Archive for 28 March, 2008

Massive Untapped Oil Fields in North and South Dakota

28 March, 2008

The USGS is set to release a new report next month that might be able to put a lid on all of this out of control bidding by oil speculators. I’m really hoping that the American public has finally had it with paying those ridiculous prices at the pump and common sense will begin to prevail and coalesce into a unified front against all those damn tree huggers who will inevitably hop into their puke-green eco-vehicles en masse towards the Dakotas to sit in trees, whine, piss, moan, and do all those other ejaculatory things they love to do in an effort to destroy capitalism… (Don’t think that I have forgotten about Alaska, you whiny little SOB’s!)

Since the oil reserves are in located the Dakotas, I couldn’t help but chuckle quietly to myself as I was put in remembrance of the story told by Chief White Halfoat in the novel “Catch-22:”

Chief White Halfoat was out to revenge himself upon the white man. He could barely read or write and had been assigned to Captain Black as assistant intelligence officer.

“How could I learn to read or write?” Chief White Halfoat demanded with simulated belligerence, raising his voice again so that Doc Daneeka would hear. “Every place we pitched our tent, they sank an oil well. Every time they sank a well, they hit oil. And every time they hit oil, they made us pack up our tent and go someplace else. We were human divining rods. Our whole family had a natural affinity for petroleum deposits, and soon every oil company in the world had technicians chasing us around. We were always on the move. It was one hell of a way to bring a child up, I can tell you. I don’t think I ever spent more than a week in one place.”

His earliest memory was of a geologist.

“Every time another White Halfoat was born,” he continued, “the stock market turned bullish. Soon whole drilling crews were following us around with all their equipment just to get the jump on each other. Companies began to merge just so they could cut down on the number of people they had to assign to us. But the crowd in back of us kept growing. We never got a good night’s sleep. When we stopped, they stopped. When we moved, they moved, chuckwagons, bulldozers, derricks, generators. We were a walking business boom, and we began to receive invitations from some of the best hotels just for the amount of business we would drag into town with us. Some of those invitations were mighty generous, but we couldn’t accept any because we were Indians and all the best hotels that were inviting us wouldn’t accept Indians as guests. Racial prejudice is a terrible thing, Yossarian. It really is. It’s a terrible thing to treat a decent, loyal Indian like a nigger, kike, wop, or spic.” Chief White Halfoat nodded slowly with conviction.

“Then, Yossarian, it finally happened – the beginning of the end. They began to follow us around from in front. They would try to guess where we were going to stop next and would begin drilling before we even got there, so we couldn’t even stop. As soon as we’d begin to unroll our blankets, they would kick us off. They had confidence in us. They wouldn’t even wait to strike oil before they kicked us off. We were so tired we almost didn’t care the day our time ran out. One morning we found ourselves completely surrounded by oilmen waiting for us to come their way so they could kick us off. Everywhere you looked there was an oilman on a ridge, waiting there like Indians getting ready to attack. It was the end. We couldn’t stay where we were because we had just been kicked off. And there was no place left for us to go. Only the Army saved me. Luckily, the war broke out just in the nick of time, and a draft board picked me right up out of the middle and put me down safely in Lowery Field, Colorado. I was the only survivor.”

H/T – Warner

Massive Oil Deposit Could Increase US reserves by 10x

America is sitting on top of a super massive 200 billion barrel Oil Field that could potentially make America Energy Independent and until now has largely gone unnoticed. Thanks to new technology the Bakken Formation in North Dakota could boost America’s Oil reserves by an incredible 10 times, giving western economies the trump card against OPEC’s short squeeze on oil supply and making Iranian and Venezuelan threats of disrupted supply irrelevant.

In the next 30 days the USGS (U.S. Geological Survey) will release a new report giving an accurate resource assessment of the Bakken Oil Formation that covers North Dakota and portions of South Dakota and Montana. With new horizontal drilling technology it is believed that from 175 to 500 billion barrels of recoverable oil are held in this 200,000 square mile reserve that was initially discovered in 1951. The USGS did an initial study back in 1999 that estimated 400 billion recoverable barrels were present but with prices bottoming out at $10 a barrel back then the report was dismissed because of the higher cost of horizontal drilling techniques that would be needed, estimated at $20-$40 a barrel.

