Archive for October 2012

Second Muzzie Arrested in Attempted Bombing of Federal Reserve Bank

19 October, 2012

What is interesting is that the FBI has arrested him on charges of child pornography.  My best guess is that they didn’t have enough evidence to get a clean prosecution on the terrorism charges:

F.B.I. Arrests Second Suspect in Bomb Plot Against Bank

The Bangladeshi man who was arrested Wednesday on charges that he plotted to blow up the Federal Reserve Bank of New York had an accomplice in San Diego, who was arrested later on unrelated child-pornography charges, a law enforcement official said on Thursday.

The man described as the accomplice, Howard Willie Carter II, was arrested after an agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation found 1,000 images and three video files containing child pornography on a laptop and hard drive in the trash near Mr. Carter’s apartment, according to a government document. Officials used material stored on the computer to trace it back to Mr. Carter.

The computer also contained e-mails addressed to “Yaqeen,” a name that Brooklyn prosecutors said Mr. Carter had used in the plot to bomb the Federal Reserve building.


Of course, the New York Slimes attempts to conceal Mr. Carter’s professed faith:  Islam. 

However, a local ABC affiliate in San Diego has let the cat out of the bag,  thus confirming what we already  instinctively knew:

Local man possibly linked to plot to bomb Federal Reserve goes to court
Howard Willie Carter II faces child porn charges


For more than a month, Curtis Morehead was Carter’s roommate at the City Heights apartment. He told 10News FBI agents raided his apartment on Wednesday morning and showed him pictures of Carter.

“They said they were looking into … an organized terror front to America,” said Morehead.


Morehead said his roommate was a devout Muslim, regularly went to a nearby mosque and once made an interesting remark.

Funny how those “devout Muslims” are always the ones who go all Jihad and stuff, while, “devout Christians” just go all Amish on ya’…

“He said, ‘We will take out anyone who messes with us.’ That kind of struck me as, you’re one of those, OK,” said Morehead.

Morehead said Carter was jobless, had little money and claimed to be from Baltimore.

“He would be moody, mood swing-type of thing,” said Morehead.


Also of note, from the ABC affiliate’s link, there appears to be one or two more suspects who haven’t yet been arrested by the FBI:

The affidavit stated two other individuals wanted to participate in the attack, Including Yaqueen.


Mitt Romney Steals the Show at Al Smith Dinner

19 October, 2012

If you haven’t already seen this video, it’s a must watch!  Romney gets some awesome jabs at Obama:

Multitude of Obama Supporters Clueless About Benghazi Attack

19 October, 2012

You know, it would be nice if we had some sort of multiple choice test—like you have in order to get a driver’s license—to weed out the politically ignorant before they’re ever, EVER allowed to vote:


Romney Takes the Lead Against Obama in RCP’s Electoral College Map!

18 October, 2012

Wow!  Even Drudge hasn’t picked up on this, yet!  I better get a screen shot before Real Clear Politics changes their mind!:

Muzzie Arrested in Attempt to Blow Up Federal Reserve

18 October, 2012

I’m sure this has nothing to do with Islam and is most likely in response to some hitherto unknown YouTube video… 


Plot to attack Federal Reserve in NYC: Suspect thought he had 1,000-pound bomb, authorities say
NBC News

NEW YORK – A suspected terrorist parked a van packed with what he thought was a 1,000-pound bomb next to the Federal Reserve building in Lower Manhattan and tried to detonate it Wednesday morning before he was arrested in a terror sting operation, authorities said.

The suspect, 21-year-old Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, is a Bangladeshi national who came to the U.S. on a student visa in January for the specific purpose of launching a terror attack here, authorities said. He allegedly told an undercover agent last month that he hoped the attack would disrupt the presidential election, saying “You know what, this election might even stop,” according to the criminal complaint against him.

“He clearly had the intent of creating mayhem here,” Police Commissioner Ray Kelly told reporters Wednesday, saying his actions went “way past aspirational.”

The complaint said Nafis wrote a statement claiming responsibility for what he thought would be the Fed attack, saying he wanted to “destroy America” by going after its economy. He referred to “our beloved Sheikh Osama bin Laden” in the statement, which was stored on a thumb drive.


Nafis, who lives in Jamaica, Queens, attended Southeast Missouri State University for a semester, studying cybersecurity as a sophomore from January through May 2012, a school spokesman said. He sought a transfer to a New York City ESL program and left Missouri after the spring, according to a law enforcement official.

He allegedly sought out al-Qaida contacts to help him, unknowingly recruiting an FBI source in the process. At that point, the FBI and NYPD began monitoring him as he developed the plot, prosecutors said.


Law enforcement officials stress that the plot was a sting operation monitored by the FBI, Homeland Security and NYPD and the public was never at risk. The materials he believed were explosives had been rendered inoperable, officials said.


Afghanistan: Girl Beheaded by Her Family for Refusing to Prostitute Herself

18 October, 2012

Another form of  “honor killing?”:

Afghan girl ‘beheaded for refusing prostitution’

Afghan police have arrested four people who allegedly tried to force a woman into prostitution and beheaded her when she refused.

Mah Gul, 20, was beheaded after her mother-in-law attempted to make her sleep with a man in her house in Herat province last week, provincial police chief Abdul Ghafar Sayedzada told AFP.

“We have arrested her mother-in-law, father-in-law, her husband and the man who killed her,” he said.

