Archive for 12 March, 2008

More “Misunderstanders” of Islam Just following the Qur’an

12 March, 2008

Yup, that Allah character sure was misunderstood.  Yup, Islam was hijacked, I tell ya’!!!:

“Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): “I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them.” – Qur’an Sura 8:12 – Yusuf Ali Translation

H/T to TNR

Severed fingers of 5 hostages delivered to U.S. officials in Iraq
By Hannah Allam,
McClatchy Newspapers – via Yahoo News

BAGHDAD _U.S. authorities in Baghdad have received five severed fingers belonging to four Americans and an Austrian who were taken hostage more than a year ago in Iraq , U.S. officials said Wednesday.

The FBI is investigating the grisly development, and the families of the five kidnapped contractors have been notified, American officials said on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to discuss the case publicly.

Authorities confirmed that the fingers belonged to hostages Jonathan Cote , of Gainesville, Fla. ; Joshua Munns , of Redding, Calif. ; Paul Johnson Reuben , of Buffalo, Minn. ; Bert Nussbaumer of Vienna, Austria ; and Ronald J. Withrow , an American who was kidnapped separately from the others.

No information was available on when or how the fingers were delivered to U.S. authorities. Some relatives of the missing men said that they’d heard weeks ago that the DNA of the hostages had been obtained, but they’d been given no details.


Islamic states support global cry in and beg for mercy.

12 March, 2008

Leave it to the ummah to make crybabies of the entire muslim world. It seems something I have been saying for years now is proving true “exposure is our greatest weapon against islam”. Because there is no rational way to explain away all the evils imbedded in the islamic ideology of hate, dominance and repression muslims want to outlaw free speech.

The bottom line here is by admitting they can not stand up to scrutiny muslims are admitting a weakness and by insisting the truth be outlawed they are begging for global mercy.

GENEVA (Reuters) – Islamic states are bidding to use the United Nations to limit freedom of expression and belief around the world, the global humanist body IHEU told the U.N.’s Human Rights Council on Wednesday.

In a statement submitted to the 48-nation Council, the IHEU said the 57 members of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) were also aiming to undermine the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

“The Islamic states see human rights exclusively in Islamic terms, and by sheer weight of numbers this view is becoming dominant within the U.N. system. The implications for the universality of human rights are ominous,” it said.
-Which means the minions are attempting to consolidate power for the purpose of blocking votes they feel limit islam.

The statement from the IHEU, the International Humanist and Ethical Union, was issued as the U.N.’s special investigator on freedom of opinion and expression argued in a report that religions had no special protection under human rights law.

Ambeyi Ligabo, a Kenyan jurist, said in a report to the Council limitations on freedom of expression in international rights pacts “are not designed to protect belief systems from external or internal criticism.”
-Preach it brother.


But this argument is rejected by Islamic states, who say outright criticism — and especially lampooning — of religion violates the rights of believers to enjoy respect.
-But muslims always stop short of wanting to outlaw islamic clerics and leaders from calling for the murder and eradication of millions of Israelis. If these idiots ever get this law passed, we can use it to forcible close mosques. (more…)

Analysis: Serbia at the crossroads

12 March, 2008

A short background article on Serbia and Kosovo that hints of future trouble. No matter how the theft of Kosovo plays out in the political world the hard truth is the decision to allow it and support it will continue to bite the UN, the EU and the US in the rear for years to come.

By STEFAN NICOLA, 12 March, 2008, UPI Germany Correspondent
BERLIN, March 12 (UPI) — Serbs, in the upcoming snap elections, will have to choose between closer ties with Europe or moving toward Russia, and thus further isolation.

On Monday the Serbian government coalition was formally dissolved after Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica announced its collapse on Saturday. The country now faces elections in May, with EU officials hoping that the vote will result in a victory for the pro-European forces and reconciliation with the West after the dispute over the recognition of the former Serbian province of Kosovo’s independence.

“Serbs now have the possibility to make a decision for their future,” Javier Solana, the EU’s top foreign policy official, said Monday.

While Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel of Slovenia, which holds the rotating EU presidency, said he hoped that the “pro-European powers will win,” German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier warned that the vote “must not result in a nationalist constriction in Serbian politics.”