It was not until 2007, when EOG Resources of Texas started a frenzy when they drilled a single well in Parshal N.D. that is expected to yield 700,000 barrels of oil that real excitement and money started to flow in North Dakota. Marathon Oil is investing $1.5 billion and drilling 300 new wells in what is expected to be one of the greatest booms in Oil discovery since Oil was discovered in Saudi Arabia in 1938.


Planned Film Project Portrays Muhammad as a Pedophile

28 March, 2008

Call me crazy, but something tells me that a film about Muhammad as a pedophile isn’t going to be quite so well received as Fitna was…   Just a hunch… 

H/T – Warner


Second Islam Film: Mohammed as Peadophile


THE HAGUE, 28/03/08 – While the cabinet is losing sleep over MP Geert Wilders’ unpublished Koran film, a second film is due out on 20 April. Ehsan Jami plans to launch a cartoon film featuring the Prophet Mohammed as a paedophile.

Jami, born in Iran, announced that his film, The Life of Mohammed, is due for release on 20 April. On TV programme Netwerk, the young politician (22) showed a screen-shot in which the Prophet, with a visible erection, takes a child to a mosque to have sex. On the mosque is a swastika.

The fragment is a reference to the relationship between the prophet and the 9 year old Aisha as described in the Koran, according to Jami. His cartoon portrays all kinds of other perverse and violent verses, he added.

Jami set up a committee last September that aims to encourage leaving Islam and protect apostate Muslims. Shortly before the launch, he was attacked by Muslims in his home town of Leidschendam, where he was a local councillor for the Labour (PvdA) party. In October, PvdA terminated his party membership because his opinions were too radical for it.


Burnt Qur’an Found in Garbage – Christians Accused of Blasphemy

28 March, 2008

Why is it that whenever some moon god worshiper leaves Islam and decides to destroy satan’s little book, the Christians are always the first to get blamed?

Here’s a contest for our readers: Explain how that Qur’an could have ended up smoldering in a trash dump.  (No fair blaming the Christians…)


Protests as burnt pages of holy Quran found in garbage heap

* People accuse Christians of blasphemy
* Resident says pages may have been mistakenly thrown out with old books
* Nobody seen burning pages, says resident

LAHORE: Protests flared in the Factory Area on Friday after a resident found burnt pages of the holy Quran in a heap of garbage in Alnoor Town near Model Colony. Hearing of the discovery, residents in the area protested and demanded that the police investigate immediately.

Christians accused: The protesters accused some Christian residents scuffles in the area of blasphemy and police sources told Daily Times that people from both Muslim and Christian communities were involved in scuffles over the issue. They said that as soon as the police were informed a team reached the spot and arrested several Christian men accused of the act. The police also took away the burnt pages.

Defence Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Ayaz Saleem said that no clash had been reported, and the protesters had been dispersed after negotiations between the police and elders of the area. He said that a case had been registered against unidentified people under Section 295-A of the Pakistan Penal Code.

No witnesses: Factory Area police Station House Officer (SHO) Abid Pehlwan said that he had contacted several residents of the area regarding the matter, but no one could give him any details about the incident since nobody had seen anyone burning the pages

Could be a mistake: The SHO quoted Farooq, a resident, as saying that the pages were recovered from a heap of garbage and it seemed as if someone had thrown them out mistakenly along with other old books. staff report

Fitna Removed from LiveLeak

28 March, 2008

According to LiveLeak, death threats have been received and the Jihadis seem to have personal information about the employees who work at Liveleak.

Read the message on the Fitna video HERE

Our English version of Fitna still remains intact on Google. But for how long???

