Archive for 27 February, 2007

Domestic terror wins big in today’s flip-flop vote by Dion’s Liberals

27 February, 2007


For Immediate Release
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Ottawa, Canada – Today, the Liberal opposition lead by Stéphane Dion joined with the other Opposition parties to kill two provisions of Canada Anti-Terrorism Act that were passed into law by the Liberal government of Jean Chrétien in 2002. With all the hyperbole generated by these provisions, it is essential that Canadians understand their implications and judge for themselves if today’s vote was a win for human rights or for those plotting acts of terror in Canada.
The “preventative arrest” provision is an appropriate and constitutional response to today’s mass-casualty terrorist threat. This provision allows police to detain persons whom they believe “on reasonable grounds” to be about to commit an act of terror. Within one day, or as soon as constitutionally possible, the detainee must be brought before a judge to validate the detention.
The other provision authorizes the use of “investigative hearings” to require a person who has material knowledge of a terrorist act to be examined by a judge with regard to information that may prevent a planned attack or help identify the perpetrators of a past attack. Again, the law requires “reasonable grounds” to proceed. Moreover, it allows the person in question to have counsel, and prohibits the use of information drawn from the person to be used against that individual in any later criminal proceedings, save for reasonable exceptions relating to perjury and associated offences. (more…)

“Not Possible to Modernize Islam”

27 February, 2007

Another brave female reformer. Mina Ahadi has received death threats after founding the “COUNCIL OF EX-MUSLIMS”.

27 February 2007, Spiegel Online.

Human rights activists have formed a “Central Council of Ex-Muslims in Germany” to help women renounce the Islamic faith if they feel oppressed by its laws. Its Iranian-born founder Mina Ahadi, under police protection after receiving death threats, talks to DER SPIEGEL about its goals.
An Iranian human rights activist living in Germany has formed a “Central Council of ex-Muslims in Germany” with 40 others and has received anonymous death threats after declaring she wants to help people to leave the religion if they so desire.
Iranian-born Mina Ahadi, 50, said she set up the group to highlight the difficulties of renouncing the Islamic faith which she believes to be misogynist. She wants the group to form a counterweight to Muslim organisations that she says don’t adequately represent Germany’s secular-minded Muslim immigrants. (more…)

A Glimmer of hope for Muslim Reform

27 February, 2007

If Islam can be changed only the women can do it. In almost 1400 years the men have not changed it. They like it just like it is. It should be to no surprise to the regular readers the women do not. Don’t take this woman lightly to even hint there maybe a problem with Islam is Dangerous, especially for a Muslim woman. I wish her luck.

February 28, 2007 MEMRI

In a Satirical Poem, Saudi Author Laments Conditions in the Arab World

In a satirical poem titled “When,” posted on Arabic reformist websites
including, reformist Saudi author and journalist Wajeha
Al-Huwaider lamented what she regards as the conditions in the Arab
world. In the introduction to this poem, she wrote: “‘When’ is an ode to
the troubles of the Arab citizen. Both men and women participated in its
[writing], and it is still open to additions. This ode will be hung on
the walls of the palaces of the Arab rulers, (1) so feel free to add you

The following are excerpts from the poem:

“When you cannot find a single garden in your city, but there is a
mosque on every corner – you know that you are in an Arab country…

“When you see people living in the past with all the trappings of
modernity – do not be surprised, you are in an Arab country.

“When religion has control over science – you can be sure that you are
in an Arab country.

“When clerics are referred to as ‘scholars’ – don’t be astonished, you
are in an Arab country.

“When you see the ruler transformed into a demigod who never dies or
relinquishes his power, and whom nobody is permitted to criticize – do
not be too upset, you are in an Arab country. (more…)