Archive for 4 August, 2009

Misguided Christians Tricked by Muslims in Southland

4 August, 2009

A “Regular Reader” sent this in along with the comments. Thanks and keep them coming.

Christians and Muslims forging new bonds in Los Angeles,
Thanks to Some Misguided Dhimmwits

An article in Monday’s Los Angeles Times gushed about a new group, Standing Together, that seeks to educate members of each faith about the beliefs and customs of the other in hopes of encouraging dialogue and understanding.
Haven’t we been down this dead-end road before?

Catholics and Muslims have discussed immigration and the Koran’s reverence for Jesus and Mary.

Jesus just ain’t the Catholic Jesus unless he is the Son of God and died on the Cross. Apparently, the disscussion didn’t get far enough to reveal that the Quran denies both of these points. See Surahs 19:36 and 4:153. And, oops, Mary was misplaced in the Quran by 1,500 years, as the sister of Aaron. (Surahs 3:34-36 and 66:12).

Members of a relatively new organization called the Christian-Muslim Consultative Group have developed the program and say they hope it will become a national model. In seven sessions, the program seeks to educate Christians and Muslims about one another’s beliefs and customs, and to encourage dialogue and understanding that lead to concrete cooperative actions. The stakes could not be higher in the view of the Rev. Canon Gwynne Guibord, co-founder of the Christian-Muslim Consultative Group. “I believe that we will either perish together or we will survive together,” Guibord said in a recent interview.

Wrong. This is a false dichotomy. Did Democracy need Nazism to survive? Did Christians need the Hare Krishnas to survive? Political and religious ideologies come and go based on their contributions to society. A better analogy for the survival of political and religious ideologies is found in the Bible: “The fruit of a righteous tree is life.” (Proverbs 11:30) and “Any tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown in the fire. So, then, you will know the false prophets by the way they act.” (Matthew 7:19-20)

Anyone with even a cursory knowledge of history knows that religious tolerance is not a hallmark of Islam. The Muslim holy city of Medina was a Jewish town before Muhammad arrived. In only a couple of years, all of the Jews were either killed or banished from the town. Egypt was a Christian nation of 8 million Copts before it was invaded by just 3,000 Muslims. Today, the Copt religion is fighting for its survival.

Apparently, “Standing Together” didn’t work well there. Lebanon was once a Christian nation. Today, we are seeing hundreds of thousands of Christians fleeing the Islamic religious intolerance in Iraq and Pakistan. Where is this concept of “Standing Together” working to preserve minority religions in Muslim-majority nations? Even though between 1 and 2 million Christians live and work in Saudi Arabia, are Muslims there “Standing Together” to help them have their own houses of worship?

The Standing Together program does not include discussion of political issues, such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict or the lack of religious freedom for non-Muslims in some Muslim-majority countries.

The implication is that politics can be separated from religion with regard to Islam. Participants in “Standing Together” must avoid discussing political issues. This denies the fact that the founder of Islam was a political leader and a military leader. How can one reconcile the plain and often repeated command in Islam’s sacred book, the Quran, “Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them.” (Surah 9:123) with the prohibition of discussing politics? Bill Warner of the Center for the Study of Political Islam has determined that 67 percent of the Quran is about condemning unbelievers or external politics. When politics is that prominent in their sacred book, how can it be ignored?

Why no talking about the burning of churches and the killing of Christians by Muslims? This week alone, we read about such incidents in Pakistan, Nigeria, and Egypt. All of these Muslims are getting their marching orders from the same Quran. Isn’t this relevant?

“It started out, ‘I am better than you so I will show you the light,’ ” is how the early beginnings of interfaith contacts were characterized by Maher Hathout, spokesman for the Islamic Center of Southern California. “The second stage was ‘I’m still better than you, but I will tolerate you.’ Then it reached the stage that ‘I am not better than you and you are not better than me.’ Now, it’s, ‘Let us know one another,’ ” Hathout said.
This is a classic statement of taqiyah – dissimulation about one’s true religious beliefs. A Muslim may shamelessly make such a false statement even while knowing full well that his holy book says the opposite. See Surah 3:18.

The “Standing Together” movement will ultimately realize that the Muslim agenda is not so much to gain mutual understanding as equals, but to acquire respectability through its association with Christians and Jews and to protect their political agenda under the umbrella of religious tolerance. Muhammad wrote numerous “Jew-friendly” revelations in the Quran to appease the Jewish majority in Medina, but once established there, his tolerance of Judaism quickly vanished. This sinister agenda of Muslims in the West is clearly spelled out in a new book by Sam Solomon and E. Al Maqdisi, “Modern Day Trojan Horse — The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration.” I recommend that all the participants of “Standing Together” read this book and take it to heart.

