Archive for 20 March, 2008

When Muslims Whine, Prison Officials Reassign…

20 March, 2008

Idiots… Prison isn’t suppose to be nice and cozy, yet here we have another example of prison officials kowtowing to terrorists and their lawyers…

Terrorists moved from North-East prison
TWO Al-Qaida terrorists have been moved from a North-East prison after one of their lawyers claimed it had a “white supremacist” culture.

Eesa Barot, who plotted to murder thousands with radioactive dirty bombs, and Omar Khyam, who conspired to blow up Kent’s Bluewater shopping centre, were moved after complaining about their treatment at Frankland prison, near Durham.

Barot’s lawyer, Mudasser Arani, said it was wrong for him to be in a “99 per cent white” prison and called for the creation of Muslim-only jails.

The 35-year-old, who will serve at least 30 years behind bars, has been returned to Belmarsh jail, in London. He was moved from there nine months ago after allegedly “radicalising” other inmates.

Kyham has been moved to Full Sutton, near York.

His lawyer, Imran Khan, said: “Moving him was a victory for common sense. But it sends the wrong message that the prison service was forced into moving him.”

[Huh???? Are you kidding me??? What a load of crap!]

“This could have been agreed quietly and without all the fuss entailed in getting the service to back down.”

The Prison Service declined to comment. Yesterday, Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg told The Northern Echo it was not for criminals to choose where they served their prison term.

“If you’ve committed a crime you can’t start picking or choosing what the cultural environment is behind bars.

[Finally, someone with some common sense!]

“I’m not at all supportive of moves to arrange our prison system according to religion.”


Harvard has a “Call to Prayer” Loudspeaker System

20 March, 2008

With all the hullabaloo about the “Women Only” gym hours to accommodate Muslim women, you might have missed Harvard’s “Call to Prayer” loudspeaker system… And, you might have missed Harvard’s annual “Islam Awareness Week…”

Gee… I wonder why they don’t have a “Catholic Awareness Week?” After all, Islam is a cult, err religion, and not really a race of people…

Yup, its one more sign of Creeping Sharia hitting the beachheads at Harvard University after being softened up by large donations from the Saudis:

At Harvard, Students’ Muslim Traditions Are a Topic of Debate

March 21, 2008 – NYT

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Two issues of Muslim practice — whether the call to prayer should ring out across Harvard Yard and whether the university should grant women separate gym hours — have unleashed small waves of controversy over how Harvard practices tolerance.

Heated discussions have erupted on dormitory chat rooms, students said, while various opinion articles in the student newspaper, The Harvard Crimson, have denounced both practices.

“I think that because Harvard is a secular campus, there is a fear among some students that religious beliefs or practices might be imposed on people who don’t want anything to do with them,” said Jessa Birdsall, a 20-year-old sophomore who said she thought the university should accommodate the beliefs of all students.

The debate began in early February, when the undergraduate college restricted one of the three largest gyms on its main campus, the Quadrangle Recreational Athletic Center, to women only on Mondays from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., and Tuesdays and Thursday from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.

The college spokesman, Robert Mitchell, would not describe how the decision was reached, but various students said a small group of Muslim women undergraduates living in the Leverett House dormitory asked for the change.

The group of women felt that workout clothes violated the Muslim prescription that both sexes wear modest dress in shared environments. So they asked that the dormitory set aside its mini gyms for women a few hours each week. The request eventually made its way to the Harvard College Women’s Center and it was decided that the Quadrangle center, which Mr. Mitchell called the college’s least-used athletic facility, would be restricted to women only at certain times. He said the change was an experiment that would be re-evaluated in June.

The second controversy occurred after the adhan, or call to prayer, was once again broadcast across Harvard Yard at noon from the steps of the Widener Library for several days late last month. The broadcast was part of Islam Awareness Week, sponsored by the Muslim student club, the Harvard Islamic Society.

On March 13, an op-ed article by three graduate students denounced the practice, which has been going on for several years. They wrote that while pluralism was fine, the adhan espouses Muslim intolerance toward other faiths by stating that the Prophet Muhammad is God’s messenger. Calling it proselytizing, the op-ed article said, “The adhan, it seems, is the exception to Harvard’s unspoken rule of religious tolerance and respect.”

The arguments over both issues boiled down to whether Harvard was being admirably tolerant or was disrupting the lives of everyone to placate a vocal minority.


