Archive for October 2012

Benghazi-gate: Military Analysts Say Obama Had to Have Issued the Stand Down Order

29 October, 2012

What can I say?  Obama is responsible for the deaths of not only these four Americans in Benghazi, but also hundreds killed by guns he and his administration allowed to walk across the Mexican border:
Military Analysts: Obama Watched Benghazi Attack, Issued Order to “Stand Down”

Colonel David Hunt and Lieutenant Colonel Tony Shaffer provide insight into the White House’s viewing of the Benghazi attacks and claim that the president had to have ordered any available security support to “stand down.”

EXCLUSIVE PHOTO: Obama Taking Charge in Situation Room During Benghazi Terrorist Attack

26 October, 2012

“Tell them to ‘Stand Down’ for now. I’ll get back to them after I get some rest; gotta’ fly to Las Vegas in the morning.”

Benghazi-gate: Urgent Requests for Military Assistance Denied!

26 October, 2012

Yup, the Obama Administration hung them out there to die:

New Explosive Benghazi Allegations: CIA Operators Told to ‘Stand Down’ During Attack & 3 Urgent Requests for Military Back-Up Were Denied
via TheBlaze

Explosive new allegations surrounding the Benghazi attack emerged this morning, with FOX News’ Jennifer Griffin reporting that sources have confirmed that three urgent requests for military assistance sent from the CIA annex were all denied. Additionally, CIA operators were told to “stand down” rather than respond when shots were heard around 9:40 p.m. on September 11. Following the alleged developments, Charles Woods, father of ex-Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods who was killed in the attack, passionately responded to this new information on Glenn Beck’s radio program […]  Here is his complete on-air reaction:

“That is cowardice by the people that issued that order. And our country is not a country of cowards. Our country is the greatest nation on Earth. And what we need to do is we need to raise up a generation of American heroes just like Ty who is an American hero. But in order to do that, we need to raise up a generation that has not just physical strength but moral strength.  We do not need another generation of liars who lack moral strength.”

Let’s begin by examining the new-found allegations: Glen Doherty and Woods, the two former Navy SEALS who were among the four Americans inevitably killed, subsequently disobeyed orders from superiors to “stand down” and decided to go to the main consulate building to help U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and others who were under siege. While it was previously known that these men arrived on the scene to provide assistance, the alleged “stand down” orders and the repeatedly-denied requests for military assistance are new developments to a story that seems to be continuously unraveling.

When the attack first took form, Doherty and Woods were at a secure CIA annex only one mile away from the chaos unfolding at the compound. After the men heard shots fired, they promptly let the chain of command know about the situation on the ground. However, they were told to “stand down,” according to FOX’s sources. This same mandate was given to the men when they called a second time just one hour later to report that the dangerous situation was still unfolding at the consulate.

After being told twice to refrain from involvement, Woods, Doherty and two others ignored orders and made their way to the main compound, where violence was raging. At this point, the building was on fire and shots were exchanged.

FOX News has more:  CLICK HERE

Glenn Beck: What Was Ambassador Stevens Doing in Benghazi? Arming Syrian Rebels!

25 October, 2012

Very compelling argument.  Well worth watching:

And, further bolstering Glenn Beck’s argument is a FOX News report of a “Mysterious Libyan Ship Linked to Deadly Terror Attack.”

Still not convinced?  Well, even the Russians have taken note of all the U.S. made weapons flooding Syria:

“We have reliable information that Syrian militants have foreign portable anti-aircraft missile systems, including those made in the USA… it should be cleared up who delivered them,” Gen [Nikolai] Makarov told journalists in Russia.


Project Veritas: Son of Congressman Jim Moran (D) Caught on Tape Dispensing Tips For Committing Voter Fraud!

24 October, 2012

Now you know why the DemonRats are so concerned about billboards informing the public that voter fraud is a crime!:

Rep. Jim Moran’s Son: “Forge” Utility Bills to Commit Voter Fraud
Project Veritas

Project Veritas has released a new investigation that exposes Representative Jim Moran’s Field Director, Patrick Moran, conspiring to commit election fraud.

When approached by an undercover investigator for advice on how to steal the votes of more than 100 people, Moran advised falsifying documents to satisfy Virginia’s new voter ID law. He said, “Bank statement obviously would be tough, but they can fake a utility bill with ease.”


CLICK HERE to continue reading.

Obama Administration KNEW that Benghazi Attack Was An Act of Terrorism Two Hours Into It!