“Standing” for equal Christian rights in Muslim-majority nations.

Our Dark Overlord: All We Are Asking is that You Spy On Your Neighbors For Us

4 August, 2009

PB-in-AL sent us an email with the following Orwellian paragraph:

From the White House website:

There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to

PB-in-AL also adds, “The re-education camps should be firing up shortly.  🙂 “

Pamela has more about this over at Atlas Shrugs

Best Political Cartoon Ever?

4 August, 2009

Rob emailed us with the following political cartoon.  I censored it a little for our younger readers, but I’m pretty sure you’ll still get the gist of it:


[C’mon!  You just know they were thinking it!!!]

Obama and His Sycophants in Washington Unwisely Laugh Off Tea Party Protests

4 August, 2009

Yup, public opinion and protests have very little to do with which way commie-Libtards will vote on a particular issue.  Commie-Libtards that are in office already know how they, themselves, are going to vote, what pet project socialist issues they are going to push for, what bills they are going to  implement,  etc.  Suffice to say that once a Commie-Libtard is in office, We the People have no voice in the matter, no matter how much we may stammer and scream.

So, why are the Tea Party protests so important if our politicians aren’t listening to us?

They are important because they organize and activate large groups of Americans who would otherwise just be sitting at home doing nothing, losing hope, and getting more and more depressed—finally just giving up, altogether, on the whole political process.

Tea Party protests are important because they attract more and more like minded individuals to a cause.  This, in turn, creates a HUGE VOTER BLOCK in all the local districts throughout America who are now coordinated and will vote in a coordinated fashion!!!

THAT is when your voice will finally be heard by these asshats in Washington!!!!!!

So, don’t despair.  The Tea Parties are there to organize and mount a full frontal assault against the enemy on election day!  Therefore, it matters not if the politicians and Lame Stream Media are blowing us off at this juncture.

Remember, if we stay active in protesting and organizing, they will hear from us at the polls—and Our Voice will be heard around the world!

Believe you me, after election day, the politicians will be courting us Tea Party Conservatives like a love-struck teenager!

White House Brushes Off Health-Care Protests


WASHINGTON — The White House isn’t concerned that increasingly vocal protests around the country are frustrating its push for health-care legislation.

Briefing reporters Tuesday, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs suggested that the opposition is being organized by a small group seeking to create “manufactured anger.”

“I hope people will take a jaundiced eye to what is clearly the AstroTurf nature of so-called grass-roots lobbying,” Mr. Gibbs said.

In recent days, administration officials and Democratic members of Congress have been shouted down by angry protesters at town halls in Pennsylvania and Texas, an uproar that could grow when lawmakers return to their districts for the August recess.

Mr. Gibbs compared the protesters with the “Brooks Brothers Brigade” that he said appeared in Florida after the 2000 presidential election.

“I seem to see some commonality in who pops up at some of these things,” he said, without elaborating. “You can see quite a bit of similarity between who shows up where.”

While protests intensify, the White House also has stepped up its response. It reacted early Tuesday to one online video featuring clips of President Barack Obama appearing to suggest that his health-care plans would eventually replace the private insurance sector, producing its own video shooting down the claim. In the White House’s video, its main health-care spokesperson, Linda Douglass, accuses opponents of taking old footage and using it out of context as a scare tactic.

“They simply cherry-pick and put it together, and make it sound like he’s saying something that he didn’t really say,” Ms. Douglass says in the video, which can be seen on the White House’s Web site.

Asked why the administration decided to respond, Mr. Gibbs said, “There’s a tremendous amount of misinformation floating around on health care.”

[Yes, Mr. Gibbs, keep it up.  Keep marginalizing and insulting our intelligence.  Every time you do, we only grow stronger!!!]

The Template Used For the Kenyan Birth Certificate is Australian!

4 August, 2009

Well, I guess I have to let those Libtards at 5733 off the hook:


IBD: The Democratic Party Isn’t Serious About Energy Independence

4 August, 2009

Yup, it always amazes me that Obama and his sycophants say that Iran has the “right” to peaceful nuclear energy, yet they (Obama and his psychophants) have slit the wrist of America by denying us those same “rights” to peaceful nuclear energy!

If these freakin’ Commie Libtards in Washington were really so concerned about “clean energy” and “energy independence,” they would be falling all over themselves to invest in the construction of some brand-spankin’-new nuclear power plants, now wouldn’t they?  But they aren’t, are they?  Nope.  What they are doing, however, is everything in their power to eliminate our nuclear power plants!

Obviously, it doesn’t have a freakin’ thing to do with “energy independence” or “the environment”—it’s all about centralizing and empowering an increasingly totalitarian government so that they can take complete control of the masses!  Which, quite naturally, will allow those same bastards in Washington to pave the way for a one-world government!

