Archive for January 2007

Muslim Man Claims Abuse at Sam’s Club

31 January, 2007

More Muslim as a victim propaganda. I have been in Sam’s club and I know they have cameras, everyone knows that but no pictures were taken and no description of the suspect. Keep in mind both the “victim and the convenient witness almost saw the license tag but gave no description of the car. CAIR will probably use this in their fight to stop Muslim profiling and as an example of intolerance. I think this smells to high heaven of a set up. If it is true, please don’t stoop to their level. Free speech is allowed and encouraged. Jihadwatch or support Denmark bumper stickers, Infidel in Arabic on a hat, t-shirts with mohammad cartoons, all legal folks. Thumping Muslims on the chest and screaming like a crazed jihadi-not legal. Everyone got it? BTW- don’t worry about the hat-shirts etc. I wear them all the time and have yet to have a single Muslim say a word. The best way to fight back is the easiest way, speak the truth. Expose Muslims for what they are, don’t be intimidated. As far as the dhimmi witness. Even if this turns out to be true, her claim to never again shop at Sam’s is just stupid. No one was hurt and Sam’s security never lost control. If you are never going to visit a place that had a crime committed, stay off the streets, out of schools, hospitals and planes-hell you had better leave the planet.

Man says he was physically and verbally accosted, and nobody – including store security and police – wanted to help.
By Eben Brown
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
CLEARWATER, Fla. (970 WFLA) – Derar Ahmad says he’s been a frequent customer of the Sam’s Club on Gulf-to-Bay Blvd for nearly five years. That’s why he was susprised when a fellow customer, he says, assaulted him on the grounds he is an Arab Muslim.

“I felt really shocked, and scared of my life to death” says Ahmad in broken English.

Ahmad thinks his assailant overheard him talking, in Arabic, to his wife on the phone before entering the store on Wednesday, January 24th. The man then rushed over to him shouting, “F*** your Allah, F*** your Muhammad.”

Then Ahmad says the attacker began to jab him on the forehead with his finger, saying “I’m going to send you home” and “go back to your country.”

Ahmad, who is a 30-year-old of Palestinian descent, came to the United States six years ago from the West Bank.

“I’m a citizen of this country and I love that,” he says. ” I am happy to be here.” (more…)

Muslim fury over arrests

31 January, 2007

I wasn’t going to comment as this story broke early and was beat to death on the news. Here is what they are not telling you: This was a clear message to Muslim soldiers, police, and informants. You are not safe, do not cross the jihadi’, we will kill you. We have the support of the people. In truth they are right, they do have the support of the people. The Muslim community is angry the attack was stopped. No Muslim community leader has thanked Allah the soldier is safe and these wanna be killers are in custody, not one. The soldier is under police protection because they are worried the rest of the followers of the religion of peace will still kill him. Read it for yourselves.

31/01/2007 Gulf Daily News, Hat tip Ummah News Links
BIRMINGHAM, England – Wasim Raja, 25, and Imran Khan, 19, are leaning on the grills of a general store in Alum Rock, Birmingham, watching the police activity on Jackson Road opposite with interest.
“Every time they’re coming into Muslim areas, blasting open their doors … They wouldn’t like it if they dragged their mum and dad out of bed in the middle of the night. They’re scum,” says Khan, spitting on the pavement.
-Leave us alone and a veiled threat-
Raja is more conciliatory, although, like many here, he doubts the man arrested in a dawn raid yesterday on suspicion of involvement in a terror plot was guilty of anything.
-they have a real problem with arresting them before they complete a crime-
“I’ve known him since I was little… He’s not that type of person. If they’ve got a proper lead, then OK. But you’ve got to be 100 per cent. Maybe it’s wrong information.”
-wait until they blow something up first- (more…)

NZ signs maritime terrorism protocols

31 January, 2007

This sounds like a little thing but it has major ramifications. After an event you do not have time to discuss the legality of your response. This will free up planners and allow them to concentrate on crisis management without worrying about lawyers and international laws. Eleven countries have signed, that should help secure the seas and let each country know its responsibilities in the defense of the seaways and international commerce.

Wednesday January 31, 2007
New Zealand has signed two international protocols addressing the threat of maritime terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, Foreign Minister Winston Peters said today.
The protocols create new offences relating to maritime terrorism and the trafficking of weapons of mass destruction, and establish a regime allowing law enforcement and other officials to board vessels where they suspect an offence has taken place.
The new protocols strengthen the 1988 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation.
Mr Peters said legislation would be needed to ratify the protocols which have already been agreed to be 11 countries including Australia, France, Britain and the United States.

You can stay in Canada as long as you don’t stone your women

31 January, 2007

Ok, great idea but it falls way short. First identify the problem, then look for a solution. They did not make these rules to stop a normal immigrant looking for a better life and willing to work for it. Immigrants do not stone women or cut off heads-Muslims do.

