Archive for 22 May, 2008

Muslim men think little girls in school uniforms are sexy.

22 May, 2008

More followers of the world’s most famous pedophile living up to the example ol mo set for them.

I don’t know which is more unsettling to me that they admit to checking out children, them stepping forward to “warn” others and expecting them to bend to their sick seventh century dress code or that they see absolutely nothing wrong with themselves.

May 22, 2008, AFP
KUALA LUMPUR: A Malaysian group condemned the uniform worn by girls at government schools, saying it encouraged rape and pre-marital sex.

“The white blouse is too transparent for girls and it becomes a source of attraction,” National Islamic Students Association of Malaysia vice-president Munirah Bahari said in a statement.
-No normal man is sexually attracted to children.

“It becomes a distraction to men, who are drawn to it, whether or not they like looking at it,” she said, calling for a review of uniform policy so that it did not violate Islamic ideals.
In multicultural Malaysia, home to majority-Muslim Malays as well as ethnic Chinese and Indians, female students at government schools have a choice of wearing a white blouse with a knee-length skirt or pinafore.
-They will use their “concern” to push sharia complaint clothing, we are onto that scam. (more…)

UK: Bomb Explosion Leads to Arrest of Muslim Suspect

22 May, 2008

Gee, this happened earlier today, and I haven’t heard anything on CNN about it…  I wonder why that is?

Yup, another “misunderstander” of his religion can’t quite get it right and (luckily) just ends up hurting himself…  Stoopid Monkey.

Muslim convert held after nail bomb blast in restaurant

By Daily Mail Reporter
22nd May 2008 – Daily

A Muslim convert was being held tonight after two bombs were found in a family restaurant toilet following an explosion at lunchtime.

Police and bomb disposal teams were called in after a young white man apparently attempted to detonate a nail bomb.

Diners heard three blasts which sounded like gunshots go off in a toilet at the Giraffe cafe in Exeter city centre as they were having lunch today.

Eyewitnesses said officers had to break down the cubicle door because the 22-year-old refused to come out.

When he emerged, wearing jeans and a dark t-shirt, blood was running down his face and all over his clothes.

He was arrested at the scene and taken to hospital, where he is under armed guard, for treatment to a severely lacerated eye and facial burns. None of the customers or 15 staff at the restaurant was hurt.

There were claims the suspect was a Muslim convert and detectives are now trying to determine whether he has links to Islamic extremism.


Al Qaeda Smuggling Weapons into Croatia

22 May, 2008

And, this is a surprise?

Bosnia: Al-Qaeda smuggling weapons into Croatia, paper claims

Banjaluka (AKI) – Al-Qaeda and the Muslim fundamentalist Wahabi movement’s operatives have been smuggling weapons and explosives into neighbouring Croatia, Bosnian daily Nezavisne novine reported on Wednesday.

Quoting Bosnian security sources, the paper said huge quantities of weapons and explosives have been smuggled into the areas of Croatia with sizeable Muslim population in recent months.

The weapons were shipped to the Croatian capital Zagreb, nearby Karlovac and the Adriatic port of Split, according to a document from the Bosnian security agency, quoted by the paper.

The document said the operation has been masterminded by Bosnian Muslims Vladimir Popilovski, Kemal Alagic, Semsudin Mehmedovic, Naser Panaslamovic and Omer Murselovic.

No arrests have been made in connection with the allegation of weapons smuggling to Croatia, which is an official candidate for EU membership and hopes to join the bloc by 2010.


Kissing, Err, Killing Cousins

22 May, 2008

Gee, the hypocrisy here is that if he would have claimed it was an “honor” killing, he would be off the hook by now….

Jealous cousin kills bride during wedding
From correspondents in Amman
May 22, 2008 –

A jealous Jordanian man has been charged with murder for stabbing his teenage cousin to death during her wedding to another man, a security official said.

“The 26-year-old suspect stabbed his 16-year-old cousin with a dagger five times in the chest and stomach inside the court as she and another male relative were being married by a judge,” the official said.

“She was rushed to hospital but died there. The man, who apparently killed her because she refused to marry him, was arrested immediately.”

If convicted, the man could face the death penalty over the incident in the southern city of Karak.

Court permission is usually required for women under 18 to get married in the Muslim kingdom.

“So far, there is no indication that the crime was an honour killing,” another security official said.


Afghanistan: Two Civilians Killed During Protest of Qur’an Shooting Incident in Iraq

22 May, 2008

And, so it begins… The, “all too predictable,” insane reaction to an ill-advised social commentary.

Gee, I can hardly wait for the Friday Prayer services to let out…

Two killed as Afghans protest Iraq Koran shooting: police

IC Publications

Two people were shot dead and several wounded when police clashed Thursday with hundreds of Afghans protesting over a US soldier’s shooting of a Koran in Iraq, police said.

Police blamed the shooting in the town of Chaghcharan, capital of the central province of Ghor, on militants while a local legislator said the shots were fired by security forces.

The firing came as protestors, armed with rocks and sticks, had tried to storm a NATO base commanded by Lithuanian soldiers before being pushed back by police, regional police chief Ikramuddin Yawar told AFP.

“There was shooting during the demonstration. Two civilians have been killed,” Yawar told AFP.

The police chief said militants who had joined the demonstration had fired at the NATO base to “deteriorate the situation.”

“As the people were trying to enter the base, they fired and two civilians were killed,” he said.

Seven other protestors were wounded in the shooting while nearly a dozen police were hurt by the demonstrators, he said.

“The situation is under control. We are holding meetings with Lithuanian troops to draw a joint plan to capture those behind the firing,” he said.


Muslims Slit the Throats of 3 Christians then Burn Down 3 Churches and a Village

22 May, 2008

Once again, Muslims have decided to do some ‘proselytizing’ of the Christians. And, of course, only proving the point that Islam is not a religion of peace but a murderous, Imperialistic Religion.

H/T – Matamoros

Indonesia Muslims “Burn” Christian Village; Four Killed, 56 Injured

JAKARTA, INDONESIA (BosNewsLife)– Nearly all Christian families in a village on Indonesia’s Seram island, in the religiously volatile Maluku province, were homeless Wednesday, May 21, after a Muslim mob burned their houses and other properties as well as killing four believers and injuring dozens others, investigators told BosNewsLife.

The remote, mainly Christian, village of Horale was attacked in the evening of May 2 by a mob from the neighboring village of Saleman, which is predominantly Muslim, said Barnabas Fund, a well-informed group investigating the plight of Christians in Islamic nations. ”

“Three of the four [murdered] victims had their throats slit, but all were attacked in other ways as well,” the group said in a statement. “Mrs. Welhelmina Pattiasina, 47, was first tortured, and her grand-daughter Yola, 6, had her stomach cut open.”

An elderly man, Edward Unwaru, 84, was “burned to death after his throat had been cut,” said Barnabas Fund, which is in close contact with allegedly persecuted Christians. A fourth victim, identified as Josef Laumahina, 39, was allegedly cut and then burned.