Death Knell For Nuclear Power?


Energy: A Senate vote to kill funding for the spent fuel repository in Nevada shows the Democratic Party and this administration aren’t serious about energy independence, economic growth or environmental protection.

Killing the storage facility for the spent fuel rods produced by the nation’s nuclear power industry has long been a dream of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and President Obama. Last week, the Senate granted their wish, voting to deny the resources needed to complete a review necessary for Yucca Mountain to open.

“This is a major victory for Nevada,” said Reid, who is up for re-election next year. “I am pleased that President Obama has lived up to his promise to me and to all Nevadans by working with me to kill the Yucca Mountain project.”

During a presidential campaign forum in Las Vegas last year, then-candidate Obama said of the site, “I will end the notion of Yucca Mountain because it has not been based on the sort of sound science that can assure the people of Nevada that they’re going to be safe.”

And what about the rest of the country? Reid may not want it in his backyard, but he doesn’t mind keeping America’s nuclear waste where it is right now — in everybody else’s backyard.

Vast numbers of spent nuclear fuel rods are currently being stored at more than 130 above-ground facilities in 39 states. About 161 million Americans live within 75 miles of these existing sites. Don’t they want to feel safe?

Celebrating his victory, Reid says he’s “convinced that for the foreseeable future, for the next 50 to 100 years, we’ll simply store the spent fuel rods on-site. You don’t have to worry about transportation because that’s where it gets dangerous.”

He is quite simply wrong, ignoring that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission-approved casks that the “waste” will be transported in are virtually indestructible. Tests carried out at the Sandia National Laboratories included an 18-wheeler carrying a transport cask being smashed into a 700-ton brick wall at a speed of 81 mph; testers dropping a cask from 2,000 feet onto hard ground; and a 120-ton locomotive train ramming a cask at 80 mph.

President Obama is also wrong when he says Yucca Mountain is not based on sound science.

The Department of Energy has long studied the rock at the planned repository to assess how the repository would perform over tens of thousands of years. After 20 years and $9 billion, DOE found Yucca Mountain to be quite stable and safe.

[You remember the Department of Energy, don’t you?  You know, that agency that was created by Jimmy Farter to help us all become “energy independent?”  Let’s see, now…  Over 30 years later and we are now even more dependent on foreign oil than we were when the DOE was originally created to prevent that from happening.  Yup, your government in action, or, shall we say, “inaction.”

And yet, this is the same government that thinks it knows how to run our health care system better than anyone else… ]

DOE’s Web site says that after two decades “of carefully planned and reviewed scientific field work, the Department of Energy has found that a repository at Yucca Mountain brings together the location, natural barriers, and design elements most likely to protect the health and safety of the public, including those Americans living in the immediate vicinity, now and long into the future.”

We need the jobs nuclear power can provide, and we need the energy. The Energy Information Agency projects that by 2030, U.S. electricity demand will increase by 45%. Since nuclear power currently supplies 20%, the U.S. will need to have 35 additional nuclear power plants just to meet future demand. But without Yucca Mountain it won’t happen.

Yucca Mountain is not a “dump” and what would be stored there is not “waste.” It is in fact our country’s best renewable resource. Used nuclear fuel retains upwards of 90% of its original energy.

Since beginning operations, France’s La Hague facility has safely reprocessed over 23,000 tons of used fuel — enough to power France, which gets 80% of its electricity from nukes, for 14 years.

America’s 104 nuclear reactors have prevented the emission of billions of tons of greenhouse gases.

[Yeah, Al Goracle!  Why aren’t you freakin’ there in Washington right now touting the virtues of nuclear energy to save us all from the man-bear-pig???  Oh, wait.  That’s right.  It’s all about control of the masses…]

It is green energy producing green jobs. Without it, America has a bleak energy and economic future. Besides, just what are we going to plug all those electric clown cars into?

Tea Party Events

4 August, 2009

Below is a hot-sheet for Town Hall Tea Parties and Events. Just click on your state to find upcoming events in your area.

H/T –

Groups and Events By State

Alabama Maine Oklahoma
Alaska Maryland Oregon
Arizona Massachusetts Pennsylvania
Arkansas Michigan Rhode Island
California Minnesota South Carolina
Colorado Mississippi South Dakota
Connecticut Missouri Tennessee
Delaware Montana Texas
Florida Nebraska Utah
Georgia Nevada Vermont
Hawaii New Hampshire Virgin Islands
Idaho New Jersey Virginia
Illinois New Mexico Washington
Indiana New York Washington D.C.
Iowa North Carolina West Virginia
Kansas North Dakota Wisconsin
Kentucky Ohio Wyoming