Archive for 31 July, 2009

Rumor Spurs muslim Mob to Attacks Innocents

31 July, 2009

Twenty homes burned for a rumor. These savages would love this photo. Even though I did not kill that pig or defile it by sticking that filth in its mouth no doubt I will be insulted because I used the picture. I think desecration is in the eye of the beholder. I think the pig attempting to eat that filthy book to save his owner could be considered heroic or even art. Hardly worth burning homes, attacking innocents or spreading rumors.

31 July 2009, Daily Times Monitor
LAHORE: A mob of armed men attacked a village, Chak 95 GB, near Koriyan, Gojra tehsil in Toba Tek Singh district on Thursday and set fire to at least 20 houses, a private TV channel reported.
-What this article fails to point out is these mob attacks are almost never random. These attacks are normally carefully coordinated and once an excuse is made the attack launched. They are also rarely prosecuted.

According to the channel, several people were injured and casualties were also feared. The channel reported that many cattle had also been burnt alive in the incident. The incident sparked widespread violent protests against police and fire brigade officials for their late arrival. Protesters blocked the Faisalabad-Jhang Road, which affected the flow of traffic.
-In the case of the above picture, I think it clearly shows a heroic pig his life willingly laid down to protect his owner but the cattle had done nothing wrong. The pedophile mohammed would be proud of his brave men-attacking a cow must have taken great skill and daring. Attacking the homes of twenty people based only on a rumor even he might have a problem with. Idiots who will stop by here and complain about the picture with no remorse for the victims of the attack can kiss my ass. (more…)

Police Forcibly Remove Seniors from Senator Feinstein’s Office in California

31 July, 2009

Way to go, Dianne!  Now you’ve lost the Senior vote, and no amount of sucking up will get it back for you!

Hamas Sponsors Mass Child Bride Wedding of “Palestinian” Children?

31 July, 2009

Just carrying on the legacy of their pedophile prophet, I guess:


From the AP notes that accompany the photo:

Palestinians participate in a mass wedding of hundreds of Palestinians in the town of Beit Lahiya, northern Gaza Strip, Thursday, July 30, 2009. Over 400 couples were married on Thursday in Beit Lahiya in a ceremony sponsored by Hamas.

Did Yeshua Give us the name of the anti-christ?

31 July, 2009

No Compromise has posted an interesting video that translates the following New Testament Bible verse into Aramaic and Hebrew:

Luke 10:18 – He (Yeshua) said to them, “I saw Satan having fallen like lightning (baraq ) from heaven [high places] (bamah ).

Being somewhat skeptical, I looked up the translation in my Strong’s Concordance, and oh my gosh!  It’s right!

From Strong’s Hebrew and Aramaic Dictionary:

ברקbaraq: (#1299, 1300, and 1301) – lightning; by analogy a gleam; concr. a flashing sword—lightning {14x}

במהbamah: (#1116 and 1117) – from an unused root (mean. to be high); an elevation: —high place {100x}, heights {1x}

VERY interesting coincidence…

CLICK HERE to read No Compromise’s take on this.

Politicians Afraid of Town Hall Meetings!

31 July, 2009

Excellent news!  We’ve got the bastards cowering in fear.  That’s the way America is suppose to work!  The politicians should fear the people and not the other way around!  It’s high time get a G.R.I.P. on our Government!!!

Now, read the following article and note how out of touch the politicians are with Americans:

Town halls gone wild

Alex Isenstadt Alex Isenstadt   – Fri Jul 31, 2009 – Politico
via Yahoo News

Screaming constituents, protesters dragged out by the cops, congressmen fearful for their safety — welcome to the new town-hall-style meeting, the once-staid forum that is rapidly turning into a house of horrors for members of Congress.

On the eve of the August recess, members are reporting meetings that have gone terribly awry, marked by angry, sign-carrying mobs and disruptive behavior. In at least one case, a congressman has stopped holding town hall events because the situation has spiraled so far out of control.

“I had felt they would be pointless,” Rep. Tim Bishop (D-N.Y.) told POLITICO, referring to his recent decision to suspend the events in his Long Island district. “There is no point in meeting with my constituents and [to] listen to them and have them listen to you if what is basically an unruly mob prevents you from having an intelligent conversation.”

[Hey, jerkwad!  It’s YOUR job to listen to your constituents, NOT the other way around!  We get enough of your socialist mouth every day on C-SPAN;  Heck, you’re on T.V. spouting YOUR communist BS so much that you’re almost a member of the Screen Actor’s Guild!  So, sit back and JUST LISTEN!  Oh, and by the way, just because your constituents aren’t licking your boots clean is no reason to call them an “unruly mob.”  Tell me, oh great asshat, when has ANY of these so called “unruly mob” Town Hall meetings turned into a real mob scene like you consistenty would see with the Libtards and Lefturds?  NEVER!  So, this is America telling you to SHUT UP AND START LISTENING TO YOUR CONSTITUENTS!!!!!]

In Bishop’s case, his decision came on the heels of a June 22 event he held in Setauket, N.Y., in which protesters dominated the meeting by shouting criticisms at the congressman for his positions on energy policy, health care and the bailout of the auto industry.

Within an hour of the disruption, police were called in to escort the 59-year-old Democrat — who has held more than 100 town hall meetings since he was elected in 2002 — to his car safely.

[OMG!  For the first time in his commie life, his constituents had had enough of his BS and were voicing their displeasure with his failure to listen and represent them.  So, what does he do?  He runs off to the po-po, crying  like a little baby!  Waaah, waaaah, waaah!  Here’s some advice:  Suck it up, red-diaper-doper-baby!  WE ARE COMING!!!]

