Archive for 13 February, 2008

Islamo-awareness ‘on the rise in Holland

13 February, 2008

H/t to Warner for sending this in.

February 12, 2008, The AGE
Islamophobia has increased dramatically in the Netherlands following recent terrorist attacks in Europe, a human rights watchdog warned, with Muslims the subject of stereotyping, stigmatisation and frequent racist violence.
-You are not really paranoid if they really are out to get you. This article is PC lies, masquerading as analysis. Islam is not a race and Muslims always toss the victim card. A simple search of the police blotters would show more Muslims commit crimes than are victimized by them.

In a harshly worded report, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance said even Dutch politicians have resorted to derogatory remarks about Muslims in recent years, and that racist discourse has remained “as a rule” unchallenged by mainstream political parties.
-Notice no mention of the routine threats and calls for jihad from Muslim imams-I guess the EU considers that “tolerant” outlaw Muslim hate speech and watch them go tolerant on everything in sight.

The report comes as the Netherlands is embroiled in a debate on what some Dutch politicians call an “Islamisation” of the country, which has traditionally welcomed immigrants but put little pressure on them to embrace Western values.
-Normal immigrants looked forward to a new life and worked diligently to assimilate, Muslims do not, have not and will not.

Some in the Netherlands say the country’s multiculturalism and tolerance have provided a breeding ground for Islamic radicalism. Fears of such radicalism crystallised after the 2004 murder of filmmaker Theo van Gogh for his movie Submission, a fictional study of abused Muslim women with scenes of near-naked women with Koranic texts engraved on their flesh.
-Fictional but based in reality. Just as real as the calls for his death, his murder and Muslims celebrating his murder. (more…)

Muslims wanted to kill 1000 Aussie Infidels, court told

13 February, 2008

H/T to Gramfan & Warner for sending this in.

by Norrie Ross, February 13, 2008, The Herald Sun
THE leader of an alleged homegrown Muslim terrorist group talked of an attack that would kill 1000 people, a Melbourne terror trial heard today.
-People get wrapped up in homegrown or not label-here is a tip-they are all Muslims. Where did they get the idea? Read their evil book it explains the whole thing. No Muslims ever read the Koran swore off violence, held hands and sang kumbayah.

Abdul Nacer Benbrika, 47, said that in order to make the Government withdraw Australian troops from Iraq a large-scale operation was needed.

Prosecutor Richard Maidment SC said that Mr Benbrika, in conversation with another member of the terror group, said an attack was needed that “would make the Government sit up and take notice”.

“They were intending something big,” Mr Maidment told the jury in his opening statement.

“To cause maximum damage. To cause the death of a thousand…. by use of a bomb.”

The group of Melbourne men bent on violent Jihad planned terrorist attacks on football games or train stations to maximise deaths, the jury was told.

And the director and leader of the alleged terrorist group in Melbourne gave them permission to kill women, children and the elderly, the court heard.
-Targeting the helpless shows the minions are desperate

The prosecutor said that according to Mr Benbrika Australia was a country at war and used the term ‘Kuffur’ to describe infidels who did not believe in violent Jihad.

Mr Maidment said that Mr Benbrika believed that it was permissable in pursuit of violent Jihad to kill and steal from the Kuffur.

“Their blood and money is fair game,” Mr Maidment said.

In his opening of the Crown case against 12 men accused of a number of terrorist offences, Mr Maidment said the group was prepared to launch an attack overseas but Australia was the preferred target.

He told the jury much of the evidence they would hear was contained in recordings of intercepted telephone conversations and from hidden listening devices.
-Remember this the next time a stupid liberal whines about privacy.

From these conversations, it was clear, he said, that the accused became concerned that their conduct was being monitored by authorities.

They used a number of conversational, security and anti-surveillance tactics to try and conceal their activities.
Mr Benbrika used at least 10 different mobile phones and eight of those were registered in false names and addresses.

Another accused, Aimen Joud, 23, had 13 different mobile phones, 12 of them in false names and registered at false addresses.

Mr Maidment said Mr Benbrika’s concerns that their activities were being monitored by ASIO and police played “a not insignificant role” in slowing the group’s activities and may have stopped them carrying out a terrorist attack.

The prosecutor said that although Mr Benbrika was the leader others in the group were not “shrinking violets”.
They would argue and make their points of view quite clear to Mr Benbrika.

“They should feel comfortable about the killing of innocent citizens,” prosecutor Richard Maidment SC, told the Supreme Court.

He said that the group’s leader, Abdul Nacer Benbrika, who was also known as Sheik Abu Bakr, used the term Kuffar to describe infidels who did not believe in Allah or subscribe to violent Jihad.

