Archive for 7 March, 2008

MSM Ignoring Student Who Shot Terrorist in Jerusalem Seminary Massacre

7 March, 2008

If ever there was a case for allowing university students to carry guns, this would be it.  I implore all of you who support gun rights to take note of just who it was that stopped this terrorist dead in his tracks.  It certainly wasn’t the police.  It was Ytizhak Dadon, a student at the seminary school, who had a gun license and was allowed to tote a pistol.  And, if it had not been for a gun-toting student, the body count would most certainly have been a lot higher…

So, put that in your peace pipe and smoke it, you whiny little anti-gun pussies.

Press ‘ignore’ terrorist stopped by armed student
‘Mr. Dadon is not going to become a victim of this conspiracy of silence’
Posted: March 07, 2008
A gun rights organization in the United States is accusing the media of trying to conceal the fact that a gunman who attacked students at Jerusalem’s Mercaz Harav seminary was stopped by an armed student at the school.

Authorities report that Ytizhak Dadon, 40, was a “private citizen who had a gun license and was able to shoot the gunman with his pistol,” according to a statement released today by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

In its earlier reporting on the tragedy, WND confirmed, “One terrorist reportedly was shot to death by a student who was armed…”

However, the gun rights organization said “the American press is downplaying his heroism because it proves that armed students can stop campus gunmen.”

“Yitzhak Dadon is a hero,” said Alan Gottlieb, the chairman of CCRKBA, “and he is living proof that armed students have a place on college campuses. Thankfully, his quick action was reported by the international press … so unlike incidents here in the United States where the press was able to completely ignore the actions of armed students or teachers, the truth about this incident will not be suppressed.”

He continued, “Mr. Dadon is not going to become a victim of this conspiracy of silence. Elitist American college administrators, the national press, nor anti-gun politicians can sweep this incident under their rug.”

The gun rights group said international reports credit Dadon, who studies at the school, had his pistol available when the shooting erupted. “When the gunman emerged from a library, Dadon reportedly shot him twice in the head. The gunman was subsequently shot by the off-duty soldier,” the group said.

“Yitzhak Dadon’s apparently well-placed bullets interrupted a rampage,” Gottlieb said. “What a pity that someone like Mr. Dadon was not in class last April at Virginia Tech. What a tragedy that anti-gun extremism would keep him from attending class at Northern Illinois University. He would never be allowed to teach at Columbine High School, hold a job at Trolley Square in Salt Lake City, or go shopping at Omaha’s Westroads Mall.


Muslims demand better Mohammed Cartoons

7 March, 2008

The minions were at it again, I guess the quality of the cartoons are not up to their high standards.

8 March 2008, Daily Times
ISLAMABAD: Demonstrations were held in all the country’s main cities on Friday to protest against the republication in Danish newspapers of a cartoon caricaturing the Pedophile Muhammad (Piss Be Upon Him), which caused outrage across the Islamic world two years ago.
-Ok, I admit it, I changed a few words for clarity.

Angry protesters torched effigies of the Danish premier and his country’s flag. They marched through streets across the country after Friday prayers, demanding the government snap diplomatic relations with Denmark, AFP adds.

The cartoon, one of 12 that prompted riots in many Muslim countries in 2006, was republished by a number of Danish papers — at least 17, according to AFP — last month to show solidarity with the cartoonist after three men were arrested on suspicion of plotting to kill him, said Reuters.

Rallies were held in Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore, Multan and Quetta, where speakers demanded that the “blasphemers” be punished and Danish products be boycotted.

-I just don’t understand why they hate cartoons. I always liked Popeye especially the older ones where he fought in WW II. Muslims really should conduct some research, cartoons have always been used to ridicule evil. Mohammed worshipers should learn some tolerance.

Political Performance Art at its Best, Female Statues Veiled.

7 March, 2008

H/t tip to Phyllis Chesler for this jewel.

Now this is a great way to show what you lose when islams cancer spreads, no art, no free speech, no freedoms, no life.