Thursday February 01, 2007
By David Ljunggren
OTTAWA – Immigrants wishing to live in the small Canadian town of Herouxville, Quebec, must not stone women to death in public, burn them alive or throw acid on them, according to an extraordinary set of rules released by the local council.
The declaration, published on the town’s website, has deepened tensions in the predominantly French-speaking province over how tolerant Quebecers should be toward the customs and traditions of immigrants.
“We wish to inform these new arrivals that the way of life which they abandoned when they left their countries of origin cannot be recreated here,” said the declaration, which makes it clear women are allowed to drive, vote, dance, write cheques, dress how they want, work and own property. “Therefore we consider it completely outside these norms to … kill women by stoning them in public, burning them alive, burning them with acid, circumcising them, etc.”
No one on the town council was available for comment yesterday. Herouxville, with a population of 1300, is about 160km northeast of Montreal. (more…)

Osama bin Laden brother-in-law Killed.

31 January, 2007

Looks like more Muslim on Muslim violence. It doesn’t matter much who the message was meant for, it was received.

CNN’s Nic Robertson contributed to this report.
(CNN) — The brother-in-law and former best friend of Osama bin Laden
was killed while on a business trip to Madagascar, family members have
told CNN.
Jamal Khalifa’s family told CNN they were not sure of the details of the
Saudi businessman’s death but said all his possessions had been stolen.
Khalifa had arranged the trip in order to straighten out his affairs
regarding a heavy plant equipment business he owned on the Indian Ocean
He had not visited Madagascar in five or six years and was concerned his
equipment had been taken without payment, his family said.
Khalifa had also at one time worked to free a Madagascan friend from
internment at Guantanamo Bay. (more…)

The UK Threatens US Security

30 January, 2007

This is a must read article from Family Security Matters. It reinforces my belief that unless the British make major changes they are doomed. Granted, I am worse casing it but they are falling fast. The rise of Islam has already resulted in “White Flight” they are losing one out of every sixteen college graduates. Unless this trend is reversed it will be the end of England. It is slow to load but worth a look. Here is a link:


Mahdi fails to live up to expectations

30 January, 2007

Wow, they killed the Mahdi that must really mess up their end of the world plans. I guess I need a 401K plan, I was planning on the world ending before I retired. Sigh, I am back to square one.

Correspondents in Baghdad
January 31, 2007
IRAQ’S army announced it had killed the leader of a heavily armed cult of messianic Shi’ites called “the Soldiers of Heaven” that planned to attack leading Shia clerics in a bizarre plot aimed at bringing about the return of a revered 9th century saint.
Ahmed Bin al-Hassani, who headed the previously little-known group, told his followers he had descended from heaven with a message from the Imam Mahdi saying he was planning to return to earth yesterday.
Hassani was among more than 200 people killed in battles that erupted on Sunday near the southern Shia city of Najaf, Iraqi officials said.
That an obscure sect of Shia fanatics was able to engage US and Iraqi forces for almost 24 hours exposed the unpredictability of Iraq’s political landscape as the US military focuses on the sectarian violence raging in Baghdad and on hunting down members of al-Qa’ida.
US F-16 warplanes were called in to support Iraqi forces battling the militants among orchards of date palms, and pounded the area with large bombs.
At one point, said Iraqi army colonel Ahmed al-Silawi, the aerial bombardment was so intense he raced through the battlefield to find an interpreter to warn the US military they risked killing the Iraqi troops.
Many of the dead were members of the sect, but Iraqi army officials said there were women and children among the bodies stacked up at the hospital morgue in nearby Kufa. The reportedly well-armed zealots planned to kill Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani and other members of the Shia religious establishment in Najaf yesterday, during celebrations for the annual Shia Ashoura festival in nearby Karbala, Najaf Governor Assad Sultan Abu Kulal told reporters yesterday.
Their goal was to herald the return of the Imam Mahdi. The “Hidden Imam” as he is known, vanished in 874 at the age of five.
According to some Shia traditions, Imam Mahdi will emerge to restore peace and justice to the world only when chaos reigns.
Ahmed al-Baghdadi, a Shia cleric affiliated with Ayatollah Sistani, scoffed at Hassani’s claims, telling Iraqi state television he first met Hassani as a student 20 years ago. “I’ve known him for a long time and it’s certainly not true he descended from the sky,” he said.
The holy city of Najaf had been regarded as one of Iraq’s success stories, a place where Iraqi security forces were judged capable of operating independently from the US forces.
US President George W. Bush said of the heavy fighting: “The Iraqis are starting to show me something.”
However, the discovery that Shia zealots were preparing to assassinate Ayatollah Sistani and other top clerics has come as an embarrassment to the Shia-led government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who has repeatedly named al-Qaida and other Sunni militants as the chief threat to Iraq’s security.

Police raid leading Islamic college

30 January, 2007

Looks like the Aussie’s have struck another blow for freedom. Good going Mates. I’m sure Muslims will whine and scream “profiling” but at least the Aussie’s don’t have to put up with CAIR.

