would prove violent criminals are being jailed and deported, and got little in response. Many departments, including Metro, could not even point to the number of inmates deported through the partnership.
-I want cops to arrest every lawbreaker. Their job is not to decide which crimes to respond to or to keep records for scum sucking self-serving a-holes with an agenda (like immigration lawyers) (more…)

Pravda Can’t Help But Notice All Those Czars in Obama’s Administration

18 July, 2009

Well, they certainly know of what they speak:

Czar? You Mean Commissar

PravdaStanislav Mishin

There is a new silliness in the Western Anglo Media, comparing the US Emperor’s Czar program to the number of Tsars that Holy Russia had. It is a good thing that the US/UK public is ignorant not only of ancient history but also of recent history, otherwise they might start to worry.

So let us go back and establish some historic references. Czar or rather Tsar, is a degradation of the Latin term Ceasar, similar to Germany’s Kaiser. Ceasar, originally the family name of one Julious Ceasar, who almost became Rome’s first Emperor, before his assassination, lent his family name to the title of Roman emperors.

The first use of the term in Russia was during the reign of Ivan Grozny (Ivan the Feared, which the Anglos mistranslate to “The Terrible”) Before this, the term ” князь ” knyaz or ” принц ” prince, was used. The Moscow princes, being the new center of the Rus, Kiev being held by Catholic Poles, were called the grand princes (велики князь).

Ivan Grozny got the other princes under his rule, to refer to him as Tsar. They did it to humor their half mad overlord, not realizing the importance of words. Ivan, however, knew their power and that of titles in the human psyche and knew that once the title of Tsar stuck, he and his prodigy would forever be associated as some one absolutely separate and above the regular knyazi: an emperor rather than a challengable grand prince.

Now we forward several hundred years to the Wall Street sponsored Russian Revolution and Civil War and the Marxists take over of Holy Russia.

In order to control the vast nation and its revolutionary reshaping during a chaotic time, Lenin and later Stalin, created a system of Commissars. These were not limited to military and instilling party loyalty, but were used throughout Soviet society. A commissar and his staff had absolute authority, answering only to the dictator and by-passing the various local councils and people’s senates. Two things to note here:

1. their spheres were ambiguous and often over lapped responsibilities of other commissars. This in turn caused a large volume of infighting. Sure this is very wasteful of resources and confusing, but what it does do, is allow the dictator to keep ultimate power by keeping his most powerful minions at each others throats with the dictator as the ultimate arbitrator of power.

2. The commissars were mostly young, had little achievement outside the power structure, self assured, true believers. They knew very well that outside their positions, created and granted by the dictator, they had little hope of career success. They were given responsibility much higher then their experience levels, further beholding them to their owner. It made them extremely jealous of their power, which in turn made them vengeful against anyone who stood in their way, especially other power hungry commissars.

Fast forward to modern transitional America. The American Emperor has taken the six commissars of his leftist predecessor and created at least 28 more. Yes, commissars do multiply quickly at first and many more are in the works, until the American parliament (congress) and the oblasts (states) assemblies (state senates) are powerless show pieces and all power centers (commissars) flow only to the dictator.

So while the Anglo owned talking mental traps compare the American commissars to Russian holy emperors (Tsars) answerable to God, the Church, holy and societal tradition, the nobility and popular uprisings (we had plenty).

The Commissars (Czars) of Emperor Obama, answerable to none but the Emperor, consolidate power on a level realizable only in the Marxist, Godless society of absolutes, not in a traditional Orthodox Christian monarchy.

So Americans can call them what they want, but we Russians and the US emperor know their true name: Commissar.

Rahm Emanuel Needs Some Gorilla Glue for Obama…

18 July, 2009

Gee, after all the phony outrage from Libtards,  the New York Post was forced to apologize for a monkey cartoon that had nothing to do with Obama.  And, evidently, it’s okay to name anything and everything after the Lefturd’s unholy Messiah, Obama—except a monkey.

So, one wonders how it is that the following “Gorilla Glue” statement by a white ex-Senator is instantly portrayed as “non-racist.”

Oh, wait.   I see, now.  The individual making the statement is a Democrat.  One does wonder what would have happened had a Republican had made such a gaff…

Obviously, there is a double-standard at work here.


Ex-Dem Senator pans Obama’s Guantanamo plan
By GREG BLUESTEIN – Associated Press Writer – Ledger-Enquirer

ATLANTA — Former U.S. Sen. Zell Miller called President Barack Obama’s decision to close the military prison at Guantanamo Bay “nuts” Thursday and said it would risk the lives of civilians while giving terrorists new freedoms.


“Our globe-trotting president needs to stop and take a break and quit gallivanting around,” Miller said, adding that White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel needs to put “Gorilla Glue” on his chair to keep him in the Oval Office.

[I prefer super glue.  It instantly adheres to skin…]

Two black leaders who know Miller well said they were not offended by the remark. The Rev. Joseph Lowery, a civil rights leader, noted the glue is a brand-name. “I ignore it,” he said. “I consider the source and go about my business.”

Democratic State Rep. Tyrone Brooks, who leads the Georgia Association of Black Elected Officials, said he wasn’t offended by Miller’s comment, but said it came a few years too late.

“It would have been much more appropriate that he suggest that Karl Rove used some Gorilla Glue on George Bush and Dick Cheney,” said the Atlanta Democrat.


Child Shoots Intruder

18 July, 2009

I’m sure that had this happened in California, the parents would have been immediately arrested and locked up for child endangerment…

Thank God most of America has a little more common sense than the ultra-Libtards running the show in California.

Roderick Porter

Roderick Porter

Dean Favron

Dean Favron

Child shoots intruder during home break-in

By David Spunt – WAFB

PORT ALLEN, LA (WAFB) – A ten-year-old boy left home alone with his sister used his mother’s gun to shoot an intruder in the face, police said.

Late Tuesday, West Baton Rouge Parish sheriff’s deputies received a call to a Port Allen apartment complex after several shots rang out from inside one of the apartments.


Deputies say Dean Favron and Roderick Porter knocked several times on the apartment door. The two young children, a ten-year-old boy and eight-year-old girl, stood on the other side, terrified. “He told his sister to be quiet and seconds later, they started kicking on the door and finally kicked the door in,” said Sheriff Mike Cazes. The two children ran to their mother’s bedroom closet.

In a panic, the ten-year-old grabbed his mother’s gun for protection.


Once the two suspects opened the door, threatening the kids, deputies say the boy fired a bullet into the lip of Roderick Porter. The two men were taken to the hospital by a third suspect, who is a 15-year-old juvenile. Once they got to the hospital, they were later arrested.


One of the suspects, Dean Favron, just finished serving almost seven years in prison for aggravated assault on a Baton Rouge police officer and two carjacking charges. He was released on June 6th.

Both men will appear before a judge next month.