Archive for 20 February, 2008

Muslim Imam Murders Child, enslaves others

20 February, 2008

Just another pious muslim teacher, well respected inside his own community for practicing islam.

Ola Ajayi, Lagos, 20 February, 2008,
SIX days after an illegal detention camp was discovered in Ibadan where 29 children were inhumanly treated, the state Police Command has arrested another Islamic teacher, Alfa Ali Ademola for reportedly torturing one Biliaminu Bashiru to death.
-Ok, obviously I missed the earlier report or I would have posted it. No doubt the 29 children were being forcibly converted.

The death of Bashiru brings to three the number of innocent people that were feared dead as a result of alleged torture by the owners of the training centres.
-Training center meaning madrassa

According to the police, the latest victim was given to the suspect in February to be taught Q’uran before his death. The centre is located at Orogun, in Ibadan.
-That is double torture, physical abuse I can somewhat understood it is normal for Muslims. The mental torture of being forced to learn the koran is just cruel. (more…)

Wednesday’s Flight 93 Memorial Blogburst

20 February, 2008

Memorial Project founder: “They decided that, ‘we’re just not going to address the issue’ [of Islamic symbolism]”

It points to Mecca!

Flight 93 is the symbol of our woken vigilance. We are supposed to be alert now, to jihadist enemies that hide amongst us, pretending to be trustworthy friends.

Those charged with the memorialization of Flight 93 have instead embraced an anti-spirit of Flight 93, regarding vigilance as somehow beyond the pale even of contemplation.

Listen to the words of Clay Mankamyer, one of the founders of the Flight 93 Memorial Project, describing the Project’s reaction to warnings of Islamic symbolism in the Crescent of Embrace design. They asked the accused architect Paul Murdoch about it. They agreed with him that it was “too big a stretch” to think that he had conspired to intentionally include Islamic symbolism, and so they decided that: “we’re just not going to address the issue.” They made an up-front decision NOT to look at the facts.

Here is the audio (50 seconds) followed by a transcript:

Audio button, reel to reel
The controversy then arose. When I first heard it, it was a street preacher who had drawn attention to the similarities to the red crescent, and when you heard what he had to say about it, and looked at the design, there were without a doubt some striking similarities. He went to, I went to, Paul Murdoch and expressed some concern and wondered what they were going to do about it. Their decision was that, well, certainly everybody is going to see that any similarity is going to be just coincidental and it’s too big a stretch to think that anybody conspired to create anything but a memorial to the heroes who WON the battle that fateful morning, and so they decided that, ‘we’re just not going to address the issue.’


Follower of Muhammad Caught Trying to Smuggle Box Cutter onto Airplane

20 February, 2008

Hmmm…  Boxcutters and airplanes….  Why am I having deja vu?..  Oh, yeah;  9/11…


TIA Passenger Had Box Cutter In Hollowed-Out Book

By Thomas W.  Krause  of The Tampa Tribune –
Published: February 20, 2008

TAMPA — A 21-year-old Clearwater man was arrested at Tampa International Airport this weekend after security personnel found a box cutter in a hollowed-out book, authorities said.

022008baines.jpgAbout 7:30 a.m. Sunday, airport security ran Benjamin Baines Jr.’s backpack through an X-ray machine and saw the image of a box cutter, according to a report from the Transportation Security Administration.

When searching the backpack, a security officer found a book titled “Fear Itself.” The book was hollowed out, and the box cutter was inside.

After Baines was read his rights, he said his cousin had cut away the pages to make the hollow section in the book. Later, reports state, he said he had hollowed it out himself to hide money and marijuana from his roommates.

Baines told officers he was moving to Las Vegas and forgot the cutter was in the book.

Officers found books in the backpack titled “Muhammad in the Bible,” “The Prophet’s Prayer” and “The Noble Qur’an.” He also had a copy of the Quran and the Bible.

Several sheets of paper in the backpack included rap lyrics that referred to police, narcotics, weapons and killing. Baines told officers he is a rapper who writes his own lyrics and that rap music writers need to “play the part,” the report states.


More Info on Obama’s Socialist Agenda Comes to Light

20 February, 2008

The more I dig into this guy’s past, the more alarmed I become…  He says he wants to change America, well perhaps maybe we should heed his warning…


Obama mentor identified as communist
Frank Marshall Davis ‘discussed American imperialism, colonialism, exploitation’


The mysterious “Frank” cited as a friend and adviser by Democratic president contender Barack Obama while he was growing up in Hawaii has been identified as Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the old Moscow-controlled Communist Party USA.

The identification comes from Cliff Kincaid in his column, “Obama’s Communist Mentor,” which was made available on the Accuracy in Media website.

“Let’s challenge the liberal media to report on this,” he wrote in his column. “Will they have the honesty and integrity to do so?”

Kincaid, who earlier reported on Obama’s pending plan to ship $845 billion overseas to battle “global poverty” as evidence of his socialist leanings, said the newly revealed connection is even more worrisome.

“Obama’s communist connection adds to mounting public concern about a candidate who has come out of virtually nowhere, with a brief U.S. Senate legislative record, to become the Democratic Party frontrunner for the U.S. presidency,” he wrote.

