Archive for 24 March, 2008

Watch out America!!!

24 March, 2008

Warner sent us an article that just had me freakin’ out!  What the heck is going on up there in Canada???  You have GOT to read this one!

 Canada orders ministry by Christians shut down
‘Nothing we could do would please them’
By Bob Unruh

The Canadian government has ordered a Christian ministry that teaches doctrine and the differences between Christians and cults shut down because its reference materials were “critical” of the beliefs of those who are not Christian, WND has learned.

So what used to be called MacGregor Ministries with offerings in how to recognize and eliminate “faulty fads” in Christian churches has been re-created in the United States, and now operates under the name MM Outreach Media Ministries.

Lorri MacGregor, who has dedicated her life to explaining the straight and narrow of Christian beliefs since she found her way out of the Jehovah’s Witness system years ago, told WND Canada’s version of a “hate crimes” law prevented their work from continuing as it had for nearly 30 years.

“Canada is no longer a Christian nation,” she said. “And watch out America!”

The issue of the ministry’s charities license in Canada, allowing it to operate as a ministry, came up during a routine audit of the ministry’s finances, which was uneventful.

“The auditor that originally looked at our books told us her supervisor had said she wanted us shut down,” Mrs. MacGregor told WND. “Canada has very strong hate laws.”

She said the ministry points out the differences between Christianity and various cult beliefs, but also with respect, and never as a proponent. She said the work always is in response to a question or issue.

“When a group such as Jehovah’s Witnesses said of our doctrine we’re worshipping a freakish three-headed God (the Trinity), we should be able to respond,” she said. “We say, ‘Here’s the doctrine of the Trinity and here is where it is in the Scripture.'”

That, however, violates Canada’s hate crimes laws, and the ministry was ordered to either make wholesale changes in its presentations, or shut down.

“There was nothing we could do that would please them,” she said. “They wanted us every time we criticized something to say, ‘So Christianity is equal to Buddhism, Islam, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses… Just decide for yourself.'”

“We cannot do that,” she said of the work she and her husband, Keith, have spent their lives assembling.

“She gave us an ultimatum that we needed to say that all religions are equal, Lorri MacGregor was to stop writing our magazine on the cults, we were to remove our websites and stop selling any products to help [teach about] the cults, and any future DVDs that we do on the Bible must not be persuasive,” the couple alerted friends in an e-mail. “We could not live under those restrictions.”


Fighting back against Global big oil and their American lackeys

24 March, 2008

At first I thought this was a joke because the 1st of April is “April fools day” but a trick doesn’t work if you tell everyone about it first. It looks like this is legit. Word is slowly spreading and I thought I would do my part.

I want to go one better than the original plan-all truckers worldwide should join this grass roots counter attack.

Now this should be just privately owned companies, which agree to participate, and independents, I am not out to get anyone fired. Talk to owners first and see if they will allow you to shut um down. Corporate shops will refuse as will all the major companies but with enough support, we can still make a large dent and empty roads will speak volumes. I have already heard of truckers refusing loads because they would lose money to haul them.

Fuel prices are high mainly due to greed government taxes do not help. I have yet to see any elected official make an effort to help. Once again, it is up to the people to do what the government will not do. Shut them down for a day, if that doesn’t wake them then we repeat it every month.

There are short-term solutions forgoing local and state taxes, dropping or limiting insurance would help ease the trucker’s burden. Just in case ideas like those do not work, I say shut them down. April 1st-we make a peaceful stand against greed and incompetent officials.

The backbone of the American economy is our truckers. Time to let them know we feel their pain and want to help. What can you do? Spread the word email this to anyone and everyone, especially your local news stations and any trucking companies near your homes. Do not credit me this was not my idea. Here is where I heard about it, pass it around along with your support thanks. Ronin

Benito Baeza 24 March, 2008, KMVT News.
Over the Easter weekend fuel prices climbed even higher and the trucking industry is really feeling the effects.

