Archive for 3 May, 2008

Training a new and improved Muslim

3 May, 2008

I read this with a skeptical eye, I have always said muslims fall into two groups-pious practicing muslims (terrorists and their supporters) and backsliders (non-practicing). Nothing in this article has changed my already low opinion of islam or its minions.

Our government thinks they can teach muslims to play nice with others-friggen great. Give um a certificate of achievement and release them back into the wild. Personally, I think it will almost seem to work. Some will be convinced that spending a few more years as American guests is not what they want to do. It is even possible when these minions are released back into the wild they will share stories of nice gentle American guards and their growing respect for them (not likely). I hope that most of these newly trained nicer minions will not prove this experiment an expensive failure by becoming repeat offenders. I also hope to win the lottery someday but I know it is a rip-off and I do not buy tickets.

Where this program will fail is obvious. Nothing will stop any released minion from returning home to a hero’s welcome for having been a mujhid in the first place. Nothing will stop them from spinning yarns of historical daring and great personnel danger (all lies of course). Stories that will quickly give yet another muslimahs son a jihadi fever. Nothing will stop these minions from recruiting, supporting, training or helping the global jihad spread in any numbers of other methods. In short, this is one colossal waste of money, time and effort. If retraining criminals is so easy why don’t we do this at home? Why can’t we be nice to our own violent criminals and change their violent anti social ways with a little money and love?

Hugs for all, courtesy of Uncle Sam.

By JUDITH MILLER,May 2, 2008, The New York Post

LAST month, I visited one of the largest Islamic schools in the Middle East.
It’s run by the US military – for detainees in Iraq.

The suspected insurgents also participate in discussion programs about Islam – and are being trained to be carpenters, farmers and artists. It’s all part of the US military’s radically new approach to detention in Iraq – an integral part of its counterinsurgency effort.

For the past nine months, Task Force 134 (9,000 personnel from all the uniformed services) has been experimenting with such unconventional initiatives at two large “camps” that hold 23,245 suspected insurgents. The officer in charge is Maj. Gen. Douglas M. Stone, USMC, who oversees civilian detention in Iraq.

The goal is not only to speed up the identification and release of those falsely accused of “jihadi” activity, but also to deradicalize and rehabilitate other detainees. Judging by the early results, the new approach seems to be working – at least for the vast majority. A relatively small hard core probably can’t be safely released anytime soon, but US officers say that the overwhelming majority, probably more than two-thirds, will likely be freed by year’s end.

Of the 8,000 detainees released since last September, only 21 have been recaptured as a result of suspected insurgent activity – a rate officers say is unprecedented. “It means that only 0.2 percent of those detained have returned to the fight,” Stone told me. “At no time in the history of collected data in Iraq do we have anything remotely like this.”

In my five days with the task force, I wasn’t permitted to talk privately with detainees. But I visited both Camp Cropper (near Baghdad) and Camp Bucca (outside Basra). I also sat in on classes – and watched three-member military panels question detainees and review their records to decide their fates. I also interviewed more than a dozen US soldiers and Iraqi teachers, social workers and clerics working in the program. (more…)

Sydney man Arrested for Death Threats

3 May, 2008

Yet another Liberal who is blind to his own hypocrisy…

Death threats over Muslim school
May 04, 2008 12:00am –

A SYDNEY man sent death threats to a State MP, telling him Muslims would “blow up” his family for opposing the controversial development of an Islamic school.

Geoff Corrigan, member for Camden, in Sydney’s southwest, feared for his life after receiving two threatening emails last month, police said.

“How racist are you? … I hope they put a car bomb in your driveway when your whole family is home,” read an email sent on April 2.

Police arrested the perpetrator, Ben Hoskin, at his parents’ home near Camden the next day.
Hoskin told police he sent the emails after becoming enraged at a pamphlet he thought Mr Corrigan had produced.

The pamphlet, which was headed: “Are you against the large Islamic school for Camden?”, called on residents to rally against the proposed school.

Hoskin, 22, is facing as much as three years in prison after pleading guilty last week to two counts of using a carriage service to menace, harass or offend.

He told The Sunday Telegraph he regretted his actions but made the threats because he was angry at the racist attitude of people.

“I was having a bad day too,” he added. “It got under my collar.

“I don’t think they should drive Muslims out of town before they even get here. Everyone deserves a fair go.”


Mishap in Manhattan

3 May, 2008

From Matamoros:

In light of the EU, UK, and now the US refusing to ‘give the dog a name’; it causes me to wonder how long we’ll have to wait before David Penberthy’s tongue-in-cheek shot ( written a few years ago) at political correctness, loses its absurdity and becomes the order of the day. Penberthy, at the time, was an op-ed journalist and is now the Telegraph’s editor.

Sydney DAILY TELEGRAPH’S David Penberthy recently re-wrote his paper’s September 11 coverage to accommodate the demands of anti-discrimination zealots. No link is available, so I’ll post it here in full, “tastefully shorn of any inflammatory references to gender, size, race, sexual preference, religion, handicap, and special culinary requirements …”

MANHATTAN MISHAP, September 12, 2001

Two public buildings were destroyed in New York City yesterday after a collision involving two passenger jets.

While mechanical failure has not been ruled out, The Daily Telegraph understands a group of persons, sharing a common belief system, may have deliberately or unwittingly caused the jets to fly off course, striking the buildings.

Structural engineers were unable to say last night whether the collisions were the sole cause of the collapse or whether design faults may have also played a role.

The Manhattan area has also been plagued in the past by flood and tremor, raising questions about the buildings’ stability.

Despite the absence of firm evidence, people outside the buildings were quick to apportion blame for the collapses and the death they allegedly caused.

“When he find the sons-of-bitches who did this we should bomb them back to the Stone Age,” said one person, expressing a level of hostility for which this newspaper apologises.

Others blamed “Arabs” for the attack but it should be stressed that the race of those who may or may not have interfered with the passage of the jets has no bearing on the nature of the collision or the ultimate collapse of the edifice.


Where in the World is Foehammer???

3 May, 2008

Rosie alerted us via email that Foehammer has been missing for about a week.  If anyone knows what is going on, please leave us a comment as we are concerned about his well-being.