Archive for 4 May, 2008

Crescent controversy on Fox News television and Fox News front page!

4 May, 2008

Fox News front page snapshot, 5-4-08, 45%

Check out the Fox News front page today, where “Crescent Outrage” alternates top billing with “Six-Legged Soldiers!” Finally, more than a handful of Americans will at least know that there is a controversy over the Flight 93 memorial.

They won’t get much more than that from Fox’s text report, which is pretty bare. There is no mention of the Mecca orientation of the giant crescent, no mention of the 44 inscribed translucent blocks on the flight path, no mention of the Islamic sundial, and no fact checking (the modern media disease). Still, this is big.

The text report DOES show the side-by-side comparison of the Crescent of Embrace and the Islamic crescent and star insignia. It also reports Tom Burnett’s condemnation of the crescent design as an insult to his murdered son, and it mentions our petition.

UPDATE: Red Lasso has the Fox News video clip (thanks to Avid Editor):

This is powerful stuff. Not only do they show the clear likeness between the original design and an Islamic crescent and star flag, but the image they show of the redesign shows pretty clearly how the giant crescent remains intact in the redesign:

Fox News, Bowl of Embrace

From the crescent and star likeness, they cut to Tom Burnett, asking what people would think if a memorial were laid out in the shape of a swastika. If viewers hadn’t just seen the crescent and star likeness, that statement could be made to sound crazy, but Fox does right by Tom, giving viewers the information they need to see the reasonableness of the comparison. Many thanks to Fox for getting this right.

Fox has a lot more information at their disposal. They had a television crew at the Somerset County Courthouse yesterday where Colonel Harry Beam laid out a precise and devastating exposé of Islamic and terrorist memorializing design features, and they were sent extensive fact checking materials. None of this gets into their present reporting, but if they use it for an investigative feature, they can knock the crescent memorial out for good.

UPDATE II: Avid Editor found another completely different Fox News segment on Red Lasso. This one is even better, mentioning the Mecca orientation of the giant crescent!

Minister warns of ‘illiberal’ attacks on free speech

4 May, 2008

Let’s be clear about this. The only people who really fear free speech are people who can not defend their position. Most of the whining is done by the minions of the pedophile mohammed. Exposure of islam threatens islam. Their solution attempt to stifle free speech. Threats of boycott, lawsuits, violence or all three are common. If mohammed was really a prophet his sorry ass would have seen this coming. He did not, old mo never foresaw the internet, he never dreamed that his fictitious story of a fake deity he called allah would be so quickly and thoroughly exposed as a fraudulent ideology primarily practiced by a group of people who failed at everything.

No muslim nation excels at much, some extremely rich elitists do manage to live well off the backs of poor minions but the nations they serve are a joke when compared even to a struggling third world nation. None of them show much in the way of change but some do shine up well. Dubai is impressive until you realize none of it was built off the backs of muslims but off the hard work and effort of the west. Once again, islam failed the minions.

Simply put muslims fail at modern technology, human rights, medical sciences and arts. That is not racist, hatred, blasphemous or intolerance it is the truth. Isn’t free speech a bitch?

Kevin Libin, May 02, 2008, National Post
CALGARY — The federal minister in charge of Canada’s multiculturalism file cautioned an anti-racism conference Friday against exploiting the power of human rights commissions to silence offensive speech.

Addressing the annual gathering of the Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF) in Calgary, Jason Kenney, a Cabinet member and Secretary of State for Multiculturalism and Canadian Identity, labelled “dangerous” the “illiberal tactics” employed by some activists in the name of tolerance.

“I think it’s very important for those of us engaged in anti-racism efforts to ensure the tactics we use, the approaches that we take, are consistent with respect for the liberal values of the Charter of Rights, of the Canadian constitutional framework, of our democratic parliamentary institutions,” Mr. Kenney told the crowd of about 100.

The audience included Darren Lund, who launched a successful human rights challenge against Alberta pastor Stephen Boisson for remarks criticizing homosexuality. Mr. Lund was nominated for a CRRF Award of Excellence for his work, Exploring Whiteness, Privilege, Racism and Identity in Canada.

Recently, Maclean’s magazine and columnist Mark Steyn were challenged with similar human rights complaints over comments about Islam. Ezra Levant, former publisher of the now-defunct Western Standard magazine — who was also in attendance — faces a possible hearing over his magazine’s reprinting of the Danish Mohammed cartoons in 2006. (more…)

Whining muslims demand economic boycott of European states

4 May, 2008

Once again, muslim crybabies make threats because their feeling were hurt. It seems recognizing the pedophile mohammed as a murderous scumbag pisses them off. Now I think an economic boycott should be called what it is BLACKMAIL. I also think muslims are weak. You want to really hurt the EU? Go home, that’s right all of you leave.

Don’t sell this idea short. Europeans have taxed themselves poor with liberal policies and the result was families were forced to have even smaller families to make ends meet. Smaller families meant lower tax base, forcing policies that are even more liberal. Immigration was touted as the answer. Let more people in and they will be taxed and take care of the elderly population. Now we know the result, muslims came and chaos resulted. Now muslims stupidly think they can live in Europe and not spend money. The answer is easier, leave, go home. Let the elderly Europeans die off and return in twenty years.

When you return you can hang onto your seventh century pedophile king and no one will care.

May 04, 2008, The International News
Leaders of various religious organisations have demanded complete economic boycott of those European countries whose governments had been patronising their people and media organisations involved in the brazen and recurring acts of blasphemy.

They were speaking at a rally held on Saturday to uphold the sanctity and honour of the last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The rally was organised by the Tahafuz-e-Namoos Risalat (PBUH) Committee and the participants marched from Numaish roundabout to Tibet Centre.

It was largely attended by the leaders and followers of Ahl-e-Sunnat organizations.

The rally demanded of the newly formed government to immediately implement the recently tabled resolution in National Assembly against the insulting caricatures and other blasphemous activities of various European countries. (more…)

Failed Jihadi pleads insanity

4 May, 2008

I can not count the number of stories like this that I have read over the years. Minions are proud to perform jihad until it fails, then they turn their back on the pedophile king and plead insanity. Authorities will have a show trial and after a very brief incarceration, the newly healed failed jihadi is freed.

Now I think anyone who can claim the pedophile king as a role model should be considered legally insane but that doesn’t make all muslims dangerous. Many are cowards and could never get the nerve to physically injure an infidel, they justify their manhood by encouraging others to do it for them.

4 May 2008, AMMAN, Jordan (AP) – A Jordanian man who stabbed a German tourist in Amman pleaded insanity at the opening of his trial Sunday.

Mohammed Mahdi Barham, is charged with committing a terrorist act for stabbing a 63-year-old German tourist whose name has not been released. The German was attacked on March 14 as he walked with his wife near downtown Amman’s al-Husseini Mosque.

The German was hospitalized with abdominal wounds and returned home days later.
Barham’s lawyer, Zahra al-Sharabati, told Jordan’s military court Sunday that her client was a schizophrenic who’s not fit for trial.

I have Health Ministry reports to prove that he’s been sick for a while, al-Sharabati told the military tribunal that will rule on the case without a jury.

The court responded by referring Barham to a state physician to determine his state of mind and adjourned the trial until June 8.

The defendant did not enter a plea of guilty or not guilty during the opening day of the trial. But military prosecutors said in an indictment sheet that Barham confessed to stabbing the German tourist during police interrogation that preceded the trial. (more…)

Sunday Funnies

4 May, 2008