Archive for March 2007

What a Day.

31 March, 2007

I spent the day at Airfest 2007. An airshow held at MacDill AirForce Base in Tampa Florida. Anyone who doubts American resolve just needs to attend such a show. I watched both our old Veterans and our current crop of dedicated defenders of freedom, working right along side skilled Civilian pilots and countless volunteers all working together to show the world just what we stand for and can do. It was inspiring. Ever act was top notch, I really think extra kudos goes out to the USSOCOM jump team, The man flying the P51 Mustang, and the world famous Blue Angels-all skilled crowd pleasers. The static displays were great. I shook hands and thanked a crewman on an AC130 Specture Gunship, I explained I have seen the end result of their work but had never been inside one. We don’t have many of them so I knew these guys were fresh from the fight and will go back. My thought is any nation, which can design these incredible machines, build them, maintain them, and train people to fly them has nothing to fear from anyone. I do think the US Airforce should change its motto to “Leave yours on the ground or we will put them there for you” I don’t think the PC types will approve but they have my permission to use it as an unofficial motto. I am sunburned, tired, and awestruck. God Bless America.

Zille determined to evict private Muslim school

31 March, 2007

By Natasha Prince

The City of Cape Town has refused to back down in the face of a protest march of staff and supporters of a controversial private Muslim school in Goodwood, which has been ordered by the High Court to shut down.

Friday’s march to the Civic Centre, involving about 100 protesters, is the latest round in the war of words that erupted two weeks ago when council workers and Metro Police arrived at the school early on a Saturday and used a crane to remove a fence and a prefabricated classroom.

The escalating row that followed has included accusations of racism and religious prejudice being directed at Cape Town mayor Helen Zille – who has refused to budge.

A memorandum addressed to Zille demanded that she re-evaluate the original land use department application submitted by the school in January 2004.

A further demand is for the city to acknowledge that the school has been a victim of racism and religious prejudice, and that criminal charges against teachers in the Goodwood Municipal court be withdrawn.

The private school, which has 65 pupils ranging from Grade R to Grade Seven, is in a residential area, in contravention of zoning regulations.

In November the City of Cape Town won a High Court judgment ordering the school to close.

At the Civic Centre the group was met by Lungelo Mbandazayo, head of legal services for the City, who handed them a letter from the mayor, stating: “We have a constitutional duty to enforce the laws of the land, and we cannot make exceptions for anyone based on race, religion, or gender. To do so would open the door to other people who want to invade council land or put up illegal structures.”

This article was originally published on page 2 of The Cape Argus on March 31, 2007

A small sign of hope

31 March, 2007

Building one church does sound like a big deal until you realize this process took 20 years to start and it will be the first church built in this area in almost 15 centuries. We all know this will cause problems and possibly even violence. I wish them luck with this project but it will take more than luck to build and protect this church. If there are moderate Muslims hiding among the radicals it is time to put up or shut up. Send your letters of support and a small donation to help complete this project. If this project is to succeed it will take Muslim community leaders support and protection I for one hope they are up to the task.
03/30/2007 Asia News,
QATAR , The first Catholic Church in Doha in over 14 centuries
Future Parish Priest Fr. Tom Veneration, tells AsiaNews that Qatar’s Catholic community has superseded 100 thousand faithful. They are all foreigners because while the government permits freedom of worship to the Christian confessions it prohibits conversions. The Church will open up at the end of the year, and will be dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary

Future Parish priest Fr. Tom Veneration, tells AsiaNews: “After over 20 years of making formal requests to the authorities, the government has finally granted the Christian confessions land to build their own places of worship. The Catholic community were given the largest piece of land, because our presence here goes back down the centuries and also because our community is the largest, now numbering over 100 thousand faithful”.

