Archive for 23 May, 2008

New Cartoon Protests; Japanese Cartoonists Submit to Islam

23 May, 2008

H/T – Matamoros

Cartoon Wars Revive Due To Japanese Cartoon Series
May 23rd, 2008 by Fred Stopsky – The Impudent Observer

A scene from an animated version of a popular Japanese comic book has sparked an outcry int the Muslim world which could become another version of the Danish cartoon wars which raged last year. At issue is a 90 second “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure” video segment that depicts Dio Brando, a villain, picking up a Quran from a bookshelf and apparently examining it as he orders the execution of the hero and his friends. The animation is based on the widely popular manga by Hirohiko Araki which appeared weekly from 1987 to 2003. A pirated version of the cartoon seres with Arabic subtitles has been available on the Internet since March, 2007.

Someone posted a still on the Internet and now it has spread all over the Muslim world. Sheikh Abdul Hamd Attrash, chairman of the Fatwa Committee at Al-Azhar, the highest Sunni authority, called the cartoon an insult to Islam. He noted: “This scene depicts Muslims as terrorists, which is not true at all. This is an insult to the religion and the producers would be considered to be enemies of Islam.”

The producers of the cartoon admtted it was a simple mistake and said “we applogize for the unpleasantness tthat the cartoon may have caused and will carefully consider how to deal with religious and cultural themes.” He said one of the animation authors merely had tried giving the scene a sense of authentcity.


Democrat Admits to Deceiving Americans in 2006 Elections

23 May, 2008

JMB emailed us an article from the Gateway Pundit concerning Obama’s refusal to meet with veterans – all the while displaying his eagerness to talk to terrorists… Now, I decided not to run the article, as, although it does show a lack of good judgment on Obama’s part – something he keeps telling us to evaluate him by, it seems to me that such an accusation is a bit trite and superfluous; there are bigger skeletons in his closet that will be his own undoing…

That being said, I did discover a juicy revelation via the Gateway Pundit: Representative Paul Kanjorski (D-PA) admits that the Democrats lied to the American public about wanting to get out of Iraq in an effort to take Congress in the 2006 elections. So much for the, “Bush Lied – People Died.” bumper sticker. Now we can add, “Democrats Lied – People Still—DEAD!”

“We really in this last election, when I say we…the Democrats, I think pushed it as far as we can to the end of the fleet, didn’t say it, but we implied it. That if we won the Congressional elections, we could stop the war. Now anybody was a good student of Government would know that wasn’t true. But you know, the temptation to want to win back the Congress, we sort of stretched the facts…and people ate it up.”

Michael Yon’s Book, “Moment of Truth in Iraq,” Suspiciously Absent from Military Bases

23 May, 2008

As Michael Yon is THE most honest and pro-American war reporter in Iraq – whose prose are nothing short of genius! – we were understandably quite shocked when JMB emailed us the following article from The American Thinker:

May 23, 2008
Michael Yon’s book kept out of military bases
Thomas Lifson

In a stunning refutation of the freedoms for which our military fights, Michael Yon’s new book Moment of Truth in Iraq is being kept out of distribution channels on military bases in most states. This is due to an arbitrary decision of Anderson News, which has a near monopoly on book distribution on bases in many states. From Michael Yon’s website:

My publisher and literary agent have been working with the private companies who handle book distribution on military bases in order to get “Moment of Truth in Iraq” on their shelves. The process is arduous, to put it mildly.

They have succeeded in getting the book into overseas bases. But as the publisher and my agent are slowly working their way through US distributors who cover different geographic regions, they have been told “no” by the largest distributor, the Anderson News Company.

A letter from Anderson News:

Thank you for submitting Moment of Truth in Iraq to Anderson News for review. We have reviewed this book and do not consider it appropriate for our company to handle at this time, as it does not fit our current distribution needs and capabilities.

Thank you for considering us to distribute your book.


Book Purchasing
Anderson News Company

Stunning response. Over the past weeks, as my literary agent spoke to Anderson while they reviewed the book, Anderson told him that the desires of the base exchange customers would have no influence and play no role in their decision making process. Anderson also stated that even appeals from high ranking military officers could not persuade Anderson to carry a title. Apparently, in Anderson’s mind, they outrank the Joint Chiefs of Staff when it comes to doing business on military bases.