Kostunica had pulled the plug on the coalition after its members had failed to agree on the country’s possible future in the EU. Democratic forces had vetoed a resolution that intended to block Serbian EU membership as long as most members of the 27-nation bloc backed Kosovo’s independence.

“The government did not have a united and common policy any more, and this kept it from performing its basic constitutional function, to define and lead Serbia’s politics,” a government statement said Monday.

The vote, likely to be held on May 11, will pin pro-EU Democrats against the Nationalists, currently the biggest group in Parliament. European observers fear that Kostunica’s conservatives could side with the nationals, while all of Brussels’ hopes lie with President Boris Tadic, who has spoken out against Kosovar independence but also in favor of closer ties with the EU.

“If we join the EU, then we can make sure that this outlaw state never becomes an EU member,” Deutsche Welle quoted Tadic as saying on Serbian television. (more…)

Israelis shoot Islamic Jihad chief down like a dog.

12 March, 2008

H/t to tnr for finding this jewel.

It breaks my heart to see stories of successful raids by the IDF against murderous thugs, criminals and terrorists (aka Palestinians). J/k I have a big smile on my face and will celebrate the Israeli victory with my favorite and highest honor a pulled pork BBq sandwich and an ice cold beer. Here is to you IDF.

By YAAKOV KATZ AND AP, 12 March, 2008, JPost

IDF troops and elite police counter-terror commandos killed four top terrorists in Bethlehem on Wednesday evening.
-Nice work

While attempting to arrest the men, who made up the Islamic Jihad’s leadership in the city, the troops came under fire near the Bethlehem Mukata (government building), and killed all four in a gun battle.
-It is rare the cowards actually fight back but the result is often the same, Israelis hunt them, kill them and bag and tag them.

Palestinian claims that the fugitives were responsible for planning last week’s attack on Jerusalem’s Mercaz Harav Yeshiva, in which gunman Ala Abu Dhaim killed eight students, were flatly denied by Israeli security officials, who added that the troops had not planned to kill the fugitives.
-It doesn’t really matter now does it?

Muhammad Shehadeh, 45, Ahmed Balbul, 48, Amad el-Kamel, 35 and Issa Zohara, 36, were all in direct contact with Islamic Jihad’s leadership in Syria and were following orders issued by the organization’s leaders there.

Shehadeh has been wanted by Israel for the past eight years for involvement in planning and executing terror attacks in which Israelis were killed and wounded.
-Those darn Israelis are a persistent lot.

The IDF said that Shehada was held responsible for a series of car bombs and suicide attacks throughout Jerusalem in the beginning of the decade. In November 2000, he sent the car bomb that exploded in downtown Jerusalem killing two people, including the daughter of then-minister Yitzhak Levy from the National Religious Party.
-And now Mr. big shot terrorist is in hell being sexually assaulted by demons. (more…)


12 March, 2008

If you enjoy those cute and cuddly lolcats at (or, if you’re like me and are just too macho to admit it and need something a little more “manly” to show your family and friends), then you might want to check out THIS website that Blackdog has so graciously informed us about.


Family Congratulates Youth Who Shoots His Own Sister

12 March, 2008

To think that your own family is so deluded by the teachings of a false prophet that they want you dead… Fortunately, the girl is still alive, but for how long?

H/T to Warner 

Man shoots sister then congratulated by family

Sharon Roffe-Ofir
03.11.08 / Israel News (Ynet)

Police arrest 24-year-old man from Naura, an Israeli-Arab town in northern Israel, who shot his 19-year old sister to preserve ‘family’s honor.’ Family members arrived to congratulate shooter

Familial endorsement for murder. A 19-year-old woman from the Israeli-Arab town of Naura in northern Israel was hospitalized in critical condition at the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa Tuesday after being shot twice in the head by her own brother. The suspect shot his sister in order to preserve the “family’s honor,” and was warmly congratulated by his family for his actions, according to Afula police investigators.

“I just shot my sister,” the youth told MDA medics, who immediately reported the incident to police. His sister, who was shot in the head and repeatedly kicked in all parts of her body, played dead while her brother boasted to the family that he had managed to kill her in order to preserve the family’s honor.