For some strange reason, these feminists think islam is a repressive and sexist ideology. Now we are always told the opposite-who to believe?

I think by now most of you know which side I am on.

March 7, 2008, The Chesler Chronicles
There was a time when feminist groups did high concept performance art/political theatre as a way of shocking, enlightening, and entertaining us all. That time has not passed. In the past, the late, great art critic, Arlene Raven, kept me apprised of whatever Suzanne Lacey and others were doing—and they did great things.

Now, in honor of International Woman’s Day, (March 8th), a number of anonymous European feminist groups has expanded their mission to veil-and-shroud the female statues and monuments in the cities of Moscow, Finland, Germany. In their press release they state that they wish to “inspire the public to discussion concerning Islamisation and associated taboo subjects. ” Thus far, they have veiled eight statues with a Burqa or a headscarf. Each statue has been fitted with a signboard which compares western-style concepts of gender equality and human rights to be contrasted with a quote from the Qu’ran. The press release further states:

“The aim of the campaign is to refer to the creeping Islamisation endangering the European idea of UNITY IN DIVERSITY and other similar cultural achievements of the liberal thinking world. Particularly, the phenomenom that Muslim women wear increasingly Burqa or headscarfs, is a visible expression of the challenge and threat to our liberal societies with their values such as women’s rights, democracy, liberal and secular thinking. (more…)

Adam Gadahn Still Dead…

7 March, 2008

Gadahn death rumors continue to surface
Bill Roggio – The Long War Journal


As US and Pakistani intelligence attempted to determine who else might have been killed in the Jan. 29 US airstrike in North Waziristan that took the life of al Qaeda commander Abu Laith al Libi, a new, unconfirmed report claimed Adam Gadahn, Laith’s American deputy, died in the strike, as did two Kuwaitis and four other terrorists.

Sources inside Pakistan told the Nine/Eleven Finding Answers Foundation that US traitor Adam Gadahn was killed, along with Abu Suhail, Laith’s former deputy; Hamza al Somali, who is presumably of Australian or US nationality; Abu Ubayda Tawari Rakhis al Mutairi, a Kuwaiti national; Abu Adil al Kuwaiti, another Kuwaiti; and at least three Uzbek nationals. “It should be noted that the death of the American Gadahn has not yet been officially confirmed,” the Nine/Eleven Finding Answers Foundation reported.

Adnkronos International said Feb. 5 that Abu Adil al Kuwaiti was reported killed in the North Waziristan airstrike, along with Abu Obeida Tawari al Obeidi, a Saudi.

Speculation about Gadahn’s death surfaced immediately after the airstrike, as Pakistani sources told US and Pakistani news agencies that Gadahn had not been seen or heard from since the strike. Gadahn was purportedly attending the meeting chaired by Laith, who was planning al Qaeda’s 2008 campaign in Afghanistan.

Al Qaeda has been quick to lionize the death of its leaders, for propaganda and recruiting reasons. Laith’s death was announced on a jihadi Internet forum within three days of the airstrike in North Waziristan.

“Osama bin London” Gets Seven and a half Years for Encouraging Muslims to Kill Unbelievers

7 March, 2008

7 1/2 years…  Seems a little light, don’t you think? 


“Osama bin London” jailed for 7-1/2 years
Fri Mar 7, 2008 – Reuters

LONDON (Reuters) – A Tanzanian-born Muslim who dubbed himself “Osama bin London” was jailed for 7-1/2 years on Friday after being found guilty of encouraging his followers to murder non-believers and of running terrorist training camps.

Mohammed Hamid, 50, who came to England when he was five, was convicted at Woolwich Crown Court last month.

Atilla Ahmet, 43, the so-called emir of the group, who once boasted of being al Qaeda’s top figure in Europe, was sentenced to 6 years and 11 months after admitting three charges of soliciting murder.