According to Mr Benbrika the term ‘Jihad’ had only one meaning in the Koran and that was fighting the Kuffar.
Mr Maidment said that in a secretly taped conversation another accused, Abdullah Merhi, asked Mr Benbrika if killing their intended victims would be pleasing to Allah.

Mr Benbrika replied:”You are pleasing the Almighty”.

On trial are 12 Muslim men, accused of a number of terrorist offences including fostering or preparing an attack involving the use of explosives or weapons.

According to its self-styled ‘Sheik’ and leader, Abdul Nacer Benbrika, Australia was a land at war and it was the duty of all Muslims to participate in violent Jihad, prosecutor Richard Maidment SC said.

Opening the Crown case against 12 men accused of a number of terrorist offences, Mr Maidment said the group was prepared to launch an attack overseas but Australia was the preferred target.

“The case is about a homegrown terrorist organisation which grew and operated between July 2004 and November 2005 in the suburbs of Melbourne,” Mr Maidment said.

The members were all male and all Muslim and their purpose, according to Mr Benbrika, was “Jihad in Allah’s cause”. (more…)

One Dead, Two Injured in Attack on Christians in Nigeria

13 February, 2008

Compare this article with this article posted by Ronin. Notice any similarities???

Muslim youths use machetes on students, set aflame police station, over ‘blasphemy’ claim.

By Obed Minchakpu – ChristianNewsToday

SUMAILA, Nigeria, February 13 (Compass Direct News) – A policeman was killed and two Christian teenagers were injured in this town in Kano state on Friday (February 8 ) when Muslim high school students went on a rampage over claims that a Christian student had written a “blasphemous” article on the prophet of Islam, Muhammad.

Killed at the local police station after the attack on students at Government Secondary School-Sumaila, was Inspector Jibrin Garba, also a Christian.

One of the injured minors who suffered knife and machete wounds, Ahmadu Inuwa, said the accused Christian student, Ashiru Danlami, could not possibly have written the alleged English-language article as he could hardly speak in English, much less write in the language. Inuwa said school authorities had established this fact.

The Rev. Samaila Kogo of the Evangelical Church of West Africa (ECWA), from Sumaila, told Compass his investigations showed that Muslim students wrote and published the blasphemous article as a pretext for attacking Christian students. This strategy, he said, is used in schools across northern Nigeria to force Christian students out of schools.


Hezbollah Commander Killed, No One Wants to Claim Responsibility

13 February, 2008

Usually, Israel is more than willing to come out and admit when they’ve killed a terrorist. Their silence on this is interesting and leads me to suspect that the U.S. might have had a hand in all of this… It’s just a silly hunch, but check out the following statements by State Department spokesman, Sean McCormack:

World a ‘better place’ without Hezbollah leader: US spokesman


WASHINGTON (AFP) — The United States said Wednesday the “world is a better place” without a top commander of the Lebanese Shiite Muslim militia Hezbollah, who was assassinated in a car bombing in Damascus.

Analysts and others, however, warned of the high likelihood of retaliation against Israel, which Hezbollah immediately blamed for the killing of Imad Mughnieh, a central figure in terrorist attacks by Shiite extremists since the 1980s.

US intelligence threat assessments have routinely underscored that Hezbollah is the only group besides al-Qaeda with the reach and capability to strike targets in the United States.

But the United States grimly welcomed the death of a man that is belived to have been behind kidnappings of westerners, assassinations of US officials and devastating bombings of US military installations in the region.

“The world is a better place without this man in it,” State Department spokesman Sean McCormack told reporters.

“He was a cold-blooded killer, a mass murderer and terrorist responsible for countless innocent lives lost.”

“One way or another he was brought to justice,” McCormack said.


Wednesday’s Flight 93 Memorial Blogburst

13 February, 2008

It points to the Vatican

It points to Mecca!

Dr. Daniel Griffith (“anything can point to Mecca, because the earth is round“) is still trying to convince the press that the Flight 93 crescent does not point to Mecca. In an email to the Park Service and the press this week, he tried to make it sound as if Alec Rawls is calculating the orientation of the crescent by using techniques that can be manipulated to achieve any desired result:

Based on Alec’s arguments, one could claim that the memorial is oriented toward the Vatican.

The Flight 93 crescent can indeed be seen as pointing to the Vatican, for the simple reason that the Vatican sits on the great circle line between the crash site and Mecca.

This is what Griffith represents as some concocted method for calculating the orientation of the crescent: the great circle method!

This “shortest distance” or “straight line” direction to Mecca (curving only in the over the horizon direction) is the relevant direction because this is the way that Muslims calculate the direction to Mecca. (There was a debate about it in the 1980’s and 90’s, largely settled by this nondescript looking analysis.)


