Archive for 5 February, 2008

Muslim Freakaziod admits ABC Interview was bad idea.

5 February, 2008

This is an update to Muslim Freakazoid Blames Bali Victims. Doc asked me to update everyone and add a few comments so “Let’s Roll”

By Paul Maley, February 05, 2008, The Daily Telegraph
TWO Muslim women say their participation in an ABC documentary pitched as a “bridge-building” exercise between Islam and the wider community has left them fearful for their safety.
-They fear their sorry butts will be deported and they will be forced to turn tricks in an Egyptian alley

Raisah bint Alan Douglas and 54-year-old Rabiah Hutchinson, the so-called “matriarch” of radical Islam in Australia, have accused the makers of an ABC documentary, Jihadi Sheilas, of deceitful and unethical conduct, saying they were tricked into participating in what they fear will be a misleading documentary.
-By misleading they are admitting they should have went with taqiyya. Braggarts like these clowns make it difficult for Muslim apologists to spread the more common Muslims lies.

Yesterday, the women delivered a formal letter of protest to the ABC’s Sydney headquarters.
-Which means a nuisance lawsuit will follow.

Ms Hutchinson said she had already been subject to a verbal attack as a result of the documentary, scheduled to screen tonight.
-Right someone recognized one Muslim granny wearing a ninja suit from all the other ones because of a TV show, I think not.

The two women told The Australian that they were approached separately by an ABC documentary crew last year and invited to participate.

They said they were explicitly and repeatedly told the material would be used on the ABC’s long-running Australian Story, a show Ms Douglas described as “patriotic (and) sympathetic”. She said she was told the focus of the program would be the women’s conversion to Islam, not their alleged links to extremists.
-So it was ok to go on tv to lie but not to tell the truth? You would think a minion would be harder for an infidel to trick.

“They said, ‘We’re going to put you on Australian Story’,” Ms Douglas told The Australian.
“‘We’d like to because there’s a lot of negative publicity around Muslims and it seems to be getting worse. We, as a community channel, want to do something about it … It will be a bridge-building exercise between the Muslim community and the Australian general public.”‘
-First granny should realize her and her friends are the reason Muslims are having such an image problem and secondly the only bridge she needs to build should bring her straight to a sharia paradise far from Australia.
The women – neither of whom has seen the program – are concerned the final product portrays them as traitors.
-Then they are both idiots. The show will show them to be normal pious Muslims. They are only traitors to Australia they admit loyalty to the worlds most famous pedophile. (more…)

Where is the USS Jimmy Carter?

5 February, 2008

Doctor Bulldog’s USS Jimmy Carter Prototype

The Galloping Beaver has the scoop and ties it in with the undersea internet cable damage. H/T Warner. (more…)

Walid Shoebat to Speak at AF Academy in Colorado

5 February, 2008


Former Terrorists to Speak at AF Academy
The Gazette, Colorado Springs,Colo. –
Feb. 05, 2008
The Air Force Academy will host three “former terrorists” as speakers Wednesday to the cadet wing, despite warnings that at least one of them has fabricated portions of his past and protests that the purpose is to promote Christianity.

Critics say the speakers, who have converted to Christianity, were invited to profess evangelical beliefs, inappropriate in a government academic setting.

Gee, I wonder WHO those critics could be??? Hmmm…. Could it be those terrorist hugging, moon god worshiping, pieces of crap over at CAIR? Hmmm… Let me do some googling… Welly, welly, welly, wellll… Look at what I found HERE. If anything, they certainly are predictable pieces of crap…

The academy didn’t return numerous phone calls late Monday.

Part of an annual political forum at the academy, the three speakers are Walid Shoebat, Kamal Saleem and Zak Anani.

A news release said the academy invited them “so that the cadets can better understand the Islamic mind set in our war on terror.”

The speeches are slated for 8:30 a.m. Wednesday.


Ahmadinejad’s Guard Dogs Cause Controversy

5 February, 2008

Interesting that the Jew-hater, Ahmadinejad, decided to purchase GERMAN guard dogs… Maybe he thinks they will protect him from those, “evil Zionist-Jooos…” Of course, I’m sure the dogs are smart enough to bite the hand that feeds them…


Iran: President’s dogs upset religious leaders

Tehran, 5 Feb.(AKI) – A decision by Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to acquire four guard dogs has upset the ayatollahs from the holy city of Qom.

The four dogs, bought in Germany at a cost of 110,000 euros each, are the topic of theological controversy because Islam considers dogs to be impure.

For this reason, the government has banned owners of domestic animals from taking them on the streets of the city, and owners risk penalties or the ‘detention’ of their animals in a pound.

Now that Ahmadinejad is protecting German dogs, many are asking the question: why can he have dogs while other citizens are banned?

The move has been badly received by several high-ranking ayatollahs.

