Archive for 26 March, 2008

The Real Hero of Bosnia!

26 March, 2008

Warner sent us a picture that left me laughing, so I thought I’d share it with our readers:


New York Taxi Cab Driver Runs Terrorist Website

26 March, 2008

Yup, I fully support his right to Freedom of Speech… That being said, I wonder what will happen if after reading his website, a couple of idiots decide to go all Jihadi… Incitement to riot is not protected under Freedom of Speech, no matter how much he tries to distance himself from what he publishes on his website…

H/T- Warner


NEW YORK, N.Y. — On any given day, log on to and a host of startling images appear:
Fox News

— The Statue of Liberty, with an ax blade cutting through her side;

— Video mocking the beheading of American journalist Daniel Pearl, entitled “Daniel Pearl I am Happy Your Dead 🙂 “;

— Video of a puppet show lampooning U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq;

— The latest speech from Sheikh Abdullah Faisal, an extremist Muslim cleric convicted in the UK and later deported for soliciting the murder of non-Muslims.

Even more surprising is that isn’t being maintained in some remote safe house in Pakistan. Instead, Yousef al-Khattab, the Web site creator, runs it from his home in the New York City Borough of Queens.

And, because al-Khattab enjoys the First Amendment right to freedom of speech, all the authorities can do is watch.

Formerly known as Joseph Cohen, al-Khattab is an American-born Jew who converted to Islam after attending an Orthodox Rabbinical school, which he later described as a “racist cult.”

The 39-year-old New York taxi driver launched with the mission of “preserving Islamic culture,” “calling people to the oneness of God” and asking them to “support the beloved Sheik Abdullah Faisal, who’s preaching the religion of Islam and serving as a spiritual guide.”


Former worker for Muslim charity in Southfield accused of being Hussein spy

26 March, 2008

 Another “former” head of CAIR is indicted…  The MSM yawns…


Former worker for Muslim charity in Southfield accused of being Hussein spy


An Iraqi-American from Michigan who worked for a Southfield charity has been accused of working as a spy for the Iraqi government under Saddam Hussein, according to a federal indictment unsealed today in U.S. District Court in Detroit.

Muthanna Al-Hanooti was charged with several counts, including conspiracy to work on behalf of a foreign government and making false statements to the FBI. Al-Hanooti used to work for Life for Relief and Development, a Muslim charity based in Southfield that works in Iraq and other countries. That charity was raided by federal agents in Sept. 2006.

According to the indictment, Al-Hanooti would travel to Iraq and meet with conspirators of the Iraqi Intelligence Service. The indictment says that Al-Hanooti was rewarded with 2 million barrels of oil for his work.

The indictment also alleges that Iraqi intelligence officials used an intermediary in Michigan to help fund a trip to Iraq taken by U.S. members of Congress in 2002.

Al-Hanooti was active in other local groups. He was former head of the Michigan branch of the Council on American Islamic Relations and the president of Focus on American and Arab Interests and Relations.


Shadow Body Monitoring the Haditha Prosecution?

26 March, 2008

JMB emailed us with the following information:

“the AmericanThinker article has a pointer to the Thomas More Law Center release that is worth reading in its entirety.
if you follow the pointer at AmericanThinker to, then scroll down a few articles you find another interesting writeup on chessani.
Marine Lt. Colonel Chessani Thrown Under the Bus for Political Reasons; Fair Trial an IllusionMarch 05, 2008
wow…and another one right after that.” — JMB

Shadow body monitoring the Haditha prosecution?
March 26, 2008- Thomas Lifson

The Thomas More Law Center has issued an extremely troubling >release suggesting former SecDef Rumsfeld was involved in politically influencing the Haditha investigation:

Revelations by top Marine Generals, that former Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, set up a shadow “body” composed of high-ranking administration officials to oversee the Haditha investigations, could prove to be the most damning evidence of the political motivations and influence over the ongoing prosecutions of Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey Chessani, USMC, and other combat Marines involved.
Lawyers with the Thomas More Law Center, a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, which represents Marine LtCol Jeffrey Chessani, uncovered the existence of the extraordinarily unusual oversight body.
“The hysteria and media firestorm over Abu Gharib and the Pat Tillman investigations lead to fear of a similar media reaction to the Haditha incident, causing the military’s civilian bosses to set up this shadow oversight body. This extraordinary action politicized the military justice system and was a clear signal to top generals that they were expected to hold individuals criminally responsible. The investigation turned into a quest for a prosecution-not justice,” commented Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Law Center.