According to AAA of Idaho, fuel prices jumped up to an average of $3.28 diesel even more at $4.05 and it’s not even summer yet.

The trucking industry has been especially feeling the effects of the rising fuel cost.

One trucking company out of Missouri is calling on all truckers that can to come to a stand still on April 1st. (more…)

More Islamic Proselytizing in Algeria

24 March, 2008

No sane individual would willingly convert to Islam, and the religion of peace & tolerance knows that! The only way Islam can keep its numbers up is through censoring all other forms of religion… That way, they can claim to be the fastest growing cult religion* as if the rapid growth of a religion is somehow a testament to its divinity…

Yup, this is what the West has to look forward to when Islam gets its foot in the door and begins its own unique brand of proselytizing:

* Zoroastrianism and the Baha’i Faith outstrip Islam in growth; Christianity leaves it in the dust with an almost 2 to 1 “new converts” ratio


Algeria closes churches
24/03/2008 –

Algiers – Algeria has ordered the closure of 13 Protestant churches, the head of the denomination said on Monday, amid anger over allegations that Evangelist Christians are trying to convert Muslims.

The churches have been told to close their doors until they are issued the permit which non-Muslim groups in theory must have if they want to pursue organised worship, Pastor Mustapha Krim said.

“Thirteen chapels, including 11 in Tizi Ouzou, one in Bejaia and one in Bouira have been closed on the orders of local officials,” said Krim, who is the leader of the Protestant Church in Algeria.

“No reason has been given for this decision,” he said, adding that he had made a formal request for explanation from the Algerian state’s representative in the Tizi Ouzou region.


Bush Administration Rewarding Terrorists With Your Tax Dollars

24 March, 2008

Read it and weep…

US Rewarding Arab Terrorism

Assyrian International News Agency

The Bush Administration’s search for partners to promote “peace” and “democracy” within the Palestinian Authority (PA) resembles Lord Charles Bowen’s “blind man in a dark room looking for a black hat — which isn’t there”.

For the first time, the Bush Administration plans to give $150 million in cash directly to the Palestinian Authority (PA) Treasury, as part of a $496.5 million “aid” package, including $410 million for development programs. This added to the $86.5 million for CIA “security training”, which Congress authorized in April 2007.

The CIA has apparently assumed the Palestinian terrorist-training role previously held by the former Soviet Union. Since 1994, the CIA armed and trained thousands of Palestinian “security forces”, who subsequently joined every Palestinian terrorist organization.

CIA Palestinian training success is best described by a member of the PA’s Chairman own security unit — Force 17, officer Abu Yusef: “The operations of the Palestinian resistance would [not] have been so successful and “would not have killed more than 1,000 Israelis since 2000, and defeated the Israelis in Gaza without [American military] trainings,” he boasted in August 2007.


Islam’s progression through societies

24 March, 2008

ChangedForever forwarded an email to us (purportedly from the American Congress For Truth) that I thought was worth sharing:

The following analysis of how Islam progresses within a culture came to us via email over the weekend. While we have not yet read Peter Hammond’s new book, Slavery, Terrorism and Islam, the following is reportedly adapted from his book.

Irrespective of the source of this analysis, its conclusions are historically and empirically supported. As George Santayana wrote: “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Regarding Islam, we don’t have to look back hundreds of years to learn from history. All we need do is look at what has happened in Great Britain over the past three decades.

Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system.

Islam has religious, legal, political, economic and military components. The religious component is a beard for all the other components.

Islamization occurs when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their so-called “religious rights.”

When politically correct and culturally diverse societies agree to “the reasonable” Muslim demands for their “religious rights,” they also get the other components under the table. Here’s how it works (percentages source CIA: The World Fact Book (2007)).

As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone. In fact, they may be featured in articles and films, stereotyped for their colorful uniqueness:
United States — Muslim 1.0%
Australia — Muslim 1.5%
Canada — Muslim 1.9%
China — Muslim 1%-2%
Italy — Muslim 1.5%
Norway — Muslim 1.8%

At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs:
Denmark — Muslim 2%
Germany — Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom — Muslim 2.7%
Spain — Muslim 4%
Thailand — Muslim 4.6%

From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population.


