Archive for 1 October, 2009

Australians Increasingly Want to Bring Back Death Penalty

1 October, 2009

I, for one, would like to welcome our Aussie friends back to reality!  You little rippers!  Who knew?

Death penalty should return, say readers

From: Herald Sun
October 01, 2009

HERALD Sun readers have overwhelmingly called for the death penalty after this week’s conviction of double murderer Leigh Robinson.

In a poll almost 78 per cent of almost 3000 respondents voted for capital punishment. The other 22 per cent opposed it.

Others believed Robinson should never have been released from prison.

Leigh Robinson’s stepson, Daniel, joined the call by declaring Robinson should hang. “He’s done it before and he’ll do it again. There is no delicate way of saying this,” Daniel said.

“This man must hang. He must not ever be given the chance of getting out into society again, simply because he will kill if he is ever granted his freedom.”

A Supreme Court jury on Tuesday convicted Robinson of murdering Frankston mother Tracey Greenbury on April 28 last year.

The jury had not been told Robinson, 61, had viciously murdered his former girlfriend, Valerie Dunn, 40 years earlier and had been sentenced to death.

The penalty was later commuted to 30 years jail, of which he served just 15.

Many people argued that if Robinson had been hanged Tracey Greenbury would still be alive.

Kate Lauretta, Valerie Dunn’s niece, asked how many more people would have to die before the law was changed to protect people and families.

“It is often said that with rehabilitation and counselling we are able to turn cold-blooded killers into normal human beings.

“This week’s verdict has proved us wrong,” she told the Herald Sun.

“The Boston Tea Party Was Started Over One Penny…This is Big Enough for Me!”

1 October, 2009

TGUSA found this little gem for us:

Clip is from “The Devil and Miss Jones”  (No, NOT the porno…you naughty kids).

Muzzie Murders His Wife in Michiganistan

1 October, 2009

Welcome to a “religion” which condones wife beating:

“…As for those [wives]  from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to separate beds, and beat them…”

H/T –

Husband Charged in Murder of Sterling Heights Woman

STERLING HEIGHTS, Mich. (WJBK) – A man faced a judge in Sterling Heights on Tuesday, charged with murdering his wife. FOX 2 spoke to those close to the victim, who say domestic violence should not be taken lightly.

As friends and family remember the life of a 25-year-old woman in Sterling Heights that was stabbed to death in her own home, her own husband was charged with her murder.

22-year-old Mohammed Chowdhury was charged Tuesday afternoon with his wife’s murder. He called 9-1-1 on Monday, saying a group broke into the apartment and killed his wife. Police say the story didn’t add up.

“Told a variety of stories to police officers and the family shortly after the incident had occured. Ultimately, it appears now that he is soley responsible,” said Sterling Heights Police Lt. Robert Henigan.

“She was one girl that I wanted to be,” said Sumaiah Ahmed. “Either you want to be with her, you want to be friends with her.”

Friends of the victim just spent time with her nine days ago. They knew the University of Michigan-Dearborn student well. They didn’t want to show her picture on television out of respect to the family.

[University of Michigan-Dearborn, you say?  It figures!]

“She’s always smiling and stuff. You (would) never see any pain or anything,” said Mahmuda Begum.

Her friends didn’t know her husband very well, but are hoping to spread awareness about domestic abuse. Police had been to their place before.

“(As) Muslim (girls) living here, there’s a lot of pressure on us… but it’s okay,” Begum said. “There are people like us who are here to help you.”

Chowdhury will appear in court again on October ninth for a preliminary hearing.

UPDATE:  Check out the comment from Ahab:

Ahab wrote on Sep 30, 2009 1:49 PM:

” thes is our customs
never mind the bad talk about thes
please you leave us alone to practice our customs
we not hurting you
please you go now “

Could be nothing more than a prank, but I’m pretty sure it reflects the general attitude of Michiganistans.

Oh Winter Solstice Tree, Oh Winter Solstice Tree, How Secularly Obama Has Decked Thee

1 October, 2009

Nah, that just doesn’t have the same ring to it, does it?

Dude, I don’t even know where to start.

