Archive for 25 February, 2008

1993 WTC Terrorist Does What All Convicted Terrorists do: Bitch, Bitch, Bitch!

25 February, 2008

Waaaaah, waaaah, I want my mommy!!! Waaaaahhhh!!!

1993 World Trade Center bomber seeks Supreme Court hearing

By LARRY NEUMEISTER | Associated Press Writer –
February 25, 2008

NEW YORK – Fifteen years after the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, a Palestinian sentenced to more than 100 years in prison in the attack claims that a vengeful U.S. government has blocked him from appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court.

978_ahmed_ajaj_2050081722-8092.jpgAhmad Mohammed Ajaj, who remains in extreme isolation in the nation’s most secure prison, filed a lawsuit last year in U.S. District Court in Manhattan against more than a dozen judges, federal court employees, Bureau of Prisons officials and his former defense lawyer Maranda Fritz.

He said they failed to notify him of appeals court rulings and blocked his access to what he would need for a Supreme Court appeal of his conviction on conspiracy charges in the Feb. 26, 1993, bombing, which killed six people and injured more than 1,000 others.

In court documents filed last week, government lawyers said Ajaj has no right to bring the claims against court personnel.


Respected Muslim Imam Accused Of Serial Paedophilia

25 February, 2008

As an American, I respect the innocent until proven guilty rule. That said this fits the historical pattern set forth by Mohammed himself. It is doubtful guilty or not a “respected” cleric will be found guilty. – H/T Warner.

By Aiman Rasheed, February 24, 2008, Minivan news.

Ali Hassan, 66, Imam of Gnaviyani atoll Fuvahmulak, has been accused of molesting and raping a ten-year-old girl last Wednesday.

The gynaecologist at the island’s hospital, Dr Thajwar, told Minivan News there was conclusive evidence of rape and that the ten-year-old had been “sexually active.”

Police media co-ordinator Sergeant Shiyam confirmed that such a case was “under investigation,” but refrained from revealing any further information “due to the nature of the case.”

But local police said they were investigating other, similar allegations against the same suspect, who is currently out of the country.


Abdulla Ahmed, brother of the alleged victim, said that Ali Hassan had “groomed” the girl by giving her sweets and money before allegedly committing the crime.

Mazeena Jameel, Director General of the Child Protection Authority, said international research indicates paedophiles either “threaten” or “bribe by giving presents” to the child they plan to abuse, as part of a “strategy” to gain access.

Staff Sergeant Hassan Shifau, who heads Fuvahmulak police station, told Minivan News that further allegations of child abuse against Ali Hassan were being investigated by Fuvahmulak police. (more…)

Beware the Third Wave of Islamonazis: Sudden Jihad Syndrome

25 February, 2008

No.  I’m not in agreement with the following assessment, but I do think it’s interesting how someone can put so much effort into the study of terrorism, and then come to a conclusion that blatantly ignores the Qur’anic influences on the hearts and minds of these, “bored, unemployed young people with fantasies of glory and thrills.”  –  As if a job and a social life could somehow magically keep them from “going Muhammad” on the infidels…

Analyst warns of third Islamic terrorist wave, enabled by Internet
By Greg Grant
February 25, 2008 Government Executive

Al Qaeda is not the central planning, recruiting and organizing force for global terrorism it once was, but has become more of a brand name that leaderless terrorist groups around the world assume to gain recognition and notoriety, according to a leading terrorist expert.

The third wave of terrorists comprises mostly “terrorist wannabes,” said Marc Sageman, a fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute in Philadelphia, who was a CIA case officer in Afghanistan in the 1980s. They are a post-Iraq terrorist generation made up predominately of Muslims in Europe who feel shut out of the labor market, said Sageman, speaking in Washington on Feb. 20 at an event sponsored by the New America Foundation. They become increasingly radicalized by shared group discontent and join the terrorist jihad in a quest for glory and heroism, he added.

These dissidents typically don’t associate face to face, rather their interaction has shifted to Internet chat rooms and online forums, which act as “echo chambers” where anger intensifies and participants become more radicalized, Sageman said. The virtual world enables the natural dynamic of “in-group love and out-group hate,” in which jihadists become more withdrawn from society and associate only with radical and like-minded thinkers.


News Editor of Iraqi TV Station Detained By U.S. Troops

25 February, 2008

Gee, a News Editor with a radical son…  Imagine that…

U.S. troops detain news editor of Iraq TV station
Mon Feb 25, 2008
By Wisam Mohammed

BAGHDAD (Reuters) – U.S. troops have detained the news editor of a television station owned by Iraq’s most powerful political party and his son, who they accused of attacks on U.S. and Iraqi forces, the U.S. military said on Monday.

