Archive for 31 October, 2009

Financing of Palestinian terrorism makes for one scary Halloween

31 October, 2009

The UN through UNICEF has been financing terrorism for years. Do not help them. In all the years I have blogged this is the first time I repeated an article. It is important that this madness stop, never trust anything supported by the UN. Read on

Ok, my fellow Americans, you know Halloween night they will attempt to use children to trick you into dhimmihood. Don’t just refuse to give the kids a few coins, print this and drop it in the bag so the parents will understand and can explain to their children why you refused to part with your money.

Give the kids the sweetest tooth rotting candy you can find, so far we have not found a way to outsource Dentistry.

Financing of Palestinian terrorism makes for one scary Halloween.
By Dave Kopel
National Review, 26 October, 2007
Americans mostly know UNICEF through the “trick or treat for UNICEF” campaigns. The “trick” is on the donors who think that UNICEF is all about helping poor children.

UNICEF has been a major financier of Palestinian “summer camps” which encourage children to become suicide bombers. One such camp is named for Wafa Idris, a female suicide bomber.

During the late 1990s, UNICEF served as a propaganda organ of the Saddam Hussein regime. Relying solely on Iraqi government statistics, UNICEF and the Saddam government co-authored a report asserting that over a million children in Iraq died because of U.N. sanctions. A map on the first page of the report depicted Kuwait as a province of Iraq.

UNICEF is the primary funder for the “Palestinian Youth Association for Leadership and Rights Activation” (PYALARA), which UNICEF calls “a major strategic partner in Palestine.” Materials produced by the group are frequently used in schools operated by UNICEF.

PYALARA publishes a 16-page newspaper for young people, The Youth Times (TYT). It is distributed at Palestinian universities, colleges, community centers, and in the many U.N.-operated schools in Palestinian areas.

The organization claims that its mission is “expanding awareness of one’s roots and identity, environment and culture, as well as of other countries and the world at large.” Yet PYALARA’s products follow the typical line of terrorist propaganda, in which nothing is the fault of the Palestinians, everything is the fault of the Jews, and there is never any effort to consider the merits of Israel’s position on anything.

For example, one PYALARA article was admiring a biography of the recently-deceased terrorist Abu Ali Mustafa.

Mustafa was the head of the terrorist group the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a branch of Yassir Arafat’s Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Mustafa met his demise at the hands of Israeli forces in 2001. In the months before Mustafa’s death, his terrorist group had assassinated an Israeli Cabinet Minister, set off three car bombs in Jerusalem, and carried out many other terrorist attacks. (more…)

Muslims threaten the FBI over death of violent, suicidal imam

31 October, 2009

Ask an officer and they will tell you that firing on a police dog is equivalent to engaging the human police. The imam deserved ever round. He earned them through his ignorance, his violence, piss poor judgment and his criminal actions. In some countries, the imam’s family would receive a bill for the ammo used to shoot him.

By Niraj Warikoo, 31 Oct 09, Free Press Staff Writer
Muslim leaders called for justice today at the funeral of Luqman Ameen Abdullah, the Islamic leader killed by FBI agents this week during a shootout in Dearborn.

”We are looking for justice,” said Imam Mohammed Elahi of the Islamic House of Wisdom to a packed crowd that spilled outside. ”The closest road to Allah is justice. May Allah bless his soul.” Elahi said.
-The call for “justice” means islamic justice; the call is a threat and a call to arms. It is likely that more of these idiots will soon find themselves in hell right alongside their beloved imam.

”Allah Akbar,” God is great, the packed crowd said at times during the funeral.
The casket of Abdullah is now on its way to a cemetery in Canton.

”Imam Luqman had faith and constantly strived for righteous deeds,” Imam Talib Abdur-Rashid, a Muslim leader who heads the Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood in New York City, to the crowd.
-More code “righteous deeds” means he was a radical islamist a-hole and worshipper of the worlds most famous pedophile. (more…)

MSNBC: Dede Scozzafava has Dropped Out of NY 23rd Race

31 October, 2009

Yes!  Looks like Newt Gingrich fatuously picked the wrong horse in this race;  exposing to the public his departure from Conservatism and landing him in a political hell-hole.  Of course, Newt will now come out in support of the other Republican candidate, Doug Hoffman, but the damage is done.

UPDATE: What did I tell you?  Newt just endorsed Hoffman.  Well, here’s a personal note to Newt:  Sorry, Charlie, it’s too late to shove the shaving cream back into the can;  everyone now knows that you are anything but a true Conservative and are symptomatic of the reason why so many people have left the Republican party to become Independent Conservatives.