Archive for 11 May, 2008

‘Youths’ Attack a Second Priest in London’s East End

11 May, 2008

Just deplorable!

Note:  The Opinionator says they were Muslim youths.

H/T – Matamoros

Second attack on East End clergy by teenage thugs

EXCLUSIVE by Michael Parker

A SECOND priest has been beaten up in his own churchyard in the space of just eight weeks in London’s East End — this time over an argument about a football.

The Rector of St Matthew’s in Bethnal Green, The Rev Kevin Scully, was attacked on Tuesday afternoon by three drunken youths who had returned to take their revenge for a row three days before.

He had taken their ball last Saturday after he saw them using a cross on the church as a basketball hoop.

He has been taunted with religious and racist abuse in the past, but believes the beating was more alcohol-fuelled than anything more sinister.

The attack follows the vicious assault on Canon Michael Ainsworth at St George-in-the-East church in Shadwell in March.

But although that attack was treated as a ‘faith hate’ crime, police consider the latest incident as simple assault.


Sunday Funnies

11 May, 2008

Al-Qaeda says key member killed

11 May, 2008

It is always nice to see good news for a change.

From correspondents in Dubai, May 11, 2008, The Australian
A PROMINENT member of Al-Qaeda has been killed in fighting with US-led forces in Afghanistan, the group said in a statement posted on an Islamist website today.
-I bet he was hiding under a rock screaming for his mommy.

Abu Suleiman al-Otaibi, formerly one of the group’s leaders in Iraq, was killed in a “fierce battle with the worshipers of the cross” in Paktia, it said without giving the date of the battle.
-Most of these “fierce battles” are one way affairs, US forces find them, fix them and eliminate them. There is no battle just a good old American ass kickin (more…)

Muslims in Lebanon continue to murder each other

11 May, 2008

You do have to admire muslim dedication to their favorite hobby (muslim bashing). The Israelis really should consider training with the Lebanese, they are very proficient muslim killers in their own right and could teach them the fine art of muslim murder, rape and pillage.

By BASSEM MROUE, 11 May, 2008 BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) — Heavy fighting broke out between pro- and anti-government supporters in northern Lebanon amid the country’s power struggle, security officials said Sunday.

Beirut, for four days the focus of bloody sectarian clashes between Sunnis and Shiites, spent a quiet night. However, many of its roads remained blocked, including the one to the airport, by the ongoing civil disobedience campaign of the opposition.
-Now I really could careless which sect of the death cult wins the day but I have to admit it is fun to sit here and watch muslim going about the practice of islam. Very entertaining it is sort of like trash that takes itself out.

The heaviest clashes took place in the northern city of Tripoli, where pro-government supporters in the Tebaneh neighborhood exchanged rocket propelled grenades and heavy machine gun fire with opposition followers in Jabal Muhsin, the officials said.

One woman was killed in the clashes, bringing the toll across the country for the past five days of violence to 38 — the worst sectarian violence since Lebanon’s 1975-1990 civil war.
-This sounds like a challenge, step up your game minions. What the hell, go for the record, you can double the 75-90 record. Come on, go for it. No one can claim I do not support islam, I am all for this. (more…)