24 October, 2012

And yet, Obama went to bed and then flew off to Las Vegas the following day.  

I feel safer already.  /sarc

BTW – Barely two days after the attack, even CNN suspected it was the work of Ansar al-Sharia and not because of some heretofore unknown YouTube video! [CLICK HERE]:

State Dept. Email to White House at 6:07 PM on 9/11/12: ‘Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibility for Benghazi Attack’
By Terence P. Jeffrey – CNSNews -October 24, 2012

( – On Sept. 11, 2012, just two hours after the State Department first began notifying government agencies back in Washington–including the White House–that the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was under attack by armed men, State sent out an email that went to at least two people in the White House that said the group Ansar al-Sharia had claimed responsibility for the attack.

The email, which was sent from a State Department address at 6:05 PM on Sept. 11, 2012, was obtained by CBS News and posted online by the news agency in a PDF file. This email and others posted by CBS News had certain elements redacted–particularly the exact identities of the person who sent it and the persons who received it.

The email sent at 6:05 P.M. on Sept. 11 was sent by a person using an email address. The subject line said: “Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibility for Benghazi Attack (SBU)”

The body of the email said: “(SBU) Embassy Tripoli reports the group claimed responsibility on Facebook and Twiter and has called for an attack on Embassy Tripoli.”

Among the addresses of those who received are two that include that tag “,” a White House email address. “EOP” stands for “Executive Office of the President. The names of the two recipients in the Executive Office of the President who received the email have been redacted.


The third and last email obtained by CBS News was sent by the State Department at 6:07 PM on 9/11/12–or just two hours and two minutes after the first email giving initial notification of the attack. This email went to a somewhat different group of recipients–but still included two persons in the Executive Office of the President and someone at the FBI.

The subject line on this email said: “Update 2: Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibility for Benghazi Attack (SBU).”

The text said: “(SBU) Embassy Tripoli reports the group claimed responsibility on Facebook and Twitter and has called for an attack on Embassy Tripoli.”

[T]his email made no mention of a YouTube video or a spontaneous demonstration in Benghazi.


CBS News This Morning: Romney Clear Debate Winner in Ohio Focus Group

23 October, 2012

Towards the end of the video, the look of disappointment on Norah O’donnell’s face is well worth the price of admission!:

Obama’s 2009 Apology Tour

23 October, 2012

Last night, in the final debate, Obama claimed Romney was telling a whopper of a lie when he labelled Obama’s 2009 Muzzy suck-up road trip as, “The Apology Tour.” 

Well, I figured I’d remind Obama that he did indeed go on an apology tour:


  1. A regretful acknowledgment of an offense or failure.
  2. A formal, public statement of regret, such as one issued by a newspaper, government, or other organization.

I regretfully acknowledge that the audio in the following video is of inferior quality.  However, I couldn’t find the original Fox & Friends clip:

And, just for added measure, here’s more from 2009:

Axelrod’s Claim that Issa First Exposed Libyan Activist is Wrong: Obama Administration Highlighted Her Almost a Year Ago!

22 October, 2012

Yup.  The Obama Administration paraded Wafa Taher Bugaighis around in public—back in December 2011, in Seattle, WA. 

Take special note of  the name tag, “United States Department of State”:

Obama Establishes Another Government Bureaucracy to Handle Global Warming Fantasy

19 October, 2012

Nope.  It doesn’t matter one iota to Obama and his communist buddies that, despite all the dire prophecies of doom coming from the AGW alarmist crowd, the Earth’s temperature has remained stable for the past 16 years… 

Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead!:

Interior Dept. creates climate change committee
By: Audrey Hudson – Human Events10/19/2012

The Obama administration is creating an advisory committee on climate change to advise the federal government on future operations.

The Interior Department announced the new bureaucracy in a recent federal registry notice along with a call for nominations by Nov. 19 to seat the 25-member board.

The notice specifically states membership will be comprised of state and local government employees, non-governmental organizations, Native American tribes, academia, individual landowners and business interests.

“In addition, the committee may include scientific experts, and will include rotating representation from one or more of the institutions that host the (Interior Department) Climate Science Centers,” the notice said.

The climate centers were created to provide scientific information to help land, water, wildlife and cultural resource managers to monitor and adapt to climate change on regional and local levels.


Yup, nothing like a bunch of New World Order, hippy charlatans posing as scientists!  This bad, VERY bad!