Archive for 14 March, 2008

Two Doctors Charged with Using a “Charity Organization” to Illegally Transfer Money to “Family Members and Friends” in Pakistan

14 March, 2008

Doctors charged with illegally transferring money to Pakistan

Associated Press – Via The Orlando Sentinel

TALLAHASSEE – A Florida Panhandle doctor and a New York doctor illegally transferred more than $800,000 from the United States to Pakistan, according to a federal grand jury indictment announced Thursday.

Dr. Muhammad Ishaq Zafar, 63, of Chipley, and Dr. Mohammed Tariq Randhawa, 64, of Hornell, N.Y., used a tax-exempt, charitable organization, Pak-American Islamic Cultural Corporation Inc., as an unlicensed money transmitting business, according to a statement from the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

The men used the organization to transfer funds for the benefit of family members and friends who contributed to the organization, the indictment said.

The men also were charged with filing false tax return forms on behalf of the organization.

The money contributed to the organization was disguised as charitable donations, and donors falsely claimed the money transfers as tax deductions, authorities said.

The men face a total of 10 separate counts. Randhawa was arrested in New York, but Zafar remains a fugitive. If convicted, Zafar could face up to 33 years in prison and $2.1 million in fines, and Randhawa could face up to 20 years in prison and $1 million in fines. It was not immediately known if either man had an attorney.

Oh, I’m pretty sure CAIR will be jumping on this one…

Chipley is located approximately 45 miles north of Panama City.

Guest Columnist Susan Jacobs: Medical Identity Theft on the Rise

14 March, 2008

Our guest columnist, Susan Jacobs, has submitted the following article on Medical Identity Theft.  It’s important to understand that Identity Theft is a particularly nasty way for illegal immigrants to obtain Drivers Licenses,  jobs, credit, and, yes, even free health care.  Also, terrorists routinely steal Identities to finance their “personal Jihads” and to roam about in the U.S. unnoticed.




Medical Identity Theft on the Rise

As if we don’t have enough to worry about when we’re in the hospital, there is a growing problem of identity theft inside medical facilities. A woman named Katrina Brooke recently told Self magazine’s Richard Rys all about her experience with medical identity theft.

It was actually Brooke’s newborn son whose identity was stolen. Three weeks after his birth, someone used his name, Social Security number and medical insurance in a plot to obtain an Oxycontin prescription. He succeeded with this plan and Brooke quickly received the bill in the mail, addressed to her son.

Luckily for Brooke, this problem was settled quickly and without incident. However, many people are not so lucky. Medical identity theft usually results in endless red tape and a battle with the muddled bureaucracy that plagues the medical industry. Dealing with paperwork and clueless customer service reps isn’t the worst aspect of medical identity theft, however.

Should someone steal your identity and use your medical insurance to receive treatment, your medical records could be dangerously altered. As a result, you may be given the wrong blood, the wrong medication or something else that could result in serious complications. In short, this is a problem that could very well kill people.


Obama Gives his Uncle the Boot

14 March, 2008

“…I reject outright the statements by Rev. Wright that are at issue.” – Obama

Below is the link to Obama’s latest attempt at allaying the fears and suspicions of a stunned public. 

Sorry, Obama but you have had 20 years to give your “Uncle” the boot and move on to another church.  There’s a saying in business:  Past performance is an indicator of future performance.  Don’t try to tell us that you didn’t ever hear Rev. Wright spew out any anti-American or racist rhetoric in the past , and that this must be some new development because he is (conveniently enough) retiring… 

You obviously agree with Rev. Wright, or else you would have FLED that church in HORROR a LONG time ago.  This is clearly not some new recent development that just cropped up.   Only a fool would believe that…  Quit lying to the public, it doesn’t become you.  You may have publicly rejected Rev. Wright’s statements in order to save your campaign, but deep down in your heart, you and I both know that you are an Anti-American Racist  and Red Star Socialist (AARRSS).

Huffington Post – Obama forced to finally (after 20 years!) condemn Rev. Wright’s statements, “that are at issue.”

Dutch police arrest Pakistani on terror charges

14 March, 2008

Fri Mar 14, 2008

Yahoo News

Dutch police have arrested a Pakistani man allegedly linked to a network of Islamic extremists which was largely dismantled after raids in Barcelona this January, prosecutors said Friday.

The 26-year-old was picked up late Thursday in the southwestern Dutch town of Breda, the public prosecutor’s office said in a statement.

The detainee was “suspected of belonging to a global jihadist network which is preparing attacks in western Europe,” including France, Portugal, Germany and Britain as well as Spain, the statement said.

The Spanish Interior Minister Alfredo Perez Rubalcabsur said when the group was broken up that it was on the verge of “violent action”, as materials for manufacturing explosive devices were found in the Barcelona raids.

The attacks would be claimed in the name of Al-Qaeda by Islamist warlord Baitullah Mehsud from Pakistan’s tribal region of South Waziristan, media reported.

Mehsud is accused by Pakistani officials and the US Central Intelligence Agency of orchestrating former Pakistani premier Benazir Bhutto’s killing in a gun and suicide bomb attack at a political rally on December 27. He has denied any involvement.