Hamid’s trial was closely watched as he was an inspiration for the men who tried to carry out botched suicide bombings on London’s transport system on July 21, 2005, two weeks after 52 civilians were killed by four suicide bombers in a similar attack.

Prosecutors said Ahmet and Hamid prepared the men for jihad, or holy war, by organising terrorism training disguised as camping or paintballing trips in rural locations around Britain.

An undercover officer once heard a conversation in which Hamid boasted of wanting to carry a murderous attack, saying he wanted to kill more than 52. “Fifty-two, that’s not even a breakfast for me,” he said, referring to the July 7 attacks.


Chinese Contaminant in Heparin Possibly Linked to 19 Deaths in U.S.

7 March, 2008

First they killed our dogs, then they poisoned our children with lead, and now they have progressed to killing U.S. citizens…  This could and should have been prevented by stopping ALL shipments from China immediately after discovering the tainted canary dog food…


US says contaminated blood-thinner came from China   

Batches of the recalled blood thinner heparin, which contained an unidentified contaminant and has been linked to 19 deaths, have ingredients that came from China, the US government said Thursday.

The federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has yet to prove that the contaminant was the cause of the deaths as well as other adverse health effects including allergic reactions.

But the FDA said that all batches of heparin linked to health problems and deaths were made with ingredients that came from China.

“At this point, we do not know whether the introduction was accidental or whether it was deliberate,” said FDA deputy commissioner Janet Woodcock.

“We don’t know if any of the heparin products worldwide might contain this contaminant and that is something we are going to be looking into.”

Magnetic resonance imagery (MRI) tests performed on the anti-coagulants showed that up to 20 percent of the active ingredient in the medication contained the unknown contaminant, the FDA said.


American Identified as One of the Eight Students Killed by The Religion of Peace

7 March, 2008


Israelis Mourn 8 Killed at Seminary
Mar 7 2008
Associated Press Writer – via Breitbart

JERUSALEM (AP) – Thousands gathered Friday outside a bullet-scarred Jewish seminary in Jerusalem to mourn eight students killed by a Palestinian gunman. Hamas militants in Gaza claimed responsibility for the attack.

Masses of mourners marched in funeral processions after a rabbi recited Hebrew psalms line by line, the crowd repeating them after him in memory of the dead. Israeli officials said the victims were between ages 15 and 19 except one, who was 26. They identified one of the slain as 16-year-old Avraham David Moses, an American citizen whose parents moved to Israel in the 1990s.

Israel slapped a closure on the West Bank and beefed up security and emergency forces around Jerusalem and other areas in the wake of the shooting, the first major attack in Jerusalem in four years and the deadliest in Israel since a suicide bomber killed 11 people in Tel Aviv on April 17, 2006.

The attack came on the heels of a surge in fighting between Israelis and Palestinians in Gaza. More than 120 Palestinians and three Israelis died in the clashes, which were sparked by an increase in militant rocket fire from Gaza into southern Israel.

A Hamas radio presenter said the group’s military wing had “promised a jolting response” to the Israeli offensive, and called on believers to “celebrate this victory against the brutal enemy.”


FBI STILL not “Sensitive” Enough to Muslims

7 March, 2008

What about Jewish Sensitivity Training? And, what about Italian Mafia Sensitivity training? Heck, why not throw in whiny Liberal sensitivity training while your at it! Where does it end? Does the FBI have sensitivity training for dealing with drug users? Obviously it’s not very “sensitive” to raid someone’s home while they’re tripping hard on acid… That might freak ’em out, man..

This is ridiculous! FBI agents DON’T need to be “sensitive” when hunting down criminals! It doesn’t matter what cultish religion the bad guys are from. If they’re criminals, they’re criminals and deserve to be treated as such – just like every other criminal! Leave that multiculturalism crap to the Liberals. It will never replace good, honest, hard work on the part of the agents. NO ONE expects the FBI to be pleasant when they come knocking at the door. In fact, it’s this very “tough guy” image that works so well for them when tracking down leads. So, why should Muslims be treated any different? Being polite and “sensitive” to everyone only hampers the FBI’s field investigations. Fear works wonders. Just ask the “moderate” Muslims who bend over to the whims and desires of the Islamonazis.

