Archive for 22 October, 2009

FBI Says to Watch Fox News and Listen to Talk Radio if You Want to Know the Truth

22 October, 2009


H/T – Memaw

Networks Refusing to Show Up at White House Invite

22 October, 2009

MeMaw informs us that the alphabet news organizations are refusing an invite by the White House in order to protest Obama’s continuing war against FOX News.

I’ll update this when I get more information.

UPDATE: Okay, I finally found the story on FOX’s website.  It wasn’t quite a refusal to show up at a White House invite; it was a refusal by the alphabet news organizations to interview a Czar who had been made available by the White House for interviews with everyone except FOX News .

Administration Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview
The Obama administration on Thursday tried to make “pay czar” Kenneth Feinberg available for interviews to every member of the White House pool except Fox News. But the Washington bureau chiefs of the five TV networks decided that none of their reporters would interview Feinberg unless Fox News was included. – Friday, October 23, 2009

The Obama administration on Thursday failed in its attempt to exclude Fox News from participating in an interview of an administration official, as Republicans on Capitol Hill stepped up their criticism of the hardball tactics employed by the White House.

The Treasury Department on Thursday tried to make “pay czar” Kenneth Feinberg available for interviews to every member of the network pool except Fox News. The pool is the five-network rotation that for decades has shared the costs and duties of daily coverage of the presidency and other Washington institutions.

But the Washington bureau chiefs of the five TV networks consulted and decided that none of their reporters would interview Feinberg unless Fox News was included. The pool informed Treasury that Fox News, as a member of the network pool, could not be excluded from such interviews under the rules of the pool.

The administration relented, making Feinberg available for all five pool members and Bloomberg TV.


Is America headed for another Civil War?

22 October, 2009

Is America headed for another Civil War?

By Ronin, 22 October 2009,

During my recent travels, I had time to reflect on just that question. A bored traveler asked it when he learned that I was an American. I gave him a shorter answer than I will give the rest of you and I hope some good discussion will come from this thread.

First, let us be clear we are not headed toward a civil war. It takes an organized military organization capable of standing against the regime for a full-blown civil war to occur. That said let us consider a more relevant question; Is America headed toward an active insurgency?  My answer is maybe.

Insurgencies develop when the populace has a significant number of citizens dissatisfied with those holding power over them. Policies that result in a populace that believes they have no voice, no opportunity and no control over their destiny are ripe for a violent movement to form.

A resistance needs goals that differ from the ruling class, it has to make an effort to change the current situation and it has to been seen a legitimate counter to the regime. Insurgencies also require a significant portion of the populace to support their goals and to aid in their resistance to the government. Without legitimacy, all insurgencies eventually die out.

We have seen the early signs of the populace forming themselves into organized groups to resist what they see as government oppression. The Tea Party Protesters organized a massive movement that crossed over ethnic, economic, and cultural and party lines. Granted, they resisted peacefully and do not follow the more traditional concept of insurgents, but they are just one group sharing a common goal and the speed, organization and will to resist should have terrified anyone familiar with history.

Now let me be crystal clear here the Tea Party Protesters are not insurgents, but they are proof that Americans can and will form themselves into groups willing to defend basic rights guaranteed to all Americans by our founding fathers. I could have singled out other groups. We have seen public outcries against stimulus, cap and trade, healthcare, global warming, the economy, and the list goes on. Consider the massive amount of ammunition and guns recently sold, traded, hidden, and in the corresponding massive rise in concealed weapons permits. The message to the government is clear-you are not trusted, we are watching you and will resist if necessary. There are even calls for active duty troops to vow to refuse to follow any orders of officers that violate our constitution. (more…)

White House Ordered Van Jones’ Resignation!

22 October, 2009

Told ya’ so!  Gee, since CNN reported that the White House didn’t order Van Jones to resign, does that mean that CNN isn’t a news organization, so much as it has a perspective?

Damaging Disclosures in Van Jones Scandal
AIM Column |  By Cliff Kincaid

When Van Jones resigned his White House job, under fire for his pro-communist views, White House adviser David Axelrod said that Jones had himself made the decision to leave the administration. But new documents indicate that Jones didn’t even write his own resignation letter. It is now abundantly clear that he was pushed out because the scandal threatened to implicate Obama friend and White House adviser Valerie Jarrett in the scandal that gave him a critical White House position without proper vetting.

[Without proper vetting?  No, he was vetted alright…he was hired because he had the required Communist background that the White House is searching for.]

Jones, a self-identified communist, was an anti-police activist in Oakland, California, before an extreme makeover landed him at the George Soros-funded Center for American Progress in Washington, D.C. as a “senior fellow.” This is the entity that has provided a number of top officials for the Obama Administration and even sponsored public appearances by cop-killer apologist Marc Lamont Hill, the fired Fox News analyst who appeared regularly on “The O’Reilly Factor.”

The documents I have received indicate that many different officials from the White House, operating on the evening of Saturday, September 5, and into the early morning hours of Sunday September 6, were preoccupied with the matter of how to arrange Jones’ ouster from the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). It is clear that the increasing scrutiny devoted by Glenn Beck of Fox News to Jones’ communist connections was taking its toll on the Obama Administration.

Citing his coverage of Jones, the Center for American Progress (CAP) had attacked Beck for “red-baiting” and channeling Joe McCarthy, the anti-communist Senator.

Yet, Jones was deeply involved in a Marxist group, Standing Together To Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM), which sent some of its members to Cuba for brainwashing. Jones was also on a list of “veteran activists” attending a conference in the summer of 1998 at the University of Illinois at Chicago, the same place where Weather Underground leader Bill Ayers is now a professor, in order to plot the “Black Liberation Agenda for the 21st Century” under the auspices of the Black Radical Congress. Angela Davis, former Communist Party USA official, participated, and the CPUSA helped organize the event. Jones named a son in honor of Amilcar Cabral, the African Marxist.

CAP insisted that Jones had renounced his communist views in 2000 and favored “business-based solutions” for the environment. But in fact he gave an interview last year to “Uprising Radio” stating that his goals were “transforming the whole society” and going beyond “systems of exploitation and oppression” and even “eco-capitalism.”


Four-Year-Old Buys House With Federal Money

22 October, 2009

Have we learned nothing from Fannie and Freddie?

Four-Year Old Buys House With Federal Money
Vincent Fernando|Oct. 22, 2009 – Business Insider

The stories about a return to bubble-era lending standards are getting too depressing to bear.

There are the no-down payment loans backed by the USDA, the FHA mortgage worth more than 110% of the value of the home, and now this: babies buying homes.

Georgia Congressman John Lewis is holding hearings:

“We will hear today that taxpayers claiming the credit include those: who already owned a home, who had not yet bought a home, and who are children—some as young as four years old. There are possibly hundreds of millions of dollars that have been paid to taxpayers who are not entitled to the credit. We want to, and we need to, stop this fraud and abuse.” [Quote from Rep. John Lewis at the House Ways and Means Subcommittee today]

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