Archive for 18 April, 2007

New York Suspends Female Chaplain For Anti-Islamic Tracts

18 April, 2007

Another sign of dhimmi-liberal thinking gone awry! I’ve read the tracts that are mentioned in the article. In fact, the following article incorrectly identifies one of the tracts as, “Allah Has No Son.” The Actual title is, “Allah Had No Son.” Past tense… You can read the, “Allah Had No Son” tract HERE. And, you can read the, “Men of Peace?” tract HERE at Chick Publications.

Anyone care to tell me where the derogatory depictions of Allah are?  I thought not…  This is just a big conspiracy by the radicalized Islamic inmates to get rid of the Christian minister and have her replaced with an Islamic cleric so that they will have a point of contact for passing various bits of terrorist information between the inmates and those who have been released and are now waiting and plotting…

Jail chaplain suspended for anti-Islam booklets
Cartoons described Allah as the devil, Muhammad as a dictator
NEW CITY, New York – A jail chaplain in New York state’s Rockland County has been suspended after she distributed religious booklets that condemn Islam, contain derogatory depictions of God and refer to the prophet Muhammad as a “religious dictator,” jail officials said.

Teresa Darden Clapp, an ordained Christian minister and a chaplain at the jail since 1994, was suspended with pay on Thursday pending the outcome of an investigation to determine possible disciplinary action, the jail’s chief, William Clark, told The Journal News in Friday editions.

The booklets characterize Muslims as worshipping an “idol” and devil called Allah, and portray the prophet Muhammad as a criminal and a “religious dictator.” Allah is the Arabic word for God, and Muslims believe they worship the same God as Christians and Jews.

In the cartoon panel stories, a tract titled “Men of Peace?” says Islamic fundamentalists who commit terrorist acts are not “bad Muslims” but “very good Muslims” who act in accordance with their religion. Another tract, titled “Allah Has No Son,” says Allah is not God, Muhammad was no prophet and the Quran is not the word of God.

The title of that tract bears a resemblance to one of the Quran’s shorter chapters, which says that God has no creator and has not begotten anyone. Unlike Christians, Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet, like Mohammed and Moses, and not the son of God.

Both cartoon stories end with people being convinced that Islam is false. In one ending, a Muslim is contrite on learning he is worshipping a false idol and converts to Christianity. (more…)

Pay the Jizyah, or Die!!!

18 April, 2007

Who says that the Jizyah is only symbolic? Maybe some Muslims and religious scholars in the West, but not the knuckleheads in Iraq!!!


Iraqi Christians forced to pay ‘protection tax’
Muslims enforcing Islamic law requiring tribute or conversion

World Net Daily

Posted: April 18, 2007

Christians in a Baghdad neighborhood are being required to pay a “protection tax” because Muslims have begun enforcing an Islamic law demanding either the tribute – or conversion to Islam, according to Christians in Iraq.

The report from the Assyrian International News Agency follows on complaints from Iraqi Christians that they have been caught in a no-man’s land between the Coalition forces and Muslim militants in Iraq, watching as their churches have been bombed, and men and women assaulted and killed.

The newest report said Muslims in the Dora neighborhood are forcing Assyrians, who also are known as Chaldeans and Syriacs, but who largely are Christian, to pay the jizya, the poll tax demanded by the Quran.

Christians – and Jews – must pay the tax “in exchange for being allowed to live and practice their faith as well as being entitled to ‘Muslim protection’ from outside aggression,” the agency reported. (more…)

233 People Killed or Found Dead In Iraq

18 April, 2007

Okay, four bomb attacks killed 183 people in Iraq. While that is a high number, I’m curious about the Nationwide number 233 people killed or found dead. Does that, “found dead” include heart attack victims, hit and runs, cancer patients, etc.?


Iraq Has One of Deadliest Day on Record
Apr 18, 3:26 PM (ET)


BAGHDAD (AP-My Way News) – Suspected Sunni insurgents penetrated the Baghdad security net Wednesday, hitting Shiite targets with four bomb attacks that killed 183 people – the bloodiest day since the U.S. troop surge began nine weeks ago.

Late Wednesday, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki ordered the arrest of the Iraqi army colonel who was in charge of security in the area around the Sadriyah market where at least 127 people died and 148 were wounded in one of the bombings.

It was the second massive blast at the market since Feb. 3.

Nationwide, the number of people killed or found dead on Wednesday was 233, which equaled the highest death toll since The Associated Press began recording daily nationwide deaths in May 2005.

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates called the bombings “horrifying” and accused al-Qaida of being behind them. (more…)

No Mention of Jesus in Virginia Tech Convocation

18 April, 2007


University convocation told of Allah, not Jesus
Speakers also invoke Buddha, Dalai Lama
Posted: April 17, 2007
8:10 p.m. Eastern

Speakers at the Virginia Tech convocation called on Allah and Buddha in their efforts to minister to the survivors, family and friends of victims of the shooting massacre at the school – but Jesus wasn’t mentioned by name.

President Bush did offer a biblical message of hope, when he suggested the school community that lost 32 members to the shootings by an out-of-control resident alien student find “comfort in the grace and guidance of a loving God.”

