Archive for 28 April, 2007

Al-Qaeda Planting Agents in US and UK

28 April, 2007

Al-Qaeda supporters working at strategic sites

By Ben Leapman,
Home Affairs Correspondent
Sunday Telegraph

Suspects linked to al-Qaeda have obtained sensitive jobs in vital industries that could be the target of terrorist attacks, it can be revealed.

The individuals were uncovered by police and the security services in operations designed to protect key British sites such as transport hubs, power stations and the water supply.

Security chiefs believe that they may have become radicalised while already in employment, thus evading the strict vetting procedure for applicants for security-sensitive posts.

Following the discovery, the Government is to draft new guidelines for companies to strengthen systems for monitoring staff. Employees will be encouraged to report any concerns they may have about suspicious behaviour by colleagues.

Other elements of the critical national infrastructure that the Government has drawn up include plans to defend telecommunications, food supply, finance, key health facilities and the emergency services.

A senior Whitehall source said: “Police and the intelligence services are coming across more names – I’m not saying a huge number, but more cases – where they are identifying people they are concerned about that are working in jobs of some sensitivity.” (more…)

CAIR Strikes Again!!!

28 April, 2007

 Airport adds foot basins for Muslim cabbies
Police worry about Kansas City ‘catering’ to Islamic rituals
April 28, 2007

foot-washing.jpgThe Kansas City International Airport has added several foot-washing basins in restrooms to accommodate a growing number of Muslim taxicab drivers who requested the facilities to prepare for daily Islamic prayer, WND has learned.

The move concerns airport police who worry about Middle Eastern men loitering inside the building. After 9/11, the airport beefed up its police force to help prevent terrorist attacks.

“Why are we constructing places of worship for them inside our airports?” said an airport official who requested anonymity. “Why are we catering to their rituals? We don’t do it for any other religion.”

Other major airports also are dealing with increased demands from Muslim cabdrivers.

For instance, cabbies at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport recently caused a stir when they refused to carry passengers possessing alcoholic beverages or accompanied by seeing-eye dogs. Alcohol is forbidden in Islam, and dogs are considered unclean.

There are approximately 250 taxicab drivers operating at KCI Airport in Missouri, one of the largest airports in the U.S., linking some 10 million passengers between mid-America and other U.S. cities. Approximately 70 percent of the drivers are of Middle Eastern heritage and practice the Islamic faith, sources say.

KCI Airport Police are responsible for the cab drivers, including the holding areas of the building. The KCI Aviation Department, which oversees the police, recently expanded the taxicab facility restroom area to include the construction of four individual foot-washing benches. (more…)

U.S. Forces Ripping Apart Al-Qaeda In Iraq

28 April, 2007

With all of CNN’s  coverage of the bombing in Karbala, today, they must have accidentally missed the following:

U.S. Forces Target Al Qaeda In Iraq

(CBS News)

BAGHDAD U.S. forces detained 17 suspected insurgents in raids targeting al Qaeda in Iraq on Saturday, the military said, a day after the Pentagon announced the capture of one of the terror network’s most senior and experienced operatives.

Elsewhere, U.S. forces used fighter jets to destroy a truck bomb discovered in Anbar province, and conducted a raid south of Baghdad that netted weapons that insurgents apparently had imported from neighboring Iran, the military said Saturday. (more…)

The disarming of America

28 April, 2007

This is a very disturbing article. On the outset it sounds as if might work. Here is where it falls short. American’s like our freedoms and would fight back. Forget the protests and riots, forget the chaos as snipers ambush the military and police once they enter neighborhoods to confiscate weapons. Extreme force would be needed (it is actually if, I don’t know many who would attempt to disarm the public especially with force) forget the lawsuits and the barriers built over night to block entrances into neighborhoods.

There are thousands of other ways to fight this. Common average working class Americans – you know the ones, they process your taxes, fill out all your paperwork, deliver your mail (know where you live) and hook up your emails, set up your unlisted numbers (this list is very long but you get the idea. Officials would be exposed extremely vulnerable and apparently unarmed) Anyone not happy with orders to steal their private property would systematically identify and eliminate anyone stupid enough to try this.

Bloggers would post overnight the al qaida playbook, instructions for building improvised weapons, land mines, caching techniques etc would be everywhere. All of this information is already online if you want it. Old military manuals are also available on ebay, and books lists found on line. You can legally by ammo on line also. Naturally, as a law abiding American I would never suggest anyone ever do any of these things (this is the part where I cover my ass just in case the FBI reads blogs) but all of this and more I would expect to see. Not days after this gun confiscation was announced but within minutes.

The anti gun crowd would see someone open the worlds biggest can of whoop ass and immediately be faced with the worlds largest and best-armed insurgency. Not a very good solution if you really want to cut down on violence is it? If you really want the guns, here is the peaceful solution. Eliminate the need for them. That’s it – simple.

Control crime, protect our borders, rights, freedoms and enforce our exciting laws and you can have them. Or you can try it your way.

