Archive for 21 May, 2008

Wednesday’s Flight 93 Memorial Blogburst

21 May, 2008

Mancow: “I’m gonna take a sledge-hammer to it” “You’ll go to jail for it?” “Absolutely”

Blogburst logo, petition

Radio talk show host Mancow Muller is asking his listeners to help SHUT DOWN the crescent memorial to Flight 93. (Audio 27 seconds.)

Mancow describes how the giant crescent points to Mecca, and how the four terrorists are consistently placed in the symbolic Islamic heavens (the crescent and star parts of the design), while the 40 heroes are consistently depicted as symbolically damned (placed outside of the symbolic Islamic heavens). Good stuff (1 min, 21 sec).

“You have to see it to understand…” says the pro-war libertarian host, directing his listeners to where they can find pictures like this (a familiar sight for our blogburst readers):

40 tortured souls, 60%
The Tower of Voices. 40 symbolic souls, literally dangling down below an Islamic shaped crescent, soaring in the sky overhead.

Using Islamic symbol shapes invites an Islamic interpretation, and in Islam, if you don’t go to heaven, you go to hell (the fate of ALL unbelievers). Forty symbolic souls, never to rest in peace, gonging for eternity in their symbolic Islamic damnation.

Watch This Video Before YouTube Yanks It: No. 2

21 May, 2008

TNR has just clued us in that our first “Watch This Video Before YouTube Yanks It” has (not surprisingly) been yanked by YouTube.

So, TNR has provided us with an even more disgusting look at the Religion of Peace in action. The haunting laughter as the IslamoNazis are cutting the throats of the “unbelievers” is just surreal…  Bastards…

WARNING: VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY GRAPHIC!!! – Believe me. I can’t say it enough!!!

Terror in Chechnya

Muslim couple charged after daughter, 7, starves to death and five brothers and sisters are forced to eat bread left for birds

21 May, 2008

This was not an honor killing this was neglect. Before all the ‘this has nothing to do with islam’ types show up remember not one muslim turned this couple into authorities and by all accounts before she converted to islam-muslim convert Angela Gordon was a good mother.

I will not claim that islam was responsible but it contributed. Closed societies like islam make it possible for 3rd world values to thrive in the west.

I do not post stories like this to embarrass islam but to expose it.

This neighborhood also needs some scrutiny, muslims and non muslims alike, someone knew something and did nothing.

By David Williams and David Wilkes, 21st May 2008, daily mail
It was a scene even experienced paramedics never expected to see in Britain in 2008.
Lying on mattresses in a squalid bedroom were six starving children, all seriously emaciated.

For one, seven- year- old Khyra Ishaq, rescue came too late. She died in hospital hours later.
Last night it emerged that Khyra, her brothers and sisters were so hungry they even stole bread put out for birds in nearby gardens.

Horrified neighbours in Handsworth, Birmingham, said the children had been taken out of school earlier this year after being bullied.

But no one had seen them in the street for well over a month.

Agonised questions were being asked about how yet another child could have been allowed to die such an appalling death.

Local MP Khalid Mahmood angrily demanded an inquiry – accusing both the local education authority and social services of ‘ huge incompetence’.

He claimed that at least one social worker had visited the family after the children were taken out of school but there had been no follow-up visits.

Khyra’s mother Angela Gordon, 33, and her live-in boyfriend Junaid Abuhamza, 29, have appeared in court accused of neglect and been remanded in custody.

Court officials said they will face a second charge of causing or allowing the death of a child when they appear again next week.

The case has chilling similarities to that of eight-year-old Victoria Climbie, whose death from neglect and abuse at the hands of her aunt and her boyfriend in February 2000 was meant to lead to a massive overhaul of child protection.

Now Khyra’s death has brought the same questions about how a child could have been allowed to die of hunger and whether child protection officers, teachers, doctors or neighbours were aware the family had problems.

The horror came to light when paramedics were called to the house in the early hours of Saturday. They were told a girl was having breathing difficulties.

But after seeing the state of Khyra, her three brothers, aged 12, nine and eight, and two sisters, aged 11 and four, they called police.

One paramedic was said to have been in tears.

Miss Gordon – a Muslim convert whose family came to Britain from Jamaica – had told her neighbours the children had been bullied at school, apparently because they wore Muslim clothes.
She was said to have had been making arrangements for them to be taught at home – a pile of English and Maths teaching books could be clearly seen on one of the window ledges yesterday.

Labour MP Mr Mahmood said: “It just beggars belief that we have allowed this to happen. I understand there was at least one visit by an education social worker after the children left school, but not one follow-up visit.