Perhaps I’ll just start by saying that I’m just so glad Obama professes to be a Christian; else, I would be inclined to conclude that he is a godless moron who uses religion as a tool just to get elected and shame the masses into Socialism:

Federal Government Bans Religious Ornaments for 2009 Capitol Christmas Tree
Arizona schoolchildren chosen to decorate tree told to keep religion out

PHOENIX, Arizona ( – Attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) called on Arizona state and federal officials on Monday to stop enforcing a requirement prohibiting the state’s schoolchildren from expressing religious viewpoints through Christmas themes while decorating ornaments for the 2009 Capitol Christmas Tree.

Arizona was chosen this year to present 4,000 handcrafted ornaments made by elementary, middle-school, and high-school students to decorate Washington, D.C.’s annual Christmas tree.

Guidelines for the ornaments include specifications for their size, weight, composition, and the directive that “Ornaments cannot reflect a religious or political theme… Instead share your interpretation of our theme ‘Arizona’s Gift, from the Grand Canyon State.'”

[Let me see if I can help them out a little:  A roadrunner in a Santa suit;  A puddle of water (call it, ” A snowman melting in the desert” );  A panoramic view of the Grand Canyon with a shining star above it (a shiny, candy-like red star, of course, wouldn’t want anyone to think it was religious, or something);  A scorpion stinging an elf  to death;  A coyote dressed as Rudolph the red-nosed commie;   Perhaps a cactus dressed up like Frosty the Snowman?— Just throwing those out there for the sake of the kids.  Feel free to add your own.]

In a letter to federal and state officials, including Arizona Governor Janice Brewer, ADF attorneys demanded that they abandon the discrimination against religious viewpoints.

“Banning Christmas from the Capitol Christmas tree is just absurd. Christian students shouldn’t be discriminated against for expressing their religious beliefs,” said ADF Litigation Staff Counsel Jonathan Scruggs.

“The First Amendment does not allow government officials to exclude schoolchildren’s ornaments for the capitol’s Christmas tree merely because they communicate a religious viewpoint.”

The request was issued on behalf of a mother whose son expressed a strong desire to submit three religious ornaments for the tree: One reading “Merry Christmas,” another “Happy Birthday, Jesus,” and the third portraying a manger scene with the Christ child.

Each of these ornaments will also honor Arizona, using as a theme the state’s history, geography, or motto, “Ditat Deus,” which means “God Enriches.”

ADF attorneys indicate in the letter that they will take legal action if officials do not comply by October 4, the day before the deadline to submit ornaments for consideration.

“It is well established that expression of religious beliefs is protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution,” the letter reads. “Religious expression is speech and is entitled to the same level of protection as other kinds of speech … even expression that comes through symbols, such as ornaments.”

Our Dark Overlords Will Tell Us Life is Better Because of Them

1 October, 2009

I figured I’d start out with what became one of my favorite books when I was a young lad of about 12 years old and was forced by a teacher to actually read the darn thing:

“Reading out the figures in a shrill, rapid voice, he proved to them in detail that they had more oats, more hay, more turnips than they had had in Jones’s day, that they worked shorter hours, that their drinking water was of better quality, that they lived longer, that a larger proportion of their young ones survived infancy, and that they had more straw in their stalls and suffered less from fleas.”

– George Orwell, Animal Farm, Ch. 9

Evidently, based on what I’ve been seeing lately come out of the school systems,  that book must be banned or something…

Success No Matter What
By John Stossel – Real Clear Politics

This Friday, September’s job-loss total will be announced. Whatever the numbers, administration officials surely will tell us that life is better — because of them. “We brought the global economy back from the brink,” President Obama said at the close of the G-20 meeting last week. “(B)ecause of the bold and coordinated action that we took, millions of jobs have been saved or created; the decline in output has been stopped; financial markets have come back to life”.

This has been the president’s theme: His so-called stimulus package, bailouts for politically connected banks and industries, ludicrously wasteful programs like Cash for Clunkers, etc. have saved America from the greatest disaster since the Great Depression.

But this theme runs up against some rather unfortunate facts.

In January, the administration’s economic models warned that unemployment would hit 9 percent next year if its $787 billion “stimulus” wasn’t passed. Passing it would keep the jobless rate under 8 percent before it begins to fall.

Well, the packaged passed — and unemployment in August rose to 9.7 percent.


OK, economic forecasters make mistakes. Fair enough. But neither the administration experts nor President Obama will acknowledge that their models and strategy are flawed. Instead, they spin the numbers and proclaim success, insisting that the plan is working even though unemployment is higher than they said it would be.