The Toledo Blade, 25 Apr 07,
LAST week’s tragedy at Virginia Tech in which a mentally disturbed person gunned down 32 of America’s finest – intelligent young people with futures ahead of them – once again puts the phenomenon of an armed society into focus for Americans.
The likely underestimate of how many guns are wandering around America runs at 240 million in a population of about 300 million. What was clear last week is that at least two of those guns were in the wrong hands.
When people talk about doing something about guns in America, it often comes down to this: “How could America disarm even if it wanted to? There are so many guns out there.”
Because I have little or no power to influence the “if” part of the issue, I will stick with the “how.” And before anyone starts to hyperventilate and think I’m a crazed liberal zealot wanting to take his gun from his cold, dead hands, let me share my experience of guns.
As a child I played cowboys and Indians with cap guns. I had a Daisy Red Ryder B-B gun. My father had in his bedside table drawer an old pistol which I examined surreptitiously from time to time. When assigned to the American embassy in Beirut during the war in Lebanon, I sometimes carried a .357 Magnum, which I could fire accurately. I also learned to handle and fire a variety of weapons while I was there, including Uzis and rocket-propelled grenade launchers.
I don’t have any problem with hunting, although blowing away animals with high-powered weapons seems a pointless, no-contest affair to me. I suppose I would enjoy the fellowship of the experience with other friends who are hunters.
Now, how would one disarm the American population? First of all, federal or state laws would need to make it a crime punishable by a $1,000 fine and one year in prison per weapon to possess a firearm. The population would then be given three months to turn in their guns, without penalty.
Hunters would be able to deposit their hunting weapons in a centrally located arsenal, heavily guarded, from which they would be able to withdraw them each hunting season upon presentation of a valid hunting license. The weapons would be required to be redeposited at the end of the season on pain of arrest. When hunters submit a request for their weapons, federal, state, and local checks would be made to establish that they had not been convicted of a violent crime since the last time they withdrew their weapons. In the process, arsenal staff would take at least a quick look at each hunter to try to affirm that he was not obviously unhinged.
It would have to be the case that the term “hunting weapon” did not include anti-tank ordnance, assault weapons, rocket-propelled grenade launchers, or other weapons of war. (more…)

China’s Satellite Killer Challenges USAF

28 April, 2007

Well, no one has asked me how to stop a satellite killer, but I already have a workable solution — stop supplying China with sensitive information and technology!

U.S. Satellite Vulnerability Issues
Norman Polmar
A wide-ranging review of the potential vulnerabilities of U.S. satellites is underway as a result of the Chinese destruction of an obsolete orbiting weather satellite on January 11. That test made China the third nation to develop an anti-satellite capability, after the United States and Russia.

The review was ordered last month by General T. Michael (Buzz) Moseley, the Air Force chief of staff, according to Peter Spiegel writing in The Los Angeles Times. Although there are treaties that govern weapons in space, many standards about attacking another country’s satellites are based on international norms rather than law.

As part of the review, General Moseley has asked senior Air Force Space Command officials to recommend whether new arms programs — known as “offensive counter-space” systems — that could disable enemy space systems are needed. (more…)

Al-Qaida video: ‘Shi’ites betraying, helping US’

28 April, 2007

Sounds like Muslim paranoia is stronger then the cult and brotherly love. We will save you from having to watch the propaganda. What is important is they feel the need to justify their high combat loses with claims the Americans have help-Islamic help. In reality Sunni and Shia Muslims are helping the US forces in an attempt to take back the streets from murdering thugs using Islam as an excuse to attack the innocent. Stick that in your hookah al Qaida.


Apr. 28, 2007 (AP)
A purported al-Qaida commander has accused Shi’ite Muslims of fighting alongside American forces in Iraq and claimed that mujahedeen would crush foreign troops in Afghanistan.
A video issued Friday by al-Qaida’s media wing, al-Sahab, shows an interview with a bearded man with a white turban identified as Abu Laith al-Libi and describes him as an al-Qaida leader in Khorasan, or Afghanistan.
Pakistani counterterrorism officials say al-Libi is Libyan and has served as an al-Qaida spokesman and commander in eastern Afghanistan but have no information on his current whereabouts, which are not disclosed in the 45-minute video.

Update:  More info HERE

Россия Саудовская Аравия целует ягодицы

28 April, 2007

How much do you want to bet that Russia is trying to snuggle up to Saudi Arabia in its efforts to sell them some more weapons to fight terrorism…


Russia supports Saudi efforts to break up terrorist ring – diplomat

MOSCOW. April 28 (Interfax) – Russia supports the resolute efforts of Saudi Arabia to fight terrorism, Foreign Ministry spokesman  has said.

Talking to the press on Saturday he said, quoting the Saudi Foreign Ministry, that on Friday 172 Saudi nationals, as well as people from other Arab and African states, were arrested on suspicion of belonging to a terrorist ring and planning large-scale terrorist acts against the country’s oil and gas facilities.

“The resolute actions of the Saudi leadership to strengthen national security and stability and eradicate the terrorist network throughout its territory can be only welcomed,” Kamynin said. Russia regards the sweep operation as “a weighty contribution to international antiterrorism efforts,” he said.