Archive for 14 February, 2008

Italy: Muslim women literally living in chains

14 February, 2008

Rome, 14 Feb.(AKI) – Association of Moroccan Women in Italy president, Souad Sbai, claims that some Muslim women in the north of Italy are being kept chained up in their homes.
-No surprise women are considered as property to most Muslims and slavery is still practiced all over the Islamic world. Old habits move with the minions.

“In northern Italy, there are women that live chained at home, from the kitchen to the bathroom, without being able to open the door,” said the leader of the women’s group.

“In the North,[of Italy] there are 4 and 5 year old girls that wear the [Islamic] veil in the summer, and in the winter. This is the culture of male chauvinists, of fundamentalists – and nobody is shocked,” said Sbai.
-Duh! They are Muslims and liberals love them enough to forgive them.
Sbai also claims that Egypt’s Islamist Muslim Brotherhood organistion is slowly ‘infiltrating’ Italian politics.
-I don’t know about “slowly” they seem to be working fast. (more…)

Blasphemy as Muslims claim Joseph ‘was really a Muslim’

14 February, 2008

H/t to Changedforever for sending this in,

This is simple blasphemy. Joseph could not have been a Muslims, he was not a murder, a pedophile, a liar, or a thief. In other worlds, he did not follow the example of Mohammed, the world’s most famous pedophile. To be fair he was long dead before the murderous madman raided his first caravan but I doubt he would have followed him except to maybe expose him as a false prophet.

By Aaron Klein, 14 February, 2008, WorldNetDaily
In the wake of an attempt by Palestinians to burn down Joseph’s Tomb – Judaism’s third holiest site – Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah faction issued a statement denying it will help restore the shrine, referring to both the shrine and the biblical patriarch as “Muslim.”
-The evil side of me would love to see a tit for tat response and watch crazed Christians burn a few Mosques but I realize Christians hold themselves to a much higher standard than Muslims.
“Pay no attention to the rumors that we will work with Israel to restore the burial site of the holy Muslim Joseph,” said the statement, issued from Nablus, the biblical city of Shechem. “We are going to guard this holy Muslim site.”

Joseph’s Tomb is the believed burial place of the son of Jacob who was sold by his brothers into slavery and later became viceroy of Egypt.

Palestinian security officials in Nablus said Monday they were called to the tomb to find 16 burning tires inside the sacred structure. A Palestinian police official who inspected the site told WND there was some fire damage to the tomb.

He said the Palestinian Authority, fearing embarrassment, immediately formed a joint committee from the PA’s Force 17, Preventative Security Services and Palestinian intelligence, to find out who was behind the fire.

The move comes after Prime Minister Ehud Olmert announced last week he would ask Israel’s Defense Ministry to work with the PA to reconstruct and restore the tomb, parts of which were destroyed in 2000 by Palestinians, including known PA security officers.

Under the 1993 Oslo Accords, which granted nearby strategic territory to the Palestinians, Joseph’s Tomb was supposed to be accessible to Jews and Christians. But following repeated attacks against Jewish worshippers at the holy site by gunmen associated with then-Palestinian Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat’s militias, then-Prime Minister Ehud Barak in October 2000 ordered an Israeli unilateral retreat from the area.

Within less than an hour of the Israeli retreat, Palestinian rioters overtook Joseph’s Tomb and reportedly began to ransack the site. Palestinian mobs reportedly tore apart books, destroying prayer stands and grinding out stone carvings in the Tomb’s interior. A Muslim flag was hoisted over the tomb.
-So it was just Muslims acting like Muslims (more…)

Hezbollah declares war

14 February, 2008

H/t to Gramfan for sending this in,

They are already at war of course but they like to keep themselves in the media’s eye. After the Friday prayers are over they will go nuts in Lebanon and blame the death of the pedophile murdering scum Mughniyeh. They will riot on Dnemark and blame the cartoons and they will kill each other in Iraq and blame Bush.

February 15, 2008, Sky News

Lebanese militant group Hezbollah has declared open war on Israel, following the death of one of its commanders in a car bombing in the Syrian capital Damascus.

Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah accused Israel of killing Imad Mughniyeh and has vowed to retaliate.
-Imad is in hell where he belongs.

He made the threat in a video-taped message played at Mughniyeh’s funeral, where large crowds of mourners gathered to farewell the man who’s been labelled the bin Laden of the 80s and 90s.

Nasrallah, who rarely appears in public for fear of assassination, told viewers that if Israel wanted this kind of open war, then there would be an open war.
-he is a coward, he gladly sends children off to die but his old ass hides. (more…)