In the middle of the controversy, the Fars agency considered the unofficial spokesman for Ahmadinejad, gave wide coverage to the issue related to the president’s dogs.

“First of all these dogs are only of a German breed, bought as puppies, but grown and trained in Iran in the hands of Iranian instructors,” Fars said.

“The purchase of these dogs was authorised by a fatwa issued by several ayatollahs who approved the use of these animals if the only goal was to guarantee personal security and not infringe on any religious rule.”

It’s a judgement not shared by other religious leaders, for example, those that issued a fatwa authorising police to fine whoever is seen on the street with a puppy.

“Baptism by Fire” Victim Dies

5 February, 2008

This updates a previous post HERE. We extend our heart-felt condolences to her family and friends.

NEWS ALERT: Elderly Burned Convert Dies In Bangladesh
Tuesday, 05 February 2008
By BosNewsLife News Center

DHAKA, BANGLADESH (BosNewsLife)– Christian villagers in a Muslim-majority area of Bangladesh on Tuesday, February 5, mourned the death of a 70-year-old woman who died from burns she suffered when a mob reportedly set her home ablaze as a punishment for converting from Islam to Christianity.

Rahima Beoa, who was planning to be baptized on February 13 in Cinatuly village in Rangpur district, 248 kilometers (154 miles) northwest of the capital Dhaka, suffered burns on at least 70 percent of her body, local villagers said. Suspected Muslim extremists set their home, made from bamboo and wood, ablaze on January 7, while she and her 9-year-old grand child were sleeping, reported Compass Direct News, a Christian news agency.

The pastor of the local evangelical Isha-e-Jamat (Jesus’ Church) Bangladesh denomination, Abdul Mabud Chowdhury, reportedly said that the mob was also upset that Beoa’s daughter and son-in-law, 40-year-old Ashraful Islam, converted to Christianity and about their involvement in evangelistic efforts.

A lack of access to adequate medical care was believed to have contributed to Beoa’s death on Friday, February 1. No relatives or neighbors allegedly came to put out the fire and the family reportedly also lost two head of cattle in one corner of the structure.


Yet, the Rangpur Regional Supervisor of the local Isha-e-Jamat Bangladesh denomination, Khaled Mintu, said in published remarks that family members had forgiven those who murdered her. “Before her burial, the family members forgave those who set fire in the house and prayed to God that this kind of incident not occur anymore in this country,” Mintu was quoted as saying by Compass Direct News. “They also prayed for a situation where Muslims and Christians can practice their own religion side by side peacefully.”

This was not the first incident in the area. In 2006, Mintu said, over 7,000 Muslims vandalized houses of Christians. There are some 50 Christian families of mostly Muslim upbringing within just over three kilometers (two miles), including 18 families in the immediate area of Beoa’s home, according to local estimates.

In Bangladesh, Christians make up less than one percent of the country’s predominantly Muslim population of 150-million people. The case comes amid concerns within the human rights community about what they say are increased attacks against Christians in Bangladesh. (With reporting from Bangladesh).

Saudi Woman Strip-Searched For Hanging Out at Starbucks

5 February, 2008

Here’s a quaint little article for ya’ all to read while I brew up some morning coffee:

Starbucks leads to strip-search for Saudi woman

Agence France-Presse

RIYADH — Saudi Arabia’s religious police detained and strip-searched a woman for sitting in a Starbucks coffeeshop with a male work colleague who is not a member of her family, Arab News reported on Tuesday.

The 40-year-old financial consultant, named only as Yara, told the paper she was arrested on Monday by members of the powerful Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice.

She was holding a business meeting with the man in a branch of Starbucks in Riyadh, in a section reserved for families as is the rule in Saudi Arabia where unrelated members of the opposite sex are segregated in public, she said.

Yara said she was taken to a Riyadh prison, strip-searched and forced to sign a confession to having been caught alone with a unrelated man — an illegal act in the kingdom which enforces a strict Islamic moral code.

“I had no other choice” but to sign, said the married mother of three. “I was scared for my life… I was afraid that they would abuse me or do something to me.”

She said the religious police, known as the Muttawa, released her several hours later after her husband, Hatim, intervened. “I look at this as if she had been kidnapped by thugs,” said Hatim.

The paper said the man with whom Yara had coffee, an unnamed Syrian financial analyst, was also arrested and remains in custody.

Saudi Arabia’s 5,000-strong religious police have been investigated over a number of deaths that occurred while they raided homes or kept people in custody.

The interior ministry issued a decree in May 2006 aimed at reining in the Muttawa by requiring them not to interrogate detained suspects, as they had previously done, but to hand them over to the regular police instead.

A United Nations report released on Friday said that women in the conservative Muslim state are the victims of systematic and pervasive discrimination across all aspects of social life.