Archive for 26 September, 2007

Islamonazis Seeking Radioactive Material in Central Asia’s Uranium Mines

26 September, 2007

It seems that America isn’t the only country threatened by a dirty bomb:

Eurasia Insight:
A EurasiaNet Partner Post from BBC Monitoring

Kyrgyz analyst Ulan Kankor looks into reports which say that international terrorists are allegedly moving to Central Asia and probably to Kyrgyzstan’s Dzhalal-Abad Region because it has many uranium damps left from the Soviet era. He also highlights the recent session of the Kyrgyz Security Council to which the official Kyrgyz clergy were reportedly invited. Kankor suggests that the authorities want to initiate closer cooperation with the clergy to prevent the spread of radicalism in the country. The following is an excerpt from Ulan Kankor’s article “Will Bin Ladin get his residence permit in Dzhalal-Abad?”, published by the Kyrgyz newspaper Belyy Parokhod on 19 September; subheadings as published:

It is predicted that there will be a “Fergana Hiroshima” in Central Asia. The head of the CIS antiterrorism centre, Andrey Novikov, said the other day that secret services had obtained information that terrorists were moving to the borders of Central Asia states. The terrorists are seeking ways of creating weapons of mass destruction there. They are interested in the material for creating the so-called “dirty bombs”. According to intelligence officers, the terrorists are planning to get the filling for their atomic bombs at the uranium mines. These kinds of mines, by the way, also exist in our country.

Are they going to fill in “dirty bombs” in Mayli Su?

There are uranium mines in Dzhalal-Abad Region [southern Kyrgyzstan]. As we know there are also dumps containing radioactive waste from dangerous production. It is said that the [former] USSR created its nuclear cudgel from a heavy metal extracted on the Tien Shan. Now it is alleged that comrade Usamah Bin-Laden and his supporters have decided to follow the Soviet path.


India’s Intelligence Bureau Warns of Possible Terror Strike

26 September, 2007

What, those annoying outsourced customer service lines aren’t considered enough of a terrorist threat to the West???  Geez, al-Qaeda should be thanking them, not bombing them…

Published: Sept. 26, 2007
NEW DELHI, Sept. 26 (UPI) — India’s Intelligence Bureau has warned the government of more possible terror strikes in Hyderabad city.

“The government of India has specific information that the al-Qaida-linked, Bangladesh-based Islamist militant outfit Harkat-ul-Jihad-e-Islami is conspiring to carry out more terror strikes in Hyderabad,” said an Interior Ministry official.

He said the IB sent several inputs to the ministry that were forwarded to Hyderabad police ahead of upcoming religious holidays.

The government of Andhra Pradesh state has put Hyderabad on high alert following the warning. The IB asked the state police and security agencies to accord urgency and credibility to a message that the state government had received Sept. 22 about possible terror strikes by HUJI.

AP Reports 165 Insurgents Killed in Afghanistan

26 September, 2007

Well, here’s another AP article reporting on the progress being made in Afghanistan, then digressing into multiple propaganda pieces on all those alleged civilians that keep getting in the way of mysteriously well placed bullets…

165 Insurgents Killed in Afghanistan
Sep 26 2007 – Breitbart
Associated Press Writer

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) – Two battles killed more than 165 Taliban fighters and a U.S.-led coalition soldier in southern Afghanistan on Wednesday as President Hamid Karzai prepared to discuss the escalating violence with President Bush in New York.

One of the clashes began Tuesday when several dozen insurgents attacked a joint coalition-Afghan patrol with machine guns, mortars and rocket-propelled grenades near the Taliban-controlled town of Musa Qala in Helmand province, with Taliban reinforcements flowing in all day, a coalition statement said.

The coalition said it returned artillery fire and called in fighter aircraft, killing more than 100 of the Taliban fighters. One coalition soldier was killed and four wounded.


Hillary Campaign Runs a Tight Lip

26 September, 2007

Well, it’s no large leap of the imagination to assume Hillary’s control and censorship of the media is just another dry run for when she becomes President…  Yup, Hell hath no fury like a Liberal Socialist women  scorned…


For Clinton Camp No Press Is Good Press
Democratic Front-Runner’s Press Office Employs Take-No-Prisoners Approach

For the small band of reporters who regularly cover Sen. Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the dirty little secret is this: They rarely — if ever — get to speak to the candidate herself.