“I find that an amazing dereliction of duty that they have not followed it through. There is some sort of structural failure here. It should not have been allowed to get to this stage. (more…)

Muslim’s Blame Cheap Cell Phones for Facilitating Honor Killings

21 May, 2008

More proof that worshipers of a seventh century pedophile and modern technology do not mix.

Apologists claim this is cultural not Islamic but it is practiced globally inside of Islamic communities.

This article is biased in places but I’ll attempt to clarify a few things.

By Patrick Cockburn, 21 May, 2008, Independent
A dark pool of dried blood and a fallen red scarf mark the place where Ronak, who had fled to a woman’s shelter in the Kurdish city of Sulaymaniyah when she was accused of adultery by her husband, was shot three times by a man hiding on the roof of a nearby building.

Ronak was wounded by bullets in the neck, side and leg and only survived after a four-hour operation. She was the latest victim of a huge increase across Iraq in the number of “honor” killings of women for alleged immorality by their own families.
-Kinda shoots the old islam respects the rights of women argument all to hell. The normal pattern of this barbaric practice is sickening-family members commit the crimes often just over a rumor. Family honor is more important than love.

Many are burnt to death by having petrol or paraffin poured over them and set ablaze. Others are shot or strangled. The United Nations estimates that at least 255 women died in honor-related killings in Kurdistan, home to one fifth of Iraqis, in the first six months of 2007 alone.
-Seventh century morality in action.

The murder of women who are deemed to have disobeyed traditional codes of morality is even more common in the rest of Iraq where government authority has broken down since the overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2003.
-A hint that islam is not to blame this is the infidels fault. Muslims rarely take responsibility for practicing islam or their own actions.

A surprising reason explaining the massive increase in the number of honor killings is the availability of cheap mobile phones able to take pictures. Men photograph themselves making love to their girlfriends and pass the pictures to their friends. This often turns out to be a lethal act of bravado in a society where premarital or extra-marital sex justifies killing.
-The real reason has nothing to do with phones but everything to do with islam. Muslims have a very warped view of honor. The appearance of impropriety is often considered proof and with no modern values their only answer is seventh century justice.

The first known case of sex recorded on a mobile leading to murder was in 2004. Film of a boy making love with a 17-year-old girl circulated in the Kurdish capital, Arbil. Two days later she was killed by her family and a week later he was murdered by his.
-Muslims are quick to explain away these crimes as not based on islam but can never explain why the greater muslim community never turns in the perpetrators. We already know why-muslims were inspired by the rules set forth by the world’s most famous pedophile. Muslims do not condemn the crime and consider the perpetrators hero’s.

Since then there has been a sharp increase in the number of women suffering violence –- it is almost always the women rather than the men who suffer retribution – as a result of some aspect of their love life being pictured on mobile phones.
-That is pure islam-what men do is ok women are not equal and never will be. (more…)

Iranians Welcome Air Strikes Against Their Leaders

21 May, 2008

Echoing something we have noted here before, Ken Timmerman has written an article on the Iranians’ willingness to allow a major air strike from the U.S.

The following is Jerry Gordon’s take on the Timmerman article and was submitted to us by Gramfan.

P.S. – I am under a self-imposed code of silence and will not comment on the planned operation against Iran… Loose lips sink ships type of stuff. I hope you understand.

Iranians would welcome air strikes against Islamic Republic Leaders says Timmerman report

American Congress for Truth

Ken Timmerman has this stunning NewsMax report from yesterday’s American Enterprise Institute AEI seminar on Iran and US policy. Iranian dissident voices are suggesting they would welcome a major air strike that would decapitate the conservative Islamic republic leadership that could rally support for a long overdue pro- American secular republic.

This makes the appeasement talk of major Democratic figures in the upcoming Presidential campaign look totally out of synch with reality.

Witness these comments from the Timmerman article:

Emissaries from inside Iran have been meeting with Iranian exiles in Europe, the United States, and elsewhere in recent weeks to deliver this provocative message, which they claim comes from pro-U.S. dissidents at the upper-most levels of the regime.

“U.S. airstrikes must be powerful and sustained enough to break the myth of the regime’s absolute power and reveal the weakness of the leadership,” a former official who traveled outside of Iran recently said.

The United States should target the office of Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, as well as the headquarters of the Revolutionary Guards Corp, the offices of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and that of his predecessor and rival, Mullah Hashemi-Rafsanjani, Iranian sources say.