Read the rest of it HERE at American Thinker

Fashionably Scapegoating Israel

26 March, 2008

Phyllis Chesler has blessed us yet again with another insightful article:

phyllis-chesler.jpgScapegoating Israel is Fashionable. Balancing Feminist Sorrows with Israel’s Right to ExistMarch 24, 2008

In June of 1982, in the pages of Ms. Magazine, Letty Cottin Pogrebin earned her reputation as a Jewish feminist by writing about anti-Semitism among feminists. She did so by standing on the shoulders of other Jewish feminists who had been wrestling with this “problem without a name” since the early 1970s and whose cries Pogrebin finally heard.

Pogrebin’s article in Ms. Magazine was brave and she was, at the time, both attacked and disbelieved. But she was also respected for writing the piece. By 1991, Pogrebin had expanded her article about Jew-hatred among feminists into a book about Judaism and feminism, Deborah, Golda and Me. The book’s index contains at least 30 references to anti-Semitism/anti-Zionism and the women’s movement. There is also a whole chapter titled “Special Jewish Sorrows and Women and Anti-Semitism.” Since Pogrebin published her book, she has risen to prominence as a spokeswoman for all things Jewish and feminist.

During the same decades, however, Israel’s enemies have successfully made it into a pariah nation. The constant campaign of suicide killings, international boycott campaigns against its scholars, United Nations resolutions, rocket and shooting attacks upon innocent Jewish civilians both in Israel and in the West – all accompanied by a steady drumbeat of propaganda that hardens the heart of the world against Jews, and against Israel–has transformed the victim Israel into the transgressor/aggressor and villain in the eyes of much of the world.

It is at precisely this historical moment that Pogrebin has chosen to attack the American Jewish Congress for their campaign to place a pro-Israel ad in the pages of Ms. Magazine: she does so in her latest column in Moment Magazine.


A call to Pen’s! A Cartoon Crusade has been declared.

26 March, 2008

H/T to The Rude Dog for bringing this to my attention.

Because of all the attacks and calls to end free speech, threats and violence against free thinkers and counter jihadi, the flap over the new Geert Wilders move “Fitna” and new threats from the long dead osama bin lookinatlittleboys calling for attacks over cartoons. A Cartoon Crusade has been declared.

Consider it a counterstrike to defend free speech. The idea is to blog burst as many cartoons as we can find as often as we possibly can. Send your favorite anti jihadi cartoons to this website (God Help Britain, and ours) and the Cartoons will be shared with the free world. Keep the language clean, we have higher standards than some.


Remember folks the people will always do what the Government will not (defend our rights). It is time to defend free speech globally. Hell, I may even take a crack at drawing a few cartoons myself.

Here is the Link to the Cartoon Crusade.  So, send in those cartoons.

The bottom line here folks is if islam can not stand up under a little scrutiny, it is nothing special.

Wednesday’s Flight 93 Memorial Blogburst

26 March, 2008

Petition for Congressional investigation

Blogburst logo, no accident

A petition to stop the crescent memorial is now being circulated on the ground in western Pennsylvania. As a complement to this old fashioned canvassing effort, an electronic petition has also been created at Please circulate far and wide!

The petitions highlight four cases of apparent Islamic symbolism in the memorial design. Here is the text (electronic):

Call for Congressional investigation of Islamic symbolism in the Flight 93 memorial

Many features of the chosen Flight 93 Memorial design are intolerable:

1. THE GIANT CRESCENT. The centerpiece of the original “Crescent of Embrace” design was a giant red Islamic shaped crescent. Every particle of this original crescent design remains completely intact in the so-called redesign, which only added a few irrelevant trees. The giant crescent is still there.