“Moderate” Muslims

24 March, 2008

Warner sent us an interesting blog post that pretty much sums up “Moderate” Muslims:

theinfidelmoderatemakeover.jpg ‘Moderate’ Makeover…
…of an Extreme religion.

by: Bosch Fawstin

Islam is teaching us every day about what it actually is through the behavior of its most devout followers.

One problem for ‘Moderate Muslims’ is that they’re referred to as ‘Moderate Muslims’, so as to distance themselves from their normatively extreme religion and from immoderate Muslims such as Mohammad. It is the specter of Mohammad that looms over individual Muslims’ fanciful ideas about their own religion.

We must understand the nature of the man behind Islam to know what Islam means.

Mohammad, the self-styled ‘prophet’, was a Killer. Not metaphorically, but literally. Mohammad actually committed the violence that the Koran preaches, and even had his critics killed. I don’t give a rat’s ass what out of context ‘good’ he may have done in light of this historical fact. Once a belief system sanctions violence against All those who are not under its control, any pretext at virtue is just that.

That Mohammad is seen as The Perfect Model for All of Mankind according to Islam makes matters even worse and transfigures his thuggery, in the minds of the submitted. (more…)

Two U.S. Moon god Worshipers Arrested in Iraq Want to be Tried in U.S. Court

24 March, 2008

Gee, I thought the U.S. was eeeevil and all…  So, why would these terrorists want to be tried by an American judge?  Perhaps they know the truth – Sharia law sucks! 

At Supreme Court: Americans accused in Iraq want U.S. judge
Key issue: Do citizens held by the US military in a foreign war have constitutional protections?
By Warren Richey | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

from the March 25, 2008 edition

Washington –  When an American commits a crime overseas he or she is subject to arrest and prosecution under the laws of that foreign country.

But what happens when the country is Iraq and the detaining authority is the US military? Can the US government turn one of its own citizens over to Iraqi authorities for harsh interrogations, criminal prosecution, and a potential death sentence?

That’s the circumstance that arose in two different cases of Americans detained by the US military in Iraq. American judges are in disagreement about how to treat such cases. On Tuesday, the issue arrives at the US Supreme Court.

The primary question is whether United States citizens being held by the US military in a foreign war zone are entitled to constitutional protections – including the right to have a neutral American judge examine the legality of his or her detention.

The two US citizens, Mohammad Munaf and Ahmed Omar, are accused of involvement in plots to kidnap and ransom foreigners in Iraq. Both say they are innocent.

Government lawyers say the two men are merely trying to use the US courts to avoid having to answer in Iraq for their alleged crimes.


Hezbollah Leader Gearing up for Another War with Israel

24 March, 2008

Israel hasn’t claimed responsibility for the assassination of terrorist Imad Mughniyeh, yet that won’t deter Hassan Nasrallah from stirring up the honey pot in an effort to garner support for the destruction of Israel…



Calm Nasrallah Reassures Followers that Israel Would Cease to Exist


Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah on Monday pledged that Israel is heading towards “more defeats”, reiterating that the Jewish state would be “punished” and would cease to exist.

He also stressed that it is the right of Imad Mughniyeh’s followers to avenge the death of their leader, who was killed by a Feb. 12 bomb blast in Damascus that Nasrallah has blamed on Israel.

“whoever killed “our martyr (Mughniyeh) should be punished, and would be punished. We would set the time, method and place for the punishment,” Nasrallah said addressing a rally in south Beirut’s Rweiss district.

He predicted that the Israeli Army “wouldn’t dare launch an overland attack” against Hizbullah in Lebanon, noting that “they did not even dare launch a major incursion into Gaza.”

“The Israelis would discover during any confrontation what a stupid act they committed by killing Mughniyeh,” Nasrallah vowed.