He adds, the Church land “was given to us by Emir Amir Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, who in recent years has promoted a politics of inter religious dialogue while at the same time maintaining the laws which forbid any attempts to convert the local population, for the most part Muslim, to any other religion. This really is the only great limit to our pastoral work, but we must comply”. The Church will be dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary.
Roman Catholics from all over the Arabian Peninsula – many of them migrant workers – are helping to pay for the $15m building, which is scheduled to open at the end of the year. (more…)

Six Muslim Murderer’s hung

30 March, 2007

It is a start. I hope they enjoy hell.

South Asian Media Net
Saturday, March 31,2007

DHAKA: Six top militants including Jama’atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) supremo Abdur Rahman and his deputy Bangla Bhai were executed late Thursday night for killing two Jhalakathi judges.
They swung from the gallows between 11:45pm and midnight at four different jails amid tight security, said prison sources.

The executions mark in all probability the end of country’s first overt militancy campaign that rattled the nation through a series of coordinated blasts and suicide bombings in 2005.

They came within three years of the BNP-Jamaat alliance government’s denying the existence of Islamic militancy. The ruling coalition high-ups even went on to describe JMB operations commander Siddiqul Islam alias Bangla Bhai as mere creation of the media.

But later on February 23, 2005 the government was forced to eat humble pie and ban JMB and its offshoot Jagrata Muslim Janata, Bangladesh (JMJB) that sought to establish Shariah (Islamic law). What? I am shocked. (more…)

Mapping Shari’a in America

30 March, 2007

The Mapping Shari’a in America: Knowing the Enemy project is sponsored by the Society of Americans for National Existence (or SANE). SANE was formally established in January 2006 by David Yerushalmi. I wrote and asked David for permission to highlight this effort. He has granted permission. David described SANE as a cross between a public policy think tank and a grass roots organization. I think it is time for us to add a little help. I have added links to both the Mapping Sharia and SANE sites. Please visit the sites and do what you are able to help. One suggestion: visit and use Muslim arrogance against them. You can type in a zip code and conduct searches of your areas for a list of Muslim owned facilities in your area. Keep a copy and send this information to SANE. By identifying as many of these as possible it will be easier to map the spread of radical Islam across America. Before I start getting hate mail about this idea. I will remind everyone the information is publicly available and if these organizations do not consider themselves as enemies of the USA they should applaud the chance to separate the good Muslims from the crazed and violent Muslims who they insist are the minority. By building a database to track the spread of sharia we can protect basic American rights for everyone. Many of the Muslims in the US have fled countries already governed under sharia they will understand our need to defend against it. Radical Muslims will be pissed, oh well. Do what you can while our fight against radical Islam is still a relatively peaceful one.

RONIN defies United Nations

30 March, 2007

Frankly I find most diplomats and politicians slightly lower than pedophiles but thankfully they are not very well organized and tend to eat their young. I have an even lower opinion of the ones working at the United Nations. Even for them this is a new low. Muslims have enough reasons to be ashamed but this rubs their face in it. This resolution binding or not just screams of PC protectionism. Muslims are victims yeah we get it and the UN is going to save them, how special. They couldn’t find time to condemn Iran’s kidnapping of British soldiers but they found time for this resolution and timed it with the birthday of old mo himself, nice, real nice. Well I am not a UN citizen I am an American. I hold the right of free speech very high on my list of reasons I am proud to be an American and the UN can kiss my red, white and blue ass. I would love for Muslims to clean their own house, modernize their religion and join the 21st century but until they do I will be right here pointing out their many faults and warning others of their agenda.

30 March, 2007, (AP)
GENEVA – Islamic countries pushed through a resolution at the U.N. Human Rights Council on Friday urging a global prohibition on the public defamation of religion — a response largely to the furor last year over caricatures published in a Danish newspaper of the Prophet Muhammad.
The statement proposed by the Organization of Islamic Conference addressed what it called a “campaign” against Muslim minorities and the Islamic religion around the world since the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States.
The resolution, which was opposed by European and a number of other non-Muslim countries, “expresses deep concern at attempts to identify Islam with terrorism, violence and human rights violations.” (more…)

Muslim’s murder Christian Evangelist inside a Mosque

29 March, 2007

Another shining example of muslim tolerance. I just don’t understand how the muslims always seem to misunderstand that according to the koran Christ was a prophet and is supposedly going to return when mohammed returns. I must have read the wrong koran. Or it could be muslims don’t believe that crap either. IMHO I am 100% sure the two of them will never appear together.