UN Secretary General Condemns Fitna

28 March, 2008

Proving once again that he’s a dhimmi who’s hell bent on stifling any legitimate criticism of radical Islam, Ban Ki-Moon condemns the movie Fitna. I really don’t think he has seen it, as he called it “hate speech and incitement to violence.” Not even close… However, If he did see it then he must be talking about those verses that were lifted from the Qur’an to illustrate that Islamonazis are using them to justifying their violent actions:

UN Sycophant Ban Ki-Moon sucking up to Prince Saud Al Faysal

UN head Ban Ki-moon condemns Fitna broadcast, urges calm
28.03.08 –

( dpa ) – UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Friday condemned an anti-Islamic video broadcast in Holland as “hate speech and incitement to violence” and urged calm after its release on the internet.

In a statement issued by his spokesperson after Thursday’s airing of the film, Fitna, Ban acknowledged the efforts of the Dutch government to stop broadcast of the work produced by a Dutch opposition lawmaker, and appealed “for calm to those understandably offended by it.”

“Freedom must always be accompanied by social responsibility,” he said. “There is no justification for hate speech or incitement to violence. The right of free expression is not at stake here.”

The film, made by Dutch opposition lawmaker Geert Wilders, draws links between terrorist acts by Muslim extremists and the words of the Koran. It was posted on the

We must also recognize that the real fault line is not between Muslim and Western societies, as some would have us believe, but between small minorities of extremists, on different sides, with a vested interest in stirring hostility and conflict,” Ban said.


Al-Jazeera’s Dhimmi News Anchor Quits over Anti-American Bias at Network

28 March, 2008

Geez, I guess there is only so much anti-American rhetoric that even a dhimmi on the Arab dole can take!


Anchor quits Al-Jazeera, cites anti-American tone
The Associated Press – via IHT
Published: March 28, 2008

NEW YORK: Former “Nightline” reporter Dave Marash has quit Al-Jazeera English, saying Thursday his exit was due in part to an anti-American bias at a network that is little seen in this country.

Marash said he felt that attitude more from British administrators than Arabs at the Qatar-based network.

Yeah, that’s the ticket – it’s those darn Brits….  Yup, he is such a good little dhimmi – loyal to the bitter end…

Marash was the highest-profile American TV personality hired when the English language affiliate to Al-Jazeera was started two years ago in an attempt to compete with CNN and the BBC. He said there was a “reflexive adversarial editorial stance” against Americans at Al-Jazeera English.

“Given the global feelings about the Bush administration, it’s not surprising,” Marash said.

But he found it “became so stereotypical, so reflexive” that he got angry.

Yeah!  It’s all Bush’s fault!  Everything’s Bush’s fault! — Blah, blah, blah, 9/11, blah, blah, Iraq, blah, blah, Oil prices, blah, blah, blah…..  Geez, I’ve got an idea; how about replacing him with some Leftist, Liberal mouthpiece from CNN!   — Now, just where did I put that tinfoil hat???

Marash, who’s being replaced by former CNN International host Shihab Rattansi, said he was the last American-accented anchor at the network, which broadcasts from Washington, London, Kuala Lumpur and Doha, Qatar. He said there are more Canadians than Americans working at the Washington office.

Oh… I see…  Drat!  They’re already one step ahead of me….


Mentally Ill Muslims Get the Thumbs Up – It’s OK to Marry

28 March, 2008

And, it only took them how long to catch up with the rest of the world? Hmmm… With all the mentally ill Muslims in the world, you would think that this wouldn’t be a problem…  Alright, I’ll just keep my mouth shut…
H/T Warner

Mentally ill Muslims may wed: Azhar
Friday, 28 March, 2008

Gulf Times

CAIRO: Mentally disabled Muslims may marry as long as their prospective partners are made aware of their condition, Sunni Islam’s main seat of learning Al Azhar said yesterday.

The approval comes provided “the other party is aware of the state of their mental health and doctors do not have concerns about the marriage,” the Egypt-based Al Azhar research centre was quoted as saying by official news agency MENA.

The announcement was made at a meeting chaired by the grand imam of Al Azhar, Mohamed Sayed Tantawi. – AFP

Geert Wilders to be Sued by…. Danish Cartoonist!