U.K. – Court of Appeals Overturns Possession of Extremist Literature Convictions

13 February, 2008

So, according to bleeding heart Liberal, Lord Phillip’s logic, possession of child pornography is perfectly legal and all, as it is their (the pornographers’) human right to freedom of thought, conscience, and some might dare to say, “religion and expression.”

What a load of crap…

Now, I’m all for freedom of ideas, etc. Heck, I’ve got a copy of The Poor Man’s James Bond, Vol. 1, 2, & 3 collecting dust on my bookshelf, but I’m not espousing an anti-government view nor do I believe in anarchy… Knowledge is power…

But, there are some things that just cross the line and, I think these jokers just crossed that line – and so did a Jury of their peers… They, by their own admission, clearly had intent to practice a violent Jihad against Westerners, and I’m sure as gravity that we will be seeing these jokers again…

aitaz-zafar.jpgTerror charge men are released

13/ 2/2008 – Rochdale Observer UK

THE Court of Appeal has quashed the convictions of two Rochdale Muslim men jailed over extremist Islamic literature.

Aitaz Zafar, aged 21, of Bishop Street, Hamer, and Awaab Iqbal, 20, of Grove Terrace, Bradford and formerly of Charlotte Street, Balderstone, were part of a Bradford University ring convicted by an Old Bailey Jury in July last year.

They received a three year sentence after being accused of having extreme Islamic terrorist-related material as part of an alleged plan to travel to fight in Afghanistan.

But on Wednesday they were cleared and freed by top judges.

Freeing the men, the Lord Chief Justice said their conviction was unsafe.

The men, alongside three others, were convicted under the Terrorism Act 2000 of possession of material suspected to be connected with the ‘commission, preparation or instigation’ of terrorism.

According to prosecutors the five were found to have radical Islamic material, said to encourage terrorism, stored on their computers and discs.

However, their lawyers argued at London’s Appeal Court that the material in their possession was mere ‘propaganda’ and the ‘maverick’ decision to prosecute them had even violated their human rights to freedom of thought, conscience, religion and expression.

The nation’s top judge – the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Phillips – sitting with Mr Justice Owen and Mr Justice Bean, overturned the convictions of all five and freed them.

There will be no retrial.


Obama’s Socialist Agenda

13 February, 2008

When Warner emailed us with this story, I didn’t believe it at first, but after some research, I found the following photos on Little Green Footballs‘ website. As I’ve previously posted photos of Hillary and her Che Guevara supporters, I couldn’t help but wonder — when did the Democratic party become the Communist Party?



Obama won’t wear flag pin but displays Cuban Flag in his Houston Office

Rick Moran – American Thinker
This really is too rich for irony.

Barack Obama’s Houston campaign office prominently displays a Cuban flag with a superimposed picture of Che Guevara, the Argentine-born terrorist and revolutionary.

Of course, Obama made an issue of not wearing an American flag pin or placing his hand over his heart during the national anthem, quite rightly pointing out that neither gesture is necessary to be patriotic. But it sure makes him look like a fool when his ultra-left supporters go to work every day under the flag of the dictator Fidel Castro.

A local blogger is appalled:

Che Guevara, the chief executioner of Fidel Castro’s brutal revolution, was a bank robber, a cold-blooded murderer, an enthusiastic torturer and generally an evil, sociopathic bastard. He’s quite literally the poster boy for everything wrong with socialism.

One of Che’s lauded diaries recalls the execution of a suspected counterrevolutionary:

“I ended the problem with a .32 caliber pistol, in the right side of his brain…. His belongings were now mine.”

Kooky economic theories, class warfare and forced redistribution of wealth — it’s not just a Cuban phenomenon. The revolution has finally spread to the brand new Barack Obama office right here in the Bayou City.

I really don’t know what’s worse; displaying the flag of a nation led by a regime that routinely locks people up and executes them for disagreeing with the government or featuring an iconic image of a man who stated on one occassion that he wished he had control of the nuclear missiles brought in by Russia in 1962 so he could have launched them at American cities.

This fascination with Che Guevara must end. He executed up to 500 people in a couple of months after the Cuban revolution – many of whom may have been innocent. Whether they were or not was immaterial to him; “I don’t need proof to execute a man, I only need proof that it’s necessary to execute him,” he is said to have remarked.

In his career as a “revoutionary” he robbed banks, murdered innocents, and sought for the rest of his short, violent life to export the Marxist ideal throughout the world. These are not the actions of someone who should be admired. There is plenty of evidence that he was a self-aggrandizing, arrogant, martinet who was condenscending toward his “comrades” in the third world and contemptuous of his adversaries – an attitude that eventually got him killed.

It is typical of the left to create a hero out of this murderous thug. What’s important to them is that he “spoke truth to power” – i.e., criticized the United States. How shallow and stupid to overlook the crimes against humanity committed by Guevara and celebrate his anti-Americanism.

About what we’ve come to expect from the left…