Archive for 15 March, 2008

Serbs take control of UN building in Kosovo.

15 March, 2008

I was expecting more from the Serbs but they seem to think there can still be a peaceful settlement. I have no such hope. I think the theft of Kosovo will lead to genocide and the Serbs had best prepare themselves for war. Once the KLA calls “jihad” muslims will respond, they always do.

PRISTINA, Mar 16, 2008, AP
Hundreds of Serbs stormed a UN courthouse in northern Kosovo on Friday, taking control of the site and hoisting a Serbian flag to replace a UN one.

They broke through two gates at the front of the three-story building at about 8:30am and pushed aside UN riot police guarding the courthouse in the Serb-dominated city of Kosovska Mitrovica, a police spokesman said.

Dozens of UN police guards based there did not intervene.

By late afternoon the UN flag had been raised again, but about 100 of the Serbs remained in the compound or locked inside the courthouse, saying they would not leave until they reached a deal with UN officials, Kosovo police said.

“We tried to negotiate, but no one wanted to talk to us,” said Miodrag Ralic, one of the Serb protest leaders. “We could not wait any longer.”

“We have nothing against international judges,” said Nebojsa Jovic, another leader. “We want to cooperate with all non-Albanians and all those who do not recognize independent Kosovo.”

Some of the Serbs who took control of the building worked in Serbia’s justice system before Kosovo came under UN and NATO control in 1999 and have refused to work under the UN administration.

Following Kosovo’s declaration of independence, minority Serbs have threatened to set up parallel offices that report directly to Belgrade.

The attack on the courthouse was condemned by the EU and by NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, who made a previously planned visit to Kosovo on Friday.

Joachim Ruecker, the top UN official in Kosovo, said on Friday that he had ordered the UN police to retake the court building. He pledged to defend his mandate as head of the UN mission known as UNMIK. (more…)

Yet Another Assassination Attempt on Putin Foiled

15 March, 2008

Hmmm…  Seems like not everybody in Russia is enamored with Vlad “The Bear” Putin…

Putin assassination attempt foiled: report
March 15, 2008 –

Russia’s secret service foiled an assassination attempt on President Vladimir Putin in Red Square on March 2, the day of the presidential election, the Tvoi Den daily reported on Saturday.

The newspaper did not cite any sources but gave a detailed account about the arrest of a Tajik national with a sniper rifle in a raid on a rented apartment near Red Square just hours before Putin was due to give a speech there.

Contacted by AFP, the Federal Security Service (FSB) could not immediately comment on the report. Tvoi Den, a popular daily, often prints exclusive reports on Russian politics citing unnamed officials.

An informant told FSB officials a few days before the election that Putin’s assassination was being planned and that an apartment had been rented on the other side of the river from the Kremlin for the purpose, Tvoi Den said.

Security officers raided the apartment at 8.00pm (17H00 GMT) on March 2 and detained a 24-year-old Tajik national with a “whole arsenal of firearms,” including a sniper rifle and a Kalashnikov assault rifle, the daily continued.


Retired Kuwaiti pop star joins al-Qaeda

15 March, 2008

Don’t be fooled by this one. The minions are hurting badly, recruitment is down and the latest crop of jihadi are failing miserably. They are dying faster than they can replace them. The current fight is divided into two camps:

Fighters: Throw away muslims like the clown in the picture are tossed into battle with piss poor training and destroyed. Although this guy will have a bigger role to play in the propaganda fight, his main role is to die. He will be of much more value as a martyr.

The more trainable fighters will be divided between terrorist cells and infiltration cells (think double agents). You will find them joining academic organizations, police organizations, military, politics and the medical community. Some are sleepers and some are spies but the goal is the same.

Propaganda Cells: Some infiltrate to show the world the face of moderate islam (doesn’t exist) other will become hackers, apologists, spokespersons or recruiters. There are other jobs available I just hit the highlights.

15 March, 2008, DUBAI (
A retired Kuwaiti superstar singer has recently the Gulf emirate for Afghanistan to join ranks with al-Qaeda and Taliban in fighting foreign troops there, according to a press report published Saturday.

Hussein al-Ahmad, who was until recently one of the Gulf’s most famous pop stars, decided to join “his brother Mujahideen in Afghanistan to support Islam and fight along his fellow Muslims of al-Qaeda”, reported Kuwaiti daily Al-Rai Saturday. (more…)

Anglican priest, attacked in ‘faith hate’ incident

15 March, 2008

Part of the problem with England is the British are stupid. They know this attack had zero to do with race and everything to do with religion but they refuse to identity the problem. Are they all stupid, cowards, scared or all of them combined into one small whimpering ball? I don’t know if they are applicable, so I am going with, they are at least STUPID. Why? Simply because until the true motivation of this attack and those like it are identified they can never be dealt with in an honest manner and efforts made to stop future attacks are doomed to failure.