28 March, 2008

Well, predictably, the Muslim world is all up in arms about Fitna exposing Islam’s radical side. So, I was quite surprised to see that Kurt Westergaard, the cartoonist who sparked the whole Danish Cartoon controversy, is attempting to sue Mr. Wilders for using his cartoon in the movie Fitna… Now, I don’t know about Danish law, but most countries have a “Fair use” clause in their copyright laws.   Since the “turban Bomb Mo” drawing is a much reproduced image, and Since Geert Wilders isn’t profiting from the movie and instead is using it for educational purposes, I don’t see this lawsuit as going too much further…

That being said, one has to wonder if Mr. Westergaard is doing this because he has a legitimate gripe, or is he doing this to show the Muslim world what a good little dhimmi he has become while in hiding for fear of his life…

westgaard.jpgCartoonist to sue over Islam film

Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, who depicted the Prophet Muhammad with a bomb in his turban, says he will sue the maker of an anti-Islam film.

Mr Westergaard says his cartoon, which sparked riots two years ago, was used in the film by Dutch politician Geert Wilders without permission.

Mr Westergaard told Danish TV that his cartoon was a protest against terrorism, not Islam as a whole.

The Danish journalists’ union is suing on his behalf for copyright violation.

“Wilders has the right to make his movie but he has not permission to use my drawing,” Mr Westergaard told Denmark’s TV2.

“This has nothing to do with freedom of speech,” he said. “I will not accept my cartoon being taken out of its original context and used in a completely different one.”

Mr Westergaard has lived in hiding in Denmark since his cartoon led to unrest in the Middle East and beyond following its publication in 2005.


Government Outsourcing U.S. Passports?

28 March, 2008

Yonason left us a link to Debbie Schlussel’s website that just has me LIVID!!! What the heck is going on in Washington!!! Did we learn NOTHING from 9/11 ?!? Ack!!! It makes me want to SCREAM!!!!


Another Brilliant Post-9/11 Bush Move: Passport Printing Outsourced to Foreign Countries, Including Target of Chi-Com Espionage

By Debbie Schlussel

More than 6.5 years since 9/11, I’m wondering just what President Bush has done . . . other than create a giant bloated bureaucracy (DHS), a disgusting national policy of sycophancy to Islam, and making us less safe.

Well, Washington Times investigative reporter Bill Gertz, gives us yet another example of what President Bush has “done for us” to “make us safer.”

Printing U.S. passports–yet another “job Americans just won’t do”:

The United States has outsourced the manufacturing of its electronic passports to overseas companies – including one in Thailand that was victimized by Chinese espionage – raising concerns that cost savings are being put ahead of national security.

The Government Printing Office’s [GPO] decision to export the work has proved lucrative, allowing the agency to book more than $100 million in recent profits by charging the State Department more money for blank passports than it actually costs to make them, according to interviews with federal officials and documents obtained by The Times.

Read the rest of this atrocity at Debbie Schlussel’s Website HERE

“…Whom Your Right Hand Possesses”

28 March, 2008

It seems that the Saudis are trying to trump the U.S. legal system with their version of Sharia Law… I look at this as more proof that rape of a slave maid is not only acceptable in Saudi Arabia, but is widely practiced. The justification for this has its origins in the Qur’an:

Qur’an Sura 4:24And all married women (are forbidden unto you) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess. It is a decree of Allah for you...”

Lest you think this is “out of context,” see Qur’an Sura 33:50, 23:5-6, 70:29-30


US Urged to Review Saudi Student’s Case
Arab News
RIYADH, 28 March 2008 – Shoura Council Chairman Dr. Saleh Bin-Humaid has urged US authorities to review the case of Homaidan Al-Turki, a 37-year-old Saudi student who was found guilty in a Colorado state court of 12 counts of sexually assaulting his Indonesian maid.

“The Saudi people sympathize with Homaidan Al-Turki and they closely follow up his case,” the Shoura chief said and hoped for a speedy end to the issue. He also emphasized the Kingdom’s respect for American justice.

Al-Turki, a former Ph.D. student at the University of Colorado, maintains that he did not sexually assault the woman, whose identity has not been disclosed due to the nature of the alleged crime, and has accused US officials of persecuting him for “traditional Muslim behavior.”

[See! What’d I tell ya’? – But wait! It gets even better:]