The goal should be to carry out sustained airstrikes over a 48-72 hour period that would “decapitate” the regime.

“The conventional wisdom is that limited strikes will allow the regime to rally the people around the flag,” says Mohebat Ahdiyyih, an Iran media analyst at the office of the director of National Intelligence.

“However, if the U.S. launches a major strike that goes after the leadership in Iran, that’s different,” he told Newsmax. “Most Iranians hate the regime. People would be very happy to see a major strike that took out the leadership.”

Today, Israeli Army Radio quoted US sources indicating that this might be a reality. Note this:

The popular Web site in Iran translated a report from Israel Army Radio on Tuesday claiming that a U.S. military strike on Iran was imminent.

“Based on the statements of senior Bush administration officials, Israeli Army Radio reported today that the possibility of a U.S. attack on Iran in the coming months is more likely than ever,” Tabnak reported.


“Jihad is carried offensively to cleanse the earth from the kufr, with the implementation of Islam as a system”

21 May, 2008

The following is a rather lengthy and scholarly discussion of Jihad. I’m posting it mainly for my own edification, as well as for future reference when some “mooselimb” thinks we Westerners don’t understand the term “Jihad” and are somehow using it out of context…

I find it interesting that this is coming from Pakistan. Methinks that the author is attempting to beat the war drums in an effort to exhort the locals to join the Holy War against the West in Afghanistan…

H/T – JihadWatch

Update: Pakistan Daily has removed the following article and replaced it with a more “PC” version – minus all the Holy War stuff and scholarly Arabic References….

Crap like that is why we archive entire articles! This isn’t the first time this has happened, and it won’t be the last as long as Muslims try to hide the truth! So, enjoy the original and have fun comparing it to the censored version Pakistan Daily replaced it with in an act of Taqiyya and Islamoganda.

Clarifying the meaning of Jihad

Wednesday, 21 May 2008 – Pakistan Daily

‘Jihad’ is extracted from the source, ‘Jaahada’ and it measured upon the fourth verb structure, which means interaction between two sides, al-Mufa’ala. Another example is ‘Al-Khisaam’ which means to quarrel and is extracted from its roots source – Khaasama. Also, there is the example of ‘Jidaal’, which means to discuss or to argue and is taken from the root source ‘Jaadala’.

In the tongue of the Arabs, al-Jihad means, ‘exerting ability and effort to do an action or express opinions’.

In Al-Munjid, the words Jaahada, Mujaahada and Jihadan means, ‘exerting effort and ability to push the other away’. In the Tafseer of al-Naysaboori it is clearly stated that ‘al-Jihad’ means to exert effort to achieve the objective or what is intended.

After all of these related definitions of the word ‘al-Jihad’ in the language, it is possible to give a clear linguistic definition, which is: ‘al-Jihad is the exerting of all effort and ability between two sides by the least.’

Based on the linguistic definition, the exerted effort could be via material weapons or without a weapon, with money or without money. Also it could be the struggle between two opposing desires exerting effort (Jihad) to overcome the other. It could also be by words and could be by refusing to do an action or to speak. An example of this is like the one who disobeys his parents when they order him to disobey Allah (Subhanna Wa Ta’ala) and the person becomes patient and perseveres when his parents insist in ordering him. And it is like the one who abstains from committing a haram desire when his nafs calls him to it. This is what is mentioned in Hashiyat Al-Jamal in al-Jalalayn: “Jihad is to have patience on difficulties. It could be during war and it could be inside the nafs.”

Based on this linguistic definition, the opponent that the Muslim engages Jihad against could be his own nafs, or the shaiytan, or the transgressor or the kuffar. Additionally, by this definition, Jihad could also be that which is in the way of Allah (Subhanna Wa Ta’ala) ‘Fi Sabeel Lillah”. So the Jihad could be undertaken to please Allah (Subhanna Wa Ta’ala) or to please the shaiytan, like the Jihad of the Kuffar against others. Al-Naysaboori, wrote, “It is exerting effort to achieve the objective or what is intended regardless of the nature of the objective intended by the one who is exerting the effort.” The Quran used the word ‘Jihad’ in describing the activity of the kaafir fathers to make their believing children reject true belief. Allah (Subhanna Wa Ta’ala) says:

وَإِن جَاهَدَاكَ عَلى أَن تُشْرِكَ بِي مَا لَيْسَ لَكَ بِهِ عِلْمٌ فَلَا تُطِعْهُمَا

“If they do Jihad to make commit association with me…do not obey them” (tmq Surah Luqman 31:15 )