But even he didn’t bring Jesus, the only hope of comfort and future life for Christians, into the memorials.

“I’m sitting here watching the convocation service at VT,” wrote a WND reader who was given anonymity. “Five minutes ago they had four representatives from the local ‘religious community.’ The Muslim specifically invoked Allah’s blessings… and he didn’t shy away from saying the name of Allah. The Jewish rep asked for God’s blessings. Buddha was represented. The only name that [was] omitted, of course, Jesus Christ.” (more…)

In the Face of the Virginia Tech Shooter

18 April, 2007


Student Wrote About Death and Spoke in Whispers, But No One Imagined What Cho Seung Hui Would Do

By Ian Shapira and Michael E. Ruane
Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, April 18, 2007; A01

BLACKSBURG, Va., April 17 — They met across the professor’s desk. One on one. The chairman of the English department and the silent, brooding student who never took his sunglasses off.

He had so upset other instructors that Virginia Tech officials asked whether the professor wanted protection. Lucinda Roy declined. She thought Cho Seung Hui exuded loneliness, and she volunteered to teach him by herself, to spare her colleagues. The subject of the class was poetry.

Roy, other officials, investigators, acquaintances and neighbors helped fill in a dark portrait Tuesday of the bespectacled young South Korean citizen who had sought bizarre expression in literature and then massacred 32 fellow students and teachers here Monday in the worst shooting rampage in U.S. history. As police closed in, he shot himself and was found on the floor of a classroom building with his weapons nearby.

Cho, of Centreville, the son of immigrants who run a dry cleaning business and the brother of a State Department contractor who graduated from Princeton, was described by those who encountered him over the years as at times angry, menacing, disturbed and so depressed that he seemed near tears.

He often spoke in a whisper, if at all, refused to open up to teachers and classmates, and kept himself locked behind a facade of a hat, sunglasses and silence.

Authorities still are not sure what set him off and what propelled him Monday as he stalked the halls and classrooms of Norris Hall with two semiautomatic pistols, chaining doors closed and murdering and maiming as he went.

Authorities found two three-page notes in his dorm room after the shootings. They weren’t suicide notes and provided no clue about why he did what he did. Instead, they were expletive-filled rants against the rich and privileged, even naming people who he thought had kept him down, federal and state law enforcement sources said. Two government officials said he had been treated for mental health problems. (more…)

Virginia Tech Shooting Sparks Gun Control Debate

18 April, 2007


The grave danger of ‘gun-free zones’
Posted: April 18, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Charl van Wyk
World Net Daily
The murder of innocent victims is a disgrace, and our condolences go out to those who have lost loved ones in the shooting rampage at Virginia Tech.

More than one year before Monday’s unprecedented shooting rampage at Virginia Tech, the state’s General Assembly quashed a bill that would have given qualified college students and employees the right to carry handguns on campus. Could one legally armed citizen have made a difference at this tragic event?

We also need to ask the question: Do laws prohibiting firearms in certain places really prevent homicidal tragedies?

There is a striking paradox associated with mass murders. They are far more likely to occur in areas that have been designated as gun-free zones.

Worldwide, office buildings, hospitals, convenience stores, TV studios, chain restaurants and day-care centers have all been targets of homicidal maniacs. Mass murders have taken place in such places after they have been declared gun-free zones.

In 1999, John Lott and William Landes published a U.S. study of multiple shooting incidents. They showed that mass shootings occur less often in areas where responsible citizens may carry weapons.

Do mass shootings ever occur in police stations, shooting ranges or at gun shows? Mass murderers select soft targets for their acts of violence. Expecting a suicidal individual to honor a law prohibiting firearms is sheer utopian fantasy. (more…)

Armed Islamic Group Threatens Christians in Iraq

18 April, 2007

Here’s one to keep an eye on, as it has all the earmarks of a calamity in the making:


Islamic group in Baghdad: “Get rid of the cross or we will burn your Churches”.

In the Dora quarter threats continue to be made against Christians. In the last two months Christian parishes have been forced to give in to extremist pressure, only the Church of Sts Peter and Paul has withstood so far. A fatwa forbids the practice of Christian ritual gestures. The US army occupies Babel College, property of the Chaldean Patriarchate.

Baghdad (AsiaNews) – “Get rid of the cross or we will burn your Churches”. This is the threat aimed at the Chaldean Church of Sts Peter and Paul, located in the ancient Christian quarter of Baghdad, Dora. Local sources say an unknown armed Islamic group is behind the threats which are inseminating terror in the capital.  The Arab website and Aina news agency speak of a campaign of persecution in act in the area.  Even Mosul, a Sunni stronghold, the Christian presence is being gravely threatened.

Msgr. Shlemon Warduni, Chaldean auxiliary bishop of Baghdad, tells AsiaNews “in the last 2 months many Churches have been forced to remove their crosses from their domes”.  In the case of the Church of St. George, assira, Muslim extremists took the situation into their own hands: they climbed onto the roof and ripped out the cross.  In the Chaldean Church of St John, in Dora, which has been without a pastor for months now, the parishioners themselves decided to move the cross to a safer place following repeated threats.