Paige Taylor and Elizabeth Gosch
The Australian
January 31, 2007
ONE of Australia’s best-known Islamic colleges has been raided by police and government investigators on suspicion its three campuses have rorted the student subsidies payable for non-government schools.
The Australian Islamic College’s campuses at Kewdale in Perth’s south and Dianella and Thornlie in the city’s north were raided at 9am yesterday by 28 fraud squad officers and 10 investigators from the federal Department of Education, Science and Training investigations unit.
The officers took three truck- loads of computers and documents from the college campuses and the college’s headquarters in the southern Perth suburb of Booragoon. The raids followed an investigation of several months into the school’s use of student subsidised funding programs by the Commercial Crime Division.
The federal Government gave the college $13.3 million in funding in 2006. (more…)

Iranian school textbooks preparing students for war and martyrdom

30 January, 2007

Nice and we teach our children unimportant things like tolerance, respect and understanding. What were we thinking?
By Yossi Lempkowicz
30 January, 2007
BRUSSELS (EJP)— Iran’s school hate curriculum prepares its students for a global war and martyrdom against the West in general, and against the United States and Israel, in particular, in the name of Islam.

This is the main finding of a research conducted by the Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace (CMIP), a non-political NGO, which is monitoring textbooks throughout the Middle East and determine whether the younger generations are being educated to accept “the other.”

“The continuation of indoctrination inside the school system, which seems almost certain under the current Iran president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, should sound the alarm to all individuals and governments that cherish the principles of peace and international cooperation,” the center said.

Large scale analysis

The organisation analysed 115 Iranian school textbooks and teacher’s guides of all grades.

Although all the books and the vast majority of the teacher’s guides were published in 2004, under former president Mohammad Khatami, they all reflect the teachings of Ayatollah Khomeini, founder of revolutionary Iran.

“The schoolchildren are taught that the Muslims and the oppressed nations of the world in general, should wage a life-or-death global war against the infidel oppressors, America in particular,” Arnon Groiss, director of CMIP, explained Tuesday during a press conference at the European Parliament in Brussels.

“The final objective is a Muslim political power,” Yohanan Manor, president of CMIP said.

Israel is the enemy

As an example “of the fruit of such an education” the center cited the fact that 36,000 schoolchildren died as “martyrs” during the Iran-Iraq war between 1980-1988.

Israel rather than Jews is presented as the enemy of Iran and Islam.
The center showed a picture story for grade 3 students in which the inhabitants of a tidy and clean town chase away a reopugnant creature that spreads garbage along his way. In one of the pictures, the Jewish symbol of the Star of David is seen as part of the garbage.
“European countries can expect to share the negative consequences of such indoctrination, “ British Conservative MEP Geoffrey van Orden, warned.

“The war intended by Iran and taught in its schools is not necessarily a conventional war utilising tanks and aircraft. It will more likely take the form of terrorist attacks against vulnerable points in the West, exploiting the very openness of our countries,” he added.

He drew the attention of European governments on “the on-going recruitment of tens of thousands of young men and women to the “army of suicide bombers”.

Anti-Muslim Flyers Spark Outcry

30 January, 2007

A few thoughts on this; when I saw the flyer my first thought was it was not written by a native English speaker, the layout, grammar and structure are all wrong. I applaud the desire to warn others about Islam but this flyer is not the way to do it. I do not believe Muslims have suitcase nukes and Anthrax can not do the amount of damage this flyer suggests. I don’t like making this a religion vs religion fight because Islam endangers everyone, not just Christians. The dhimmi who defended the American Muslims because they were “nice” is probably a decent enough guy but totally unaware of the threat we face as is the reporter. By not asking the hard questions our media allows the Muslim threat to grow. If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. If someone knows who wrote the flyer, point him or her here and I’ll write one that doesn’t exclude everyone but Christians.

Non-Muslim man speaks out against flyer left on his door.
By Eben Brown
Monday, January 29, 2007
SEMINOLE, Fla. (970 WFLA) – Joel Harper didn’t like a flyer he found his front door.

The flyer stated that Muslims have been storing anthrax for a number of years, were smuggling suitcase bombs into the country, and that only faith in Jesus would save you from them.

Harper says it’s a deplorable scare tactic.

“Sounds like something the Nazis or Communists did back in the Cold War.”

What’s worse for Harper, is that he doesn’t know who left the flyer on his door and the doors of his neighbors on 76th Avenue North in Seminole.

“Somebody had them printed but they didn’t bother to sign their name, so you know how did it,” says Harper. If you’re going to be saying this stuff you’d think they’d want people to know who did it.”

The outcry caught the attention of Ahmed Bedier, the local leader of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. He’s hoping Christian leaders vocally oppose this “bunch of a nonsense designed to instill fear.”

Harper thinks when Christians act this way, they don’t seperate themselves from other brands of religous fundamentalists.

“The Muslim extremists have hijacked the Muslim religion, just like these people here seem to be hijacking Christianity.”

“This is obviously not what Jesus would do if he were here,” says Bedier.

“Most Muslims are nice people,” says Harper. “Especially, I think, the ones who live in America.”