Breaking News

14 March, 2008

Last night, Warner alerted us that the CIA’s 737 transport plane was sighted over in Europe. So, we’ve been keeping a close eye on the news for a high profile terrorist arriving at Gitmo. Well, FOX and CNN just reported that Mohammad Rahim was transferred to Gitmo. I’ll have more on this story when the news agencies on the net get wind of it.



Good job keeping us informed! I owe you a beer or something.


Update: Alright, Reuters just posted it:

CIA transfers Qaeda suspect to Guantanamo
Fri Mar 14, 2008 2:01pm EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The CIA this week transferred a suspected al Qaeda member with close ties to Osama bin Laden to the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, the Pentagon said on Friday.

The detainee, Muhammad Rahim, helped prepare the Tora Bora caves used as a hideout for bin Laden in Afghanistan in 2001, Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said.

Uhm, I believe he helped Osama escape the American forces at Tora Bora, also. (If memory serves me)

Rahim also attempted to procure chemicals for a plan to attack coalition forces in Afghanistan and to recruit people with access to U.S. military facilities, Whitman said.

Whitman would not say when, where or how Rahim was initially detained.

Never fear, Doctor Bulldog remembered seeing THIS little nugget of information

(Reporting by Kristin Roberts; Editing by Bill Trott)

Public Broadcaster Faked Burqa Incident

14 March, 2008

H/T Warner

THE HAGUE, – Public broadcaster BNN deliberately misled viewers in a film clip about a woman in a burqa, the all-covering Muslim garment.

In a mini-film on 101tv, BNN’s digital youth channel, a woman is seen who is helped immediately when she drops her bag of oranges. The same woman in a burqa however gets no help when the same thing happens to her. The journalist said she felt discriminated against when wearing the burqa.

But Amsterdam broadcaster AT5 discovered deception. AT5 cameras that recorded the BNN filming show that many passers-by wanted to help the woman in the burqa. When they did so, the makers called out to them to walk on.

Victor Davis Hanson Blasts Multiculturalism

14 March, 2008

Warner sent us this excellent editorial that I’d like to share with you all:

Lord Multiculturalism

victor-hanson.jpgVictor Davis Hanson

For forty years critics have attacked Western culture in general and its American brand in particular for an assortment of perceived sins. Minority groups have alleged America was singularly racist. Radical feminist have charged that it is sexist and male-dominated. Gays have complained about homophobia. Hard-core Leftists argued that the United States is exploitive and in thrall to a few elite capitalists.

All these critiques shared a common philosophy and a shared purpose—other than trying to achieve cosmic victim status as recompense for individual disappointment.

First, the charge was that our culture was inordinately dominated by white, heterosexual Christian men, who had systematically oppressed others to maintain their own privilege. Second, the solution was to enact affirmative action, change attitudes, pay fines, create new government programs to remedy the sin, and, in general, to begin ensuring that race, gender, and class “matter” more in American life.

But one doctrine united them all—multiculturalism. It preached that America is not a melting bowl of different races that are to be assimilated, integrated, and intermarried under a common culture, whose traditions, government, science, and laws derived from a singular Western civilization—one that began with the ancient Greeks and Romans and gave the individual far more freedom and security than did other indigenous cultures in Asia, the Americas, and Africa.

Instead, multiculturalism insisted that Western culture was the culprit for global inequality and the cosmic unhappiness of the individual. We all are to embrace distinct and different cultures, none of them inferior to any other, all meriting equal consideration and worth. No one dare suggest a foreign practice inferior, another country less successful than our own—especially given our supposed history of assorted sins. All, however, always flew on Western jets, took Western medicines, and used Western appurtenances from the Internet to cell phones.


OIC Says No Link Between Islam and Terrorism

14 March, 2008

Hmmm… That’s interesting because in 2004 the OIC famously defined Islamic terrorism as `legitimate resistance’ and refused to cooperate with the UN in condemning it. So now, after already admitting a link between the two, the link has magically disappeared…

And, to think this is the racist, anti-American group that George W. Bush has legitimized by sending an official US envoy, Sada Cumber to the summit…

Qur’an Sura 8:12 – “…I will terrorize the unbelievers….”

Islam prohibits terrorism

afrol News, 14 March – The United Nations and the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) shared common views that terrorism and Islam have no linkages.

In his address to the OIC summit in Senegal, the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon said, “you have spoken up against those who seek to justify violence in the name of religion.

“Your efforts reinforce the UN’s own steps to promote tolerance and understanding through the Alliance of Civilizations initiative, and I look forward to increasing UN-OIC collaboration in this area,” the UN chief said.

[Note: The Alliance of Civilizations Initiative is one of those Creeping Sharia initiatives… It’s bad news, folks…]

Mr Ban urged sustained cooperation on several pressing issues, including conflicts in the Middle East conflicts, Darfur and Somalia.

He was also concerned about attacks on innocent Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, urging Israel and Palestine to quickly resolve their problems.

The UN chief said the deployment of the AU/UN hybrid forces cannot be a substitute for a political process.

He recognised the unwavering role of OIC to promote peace between Chad and Sudan. Authorities of the neighbouring countries have been accused each other of internal interference.

Mr Ban held crisis meetings with leaders of Senegal, Sudan and Chad over the issue. He had also met with leaders of Somalia and Palestine, Presidents Abdullahi Yusuf and Mahmoud Abbass.

By staff writer