Christian Newswire – The Washington-DC based human rights group, International Christian Concern (ICC) has just learned that an Ethiopian evangelist named Tedase was beaten to death by militant Muslims on Monday, March 26th, as he and two young women were on a street evangelism assignment in Jimma, Ethiopia. This marks the second time in six months that Christians residing in Southeast Ethiopia have been attacked and killed by extremist (Wahabbi) Muslims. (more…)

Threat of Islamic Radicalization to the Homeland

29 March, 2007

I found this jewel at:
I think they are starting to get it. I have said it a million times; the truth is our greatest weapon.

“Threat of Islamic Radicalization to the Homeland”
Written Testimony of CHARLES E. ALLEN
Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis
Chief Intelligence Officer
Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Senate
Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
March 14, 2007
Chairman Lieberman, Senator Collins and other distinguished Senators: Thank you for the opportunity to share perspectives on the threat of Islamic radicalism to the homeland. I appreciate the opportunity to appear along side my colleague Daniel Sutherland today. We work closely with the Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties and the Privacy Office to ensure all of our activities are fully consistent with constitutional and federal law.
The spate of terrorist attacks in Western Europe over the past several years and the more recent disruption of extremist cells in North America highlight the threat radicalization poses. We believe the threat we face in the near term is less than that currently confronting our European allies, but we are concerned that radicalization will continue to expand within the United States over the long term. (more…)

I am back.

29 March, 2007

I am back. I was humbled upon return. I expected to see one or two hits a day and zero comments. I am sorry I had so little faith in all of you. I gave my password to a trusted friend; he showed me a few comments he marked as “spam” and took offline. They were childish rants posted in the “contact info” and not related to any article. I would have tossed them when I returned anyway. I think Doc and I are very liberal about letting visitors comment but keep them civil and related to an article. Personal attacks and attempts to intimidate are just childish. Make your point if you have one but don’t take it personally if no one agrees with you. Threats, childish rants and cussing will be erased without warning.

It will be a few more days before I am posting at normal levels. It was a long trip and it will take me a few days to get back up to speed, even Ronin’s need down time.

The self-portrait of an Al Qaeda leader

15 March, 2007

Please visit The Christian Science Monitor website to view the graphics and links.

This will be my last post for a while; I am travelling again soon and will not have time to work on the site. I will miss it and our many readers and posters. Hopefully, Doctor Bulldog will return soon and the site will soldier on. I have no idea how long I will be gone but it shouldn’t be more than a few weeks. I will see you all soon. Ronin.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed put the murder of reporter Daniel Pearl on his long list of terrorist acts.
By Warren Richey | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor
Most Americans know him from the unflattering picture taken shortly after his arrest in Pakistan in 2003. Disheveled and drowsy, alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed appeared as anything but a stoic Islamic warrior engaged in a heroic struggle.
This week a more complete – and complex – portrait of the man began to emerge. He knows Islam does not support wanton killing, but he rationalizes that Muslims are under siege by America.
He boasts of involvement in the 9/11 and other attacks and then expresses remorse for the loss of life – particularly the deaths of children.
He acknowledges involvement in what amount to gigantic international crimes, then takes exception to an Al Jazeera press report that misidentified his rank and position in Al Qaeda.
In one breath he admits to decapitating American reporter Daniel Pearl, and in another he complains that the American military is misspelling his name.
Overall, the portrait that emerges of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is that of an individual who represents the worst kind of enemy – a man who believes with certainty that his cause is just and that God is on his side. (more…)