“I have no problem with someone disagreeing with positions I hold,” Bishop said, noting that, for the time being, he was using other platforms to communicate with his constituents. “But I also believe no one is served if you can’t talk through differences.”

[Yeah, we’ve heard that BS line before.  More boilerplate political rhetoric.   Hey, buddy, no one but yourself is served if you are NOT serving your constituents!!!  It doesn’t matter what YOU want or think, it matters what your constituents want and think!!!]

Bishop isn’t the only one confronted by boiling anger and rising incivility. At a health care town hall event in Syracuse, N.Y., earlier this month, police were called in to restore order, and at least one heckler was taken away by local police. Close to 100 sign-carrying protesters greeted Rep. Allen Boyd (D-Fla.) at a late June community college small-business development forum in Panama City, Fla. Last week, Danville, Va., anti-tax tea party activists claimed they were “refused an opportunity” to ask Rep. Thomas Perriello (D-Va.) a question at a town hall event and instructed by a plainclothes police officer to leave the property after they attempted to hold up protest signs.

[OMG!  They weren’t allowed an opportunity to speak at a freakin’ town hall meeting, so they held up protest signs!  How dare they!  Quick!  Arrest them for being unruly!]

The targets in most cases are House Democrats, who over the past few months have tackled controversial legislation including a $787 billion economic stimulus package, a landmark energy proposal and an overhaul of the nation’s health care system.

Democrats, acknowledging the increasing unruliness of the town-hall-style events, say the hot-button issues they are taking on have a lot to do with it.

“I think it’s just the fact that we are dealing with some of the most important public policy issues in a generation,” said Rep. Bruce Braley (D-Iowa), who was confronted by a protester angry about his position on health care reform at a town hall event several weeks ago.

“I think in general what is going on is we are tackling issues that have been ignored for a long time, and I think that is disruptive to a lot of people,” said Bishop, a four-term congressman. “We are trying, one by one, to deal with a set of issues that can’t be ignored, and I think that’s unsettling to a lot of people.”

[Hey, shit for brains, those “issues” were ignored for a long time because they are failed COMMUNIST policies!!!!  That is what is unsettling to a LOT of Americans.  That and your continual refusal to listen to your constituents who overwhelmingly told you VOTE NO, and you DID NOT LISTEN!!!   See?  You still don’t get it!]

Freshman Rep. Dan Maffei (D-N.Y.), whose event at a Syracuse middle school was disrupted, said that he still planned to hold additional town halls but that he was also thinking about other options.

“I think you’ve got to communicate through a variety of different ways. You should do the telephone town hall meetings. You should do the town hall meetings. You should do the smaller group meetings,” said Maffei. “It’s important to do things in a variety of ways, so you don’t have one mode of communication.”

“You’re going to have people of varying views, and in this case, you’ve got the two extremes who were the most vocal,” Maffei said of the flare-up at his July 12 event.

On Tuesday, Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), who handles incumbent retention duties for House Democrats in addition to chairing the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, met with freshman members to discuss their plans for the monthlong August recess. While the specific issue of town hall protesters never came up, according to sources familiar with the meeting, he urged them not to back away from opponents.

“He said, ‘Go on offense. Stay on the offense. It’s really important that your constituents hear directly from you. You shouldn’t let a day go by [that] your constituents don’t hear from you,’” said one House Democratic leadership aide familiar with the meeting.

Some members profess to enjoy the give-and-take of the town halls, even if lately it’s become more take than give.

“Town halls are a favorite part of my job,” said Rep. Russ Carnahan (D-Mo.), a third-term congressman from St. Louis who noted that a “handful” of disruptions had taken place at his meetings. “It’s what I do. It’s what I will continue to do.”

“People have gotten fired up and all that, but I think that’s what makes town halls fun,” said Perriello, a freshman who is among the most vulnerable Democrats in 2010. “I think that most of the time when we get out there, it’s a good chance for people to vent and offer their thoughts. It’s been good.”

“I enjoy it, and people have a chance to speak their mind,” he said.

[Now, THAT’S the right attitude!  Notice that he is a “freshman” in Congress.  He hasn’t yet been so jaded by the system that he thinks he is above the people who sent him to Washington!  So, get a G.R.I.P. on your Government and replace the incumbents with more freshmen!]

Both Carnahan and Perriello said they were plunging forward with plans to hold more town hall meetings.

Republicans, with an eye toward 2010, are keeping close track of the climate at Democratic events.

“We’ve seen Russ Carnahan, we’ve seen Tim Bishop, we’ve seen some other people face some very different crowds back home,” said National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas). “The days of you having a town hall meeting where maybe 15 or 20 of your friends show up — they’re over. You’ve now got real people who are showing up — and that’s going to be a factor.”

Asked later how or whether the GOP would use the confrontations against Democrats, Sessions responded: “Wait till next year.”

But Democrats are quick to point out they’re not the only ones facing hostile audiences. They single out Rep. Mike Castle (R-Del.), who found himself in a confrontation earlier this month with a “birther” protester, and insist that Republicans face a backlash of their own if it appears the party is too closely aligned with tea party activists or other conservative-oriented protesters.

“It’s a risk that they align themselves with such a small minority in the party,” said Brian Smoot, who served as political director at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in the past election cycle. “They risk alienating moderates.”

[Small minority party???  WTF? Hey, Brian, take a look at the polls:  The conservatives are the largest idealogical group in America!!!  They are even larger than “moderates.”  So, what freakin’ “small minority” are you freakin’ talking about?  You freakin’ moron!  With  libtards and lefturds like you running the campaigns, is it any wonder that the politicians are so out of touch with America?   ]

Note to all politicians:  Align yourself with the Tea Party Conservatives and you will WIN BIG!!!!  You can thank me by making me your campaign manager.  I’m available.