Hafodh al-Beshara, news editor and manager of political programming of the al-Furat television station, was arrested during a raid on the channel’s offices in Baghdad’s central Karrada district late on Friday, station officials said.

Al-Furat is owned by the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council, the biggest Shi’ite party in Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki’s government. Its leader is Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, one of Iraq’s most influential politicians, who has been courted by Washington and met President George W. Bush at the White House in November.

The U.S. military said in an e-mail response to questions from Reuters that Beshara had been detained in the operation to arrest his son, who was identified in an earlier statement as a suspected militia intelligence operative.

“His (Beshara) arrest had nothing to do with his place of employment or his relationship to his son,” U.S. military spokesman Major Brad Leighton said.

The U.S. military declined to give the son’s full name.

A U.S. military official with knowledge of the operation said Beshara had been detained because an unauthorized belt-fed machine gun had been found in a search of his home.

In the initial statement, the military said Beshara’s son was suspected of belonging to the “special groups”, military jargon for rogue units of Shi’ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr’s Mehdi Army that they say receive funding, weapons and training from Iran. Tehran denies the charge.


Harvard Institutes ‘Women-Only’ Gym Hours to Appease Muslims

25 February, 2008

Creeping Sharia Alert… Gee, isn’t the faculty at Harvard just reinforcing the male dominated Islamic view that women are sex objects and second class citizens?

To accommodate Muslim students, Harvard tries women-only gym hours
Abbie Ruzicka- 25 Feb. 08 – The Daily Free Press

Harvard University has moved to make Muslim women more comfortable in the gym by instituting women-only access times six hours a week to accommodate religious customs that make it difficult for some students to work out in the presence of men.

Men have not been allowed to enter the Quadrangle Recreational Athletic Center during certain times since Jan. 28, after members of the Harvard Islamic Society and the Harvard Women’s Center petitioned the university for a more comfortable environment for women.

Harvard Islamic Society’s Islamic Knowledge Committee officer Ola Aljawhary, a junior, said the women-only hours are being tested on a trial basis. The special gym hours will be analyzed over Spring Break to determine if they will continue, she said.

Aljawhary said that she does not believe that the women-only gym hours discriminate against men.

[Uhm, yes they do… But, they do more damage to women’s equal rights than anything else… Also, since I just can’t let this stupidity alone, let’s put that statement in a more manageable form to expose the idiocy and hypocrisy behind it. If I were to say, “I don’t believe that the white-only gym hours discriminate against blacks.” Would you then begin to see the hypocrisy inherent in that statement, Miss Aljawhary?]

“These hours are necessary because there is a segment of the Harvard female population that is not found in gyms not because they don’t want to work out, but because for them working out in a co-ed gym is uncomfortable, awkward or problematic in some way,” she said.


Nearly 6000 Ulemas Denounce Terrorism

25 February, 2008

It has been over six years since 9/11, and it has taken THIS long for the Deoband School to denounce all forms of terrorism??? I would have thought that if Islam were so peaceful and all, they would have done this immediately. And, are you telling me that it takes an Islamonazi Cleric only one second to issue a Fatwa against something that “he”(obviously there are no “she” clerics…) doesn’t like, and yet nearly 6000 ulemas still haven’t been able to persuade a single Cleric to issue nary a one Fatwa against all forms of terrorism?

What a load of crap…

madrasaskerala.jpgTerror un-Islamic, say Muslim scholars
Sandeep Bhushan
Monday, February 25, 2008 (Deoband, Saharanpur) –

In what’s being seen as a major breakthrough in Islamic thought, one of the world’s most influential Islamic centres, the Deoband School on Monday announced that Islam is against all forms of terrorism.

It’s not yet quite a fatwah against terrorism but it’s the biggest single condemnation saying clearly that terrorism is un-Islamic.

In the age of the suicide bomber, the images of more than 6,000 clerics chanting terrorism as un-Islamic at Darul Uloom in Deoband overturns the stereotype of Islam.

This is the first conclave on terrorism, where all the major Muslim sects of the country joined in.

The final declaration had a warning too. It said when governments critisise madarssas and other Muslim institutions, it puts a question mark on their secular character.

Nearly, 6,000 ulemas, is not just numbers, they have the power to influence the hearts and minds of scores of Muslim children.

The biggest challenge for Darul Uloom is its image. Many terror outfits, the Taliban, Laskar-e-Toiba and Harkat-ul-Mujahideen have all claimed links to the Deoband seminary.

”Our mindset it totally wrong. Everytime there is a terrorist incident it is always attributed to a Muslim, particularly someone who has studied in a madarssa or other religious institution. This is wrong. The disease has to be correctly diagnosed before we can find a cure,” said Adil Siddiqui, PRO, Darul Uloom.

The conclave is certainly a beginning; coming out so strongly against terrorism in one voice is a clear signal to the rest of the Muslim world that follows it.