Clinton, D-N.Y., is running perhaps the most media-controlled — and media-obsessed — campaign in presidential history. Her aides carefully screen access to the candidate, generally avoid news conferences on the campaign trail and have been known to throw around the Clintons’ considerable weight to block negative stories and influence coverage of the candidate they’re protecting and promoting.

Ari Fleischer, a former press secretary to President Bush during his 2000 campaign and first years in the White House, said the Clinton campaign has taken a hallmark of the Bush White House — carefully controlled media access — to another level.

“Hillary is no Bill when it comes to discipline — she has some,” Fleischer said. “But it’s more than just discipline.” During his 2000 run, “George Bush did press [availabilities] just about every day, and he was always disciplined.

“Hillary is also disciplined,” Fleischer continued, “but she keeps her distance from the press probably because she doesn’t like them.” “She sees all downside in access. As a front-runner with a 20-point margin, the press can hurt her more than help her.”

A Window Into the Clinton Campaign

The latest episode to emerge, reported Monday by Politico, offers a window into how the campaign uses perhaps its biggest asset — former President Bill Clinton — to protect Sen. Clinton’s reputation.

According to Politico, Clinton aides convinced GQ’s editors to spike an unflattering piece about the campaign’s inner workings by threatening the magazine’s access to the former president [Bill Clinton], who is the subject of a planned cover story.

GQ representatives have confirmed that they killed a planned story on the Clinton campaign, though they refuse to comment on their reasons. Clinton campaign officials declined to comment on the incident, and communications director Howard Wolfson said the campaign would not discuss its overall relationship with the press.


Beyond the Grave

26 September, 2007

[Click on Image for more info]


British History to be Rewritten so as to Include Muslims

26 September, 2007

My friend, D.J., once said, “What is history but an agreed upon set of lies and hyperboles to assuage the prevailing  academic and social climate.”

At first, we all thought it was a witty and charming little ditty.  We all had a good laugh and never really took it too seriously — until now…


British history ‘needs rewrite’
By Brian Wheeler
Political reporter, BBC News, at the Labour conference

British history should be rewritten to make it “more inclusive”, says Trevor Phillips, the head of the new human rights and equality commission.

He said Muslims were also part of the national story and “sometimes we have to go back into the tapestry and insert some threads that were lost”.

He quoted the example of the Spanish Armada, which was held up by the Turks at the request of Queen Elizabeth I.

“It was the Turks who saved us,” Mr Phillips told a Labour fringe meeting.

Mr Phillips said he had also been persuaded of the need for a written constitution, saying the UK needed to be “more explicit in our understanding about how we treat each other”.

He said population changes and immigration were happening at unprecedented rate and there was “no going back”.

So it was no longer enough to assume people would inherit the values which bound the country together.

Speaking at an event organised by The Smith Institute, the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Young Foundation, he said it was important that new arrivals learned English.

Must be ‘native’ and ‘right for us’

But he also stressed the importance of celebrating Britain’s “human rights culture” and said the government had to be more specific about what it meant to be British – rather than simply stressing values such as “freedom” which were universal.


Ahmadinejad lauded in Iran for “Lion’s Den” visit

26 September, 2007

Wed Sep 26, 2007
By Fredrik Dahl

TEHRAN (Reuters) – President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad may have faced ridicule in the United States by suggesting there were no homosexuals in Iran, but he won praise at home on Wednesday for taking his country’s case to “the Lion’s Den.”

Generally, politicians and media in the Islamic Republic — even some who have previously criticized the president — described Ahmadinejad’s visit to New York as a triumph and denounced the university president who called him “a petty and cruel dictator.”

But one pro-reform newspaper said that, although the president told his U.S. audience he respected academics, that was not always how it seemed at home.

Ahmadinejad, who often rails against the West, traveled to the United States at a time of escalating tension between the two foes over Tehran’s nuclear ambitions and the war in Iraq.

The president spoke at Columbia University on Monday and on Tuesday addressed the U.N. General Assembly, where he told world leaders the issue of Iran’s nuclear ambitions was “closed” and that military threats and sanctions had failed.

“By fearlessly and courageously walking into the ‘Lion’s Den’ … he is sure to become even more of a hero in the Arab-Muslim street than before,” the daily Iran News wrote.

Iran denies U.S. accusations it is seeking atomic bombs, saying it wants to generate electricity. It also rejects accusations it is violating human rights and muzzling critics.
