Archive for 4 February, 2008

Undersea Cable Terrorism Called, “Conspiracy Theory”

4 February, 2008

Alright, this is interesting… Warner sent us an email stating that a fourth undersea internet cable has been damaged… And, now officials are finally admitting that Iran has been the most seriously affected by the outages, and is now completely shut down… So, with this bit of info, we have to include Israel and the U.S. in our suspect list, along with the (oppressive) Iranian government, of course… The plot thickens!

View Graphs or Click a Router below for more detail.

Router Location Current Index Response Time (ms) Packet Loss (%) China (Shanghai) 81 181 0 India (Mumbai) 73 268 0 Indonesia (Mangole) 79 205 0 Iran (Tehran) 0 0 100 Japan (Tokyo) 85 146 0 Singapore 79 206 0 Taiwan 85 149 0

(Notice that Iran has zero packets going in or out…)

Flag plays down net blackout conspiracy theories
by Dylan Bowman on Monday, 04 February 2008
Flag Telecom on Monday played down conspiracy theories over the recent damage to undersea cables that has seriously disrupted internet and international telecoms services across the region.

Two intercontinental cables connecting Europe and Asia were cut off the coast of Egypt on Wednesday, followed by breaks in two more cables off the UAE coast on Friday. Flag owns two of the affected cables.

The initial breaks affected internet access and international calls in Egypt, the Gulf and south Asia, while disruption resulting from damage to the latter two was centred around the Gulf region.

The location of the breaks and short space of time in which they have happened has sparked fears the cables were intentionally damaged by the US and Israel to deprive Iran of internet access.

“It seems now to be way beyond the realm of coincidence that a further 4th critical international communications cable should break within seven days,” one reader commented.

“Clearly Iran, who was most affected, would gain nothing from such an action and is perhaps the target of those responsible,” said another reader.

Those theories were fuelled further on Monday when Egypt said damage to the cables in the Mediterranean Sea was not caused by ships, as previously thought.


Muslim Freakaziod Blames Bali victims

4 February, 2008

Make no mistake about it blaming the victim makes you a freakaziod. Had a renegade Christian suicide bomber murdered one of her grandchildren she would probably sell her ass to buy a gun.

Every one of you Muslims should feel shame people like her represent you. Don’t like it? Is she misguided or confused, insulting your prophet? Great honor kill her ass. Use a potato peeler, go slow and use plenty of salt.

Ok, I don’t really want you to do it, I’m just showing you what Muslim maniacs sound like when they preach hate. Reality is there are no Christian suicide bombers and none would call for an honor killing even against hate filled oxygen thieves like Hutchinson. Why? Simply because Christians are better than Muslims.

Don’t like it? Good prove me wrong.

Tom Allard National Security Editor, February 5, 2008, The Sydney Morning Herald
RABIAH HUTCHINSON, the Mudgee-born grandmother accused of being the “grand dame” of extremist jihadis in Australia, says she has limited sympathy for the victims of the Bali bombings because those holidaying on the Indonesian island engaged in pedophilia and drug taking.
-Both pedophilia and drug abuse are common inside Muslims communities so I guess she is also calling for them to become victims.

And her close friend, Raisah bint Alan Douglas, another Australian convert to radical Islam who also married a suspected terrorist supporter, has praised Osama bin Laden, saying he followed a “correct” version of Islam.
The women are featured in a documentary to be aired on ABC television tonight, Jihad Sheilas.
-So they both enjoy rape and sexual slavery? In the “correct” version of Islam women are property and can not say no. Granny really is a freak. (more…)

Palestinian Suicide Bombers Strike Inside of Israel

4 February, 2008

And, bleeding heart Liberals wonder why the Israelis build walls… It seems to me that the walls were working, as it has been a year since the last suicide bomber slipped through to Israel. And, as the article suggests, the bombers were from Gaza, having managed to cross into Egypt, and then on to Israel via the hole blasted in the wall along Egyptian/Gaza border…


Suicide bombers strike in Israeli nuclear town
From Times Online
February 4, 2008

Palestinian suicide bombers struck in Israel for the first time in a year today, attacking a crowded shopping parade in the desert city which hosts the country’s secretive nuclear programme.

Ambulance workers said that the blast, which took place during rush hour in Dimona, killed one civilian and wounded 11, one seriously.

The Al-Asqa Martyrs Brigade, the militant group that claimed the attack, said the bombers were from Gaza, making it likely that they had managed to cross the territory’s Rafah crossing into Egypt when Islamist Hamas militants blew it up last month.

From Egypt, it is believed that they are likely to have crossed into Israel through the country’s difficult-to-police Sinai desert border.

Two bombers were believed to have been involved. However, The Times was told by witnesses at the scene that the first bomber detonated his device before his accomplice, wounding the second man before his explosives could detonate.

A passer-by rushed to help the injured accomplice, wrongly believing he was a civilian, but then noticed his explosives vest and scrambled away.

The second bomber was then shot four times in the head by senior police officers who happened to be in the area carrying out a drugs raid. () (more…)

The UnderSea Cable Mystery Deepens

4 February, 2008

Oh, so now I guess two of the three damaged undersea cables decided to magically sever themselves at the same time…  This is just screaming terrorism…

Many thanks to Warner for keeping us abreast of this situation: 

Ships did not cut internet cable
The Press Association

No ships were present when two marine cables carrying much of the Middle East’s internet traffic were severed, Egypt’s Ministry of Communications has said, contrary to earlier speculation about the causes of the cut.

The ministry had originally stated that a ship dropping its anchor on the two key cables was most likely responsible for Wednesday’s cut in service that robbed Egypt, Saudi Arabia and India of most of their internet connections.

“A marine transport committee investigated the traffic of ships in the area, 12 hours before and after the malfunction, where the cables are located to figure out the possibility of being cut by a passing vessel and found out there were no passing ships at that time,” said the statement.

The ministry added that the location, 5 miles from the port of Alexandria, was in a restricted area so ships would not have been allowed there to begin with.

Internet connectivity in Egypt had now reached 70-80 per cent of its previous rate due to rerouted connections through alternate cables in the Far East and to Italy, added the statement.

Two ships have sailed from France and Italy at the request of cable owners Fiber-Optic Link Around the Globe (FLAG) and the South East Asia-Middle East-West Europe 4 (SEA-ME-WE 4) and will begin repairs which are expected to take several days.

The ministry estimated that full service in Egypt would not be restored for another ten days.