A war by Israel, according to Nasrallah, “would not be a picnic because 85% of the Lebanese support efforts to topple the Zionist Entity.”

He said it is “not a simple option for the United States to attack Iran or for Israel to attack Syria.”

He addressed concerns among his supporters following a declaration of “open War” against Israel during Mughniyeh’s funeral on Feb. 14.

“It is normal for the people to worry … but the Israelis are worried too,” Nasrallah said.

The Israeli People, he said, “couldn’t stand living in shelters for 33 day.” Nasrallah was referring to the Hizbullah-Israel war in the summer of 2006.

Nasrallah said the Hizbullah-led opposition that groups supporters of Syria and Iran “wants the best for Lebanon … We want partnership.”

Despite the Mughniyeh assassination, Hizbullah “did not interrupt negotiations” to swap prisoners with Israel “it is the Martyr’s wish to see his brethren free,” Nasrallah said.

Nasrallah told his followers: “you are the generation that would witness the final victory of our nation.”

Former al Qaeda Terrorist: “I wish we had built hospitals or schools”

24 March, 2008

Although this ex-terrorist is suppose to be reformed, a closer scrutiny of his words leaves one wondering…


Out of Guantanamo and Bitter Toward Bin Laden
By Faiza Saleh Ambah
Washington Post Foreign Service
Monday, March 24, 2008; Page A08

JIDDAH, Saudi Arabia — A calling to defend fellow Muslims and a bit of aimlessness took Khalid al-Hubayshi to a separatists’ training camp in the southern Philippines and to the mountains of Afghanistan, where he interviewed for a job with Osama bin Laden.

Hubayshi, 32, a Saudi native, was among the Arab fighters dug in with bin Laden in the mountains of Tora Bora during the U.S. bombardment of Afghanistan in 2001. He later spent time in the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and in a Saudi jail.

He was released in 2006 into a world radically altered by the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Muslim fighters were no longer viewed in Arab countries as larger-than-life heroes, and clerics had stopped urging young Muslims to fulfill their religious duties by fighting on behalf of their brethren.

Hubayshi had also changed. He had grown disillusioned with bin Laden, whose initial idealism had turned into terrorism, he said, adding that his family, “not bin Laden,” had suffered when he was at Guantanamo.


U.K.’s NUT Suggests Offering Religious Instruction to Pupils in Public Schools

24 March, 2008

Creeping Sharia alert in the U.K.!!!

The National Union of Teachers (NUT) in the U.K. are just that; Nuts! Gee, now just which cult religion do you suppose is driving this boat? That should be obvious after reading the following article:

Call for faith school overhaul
UK Press Association

Imams and other preachers should be sent into state schools to give “religious instruction” to pupils under a radical overhaul of faith-based education, teachers said.

No state funded school should select children based on their family’s beliefs and daily religious assemblies should be abandoned, the National Union of Teachers suggested.

The union warned that the spread of separate faith schools under Government reforms threatens to undermine community relations, with children taught in segregated groups.

But the dominance of England’s Christian schools is “unjust and unsustainable” amid growing demands from Muslim families who want their own religious state schools, the union said.

The NUT proposed a solution in which all state schools offer religious instruction to pupils who want it from different faiths.

This should also include providing private prayer facilities in schools as well as food that is appropriate for all religious groups, the union said in a new policy paper, In Good Faith.

Launching the paper, NUT general secretary Steve Sinnott said the plan represented “more than simply religious education, this is religious instruction”.

“I believe that there will be real benefits to all our communities and youngsters if we could find space within schools for pupils who are Roman Catholics, Anglican, Methodist, Jewish, Sikh and Muslim to have space for more religious instruction in schools.

“You could have imams coming in, you could have the local rabbi coming in and the local Roman Catholic priest. If there were opportunities where they all talked together to the youngsters, what a fantastic example that would be.”

The policy document was formally adopted by delegates at the NUT’s annual conference in Manchester. The policy paper was released ahead of a planned debate at the conference on calls to abolish all state-funded faith schools.