Archive for 14 September, 2007

Suspicious suitcase leads to school evacuating building

14 September, 2007

Teachers work on keeping the Northwest Heights students together as they make their way to the intermediate school while the police investigate the school.
Taken by itself it would seem suspicious but not unprecedented, read a little further and you will see a pattern. That raises it up a few notches. This could be a probe or dry run.

By MATT SWEARENGIN, SENIOR Staff Writer, Durant Daily Democrat
14 September, 2007
DURANT – The Northwest Heights Elementary School was evacuated this morning after a suitcase was found taped to a slide on the playground.

There has not been a bomb threat, but authorities are treating the device as a possible explosive and plan to detonate it on site. A perimeter was set up around the school.

Durant Police Lt. Johnny Rutherford said at the scene that the suitcase was found at approximately 9 a.m. The students were sent to the Intermediate School and parents were allowed to pick their children up if they chose to do so.

Word of the evacuation spread quickly this morning. Many concerned parents went to the scene to ask about their children. (more…)

UN Expert: Defaming Religions a Threat

14 September, 2007

My first thought was ‘where did the UN get an expert’. I now realize they didn’t, they found an apologist specializing in fiction. This may be part of the Saudi funded effort to paint Islam in a more positive light.

Simply cracking down on the Islamonazis would accomplish much toward proving Islam could co-exist with the west. That will not happen because Islam doesn’t want to co-exist. It is not Islamophobic to speak the truth. In almost 1400 years, no culture has ever embraced Islam willingly; it was always done through extreme violence, trickery and force.

Sigh, once again Ronin defies the UN. It will take seconds to bring down this UN experts BS, let’s begin:

September 14, 2007
A UN expert on racism on Friday branded the defamation of religions _ in particular critical portrayals of Islam in the West _ a threat to world peace.
– Lesson one, Islam is an Ideology not a religion, the UN expert sucks.

‘Islamophobia today is the most serious form of religious defamation,’ Doudou Diene told the UN Human Rights Council, which is currently holding a three-week session in Geneva.
– See above comment.

Diene cited a caricature of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad in a Swedish newspaper, a protest by far-right groups in Belgium Tuesday against the ‘Islamization of Europe,’ and campaigns against the construction of mosques in Germany and Switzerland as evidence of an ‘ever increasing trend’ toward anti-Islamic actions in Europe.
– While the “expert” worries about a cartoon the demonic cult released two faked, videos call for the destruction of millions. Again, the UN expert sucks.

‘We see the initiatives and activities of many groups and organizations which are working hard to bring about a war of civilizations,’ he said, adding that right-wing groups were trying to equate Islam with violence and terrorism.
– The koran mentioned a war between Islam and all others, UN expert you are falling further behind. This war was inspired and ordered by Islam’s first pedophile old mo himself.

Diene, a Senegalese lawyer who was appointed as an independent UN expert on racism in 2002, was presenting a report on defamation of religions to the 47-member council. The report also includes sections on anti-Semitism and other forms of religious or racial persecution around the world.
– A yawner I am sure.

African and Islamic countries welcomed the assessment and called for moves to draft an international treaty that would compel states to act against any form of defamation of religion.
– Great Idea, start with an order to stop killing, recruiting, raping, murdering and forcibly converting infidels. (more…)

Son of Open Thread

14 September, 2007

The previous open thread had such a great response that I thought I’d let you have a new one for today.  Thanks to everyone for the great links and info.


Ninja Bird Hunter? I don’t think so!

14 September, 2007

Leatherneck alerted us to Houssein Zorkot. A little searching on the net has led us to his website.

Be sure to check out Zorkot’s website HERE. On the website, he openly supports Hezbollah and Hamas and thus their terrorist activities agains Israel.


Hezbollah admirer arrested near Detroit

Lebanese medical student Houssein Zorkot was arrested by police near Detroit, Michigan, and found to have a loaded AK-47 assault rifle in his possession. An admirer of the Hezbollah terrorist organization, Zorkot now faces weapons charges.

Dearborn, Michigan, police authorities are investigating what may have inspired Houssein A. Zorkot, a third-year medical student at nearby Wayne State University, to carry an AK-47 assault rifle to a public park on the evening of September 8. Police arrested Zorkot after struggling with the 26-year-old. According to WXYZ-TV reporter Glenn Zimmerman, Houssein was tasered by the arresting officers at Hemlock Park in the suburbs of Detroit when they were summoned to investigate. Houssein was found at night wearing dark clothes and camouflage makeup.

Houssein, a native of Lebanon, remains in custody under a $1million bond and is charged with firearms violations. He will face a hearing on September 21.

Zorkot maintains a website in which he offers photos of himself and family members in Lebanon, along with photos of the now-deceased Iranian strongman and Muslim mullah, the Ayatollah Ruhallah Khomeini, as well as leaders of the Hezbollah terrorist organization. On the website, Houssein describes himself as a medical student and includes photos apparently taken in Michigan. Houssein says on his website that “The role of a medical doctor is to heal, to understand, and to not only sympathize but also to embody a great deal of empathy towards his patients. He identifies his heroes as the Prophet Mohammed, Imam Ali, and the Imam Husain: the heroes of Shia Islam.


Putin Nominee for Premier Confirmed

14 September, 2007

Published: September 14, 2007 – NYT

MOSCOW, Sept. 14 — President Vladimir V. Putin’s little-known choice for prime minister was confirmed by Parliament today, a day after the nominee, Viktor A. Zubkov, suggested that he might consider running for president next year.

With Mr. Putin’s party firmly in control of Parliament, Mr. Zubkov easily won approval, 381 to 47. Before the vote, he championed Mr. Putin’s economic platform, declaring that he would work to tamp down inflation, revitalize the defense industry and extract more revenues from natural resources.

On Thursday, Mr. Zubkov stoked speculation about whether he intends to be more than simply a caretaker prime minister and instead become a candidate in the presidential race next year. “If I succeed in doing something in the post of premier, if I manage to do something, then I do not exclude this alternative, maybe, as well,” he told reporters during a visit to Parliament.

It was not clear whether Mr. Zubkov’s statement about the presidency was planned or was merely an off-the-cuff remark from an official unused to the spotlight. Before his nomination, Mr. Zubkov was the chief of a low-profile federal financial crimes agency and had attracted little if any attention in political circles.