Al Qaeda Taunting Men by Using Female Suicide Bombers

20 March, 2008

Several interesting points are made in the following article.  Among them is the acknowledgment that the Wahhabi Sect views women as the walking embodiment of sin.  Now, if those who read and speak Arabic routinely espouse such views, and (supposedly) you can only truly appreciate and understand the Qur’an by reading it in Arabic, don’t you think that alone should be more than enough to prove that the discrimination against women in Islamic cultures is born of Islam?  You would think…

P.S. – You have undoubtedly noticed that I have completely ignored both of  Osama bin Laden’s recently released taped messages.  That’s because they don’t say anything we haven’t heard before…  Same old, same old…  It’s like listening to a broken record…

Iraq’s Women Suicide Bombers

Middle East Online
Already in 2008, there have been seven women suicide bombers in Iraq, compared to only six in all of 2007. These women are ultimately victims of the misogynous ideologies they die for – as much so as those who die with them, says Mona Eltahawy.

NEW YORK — Two women suicide bombers blew themselves up within a week in Iraq recently. The first pretended her husband had been kidnapped so that she could get an appointment with a Sunni tribal leader. When he agreed to see her, she detonated a suicide vest, killing him, two other men, and his 5-year-old niece.

The second woman blew herself up on March 17, in the holy city of Karbala, killing more than 40 Shi’ite pilgrims.

Those attacks brought to seven the number of women suicide bombers in Iraq already in 2008 — compared to six in 2007. Al-Qaeda in Iraq is sending more women to blow themselves up because of tighter security. As enforced concrete walls go up, a woman in a suicide vest — in a country where male guards are unlikely to search her — can cause more carnage than a man in an explosives-laden car.

But it would be foolish to think al-Qaeda’s increasing use of women suicide bombers signals any change in misogyny of the group and its adherents. Al-Qaeda’s ideology is borne out of Saudi Arabia’s ultra-orthodox Wahhabi school of thought, which at its core deems women the walking embodiment of sin.

By using women, Al-Qaeda taunts men into recruitment.

“When women are put forward as suicide bombers, insurgent groups often say ‘Look, where are you men? Has it come to a point where men aren’t volunteering and where women have to take it upon themselves to liberate the land and redeem the honor of you Arab tribal men and Muslims?’” explained Mohammed Hafez, a political science professor at the University of Missouri, Kansas City.


‘My wife said I had to stop the jihad. I divorced her. Fighting was my duty’

20 March, 2008

“A man came to Allah’s Apostle and said, ‘Instruct me as to such a deed as equals Jihad in reward.’ He replied, ‘I do not find such a deed.'” – Sahih Bukhari:Vol 4 Book 52 No. 44

To mark the fifth anniversary of the Iraq war, the award-winning journalist returns to the city where he was born to interview Iraqis
Ghaith Abdul-Ahad in Baghdad
The Guardian

Khalil began to hate the Americans long before they invaded Iraq in March 2003. On February 13 1991, when the US-led air assault on Baghdad was in full swing, his family took cover like hundreds of other Iraqis in a shelter in the Amiriyah neighbourhood of Baghdad. The Americans bombed the shelter that night. More than 400 civilians were killed, among them all of Khalil’s family.

“I woke up one morning and I was an orphan,” he tells me as we stand beneath a tree in the wasteland that is west Baghdad. “My whole family died. I will never forget the morning we were looking in the rubble for my mother and sister and brothers. I will never forgive them.”

Afterwards, he moved in with his uncle’s family, who brought him up.

Khalil is now a heavily built man whose dark hair droops down almost to his eyebrows. He was a police officer under Saddam, and began fighting the Americans when they first entered Baghdad almost five years ago.

As we stand under the tree, all around us are the traces of Khalil’s and other men’s work over the past five years: charred carcasses of vehicles, pockmarked walls, coils of barbed wire wrapped in dozens of plastic bags.

He opens his shirt to show me evidence of the war he has been fighting. A long, purple scar runs along the top right side of his burly chest. “This was a shrapnel wound I received when airplanes bombed a house we were fighting from,” he says. Next he rolls up his sleeves and shows me two indentations in his left arm. “These are just bullets,” he says.


One for the “Unusual Immigration Strategies” File

20 March, 2008

First they use mental patients as suicide bombers, now they’re using the retarded (Oh… My bad — “Mentally Challenged” for all you PC Liberals) to gain citizenship in the West…

H/T to Warner

UK-Bangladesh wedding ‘illegal
BBC News
The Court of Appeal has ruled that a marriage recognised in Bangladesh under Sharia law is not legal in the UK.