Gul was married to her husband four months ago and her mother-in-law had tried to force her into prostitution several times in the past, Sayedzada said.

The suspect, Najibullah, was paraded by police at a press conference where he said the mother-in-law lured him into killing Gul by telling him that she was a prostitute.

“It was around 2am when Gul’s husband left for his bakery. I came down and with the help of her mother-in-law killed her with a knife,” he said.


Last year, in a case that made international headlines, police rescued a teenage girl, Sahar Gul, who was beaten and locked up in a lavatory for five months after she defied her in-laws who tried to force her into prostitution.

The Dirty Little Secret The LSM Doesn’t Want You To Know About Last Night’s Debate: Independents And Undecideds Are Flocking To Romney

17 October, 2012

Sure, the Lame Stream Media is touting Obama as the winner in last night’s *ahem* “debate.”  However, despite Candy Crowley continually paying fealty to her king by cutting off Romney whenever he got on a roll, or her whopper of a lie in defense of Obama during the Libya section of the debate, Independents and Undecideds (the true test of who won the debate) are swayed more by Romney than Obama:

The Luntz Group had many former Obama supporters switching sides after the debate:

And, even MSNBC’s small group of Undecideds were more so swayed by Romney than by Obama:

Yup.  The very voters who this election is coming down to are flocking to Romney!  Ergo, Romney actually won that round, too! 

However, don’t hold your breath waiting for the Lame Stream Media to highlight that inconvenient truth.


Congressman Allen West’s “Field of Dreams” Speech in Temecula California

16 October, 2012

If you have yet to see this video, it’s a must watch!:

More Debunking of AGW: Earth’s Surface Temperature Has Remained Relatively Stable for Past 16 yrs

15 October, 2012

Of course, the same Anthropogenic Global Warming alarmist charlatans who tout every seasonal hurricane or heat wave as proof positive that AGW is real are suddenly embracing the notion that we shouldn’t jump to any conclusions based upon a mere 16 years of data:

Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released… and here is the chart to prove it
By David Rose – The Guardian UK

The world stopped getting warmer almost 16 years ago, according to new data released last week.

The figures, which have triggered debate among climate scientists, reveal that from the beginning of 1997 until August 2012, there was no discernible rise in aggregate global temperatures.

This means that the ‘plateau’ or ‘pause’ in global warming has now lasted for about the same time as the previous period when temperatures rose, 1980 to 1996. Before that, temperatures had been stable or declining for about 40 years.

The new data, compiled from more than 3,000 measuring points on land and sea, was issued  quietly on the internet, without any media fanfare, and, until today, it has not been reported.

This stands in sharp contrast  to the release of the previous  figures six months ago, which went only to the end of 2010 – a very warm year.

Ending the data then means it is possible to show a slight warming trend since 1997, but 2011 and the first eight months of 2012 were much cooler, and thus this trend is erased.


Here are three not-so trivial questions you probably won’t find in your next pub quiz. First, how much warmer has the world become since a) 1880 and  b) the beginning of 1997? And what has this got to do with your ever-increasing energy bill?

You may find the answers to the first two surprising. Since 1880, when reliable temperature records began to be kept across most of the globe, the world has warmed by about 0.75 degrees Celsius.

From the start of 1997 until August 2012, however, figures released last week show the answer is zero: the trend, derived from the aggregate data collected from more than 3,000 worldwide measuring points, has been flat.

Not that there has been any  coverage in the media, which usually reports climate issues assiduously, since the figures were quietly release online with no accompanying press release – unlike six months ago when they showed a slight warming trend.

The answer to the third question is perhaps the most familiar. Your bills are going up, at least in part, because of the array of ‘green’ subsidies being provided to the renewable energy industry, chiefly wind.


[A]ccording to increasing numbers of serious climate scientists, it does suggest that the computer models that have for years been predicting imminent doom, such as  those used by the Met Office and the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, are flawed, and that the climate is far more complex than the models assert.


Four States Identified As Having Not Mailed All Absentee Ballots to Military Members Before Deadline

15 October, 2012

With over 66 percent of the U.S. Military men and women supporting Mitt Romney in the November elections, is there any doubt as to who is behind this little oversight?:

Some States Not Sending Absentee Ballots to Military
by William Bigelow –

Jurisdictions in Vermont, Michigan, Mississippi and Wisconsin have failed to mail absentee ballots to military members by the Sept. 22, 2012, deadline established by the MOVE Act. That was 45 days before the November 6 elections, which was what was required.

Rep. Buck McKeon, R-Calif., chairman of the House Armed Services Committee; Rep. Daniel E. Lungren, R-Calif., chairman of the House Administration Committee; and Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, sent a letter to the Defense and Justice departments reading:

“We are concerned that, absent prompt and effective remedial action, some men and women in uniform will be deprived of the 45-day window to vote guaranteed by the Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act. While implementation and enforcement of the MOVE Act appear on course as an improvement over the poor performance we saw in the 2010 elections, we are concerned about the currently reported shortcomings. If any element of local, state or federal government does not abide by the MOVE Act, the result should not ever be the disenfranchisement of any member of the armed services.”

The congressmen stated that the jurisdictions responsible should extend the deadline for accepting military and overseas ballots by the same number of days as the ballots were mailed late. The congressmen also asked Defense Department officials whether they have established installation voting assistance offices where they are required. It is the service branches’ responsibility to establish these offices.

It is unconscionable for these states to fail to give military members their due. Is it any coincidence that it is only Republicans who seek to rectify the situation?