Now, you may call me an alarmist, but notice what the second highest priority in the criminal division of the FBI is now: Hate crimes against Muslims and minorities… Since Muslims think just about everything is a hate crime against them personally, the FBI is going to be kept quite busy diverting resources that could be used more effectively in fighting terrorism…

I have a lot of respect for the FBI, they’re some of the brightest and most talented law enforcement agents out there. I just hope they get over this multiculturalism crap soon, before it kills someone… Believe me, if you have to think about whether you should draw your gun or not for fear of offense, your already dead…

FBI boosts training in Islamic ‘sensitivity’
Weeks added to required ‘enrichment’ program:
‘We all need to learn and understand each other’
The FBI believes its agents still aren’t sensitive enough to Muslims and their culture, so the bureau has extended by “a few weeks” its Islamic cultural “enrichment” training program, WND has learned.

During a recent outreach event at a Washington-area mosque, FBI officials also reassured a large turnout of concerned Muslims that the bureau is not profiling Arabs and Muslims for terrorism, and has made investigating alleged “hate crimes” against them and other minorities “the second-highest priority in the criminal division of the FBI.”

Among the officials who attended the Feb. 8 “town hall meeting” at the large ADAMS Center mosque were Timothy Healy, deputy assistant director for FBI intelligence, and Dave Bennett, assistant special agent in charge of the FBI’s Washington field office.

The officials said terrorism is “not a new phenomenon” limited to Muslims, and they cited abortion-clinic bomber Eric Rudolph as an example of a Christian terrorist.

Yeah, funny how they always point to that ONE guy who IS NOT a real Christian. If one does his best to follow the example of Jesus Christ, at worst you’ll knock over some tables at a money exchange. Anyone with half a brain knows this guy only CLAIMED to be a Christian, but was NOT a real Christian

On the other hand, If you do your best to emulate Muhammad’s example, you get to kidnap, rape, pillage, behead, and screw little kids….

While they said they are concerned about the threat from “homegrown terror” perpetuated by second-generation Muslim immigrants, the officials assured the Muslim audience they are no more concerned about such homegrown attacks than they are “about bank robberies,” and are not targeting the Muslim community for special surveillance.

One official offered that FBI headquarters has extended the bureau’s Arabic curriculum, which includes Muslim culture, by “a few weeks” to expose agents to Islam and cultivate a better understanding of the faith.

“We all need to learn and understand each other,” he said, adding that the Muslim sensitivity program is part of basic training for agents.

“One of the things that the FBI believes in is diversity,” he said. “Diversity is important.”


British Army Unveils New Sniper Rifle

7 March, 2008

 [Click on Image to Enlarge]


Unveiled: The new supergun weapon against the Taliban can kill from over a mile away
By MATTHEW HICKLEY – 7 March 2008

It is the latest weapon on the front line against the Taliban – the British Army’s most powerful-ever sniper rifle, capable of killing with pinpoint accuracy from more than a mile away.

Yesterday the Army showed off its new Long Range Rifle, which has just entered service with combat units in Afghanistan to replace smaller and less powerful weapons.

The £11million upgrade programme is part of a “renaissance” of the sniper tradition – which during the Cold War was largely relegated to the sidelines – as modern commanders rediscover the huge value of pinpoint fire from sharpshooters.

The new weapon, the L115A3, fires a heavier bullet to much longer ranges and has a state-of-the-art telescopic sight with twice the magnifying power of the old version.

More than 500 are on order from the British manufacturers, Accuracy International.

Since British forces moved into Helmand Province two years ago to take on the Taliban, demand for snipers has soared and 120 a year are now passing through the specialist training school at Warminster in Wiltshire.

One said: “It’s a huge step forward. I’ll be using the new rifle in Afghanistan this summer.