In Obama’s book, “Dreams From My Father,” he repeatedly refers to his friend and adviser as “Frank.”

“The reason is apparent: Davis was a known communist who belonged to a party subservient to the Soviet Union. In fact, the 1951 report of the Commission on Subversive Activities to the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii identified him as a CPUSA member. What’s more, anti-communist congressional committees, including the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), accused Davis of involvement in several Communist front organizations,” Kincaid said.

Kincaid noted Obama has admitted attending “social conferences” and seeing Marxist literature. “But he ridicules the charge of being a ‘hard-core academic Marxist,’ which was made by his colorful and outspoken 2004 U.S. Senate opponent, Republican Alan Keyes.”

He described the link as “ominous.”


A More Laid-Back Version of Islam?

20 February, 2008

Hmmm… This kind of proves Ronin’s assertion that a “Moderate” Muslim is a non-practicing Muslim…


Kosovo Touts ‘Islam Lite’

Associated Press Writer – Via

GNJILANE, Kosovo (AP) – Kastriot Sadiku has a confession: Like a good Muslim, he was near a mosque when Kosovo declared independence. But like a good Kosovar, he was just around the corner, sipping suds at his favorite pub.

As minaret loudspeakers broadcast afternoon prayers, “I was having a beer,” said Sadiku, 25. “In the entire Muslim world, I think that’s probably something that can only happen here, where our religion doesn’t interfere with the rest of our lives.”

Much has been made of Kosovo’s status as the world’s newest mostly Muslim nation. But its secular government, religious leaders and faithful have carefully distanced themselves from the slightest hint of extremism.

The Republic of Kosovo, they insist, embraces a decidedly laid-back version of Islam.

“Our Islam is ‘lite’ – like Coke Lite or Marlboro Light cigarettes,” said Ilmi Krasniqi, an imam at one of five mosques in the eastern town of Gnjilane. “This is not Baghdad, and what goes on in Saudi Arabia cannot happen here.”

That is not to suggest that radical Islam has not impacted Kosovo’s Muslim ethnic Albanians.

Last October, Agron Abdullahu – a 25-year-old Kosovo native living in the U.S. – pleaded guilty to charges of conspiring to provide weapons to five other Muslims who allegedly plotted an attack on the U.S. Army’s Fort Dix military base in New Jersey. No attack was staged on the base, which is used largely to train reservists bound for Iraq.

Agim Hyseni, the chief imam in Gnjilane, said Muslims in feverishly pro-America Kosovo have distanced themselves from extremist ideology or acts.


Exclusive: Zacharia Anani Quits the Walid Shoebat Foundation

20 February, 2008


This morning, we received a comment from Zacharia Anani stating that he was no longer one of the “Three Ex-Terrorists” and that he would NOT be attending the upcoming scheduled Walid Shoebat Foundation (WSF) event in Florida on Monday, the 25th of February.

After verifying his story with a phone call to Keith Davies (the Director of the WSF), I contacted Mr. Anani on the telephone and had a pleasant conversation with him. During the course of which, I inquired as to why he was leaving the Three Ex-Terrorists. Here is my summation of his reply in the order of importance it had on his decision to quit:

First, and of the utmost importance in his decision, he is a Spiritually charged Christian and felt the WSF was not addressing his spiritual needs and goals. Instead, the WSF (from Mr. Anani’s viewpoint) was centering more on materialistic achievements.

Secondly, he has a point of contention concerning the use of the word Terrorist to describe himself. He views himself more as a soldier; in his day, a suicide bomber more accurately described what one became when fighting an enemy on the battlefield and all hope was lost, so one would be forced to kill as many enemy combatants as possible in a suicide mission. He never believed in the killing of innocent men, women, and children. So, the term Terrorist does not accurately describe his self-perception.

Finally, he mentioned that there were some financial reasons, but stresses this was the least important reason of all.

So, there you have it. Zacharia Anani has decided to quit touring as a speaker with the Walid Shoebat Foundation. I enjoyed our conversation over the phone and firmly believe that God has commissioned him to do great works in the future.

8 Christians Arrested in Jordan for Offering Humanitarian Assistance

20 February, 2008

Jordan Arrests Evangelists
Written by The Media Line Staff
Published Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Eight people have been arrested in Jordan for propagating the Christian faith,
according to a Saudi newspaper.

Jordanian security forces arrested eight people, mostly foreigners, after they were caught distributing missionary material to Bedouin families north and east of the Jordanian capital, Amman, the Saudi daily Al-Watan reported.

The authorities received information about the missionaries from local residents who said these foreigners were offering humanitarian assistance to poor Muslim families and distributing fliers promoting Christianity.

Darn those Christian infidels!  Always trying to do good!

Sources said they were “enticing” impoverished youngsters by paying them money and calling on them to marry foreign girls.

Islam is the state religion in Jordan, though Christianity is a recognized religion in the country.

Evangelism is a practice frowned upon in the Muslim world, and often associated with Western imperialism.

The Jordanian government prohibits conversion from Islam and the proselytizing of Muslims. The Shari’a courts have the authority to prosecute people trying to convert Muslims, according to the United States State Department’s annual report on religious freedom.

Muslims in Jordan who convert to another religion face social and governmental discrimination, the report said.