Here is a little help-the motivation for this crime came from a small book designed to spread an evil violent ideology for the enslavement of mankind, they call it the koran.

Jonathan Milne, 15 March, 2008, The Sunday Times

AN Anglican priest has been beaten up and insulted in what appears to be a “faith hate” assault by Asian youths.

Police are looking for three men after the attack in east London after Canon Michael Ainsworth, 57, rector of St George-in-the-East, Shadwell, was attacked in his own churchyard after approaching the youths, who were behaving rowdily.
-MUSLIMS DID THIS NOT ASIANS. See how easy that was Brits?

Two of the three attacked him, inflicting cuts, bruises and two black eyes. The assailants are also alleged to have insulted the cleric for his occupation.
-Ganging up on a cleric nice work minions, your cowardice has no limits.

“The suspects are Asian… and the incident is being investigated as an alleged faith hate crime,” said a police spokesman.
-Almost mentioned islam but chickened out in the end.

The case is thought to be the first time an attack on a Christian priest has been investigated under new laws passed last year, which make it an offence to stir up hatred against someone on grounds of their religion.
-Now this is where the muslims were stupid, this law was sold to them as a way to stop islamophobia what it really does is gives the UK a way to lock up every pious muslim they choose. All pious muslims call for the destruction of Israel, jews and infidels-ergo they are all guilty of violating this act. Now is is impractical to lock them all up but this law properly executed could silence many a muslim cleric. (more…)

Dear Demonstrators: How About Protesting Real Genocide?

15 March, 2008

Cross posted from Pajamas Media.

Don’t expect any acknowledgment of the 20th anniversary of Saddam Hussein’s massacre of 5,000 Kurds in Halabja during this weekend’s demonstrations against the Iraq war, says Bridget Johnson.

By Bridget Johnson
When thousands of anti-war demonstrators take to the streets today to protest the fifth anniversary of the Iraq war, you can expect there to be countless signs decrying Bush as Satan, claiming that the U.S. has committed war crimes, protesting that Saddam Hussein’s reign of terror was unjustly brought to an end.

But you’ll likely be hard-pressed to find any demonstrator at these events solemnly marking the 20th anniversary of a genocidal event that defined the Baathist regime’s countless atrocities. I dare one protester who claims to be marching in the name of peace and humanity to carry a large sign reading “Remember Halabja.”

Being no stranger to crashing war protests, I can bet that if you held a poster bearing one of the infamous images of a man who fell and died at the base of a home’s steps clutching an infant whose mouth was frozen in a vain gasp for air, or the pile of bodies in traditional colorful clothing strewn across an otherwise verdant hill, most demonstrators would assume the grisly images are products of the American war machine. They wouldn’t like to hear that these murders were committed by the dictator we deposed.

On March 16, 1988, Iraqi warplanes bombed the Kurdish town of Halabja with chemical weapons including sarin and mustard gas, targeting civilians as part of the Anfal campaign to rid Iraq of its Kurds. Five thousand — three-quarters of them women and children — died from the chemical cocktail. Children trying to rush home fell in the street, while the insidious gasses claimed those who cowered in basements from what they thought was a traditional bombardment. Thousands were left with chemical burns, blindness, cancers, birth defects, etc. (more…)

Beatings, slavery haunts Kosovo Albanian women

15 March, 2008

Having done a hitch as a Balkans “peacekeeper” I can tell you this article barely scratches at the surface of the problem. Women, guns and drugs move through the Balkans at an alarming rate. The UN knows this and doesn’t care. The US government knows this and doesn’t care. The EU knows this and doesn’t care.

They will all learn to care once the theft of Kosovo is complete and Europe’s first jihadi owned and operated state stomps through Europe with a jihadi gleam in their eyes.

SERBIANNA March 13, 2008
Many Muslim women of Kosovo are routinely beaten, enslaved and for many that are saved from violence and slavery, the untold many do not make it say women advocates and social workers, reports Los Angeles Times.

“Among Kosovo’s many challenges, from building state institutions to combating rampant corruption, is improving its historically unjust and often criminal treatment of women,” writes LA Times.
-They should have mentioned this is all religiously approved.

Kosovo is a Serbian province dominated by Muslim Albanians that have illegally declared independence which some Western countries have recognized in violation of the UN Charter and the Helsinki Act.

Traditionally, Muslim Albanian women in Kosovo used to get cloaked and tucked away behind high-walled compounds that house large number of clan members.

While Islamic subjects in the Islamic Ottoman Empire, it was considered praiseworthy for a Kosovo Albanian men to forcefully abduct a Christian woman, typically ethnic Serb females, and threaten the family with death if they tried to get their daughter back. Ottoman Muslim authorities rarely interfered in preventing this practice.
-This practice is not and was not limited to Albanian muslims, women and children get the same treatment everywhere in the ummah. Muslim women and children are also sold and marketed like cattle by their muslim brothers. (more…)