Police investigators noted that the attempted murder was meticulously planned. The youth had informed his family members that he was going to murder his sister early Tuesday morning, and then set off to do just that. He headed to the entrance of the village in a vehicle which he had borrowed from his brother, and awaited his sister’s arrival.

The youth then shot his sister, who was startled to see him and proceeded to kick her repeatedly in order to ensure that she was no longer alive.

Chief Superintendent of the Afula Police Department, Orli Malka, stated that “the young woman was clever enough to play dead so that her brother would stop kicking her.” The shooter than called MDA medics and phone the police emergency hotline. “I just shot my sister,” he said, all the while keeping vigil over what he assumed was his sister’s lifeless corpse.

The young man than informed his family that he had shot his sister and was warmly greeted, hugged and congratulated by his brother and other family members.


Just Following the Qur’an

12 March, 2008

Yup, Allah is down with prostitution and even includes a guilt free “Pimp my Slave” clause:

Qur’an 24:33 “Force not your slave-girls to whoredom (prostitution) if they desire chastity, that you may seek enjoyment of this life. But if anyone forces them, then after such compulsion, Allah is oft-forgiving.

H/T to Warner

Second rape charge

11/ 3/2008 –

A SECOND man has been charged with raping a 14-year-old girl.

Naji Bullah, 30, of Stockport Road, Longsight has been charged with two counts of rape. He is due to appear at Manchester Magistrates’ Court today.

A 27-year-old man and a 23-year-old man remain in police custody for questioning

Aftab Khan, 27, of Tarporley Avenue, Fallowfield was previously charged with rape, causing a child to become a prostitute, controlling a child prostitute and child abduction.

He appeared at Manchester Magistrates’ Court yesterday and was remanded in custody.

Wednesday’s Flight 93 Memorial Blogburst

12 March, 2008


Blogburst logo, no accident

I did a 45 minute interview with Washington D.C talk-radio host Joe Ardinger Saturday night (3-8-08, Segment 3).

It rips. We exposed a lot of the terrorist memorializing parts of the Flight 93 Memorial, and went over the clear proofs of intent that architect Paul Murdoch included in the design.

Joe’s interests: “Ghosts, UFO’s, The Lizard People from The Hollow Earth, Politics, True Crime, Conspiracies, you get the idea…” If he wants outlandish, the truth about the Flight 93 Memorial is tops, which could just make Joe the man for the Job.

I know nothing about the Lizard People, or Joe’s politics, but this issue ought to transcend all domestic divides, and for Joe it certainly does. Very fun interview. Joe is a great host, and he says he wants to keep after this.

That’s excellent. Thank you Joemericans!

(If Joe’s 3-8-08 Segment 3 link ever disappears, there is a backup copy here.)

Move Over, Keith Ellison

12 March, 2008

It makes you wonder just how informed the voters are…


A second Muslim congressman
Eric Black –

As I foreshadowed in a post Sunday, U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison of Minneapolis has lost his status as first and only Muslim in Congress. Well, barring a startling historical revelation about Henry Clay’s secret commitment to Islam, Ellison will remain the first, but no longer the only.

While most politically obsessed eyes last night were on the Mississippi primary (no surprises there), Democrat Andre Carson, 33, a self-described “Orthodox, universal, secular Muslim,” won a special election to fill a vacancy in Indiana’s Seventh District. The vacancy was created by the death of the six-term incumbent, Julia Carson, who, not coincidentally, was Andre Carson’s grandmother and had requested from her deathbed that her grandson be nominated to succeed her. Grandmother Carson was a Christian, and Grandson Andre was raised Christian but, like Ellison, converted to Islam as a young man.

Anyway, Carson handily dispatched his Republican opponent by yesterday 54-43 percent (there was also a Libertarian).

“I’m a proud Hoosier,” Carson said after his speech Tuesday night. “I’m an Indy 500 Hoosier, I’m a Covered Bridge Festival Hoosier, I’m a Black Expo Hoosier, I’m a state fair Hoosier. I just happen to be a Hoosier of the Muslim faith.”

Carson will be sworn in shortly but will also immediately face the task of holding the seat, with several well-established Democrats poised to run against him for the Dem nomination for the fall campaign.

Ellison co-hosted a Washington fund-raiser for Carson and attended another.