2. IT POINTS TO MECCA. The giant crescent points to Mecca. A crescent that Muslims face into to face Mecca is called a “mihrab,” and is the central feature around which every mosque is built. The Flight 93 Memorial is on track to become the world’s largest mosque.

3. THE ISLAMIC SUNDIAL. The minaret-like Tower of Voices is a year-round accurate Islamic prayer-time sundial (one of many typical mosque features that are realized in the crescent design, all on the same epic scale as the half mile wide central crescent).

4. THE 44 BLOCKS. There are 44 glass blocks on the flight path, equaling the number of passengers, crew, AND terrorists.

Intentional or not, these features are entirely unacceptable. This travesty must stop and investigations must begin.

1) We the undersigned call on our state and federal legislators to undertake their own thorough and independent investigations of the Flight 93 Memorial design. The truth must come out.
2) We ask that the crescent design be scraped entirely and that it be replaced with a new design that is not tainted by Islamic or terrorist memorializing symbolism.
3) We demand a fitting and proper memorial that HONORS the brave men and women of Flight 93.

Please take a minute to electronically sign this petition. All signatures collected by the end of April will be printed out and delivered to the May 3rd public meeting of the Memorial Project, along with Xeroxes of the hand-signed petitions.

That is just the start. There will be another public meeting in August, where we hope to present a much larger pile of petitions, and all signatures will eventually be delivered to the Pennsylvania state legislature and to Congress. Keep sending until the crescent design is stopped!

In the short term, we have a number of supporters in the Pennsylvania legislature at this point who are working to gain backing for an investigation. A demonstration of public demand should help that effort.


Muslims Take Over Christian Church in Pakistan; Local Police do Nothing…

26 March, 2008

Yeah, I guess this is what Muslims mean when they talk about opening a line of dialog with the Christians… I shudder to think what the world-wide response would be if Christians even thought about taking over a Mosque… Sadly, the world turns a blind eye to the plight of the Christians in the face of Islamic tyranny, yet bends and compromises its morals and beliefs in a useless attempt to accommodate Muslims in the West…

Muslim Militants Occupy Pakistan Church Compound
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
By Jawad Mazhar, BosNewsLife Special Correspondent reporting from Pakistan

MANDI-BAHAUDDIN, PAKISTAN (BosNewsLife)– A tense standoff continued around a Catholic Church compound in Pakistan’s province of Punjab Wednesday, March 26, nearly a month after it was raided and occupied by armed Muslim militants, Christians told BosNewsLife.

A group of some 15 men armed with weapons that included AK-47 rifles allegedly made their way into the Catholic Church of Chak 2 Shumali North Branch village in Mandi-Bahauddin District late February 29. “They built boundary walls around the premises of the church compound before dusk of March 1, to further strengthen their occupation,” said Arshad Gill, a Christian resident and social worker.

“They desecrated and occupied the Church…compound,” he told BosNewsLife. Gill said the assailants “terrorized residents throughout the night” firing their weapons in the air.

Gun fire could be heard throughout the night, he added. At least five neighboring Christian families reportedly fled their homes and were believed to be in hiding Wednesday, March 26. There were no reports of injuries.


Gill said local Christians led by the local priest attempted to “register a case against the assailants” at the local Civil Lines Police Station. “But police are reluctant to take action against the Muslim culprits…Police have not arrested any one, to date,” he added.

Gill said the building and surrounding piece of land was owned and in use by the church since 1937. The police official leading the investigation, Sub Inspector Muhammad Zafar, was either not in the police station or deliberately evaded talking to BosNewsLife, despite repeated requests.

Gill said, “Police are blatantly leaning and aiding their Islamic Brothers and disdaining deprived local Christians.” There have been similar tensions in other parts of Pakistan. Christian politicians have pledged to try to improve the situation for religious minorities following the February parliamentary elections.