The 26-year-old British bridegroom had the mental capacity of a three-year-old and could not consent to the marriage, the court decided.

His marriage with a woman in Bangladesh took place in August 2006 over a speaker phone.

Since the man’s family planned to bring his bride to the UK, English law on consent must prevail, said the court.

The man, identified only as IC, was said to be highly suggestible and vulnerable.

The case was brought by Westminster Social and Community Services Department, which provides care for him.

His parents, Bangladeshi but long-term residents in the UK, chose his bride for him and arranged for the wedding to take place over the phone.

‘Potentially abusive’

It was intended that his wife, referred to as NK, would then obtain a visa and join him in the UK.

IC and NK have never met, and a court order prevents contact between the pair.


Muslims Kill and Amputate Christians During Church Service

20 March, 2008

Yeah, I guess that’s just the Islamic way of proselytizing..

Muslim Radicals Attack During Church Service Murder, Amputate Christians

Journal Chretien – A Washington-DC based human rights group, International Christian Concern (ICC) has investigated an attack on Christians that we first reported on March 7, 2008 (“Muslim Radicals Kill Three Christians and Wound Dozens in Southern Ethiopia”). Upon further investigation, we have learned that the attack occurred on March 2, 2008, during a Sunday morning church service, and resulted in the death of only one Christian, while 17 more were injured.

Christians in this remote village had seen three people lying in pools of blood after the attack and assumed that they had all died. Our sources contacted us before verifying that all three of the seriously wounded had died. The name of one murdered victim was Tulu Mosessa, who was a father of eight children.

Christians from the area told ICC that Muslim radicals simultaneously attacked Kale Hiwot church in Chebbi Nensebo village and Birhane Kirstos church in the nearby Tirsu Nensebo village.

The Kale Hiwot Church was the scene of most of the violence on the day of the attack. There were about 200 people attending the service, when a group of Muslim radicals surrounded the church and barricaded the doors shut. They then proceeded to break in through the windows and started hacking at the churchgoers with machetes. It is clear that these attacks were well planned and carefully executed to cause as much bloodshed as possible.


Rabbinical Assistant Assaulted by Arab Teens in New York

20 March, 2008

Sahih Bukhari:Volume 5 Book 59 Number 516 “When Allah’s Apostle fought or raided people we raised our voices saying, ‘Allahu-Akbar! Allahu-Akbar! None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.'”

Must be something in the air this week: In England, a priest was attacked by, “Asian” youths; In Jerusalem, a Rabbi was stabbed by an Arab; And now, we have this in America:

Israeli attacked by Arab youth in NY

A 25-year-old Israeli rabbinical assistant was assaulted by a group of Arab teenagers screaming “Allah akbar” in Brooklyn on Tuesday evening.

Uria Ohana, originally from Kfar Chabad, entered a subway station in the affluent Park Slope neighborhood in Brooklyn Tuesday evening, on his way to a lecture in Manhattan, when he noticed a group of Arab teenagers congregated on a bench in the station.

Ohana did not exchange words or make eye contact with the group, but proceeded upstairs to his train.

On his way, he felt someone grab his kippa from his head and then heard laughter. Ohana decided to chase the boys to retrieve his kippa.

The 18-year-old boy who grabbed the kippa left the subway station and ran into the street, where he was hit by a car, breaking his leg.

While Ohana chased the boy, the other teenagers began chasing him, screaming “Allah akbar.”

“They screamed at me, ‘Did you see what happened to him because of you?'” said Ohana, a Chabad-Lubavitch rabbinical assistant who works in Wellesley, Massachusetts.

Two of the Arab boys then started kicking and punching Ohana in the face.

“As soon as they started screaming, I understood [the attack] was racial,” said Ohana.

The crime is being investigated as aggravated harassment and a possible bias crime, according to a New York Police Department spokeswoman. “I am almost sure it will be charged as a hate crime,” said the spokeswoman.

“I’m sad that this kind of attack is coming to New York after seeing this in Israel,” said Ohana. “An Arab teenager attacking a Jew for being a Jew scares me as a Jew.”

Ohana said one police officer brushed the incident off as a case of a teenager who “doesn’t know what ‘Allah akbar’ means.

“This scares me in a global context, Arabs taking national pride one step forward,” said Ohana.

The youth who was hit by the car was taken to the Lutheran Medical Center to be treated for his broken leg and was placed under arrest. The other two boys fled the scene and have not yet been apprehended.