Anderson News Company has almost a complete monopoly over the books carried on Army, Navy and Air Force book shelves in the following US states:

Michael Yon suggests polite calls to base exchanges in the affected states requesting that the book be carried.
Hat tip: Nathan V. Bell

The Silence is Deafening

23 May, 2008

It seems more and more pundits are noticing the MSM’s war of silence that is being waged on Iraq. Nope, can’t have the facts get in the way of Liberal unctuousness:

H/T – Matamoros

Don’t mention the war
Michael Costello | May 23, 2008 – The Australian

HOW do you know when things are going well for the US and its coalition allies in Iraq? When you see virtually nothing about it on your television screen or in the papers.

When President George W. Bush announced a surge of US forces in Iraq, he was almost universally condemned as compounding already bungled and failed policies. In the first several months of 2007, the news seemed bad and the media were full of it, declaring it a failure and a disaster.

But as things began to get better on the ground, events faded from our screens. Al-Qa’ida, which had controlled Sunni areas such as Anbar province, was virtually driven out. The same thing happened in and around Baghdad. Remaining al-Qa’ida forces retreated to the northern city of Mosul, where they are now under pressure from Iraqi and US forces.

This extraordinary achievement, the virtual destruction of al-Qa’ida in Iraq, occurred in less than a year. Critics say this was all because of a revolt of the Sunnis, particularly tribal leaders, repelled by al-Qa’ida’s monstrous excesses against their people, and the threat al-Qa’ida posed to the traditional wielders of power in those regions.

It’s true that revulsion among Sunnis in those provinces against al-Qa’ida was a crucial factor. That began to emerge tentatively in mid 2006. But it was the additional US troops subsequently provided by way of the surge that turned a flicker of tribal resistance into a wildfire that has engulfed al-Qa’ida.

Al-Qa’ida in Iraq still exists and is still capable of significant acts of barbarity, but it has suffered a catastrophic strategic setback, not just militarily but much more importantly in terms of its political and moral legitimacy among Iraqis.

Now let’s look at Basra, the southern oil-rich city that had been entirely out of the central government’s control, run by criminals and by various Shi’ite militias. Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki launched an attack on those forces with little notice to the Americans or the British. These attacks were not particularly well organised and at first stumbled, with some Iraqi forces surrendering to the militias. Guess what? Lots of media coverage and a broad consensus it was a fiasco that brought into question the success of the surge and the credibility of training Iraqi forces.

But it has largely disappeared from your pages again, hasn’t it? That’s because after some initial setbacks, and with artillery and air support from the Americans and the British, the Iraqi forces have turned the situation around entirely. They have defeated the Shi’ite militias in that city. This has been written up as an Iranian-sponsored peace deal. Yet Maliki has gained enormous prestige from his determined effort in reasserting central control over what was a rebel city.


Captain Hook’s Son Arrested

23 May, 2008

From Matamoros:

Abu Hamza obviously brought his kids up on the straight and narrow emulating the prophet’s example of “if you want it; just take it”

Islam and crime go hand in hand…….or is it hook in hook?

Son of extremist Muslim preacher Abu Hamza is arrested for ‘helping in burglary’

The son of hate preacher Abu Hamza has been arrested over a suspected burglary attempt.

Mustafa Kamel, 18  –  one of hook-handed extremist Hamza’s seven children  –  was one of two youths arrested after a man caught someone breaking into his home.

The householder saw the suspect climbing in through a window at the rear and managed to chase him off.

Police suspect Kamel was not the youth breaking in, but was acting as a look-out while another man perpetrated the crime.

A Metropolitan Police spokesman said: “The male resident challenged the suspect, who made off down an alleyway.

“The resident followed and called police on his mobile.

“Officers responded and arrested two men, both 18, on suspicion of attempted burglary.”

It is understood a laptop was found discarded in bushes after the arrests in Chelsea.

Kamel, who lives with Hamza’s second wife Nagat Mostafa in Shepherd’s Bush, was released on police bail pending further inquiries.