(Read more from Jawad Mazhar via

Hoekstra: “We Cannot and Will Not Sacrifice Our Fundamental Freedoms”

26 March, 2008

After reading the following editorial by U.S. Congressman Peter Hoekstra, I think I’m actually starting to warm up to a *gasp* politician… 

160px-petehoekstra.jpgIslam and Free Speech
March 26, 2008;
Wall Street Journal – Page A15

The Netherlands is bracing for a new round of violence at home and against its embassies in the Middle East. The storm would be caused by “Fitna,” a short film that is scheduled to be released this week. The film, which reportedly includes images of a Quran being burned, was produced by Geert Wilders, a member of the Dutch parliament and leader of the Freedom Party. Mr. Wilders has called for banning the Quran — which he has compared to Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” — from the Netherlands.

After concern about the film led Mr. Wilders’s Internet service provider to take down his Web site, Mr. Wilders issued a statement this week that he will personally distribute DVDs “On the Dam” if he has to. That may not be necessary, as the Czech National Party has reportedly agreed to host the video on its Web site.

Reasonable men in free societies regard Geert Wilders’s anti-Muslim rhetoric, and films like “Fitna,” as disrespectful of the religious sensitivities of members of the Islamic faith. But free societies also hold freedom of speech to be a fundamental human right. We don’t silence, jail or kill people with whom we disagree just because their ideas are offensive or disturbing. We believe that when such ideas are openly debated, they sink of their own weight and attract few followers.

Our country allows fringe groups like the American Nazi Party to demonstrate, as long as they are peaceful. Americans are permitted to burn the national flag. In 1989, when so-called artist Andres Serrano displayed his work “Piss Christ” — a photo of a crucifix immersed in a bottle of urine — Americans protested peacefully and moved to cut off the federal funding that supported Mr. Serrano. There were no bombings of museums. No one was killed over this work that was deeply offensive to Christians.

Criticism of Islam, however, has led to violence and murder world-wide. Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa calling for Muslims to kill Salman Rushdie over his 1988 book, “The Satanic Verses.” Although Mr. Rushdie has survived, two people associated with the book were stabbed, one fatally. The 2005 Danish editorial cartoons lampooning the prophet Muhammad led to numerous deaths. Dutch director Theodoor van Gogh was killed in 2004, several months after he made the film “Submission,” which described violence against women in Islamic societies. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a former Dutch member of parliament who wrote the script for “Submission,” received death threats over the film and fled the country for the United States.

The violence Dutch officials are anticipating now is part of a broad and determined effort by the radical jihadist movement to reject the basic values of modern civilization and replace them with an extreme form of Shariah. Shariah, the legal code of Islam, governed the Muslim world in medieval times and is used to varying degrees in many nations today, especially in Saudi Arabia.

Radical jihadists are prepared to use violence against individuals to stop them from exercising their free speech rights. In some countries, converting a Muslim to another faith is a crime punishable by death. While Muslim clerics are free to preach and proselytize in the West, some Muslim nations severely restrict or forbid other faiths to do so. In addition, moderate Muslims around the world have been deemed apostates and enemies by radical jihadists.


Mumbai: Cleric Arrested for Rape

26 March, 2008

Yeah, I like how he invited her over to help him with his, “religious ceremonies…”

Muslim cleric arrested for suspected rape of teenager
26 March , 2008 – Sify News

Mumbai: Mumbai Police arrested the maulvi of a suburban mosque for allegedly raping a 19-year-old girl, on Wednesday.

The maulvi, Altaf Munshi, 47, was nabbed on Wednesday morning after the girl lodged a complaint against him late Tuesday night. Altaf is a maulvi at the Medina Mosque in Vikhroli. Deputy Commissioner of Police Datta Karale told IANS: “On Tuesday afternoon Altaf asked the girl, who stays few buildings away, to come to his house to help him with some religious ceremonies.”

Karale said when the girl went to his house, Altaf assaulted and raped her. The victim lodged a complaint with the Vihroli police, on Tuesday night. Shortly thereafter, the police arrested the maulvi.

The girl has been admitted to a hospital for medical check-up while the maulvi has been charged with rape and sexual assault.