Amr Abdel-Sama, 18, was charged with burglary yesterday at West London magistrates’ court and bailed until 1 July.

A police source told The Sun: “Kamel didn’t break into the house.

“But it is suspected he may have been part of a joint enterprise because he took off with the other youth.

“Checks on his background established that he is the son of Abu Hamza.”

He added: “The joke is that according to the extreme version of Sharia law which Hamza preaches, anyone caught stealing can have a hand cut off.”

[Of course, that doesn’t apply if one is stealing from an Infidel…]


Islam and Taqiyya

23 May, 2008

H/T – Matamoros


Bukhari:V7B67N427 “The Prophet said, ‘If I take an oath and later find something else better than that, then I do what is better and expiate my oath.’”

Koran 9:3 “Allah and His Messenger dissolve obligations.”

Koran 66:1 “Allah has already sanctioned for you the dissolution of your vows.”

Bukhari:V4B52N268 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘War is deceit.’”

Koran 4:142 “Surely the hypocrites strive to deceive Allah. He shall retaliate by deceiving them.”

Bukhari:V7B71N661 “Magic was worked on Allah’s Apostle and he was bewitched so that he began to imagine doing things which in fact, he had not done.”

Bukhari:V6B60N8 “Umar said, ‘Our best Koran reciter is Ubai. And in spite of this, we leave out some of his statements because Allah’s Apostle himself said, “Whatever verse or revelation We abrogate or cause to be forgotten We bring a better one.”

Koran 33:11 “In that situation the Believers were sorely tried and shaken as by a tremendous shaking. And behold! The Hypocrites and those in whose hearts is a disease said: ‘Allah and His Messenger promised us nothing but delusion; they have promised only to deceive us.”

Koran 33:14 “Say: Flight will not avail you if you flee from death, killing, or slaughter. In that case you will not be allowed to enjoy yourselves but a little while. Say, ‘Who will screen you, saving you from Allah if he intends to harm and injure you?’”

Koran 33:21 “You have in (Muhammad) the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern of conduct for any one to follow.”


Iran Cracking Down on Apostates from Islam

23 May, 2008

If Islam is so great, then why do they still kill their apostates?  It just seems to me they could overlook that little Muhammadism…  Or, are they afraid of losing their wandering flock to Christianity?

H/T – Matamoros

Crackdown against Christian converts in Shiraz

The Compass Direct news agency reports a wave of searches and arrests in mid-May against house churches in the southern part of the country. The police targets former Muslims who left Islam. Some of them are still in prison.

Tehran (AsiaNews) – Iranian police in southern Iran arrested Muslim converts to Christianity searching their [sic] in mid-May, Compass Direct News reported.

The series of arrests began on 11 May when two couples were taken into custody before boarding their flights at the Shiraz International Airport.

Homayon Shokohie Gholamzadeh, 48, and his wife Fariba Nazemiyan Pur, 40; and Amir Hussein Bab Anari, 25, and his wife Fatemeh Shenasa, 25, were subjected to hours of interrogation, questioning them solely “just about their faith and house church activities,” an Iranian source told Compass.

Eventually the two women were released the same day of their arrest, Anari was held until 14 May but Gholamzadeh remains jailed.

On the same day that the aforementioned Christians were arrested in the airport, police raided the home of Hamid Allaedin Hussein, 58, arresting him and his three adult children, Fatemah, 28, Muhammed Ali, 27, and Mojtaba, 21.

All the family’s books, CDs, computers and printers were hauled off as well. All except Mojtaba were later released.

Two days later, police picked up two more former Muslims involved in a separate house church in Shiraz as the Christian converts were talking together in a city park. Both men, Mahmood Matin and a second man identified only as Arash, are still in prison.

Unofficial estimates indicate a growing number of Muslim converts to Christianity among the so-called Protestant “house churches”.

For Iran’s Islamic regime “foreign religions” are seen as a threat to national security.

In the last few years many Muslim converts to Christianity have been executed on “espionage” charges.

Under Iranian law apostasy is a capital crime for anyone who leaves Islam.